Robin and I Thirty Years Later - Cover

Robin and I Thirty Years Later

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2024 by Curbstonesetter

Erotica Sex Story: He makes love with his Little Sister again after thirty years. They take a Caribbean vacation and make love on a nude beach. She later presents him with a change of life baby and a demand that they repeat their Caribbean vacation next year.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

I had been out of town for the better part of the week visiting my identical twin Daughters, Carri and Trish. They had both very recently graduated from college with their degrees and they had moved to a small city about 200 miles away from our home. The home where they were born and raised and had graduated from high school.

I hadn’t seen them in the months since their college graduation and I wanted to visit with them and see just how they were getting along working and living on their own in their new city. I also wanted to see if there was anything they needed or if there was anything they needed me to help them with. They sure didn’t disappoint me with their needs.

Both of my Girls are gorgeous looking very shapely young women and they are the spitting image of their Mother, my beloved wife, Clarissa. The wife I had lost about three years ago in a car accident. The loss of my wife was very painful for all of us as it took its toll on me and my Girls, too.

Since they are identical twins their Mother and I had always encouraged them to do everything together. Of course, that wasn’t very hard to accomplish since they always seemed to want to do things together anyway. There were times when Clarissa and I thought that maybe we didn’t need to encourage them as much as we did since they would have done it anyhow.

Each of my girls is very intelligent, very much like their Mother and they were always at the top of their class in high school and in college, too. I had called them before the holiday and told them I wanted to drive over to visit them for a few days.

They eagerly accepted my plans to come to see them. They said that they didn’t have much room in their small apartment but, they could make do for the few days I was going to be there visiting with them.

The Girls had told me they each had their own bedroom in their small two bedroom apartment. I knew they would want me to use one of their bedrooms. The Girls offered to double up in one of their bedrooms and let me sleep in their other bedroom.

I just told them, “No, Girls. I don’t want you to have to double up. I can sleep on the couch and you two can both continue to sleep in your own bedrooms. I knew how important it was for the girls to have their own bedroom and their privacy even from their father.”

They each said, “No, Daddy. You can’t sleep on that small couch but, it does pull out and make a bed and you will be more comfortable there than sleeping on the couch. That pull out bed will be large enough for you to sleep fairly comfortably there each night while you’re here visiting with us. It won’t be like you are at home in your king size bed but, it will do for the few days you’re here with us.

We’ll just have to move the coffee table out of the way to make your bed each night. Just make sure you bring your pajamas and shower robe along with you when you leave home.”

“Ok, Girls. I think that’ll work. I’ll plan on leaving here early on Friday afternoon from work so that I can get to your apartment at a reasonable time hopefully before bedtime.” I really didn’t want to have to sleep in pajamas since I normally slept in my skivvies or sometimes I even slept in the nude.

I hated sleeping in pajamas but, I knew that I had to sleep in something presentable to the Girls so as not to embarrass them especially in the morning with my morning stiffy. I sure as hell couldn’t sleep in the nude by any means.

Clarissa had no problem with me sleeping in my skivvies or even in the nude but, the Girls would be appalled. Clarissa would have liked it a lot better if I had slept in pajamas but, she never insisted. She just loved reaching over to me in the middle of the night and playing with my dick which most often developed into a lot more than that.

I could just hear my Girls now saying, “Oh gross, Daddy, you need to sleep in pajamas.” I just had to think, ‘Wait until you have a husband and he wants to sleep beside you in his skivvies or in the nude.’ But, that’s a question for them to answer for themselves sometime in the future.

I knew that my Girls were looking forward to having me there to visit with them since they had always been “Daddy’s Little Girls” and they would be all the rest of our lives. Needless to say I loved them both very much and I knew they loved me, too.

I could just hear them after our phone call saying to each other, ‘Oh, Goodie. Daddy’s coming over to visit us and he’ll take us out to eat and we can probably get him to take us shopping and buy each of us those cute new outfits we saw in the mall. And the Good Lord only knows what else we can get him to do for us while he is here.’

I didn’t care what they wanted me to do for them or how much money I had to spend. They were still my Little Girls and I loved them. I was the only family member they had left since my wife’s accident. And I knew that they loved me, too.

Clarissa and I had always lavished them with lots of love and gifts and I wasn’t about to change that practice for my little Girls even though they were fully grown, college educated, mature young women with good jobs of their own. They are still ‘Daddy’s Little Girls and still would be for the rest of our lives’.

Since I hadn’t seen my Girls for a while, I really didn’t want to spend the holiday weekend in that big old empty house all by myself so, I decided to go visit my Girls. There were too many memories of our happy family and our lives in that house for me to spend it there on a holiday weekend alone.

It has really been bad since my wife has been gone even though it was three years ago, now. My beloved Girls were all that I had left of my family and I had no intention of letting our loving Father-Daughter relationship languish.

A few days before the weekend I had told my boss, “Sam, I planned to take a few days off over the holiday and leave a couple hours early on Friday afternoon.” He asked what I had planned for the weekend.

I told him I planned to drive over to see my Daughters and spend a few days with them. Sam had met my Girls and knew them quite well. He told me to enjoy my trip, say hello to them and told me to drive safely on my trip over there to see them.

I left on my trip a couple hours early directly from work and got to my Girls apartment about 8:30 that evening. Both of the Girls besieged me with hugs and kisses when I got there saying that they were so happy to see me. I can’t tell you how good it was to hold them both and receive their love and affection.

Holding one of my Girls in each arm, I had to hug and kiss each of them and tell them how happy I was to see them, too. It was so good to see and hold them after I arrived in their apartment. They were both so soft and warm in my arms just like their Mother had been all those many happy years before her accident so cruelly took her from us so early in her life.

They had fixed a late meal for us and had waited until I arrived since they knew I wouldn’t stop to eat on my trip over to see them. After our meal one of the Girls refilled our wine glasses and we adjourned to the living room to sip our wine and visit with each other.

We talked about their jobs and how they were doing. They both asked about me and said that they worried that I was living in that big house all alone having to fix my own meals and whether I was eating right. They were typical women just like my beloved late wife, Clarissa.

It was getting very late in the evening near bedtime when Carri said, “Daddy, you know that Trish and I both love you and Mom very much and it broke both of our hearts to hear that she had been fatally injured in that horrible accident.

We just felt like we had lost so much and we knew our family would never be the same again. When was the last time you have thought about or even visited Mom’s grave, Daddy?”

“Honey, I still think about your Mother every day and miss her beyond belief. I visited her grave just before and after your graduation and last weekend. I just can’t go out to her grave too often because I always leave there with tears in my eyes crying for her.

But, I think about her every day and especially when I think about you two and see you two and hold you in my arms. You two are just like your Mother, Girls, and I love you two just as much as I loved your Mother.”

Trish then spoke up and said, “Daddy, Carri and I were talking about this after you called earlier this week and we were hoping that you would be able to find another beautiful lady like Mom to have another sweet woman in your life and our life, too. We want our family to be together and be happy again like we were when we were living at home with you and Mom, Daddy.”

“Girls, I still love your Mother just as much or maybe even more than I did before her accident. We were all crushed by that accident and I think that your Mother would want us to go on with our lives and make the most of them. You know that no other woman can ever replace your Mother. So, don’t look for that to happen anytime soon if ever.

In the meantime I still have you two to love and I don’t want that to ever change. You two are probably the closest thing to your Mother I’ll ever be able to find.” By that time I could see the tears beginning to form in each of their eyes and it nearly broke my heart seeing their emotions breaking out on their faces and in their eyes over their Mother.

I got up, stepped over to them and hugged and kissed each one of them saying, “I know how you feel Girls. This is something that is out of our control and we’re powerless to change what has happened.

The only thing we can do is to continue to love each other like she loved us and never let our love for your mother ever wither away. Even though she has been gone for three years we have to keep her memory alive forever in our hearts.

I have laid in bed many nights asking myself why, what did we do to lose your Mom that way. So we are just going to have to continue on about our lives and remember her for how good and loving she was. Now, it’s been a long day for me and probably for you two, also. So, I think it’s time for us to get some sleep, Girls.”

The next morning, I woke up at the time my alarm normally went off about daylight. I got up and went into the bathroom to piss my morning stiffy off, get out of those damn pajamas, wash my face and brush my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom I thought I could smell coffee brewing.

Going into the kitchen I wanted to see who had put the coffee on to brew. The Girls weren’t there and I knew I would have seen or heard them if they had been in the kitchen or I would have at least heard them banging around in the kitchen. Looking at the coffee pot I noticed that it had been loaded last night and started with the digital clock timer.

I poured a cup of coffee and took it into the living room. I flipped on the TV and started watching the Fox Cable Business Channel. I figured it would be at least 8 o’clock before the Girls got out of bed and I wasn’t far wrong.

They both came slowly dragging in from the bedroom rubbing the sleep out of their eyes like they had just been awakened in the middle of the night. When they came into the living room, I cheerfully said, “Good morning, Sweetheart. I hope you slept well.”

They each hugged and kissed me good morning and I hugged and kissed them back. Each one of them said, “Good morning, Daddy. Is it really morning yet?” in their gravelly morning voice.

“Yes, Sweetheart, it is morning and the sun is even up, too. It is that big yellow ball high up in the sky in the East. It’s usually up there this time of the day nearly every day. I guess you have never noticed it being there.” They each one went into the kitchen and poured themselves a cup of coffee, came back and sat down to sip their coffee.

They both sat down sipping their coffee trying to get fully awake. Then Carri said, “All the time we were living at home we never could understand why you and Mom just had to have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, Daddy.

Now, neither one of us can get our eyes open until we have had our first cup of coffee in the morning, Daddy. I guess that’s why we have never seen that big yellow ball up there in the sky before. That’s why we fix it before we go to bed and let the timer start it before we get out of bed. It brews and stays hot until we get up.”

“Well, Girls, I guess you are growing up and joining the adult world of the working class and earning a paycheck for yourselves now.”

“Oh, Daddy! Mom said that when we first started having our periods. So we thought we had grown up a long time ago.” They didn’t have any problems about starting to have their period and I didn’t want to get into that discussion so I just let it drop.

“Ok, Girls, what are your plans for the day?”

“We thought we would go to the mall after lunch and take you shopping. We have both seen some really nice new outfits in the mall we want to get.” Translation: ‘Daddy we both have seen some cute new outfits we really like and we hope you’ll put them on your credit card for us.’

That’s the hazard to having not one but, two gorgeous and sweet “Daddy’s Girls”. How on God’s green earth could I ever turn either one of them down when they put their arms around my neck, kiss me and cuddle up to me saying, “I love you Daddy?”

Of course they have said that to me ever since they were old enough to talk. When they say something like that to me, I’d buy them all the outfits in the mall or even buy them the mall or the Moon. I kind of thought that their names should be on my credit cards for their use but, I immediately discarded that thought for the protection of my bank balance.

By the time we all had our showers we left for the mall about an hour after lunch. I knew that they would drag their shopping trip out until it was time to go to supper. Knowing what their ploy was.

When we walked into the mall I just had to say to myself, ‘Oh, hell, Larry, it’s a whole lot better than throwing your money away on gambling or booze or women of the night when I knew how gorgeous they would look in their new outfits. Their Mother had taught them well how to work their Daddy for what they wanted.

It was late afternoon nearing supper time when we walked out of the mall loaded down with packages and as we got into the car. Carri said, “I’m hungry, Daddy. It’s been a long time since we had lunch. Are you hungry, too?”

Before I could answer, Trish said, “Yeah, I’m hungry, too, Daddy. Can we go somewhere and get something to eat before we go back to our apartment please?”

Knowing that I was outnumbered and knowing that the Golden Arches wouldn’t be good enough for them like it was when they were in grade school and high school, I went to a nice restaurant that the Girls suggested and we had a great meal.

Carri and Trish both had a pleased and satisfied look on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes like their conspiracy had worked as they knew it would. I had expected them to high five each other as we left the restaurant that evening.

They really didn’t know it but, I had intended to take them out to eat anyway and I was tickled that I could do that for my two angels. I felt like they were ten years old again clamoring for me to take them to the Golden Arches for a happy meal. But, I knew their definition of the happy meal had changed dramatically and it included a good wine.

The Girls each had taken some time off from work to be with me while I was there visiting with them. And I took them out to eat each evening I was there visiting with them.

After visiting for four days and a sizable reduction in my bank account, I packed my bag, held and kissed each one of them, told them how much I loved them and headed back to my home. I felt like they were getting along very well in their new jobs and their little apartment.

When I got back home I still had several days to return to work and I slept in the next morning. That next morning I checked my answering machine and found about fifty hang ups from unknown name robo calls but there were four legitimate messages from my Little Sister, Robin.

Her first message said, “Larry, this is Robin. I have some time this week and I want to come over to visit with you for a few days. Give me a call when you receive this message.”

Her next message said, “Larry, I called you yesterday and left you a message. I wanted to talk to you. Call me, please, Lare.” Her third and fourth message said, “Lare, I have been calling you but, you don’t seem to be returning my calls.

I guess you have not been home for a few days. I sure hope that you are alright. I want to see you and talk to you, Big Brother. When you get back and get this message, please give me a call, Lare.” I finished what I had been doing, fixed my lunch and called her.

Robin is my Little Sister with whom I have been very close all during the time we were growing up and living at home with our parents. After I got my college degree I found my present job about 250 miles from our hometown and have been here ever since.

I married a young woman, Clarissa, who became my beloved wife and the Mother of my two precious twin baby Girls. Those were the happy times for us until her accident that all but destroyed our family.

Robin went to the same college I did and she got her degree. She married a guy she had dated in high school and they lived in our old hometown not far from our parents’ home.

Robin’s two kids were about three years younger than my Girls. Her son, Dustin, is the oldest and her daughter, Daphne, is about two years younger than her son. I think Robin’s son was about to start his third year in college and her daughter had just finished up high school and she was about to start college.

About a year ago Robin and her husband were divorced leaving her alone with her two kids. Her husband came from a wealthy family and she and her kids were in very good financial shape. Her house was paid for and her kids had trust funds that would pay for all of their college expenses and then some.

Not long after my wife’s accident Robin learned about it and she drove up to visit with me and the Girls to console us. I really appreciated what Robin had done for us during that time and I told her when we were alone. “Robin, I love you so much, Honey, as she pressed her warm soft body tightly to me.

Robin’s husband was still with her at that time and I knew she was faithful to him. Otherwise she may have been tempted to repeat the one and only lovemaking session we’d ever had with each other.

That spring Robin had just turned 18 and was just about to graduate from high school. I had just finished my third year in college. She had come into my bedroom of our parents’ home wearing a thin t-shirt and a pair of shorts and started teasing me.

I flipped on the TV and started watching a movie. Robin flopped down beside me on my bed as most teenage girls do and I put my arm around her kissing her cheek. She turned her head and kissed me right back on my lips.

We watched the movie for a while and with my arm around her, I pulled her tightly to me and I kissed her directly on the lips. At the same time I reached over with my free hand and very gently fondled and squeezed her titties resulting in my hard-on raising a bulge in my shorts.

Robin looked down at my shorts and she could readily see the bulge in them. As I was fondling her titties she reached down, grabbed and gently squeezed my hard-on. She knew that I could feel she didn’t have a bra on under her thin t-shirt.

And I figured that she didn’t have a pair of panties on under her shorts either. I kissed her again as I began to remove her t-shirt to allow me to see her fabulous titties for the first time. When I saw them I damn near shot my wad in my shorts.

I don’t know how big her titties were but, I estimated that they were between two and three CMFTs. (For those who don’t know what a CMFT is. It is as defined by my buddy in advanced Calculus class as a Cubic Mouth Full of Tits.)

I leaned over and started kissing her titties and briefly sucking on her nipples. I know I could only get maybe one third of either of her sweet titties into my mouth. Her titties were full, rounded and perky and stood high up on her breast bone with the hard nipples slightly pointing upward.

During the time I was sucking on her nipples she purred and continued to gently fondle and squeeze my hard-on through my shorts. We couldn’t get our clothes off quickly enough. As she removed her shorts I saw that I was right she didn’t have any panties on under her shorts.

When we had gotten our clothes off Robin pulled me down on the bed between her thighs. It was clear that she had come into my bedroom for us to make love with each other and I was not going to disappoint her.

As I started to slip my very hard dick inside her warm wet love passage, I stopped and asked, “Robin, do we need any kind of protection before we start?”

“We’re already protected, Lare. When I started having my periods not long after I started high school, Mom took me to the doctor and got me a prescription for the pill. I have been taking it ever since that time. She told me she didn’t want me to be having sex until I was married after I finished college but, she wanted me on the pill just as an insurance policy.

Now come on and make love with me, Lare, I want to have you slowly slip your hard member all the way inside me. I want to feel your hot cream squirting inside me like you were starting a Baby for us. I just don’t want you to start our baby for us, Lare.”

I slowly slipped my dick inside her hot velvety smooth love passage and Robin looked into my eyes and said, “Oh, Lare that feels so good having your huge member inside me. I have been dreaming about having you inside me for a very long time, Honey. I love you so much, Lare.”

She reached up, grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me down on top of her so she could feel my hairy chest on her sweet soft titties while I was slowly slipping back and forth inside her tight pussy.

My sweet loving Little Sister was so hungry and so passionate she was moving her hips up to meet each of my gentle inward thrusts and moaning loudly in my ear. She started squealing, “You’re about to make me cum, Honey.

I want you to cum with me, Sweetheart. A few strokes more and I started squirting my huge load of hot cream into her as she squealed, “You have made me cum, Lare, and you have made me love you so much more, Big Brother.”

We both collapsed on the bed gasping for our breath and I laid there over her with my weight on my elbows and my hard dick still fully inside her. It slowly deflated and slowly slipped out of her warm tight love passage. Finally, I laid down beside her, looked into her eyes and said, “I love you even more, Robin.” as I kissed her very passionately. “I have always loved you, Baby Sister.”

When my dick slipped out of her she looked me in the eyes and said, “Oh, I want you to put that back in me, Lare. It felt good having you there and I didn’t want you to take it out.”

“Robin, I can’t put it back in right now. When it deflates it takes some time for it to get hard enough for me to put it back inside your tight sweet pussy.”

After my deflated dick slipped out of her she sat up and reached down between her thighs. She wanted to feel our mixed love fluids slowly seeping out of her sweet love passage and trickling down the crack of her bottom to drip on the bedsheet beneath her.

With a little of our mixed love fluids on her fingers she put them into her mouth and tasted them. Then she returned her fingers to her pussy to get more and put her fingers in my mouth with a sinister little grin on her face and a diabolical little giggle.

Robin just giggled at me again and said. “That’s what I have been hoping to feel for a very long time, Lare and it has made me very proud we have made love and it has made me love you all the more, Honey.”

“Robin, you clever little fox, you came in here with the intention in mind for us to make love didn’t you?”

A broad grin broke out across her pretty face and she said, “One of my girlfriends said to me the other day that if she had a big brother that looked like you she would have her shoes under your bed and her panties on the foot of your bed at least once a week. That’s when I decided that I was going to be the first to do that for us, Lare.

Well, I got my shoes under your bed. I don’t have my panties on the foot of your bed but my shorts are. I’m really glad we did this, Lare, and I’d do it all over again. Can we do this all again, Honey?”

“Yeah, we can, Baby Sister, but, we are really going to have to choose the time that we are the only ones in the house. I don’t want us to get caught by Mom or Dad. You know what would happen if they catch us. There will be hell for us to pay.”

Unfortunately, we never got the opportunity to make love again even though each time we saw each other at holidays and other times the family got together. We both knew what was going through each other’s minds each time we hugged and kissed each other at those family meetings.

Every time she hugged and kissed me she pressed her big titties into my chest with her tummy flat against mine and she’d press her pussy against me hoping to feel my hard-on poking into her tummy.

But, after we broke our hug she could see that she had always raised the bulge in my slacks. She always liked to snicker at me over that. However, I knew that her panties had gotten at least a little damp over it, too, and she knew that I knew it, also.

On the third ring Robin answered the phone and after I told her I was returning her call she responded, “Lawrence Dailey, where have you been? I have been trying to get in contact with you for most of this week.” She was scolding me like I was her 10 year old son for not getting home on time from school or for supper.

I said, mockingly, “I’m really very sorry Mommy. I have been a bad boy. I have been out of town for the better part of this week visiting my daughters. I just got back home last night and I just found your messages this morning on my answering machine along with about 10,000 robo calls and their associated hang-ups. Do you want to come over here and turn me over your knee?”

She quickly replied, “I’d like to come over there and do that but, you’re way too big for me to turn you over my knee like Momma used to do to you and I used to do with Dustin.

I have something else in my mind to do with you, young man. By the way how are Carri and Trish? I hope they are doing well?” she asked in a much more softer and more serious tone of voice.

“Well, we’ll talk about them when you get here. When do you want to make the trip over here to see me? I need someone in this house who knows how to fix a good edible meal for me rather than my feeble attempts at cooking or having to eat fast food. I’m really getting tired of eating at the Golden Arches alone.”

“I wanted to come over there last Sunday and spend at least a week with you or until you kicked me out. But, you were so disrespectful to your Baby Sister to be out of town and I didn’t want to sleep in my car until you came home.

Now seriously, is it alright with you if I come over there tomorrow and stay with you to visit for a while? My kids have been out with their friends each night and I’m sitting here in this big old house alone and I need to have some adult company at least for a while anyway, Lare.”

“Sure, Baby Sister, anytime you can start your car, pile in it and head this way. I’m in this house each night all by myself and I don’t even have my kids to talk to. Just bring your cooking skills with you, Sweetheart. If I’m not home you can sleep in your car until I get back.” as I gave her a mischievous, sinister little chuckle.

“Oh, Lare you’re so loving and accommodating to your Baby Sister. You’re just incorrigible. If you’re not there when I get there I’m going to mail all of my cooking skills back home. And you’ll have to eat quarter pounders and fries all the time or you’ll have to take me out to eat at a decent restaurant each night with a good wine selection while I’m there with you. So put that in your pipe and smoke it Popeye The Sailor Man.”

“Ok, Sweetie, I’ll be here waiting for you when you get here. I can’t wait to get my arms around you and kiss you since I know that is your main purpose in coming over here in the first place. Your main purpose is to come over here and get some loving from your Big Brother. Just drive safely and don’t get any speeding tickets. Love Ya, Baby Sister, Bye.”

I thought to myself, ‘Robin sure can get feisty with me at times and she knows how much I like it.’ Of course, I guess I was the one who taught her how to be so feisty and she has never gotten over it in all of these years.

After our PC ended, I started cleaning up and straightening up the house and making the bed like Mom and Clarissa had always insisted that we do. I didn’t want Robin to think I had become a complete slob since Clarissa had been gone. Maybe I did it in Mom’s and Clarissa’s memory as much as I did to prove that I hadn’t become a complete slob since Clarissa had been gone.

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