Kathy Learns
Copyright© 2002 by Dark Vision
Chapter 19
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 19 - A teenage girl learns the joys of sex without leaving home. Note, this story has been reworked and reposted on 6/7/09
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Fiction Incest Mother Brother Sister Father First Safe Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Lactation Pregnancy Exhibitionism Voyeurism
Joanne woke up to the feeling of Rich’s hard cock against her bottom and wiggled against him, remembering the heated sex they shared the night before. Rolling over, she began stroking him and thinking about their evening with their neighbors.
Rich stirred, opened his eyes, smiled at Joanne, and kissed her. Putting his hand on her side, he stroked his way up to her breast as they shared kisses and smiles while they caressed one another.
“I hope you enjoyed what we did last night as much as I did,” Rich said.
“Are you talking about what we did with Fred and Gwen or after we went to bed?” Joanne said.
Joanne gave Rich’s cock a firm squeeze. “I enjoyed everything. It was fun to go out to eat and dance. Watching Gwen trying to suck your cock turned me on.” She slid down and took his cock into her mouth, sucking it in until her nose pressed against him. Joanne removed her mouth and smiled at Rich. “I guess she needs practice.”
Rich chuckled and said, “I’ll let her practice whenever she wants. I think you shocked Fred when you took all of his cock.”
“He isn’t as big as you are.”
“He isn’t small either, not from what I saw.”
“Gwen told me she couldn’t deep throat his cock either. It’s too bad the kids came home. I wanted Fred to eat me.”
“So, we’re going to explore this, aren’t we?” Rich said.
“As long as we both agree, I want to. You know I love you more than anything, but I am curious about what it would be like fucking someone else. Aren’t you?”
“I’m curious about fucking Gwen, but no one else. Maybe we’ll discover we want to do things with other couples, but for now, I’m content to see how things go with Gwen and Fred,” Rich said.
“We have to walk before we run, sweetheart. Now, why don’t you fuck me before we get up.”
Rich rolled Joanne onto her back, moved between her legs, pushed them apart, and slipped his cock into her wet pussy. She grinned and hooked her feet behind his back, moaning as her brother began moving. Joanne knew Rich could last a long time when they fucked, but at the moment, she wanted it fast and hard. She told him what she wanted, and he didn’t disappoint her.
Rich continued pumping his cock in and out of Joanne until he felt his orgasm build, then withdrew his cock, straddled her body, and used his hand to jack off. Joanne smiled and opened her mouth like a bird waiting for its parent to feed it as his cock erupted, sending streaks of semen against her face and into her open mouth. Joanne bent her neck, took Rich’s cock in, and sucked the last few spurts from his dick. He leaned forward, gripped the headboard, and moved his hips as he finished in her sucking mouth.
Sitting up, Rich watched Joanne scrape his cum from her face and lick it off her fingers. They chuckled, shared a tender kiss, showered, dressed, and headed out to start the day.
Joanne opened the door to Mike’s room, chuckling when she saw her daughter and son snuggling together. Rich looked past his wife, put his hand on her back, and kissed her neck.
“They remind me of us,” Rich whispered.
Joanne nodded as she moved into the room to wake the sleeping siblings. She gently shook Kathy’s shoulder, smiling at her daughter when Kathy opened her eyes.
“Time to get up, Kathy. Dad and I will be downstairs.”
“Okay, Mom, we’ll be down in a few minutes,” Kathy said as she wiggled against her brother.
Mike groaned and hooked his arm over Kathy. She giggled as she moved his hand away from her breast. Shaking her head, Joanne realized her son was just like his father. Joanne left the room and went to the kitchen with Rich.
“Mom said we have to get up,” Kathy said as she rolled toward Mike.
“I know. I heard Mom.”
“You knew she was here and still grabbed my boob?”
Mike put his hand on her naked breast and squeezed it. “Why did you move my hand?”
“I don’t know. We should get up and get dressed,” Kathy said.
“I’d rather stay here and mess around.”
“So would I, but you know we have chores to do. We can fool around later.”
Mike and Kathy got out of bed, used the bathroom, dressed, and went to the kitchen. Kathy poured coffee for them, and they went outside to see what their dad was doing.
Mike and his sister stood in the backyard, watching the contractor set the pool in place. It was Saturday a day earlier than planned to install the prefabricated swimming pool. Rich stood next to his children, making comments about the process.
“It looks like they’re going to finish ahead of schedule,” Rich said.
“I can’t wait, Dad. Having a pool is going to be great,” Mike said.
“I know you kids are looking forward to it, Mike. Your mom and I hope you kids use your heads and don’t do anything to get you into trouble.”
Smiling, Mike nodded. “We won’t, Dad.”
“Hey, can a guy get a cup of coffee around here?” Fred said as he walked into the backyard.
“Morning, Fred. There’s coffee in the house. Help yourself,” Rich said.
Joanne and Gwen came outside to give Rich and Fred coffee. The women watched the workers as they lowered the pool into the hole. The four adults shared knowing glances and grins while drinking their coffee at the patio table.
“I’m going to cut the lawn,” Mike said. “I want to finish before it’s too hot.”
Mike left to get the mower and cut the front lawn, deciding to do the backyard after the workers finished for the day. Kathy grabbed the string trimmer and followed her brother.
“Are the kids up yet?” Rich said to Gwen.
“Yes, they’re having breakfast. I’m sure they’ll be over as soon as they finish,” Gwen replied, then she chuckled. “We found them asleep on the living room floor when we went home. I woke them up to go to bed, and they all ended up in Suzie’s bed together. Fred had to carry Tommy to his room.”
“I think I need to have another talk with Mandy,” Joanne said.
Nodding, Gwen said, “I talked with Suzie and Tommy the other day. She assured me they were still virgins and wouldn’t change it anytime soon.” Gwen chuckled. “I don’t think Tommy wants to wait, but he said he would never do anything the girls didn’t want him to do.”
Joanne laughed. “I’m more worried about Mandy. If she’s anything like her sister, it won’t be long before she’ll want to get laid. I hope she waits until she’s older, but it won’t be the end of the world if she doesn’t wait. Her birthday is in June.”
“Suzie and Tommy turn fifteen in May. I wasn’t much older when I gave it up,” Gwen said as she chuckled.
“I was sixteen.” Joanne laughed. “If I had known how good it was, I would have done it earlier. My mom told me that some girls were married by the time they were fourteen when she was young. Mom said it wasn’t uncommon in farm country.”
“What are you two talking about?” Rich asked when he and Fred walked over to their wives.
Gwen laughed. “Sex and horny kids. What else?”
Fred and Rich laughed. “It could be worse. I’d rather deal with horny kids than drugs or other things. We all know there is little we can do to stop it if they want to have sex,” Rich said.
“Mandy, Suzie, and Tommy are only fourteen. Don’t you think that’s a bit young?” Fred said.
“Too young for what? We know they’re already fooling around together. What difference would it make if they fucked? The girls are on the pill and won’t get pregnant. Let’s face it, if they want to screw each other, there’s not much we can do to prevent it. I don’t want to force them to lie or feel guilty,” Joanne said.
Gwen took Fred’s hand, holding it while thinking about what Joanne said. She remembered how her mom told her sex was wrong and should only be done with her husband. Gwen didn’t wait for marriage but felt guilty after she and Fred started having sex. She realized it robbed her of the pleasure she could have had if her mother’s words weren’t on her mind.
“Joanne’s right.” Gwen turned to Fred. “Do you remember how it was when we were young and in lust? We couldn’t keep our hands off each other and snuck around to be together. Our parents told us that if we didn’t wait until we were married, we were bad. I don’t know about you, baby, but it robbed me of what should have been the best time of our lives.
“As much as I liked having sex with you, the fact we had to be secretive always prevented me from letting go like I wanted to. It wasn’t until we told our parents to butt out of our lives that I was able to really enjoy sex. I’m not going to tell the twins they can have sex, but I’m going to stop telling them they shouldn’t or can’t.”
“Joanne and I never told the kids they shouldn’t have sex. We’ve told Mandy she should wait.” Rich chuckled. “We didn’t have the opportunity to tell Kathy and Mike. We caught them.”
“Really? You caught them having sex? What happened?” Fred said.
“We didn’t catch them in the act. Rich and I came home from spending the weekend at my mom’s because she was ill. When we got home, Kathy and Mike were sleeping together on the couch.” Joanne chuckled. “They were naked with their heads at each other’s crotch. Mandy was asleep on the floor.”
“What did you do?” Gwen asked.
“I took Mandy to her room, leaving Mike and Kathy on the couch. After putting Mandy in bed, Joanne and I screwed our brains out. The next day, we sent Mandy to your house and confronted Mike and Kathy. Joanne and I were surprised when they didn’t deny anything and told us what they’d done together.”
“Rich and I told them to be careful, and I put Kathy on the pill. I’m glad they didn’t lie about it. As I’ve said, we try to teach our kids to be honest, and we don’t punish them when they tell the truth.”
“What will you do if they find out about us?” Fred asked.
Smiling, Joanne said, “We don’t lie to them either. If we’re going to continue, it will be hard to keep everything a secret. I won’t flaunt what we do, but if asked, I won’t deny it. It isn’t necessary to provide details and only let them know we’re becoming very good friends.”
After watching the workers for a few minutes, the four parents went into the house for more coffee. They sat at the table, talking about their kids and what they’d do if they discovered Mandy, Suzie, and Tommy were taking their sexual discovery further. Once again, they said there wasn’t little they could do to prevent it.
Mike and Kathy finished taking care of the front lawn. They sat on the porch, relaxing in the shade. Mandy, Suzie, and Tommy came out of the house across the street and walked up to Mike and Kathy.
“How are you guys doing?” Kathy said.
“We’re good. We just finished breakfast. How are the workmen doing with the pool?” Mandy said.
“I’m not sure. Kathy and I were out here mowing the lawn,” Mike replied.
“I hope they hurry. I want to go swimming,” Tommy said.
Suzie giggled and nudged her brother. “You just want to see Mandy and me naked when we go skinny-dipping.”
“I see you and Mandy naked all the time. I want to swim,” Tommy said.
Mike laughed. “Mandy is like her sister. She doesn’t like wearing clothes.”
Kathy slapped Mike’s arm. “Like you mind.”
“No, I don’t mind at all. I like looking at naked girls,” Mike said.
Suzie laughed. “We like looking at naked boys, don’t we, Mandy.”
Mandy giggled and nodded. Kathy laughed and said she liked seeing naked boys and girls.
Suzie, Tommy, and Mandy left and went around the house to see the pool. Mike laughed and put his hand on Kathy’s leg.
“I think Mandy is as sex-crazed as her big sister,” Mike said.
“So. What’s wrong with liking sex? You like it, don’t you?” Kathy said.
“I like sex, but I love it with you. I don’t think you realize how much I love you, Kathy. If you were the only girl I ever had sex with for the rest of my life, it would be fine with me.”
“Are you saying you want us to be exclusive? I thought you had fun with Megan.”
“I did have fun with her and would like to do it again. What I’m saying is you’re more important to me than any other girl.”
Kathy hugged Mike. “You’re so sweet. Mike, you’re more important than any other guy, but I’m not ready to settle down. I’m just learning about sex and want to try things. I love what we do, but I also liked what I did with Danny. We’re too young to be thinking about settling down.” Kathy kissed her brother’s cheek. “No matter what, you’ll always be my number one.”
“I want to explore and learn, too. I just wanted to make sure neither of us were upset because we have sex with other people.”
“Not at all. Sweetie, no matter who I have sex with, it will always be lovemaking with you. I don’t care if we are all sweet and tender or if you bend me over and hammer my pussy with your big cock. It’s lovemaking because I love my big brother.”
“I love my horny little sister.”
“Let’s go see how the workers are doing. We still have to mow the backyard,” Kathy said.
Mike and Kathy went to the backyard. They watched the workmen as they backfilled around the new swimming pool. Mandy came over and stood by her siblings.
“They said it won’t be long before we can use the pool. I’m so excited,” Mandy said.
“I can’t wait. Mike and I went skinny-dipping with our friends Megan and Danny. It was a blast,” Kathy said.
“That’s so cool. Did you guys fool around?”
“Not really. Their parents were home. When I told them they could swim naked at our house if their parents said it was okay, Megen didn’t think they’d approve.” Kathy giggled. “I took Megan into the house and asked their parents. Megan’s mom and dad said it was okay, and she and Danny could do it at home if they wanted to.
“We all got naked and swam together. A few minutes later, Megan’s parents joined us. I think they’re going to install a fence like ours.”
“Having the fence is cool, but I’d swim naked if we didn’t have it. I don’t care if the neighbors see me naked,” Mandy said.
“Kathy, I think our little sister is an exhibitionist,” Mike said.
“What’s an exhibitionist?” Mandy asked.
“It’s someone who likes to expose themselves.” Kathy laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I think I’m an exhibitionist too. I like dressing sexy and showing off.”
“Just make sure you’re careful. If you don’t, you could get into trouble,” Joanne said from behind her children. She and Gwen had come out to see what the kids were doing.
Kathy spun around and laughed. “I know, Mom. I won’t do anything where I might get into trouble. It’s fun, you know.”
“Yes, I know it’s fun. As I said, be careful and use your head,” Joanne said.
“Are you an exhibitionist, Mom?” Mandy said.
“Not really. I enjoy dressing sexy for your dad, but I don’t do it in public.”
“Is it wrong?”
“No, Mandy, it isn’t wrong within reason. You can’t go around flashing strangers or dress too sexy at school.”
Mandy giggled. “The boys at school try to peek under my skirts when I wear them.”
“They try to look up my skirts too, but the only thing they can see are my panties. My undies cover more than my bikini does.” Suzie giggled. “If I wore sexy panties like Mandy does, they’d see more.”
“What kind of panties do you wear, Mandy?” Gwen asked.
“I usually wear regular panties. I wear one of the thongs Kathy bought for me sometimes. I like the thongs better than my other undies,” Mandy said.
“Why haven’t you told me you want new undies, Mandy?” Joanne said.
Mandy shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“We’ll go shopping so you can get what you want,” Joanne said.
“Can I get new undies too, Mom?” Suzie said.
Gwen laughed. “Things are sure different from when I was fifteen. I used to wear shorts under my skirts and dresses. Yes, Suzie, you can get new undies if you want some. Maybe Mrs. Morris and I will take you girls shopping later.”
Suzie giggled. “Thanks, Mom. Can I get some real bras, too? My boobies are getting bigger.” Suzie pressed her shirt against her chest to emphasize her point.
Joanne and Gwen returned to the house. They were laughing when they walked into the kitchen.
“What do you do with boy crazy fifteen-year-old girls?” Gwen said.
“You make sure they’re taking their birth control pills,” Joanne said.
When Fred asked why they were laughing, Joanne and Gwen gave them an overview of their conversation with the two young girls. Fred and Rich laughed and shook their heads.
“Make sure Mandy gets what she wants, Jo. When are you taking the girls shopping?” Rich said.
“We’ll probably take them this afternoon. They’ll drive us nuts until we do,” Joanne said.
“You should take Tommy so he can get a few new things, Gwen. He’ll feel left out if you don’t,” Fred said.
Gwen moved to Fred and put her arms around his neck. “Should I get some new sexy undies too?”
Rich laughed and said, “Hell, yes. Both of you should.”
“Yeah. What Rich said. You know how much I like it when you wear sexy underwear. I’ll bet Joanne looks hot in them, too.”
Rich nodded. “You better believe it. Gwen and Jo can give us a fashion show.”
“I don’t know if I could keep my hands to myself if I saw these two strutting around in their undies,” Fred said.
“One could only hope you two couldn’t keep your hands to yourselves,” Joanne said.
“Would you like to go look at pool accessories with me while the girls go shopping?” Rich asked Fred.
“Sure. I don’t have anything better to do. What are you looking for?” Fred said.
“We need pool chairs. You know, the ones that float. I also want to get an idea of what’s available.”
Joanne and Gwen took the two young girls and Tommy to the mall after lunch. Fred and Rich went to a pool store to look at accessories. While they were gone, the workmen finished for the day and left. Mike and Kathy mowed and trimmed the backyard.
“I need a shower,” Mike said after putting the mower and trimmer away. “Want to wash my back?”
Kathy laughed and said, “Sure if you’ll wash mine.”
Mike and Kathy went into the house and to their rooms. They removed their clothes and met in the bathroom. Kathy started the shower and got in with her brother. After getting wet, she picked up the soap, rubbed it between her hands, and started washing Mike’s genitals. As she rubbed him, his cock grew and stuck out from his body. While his sister fondled him, Mike soaped his hands and covered Kathy’s breasts.
Mike and Kathy laughed as they shared the shower.
“I like showering with you. We should do it more often,” Mike said.
“I agree,” Kathy said as she stroked Mike’s hard cock.
“If you keep it up, you’ll make me come.” Mike removed Kathy’s hand. “I want to wait until we finish showering.”
Kathy wrapped her arms around Mike, pressing her breasts against his chest. “What do you want to do?”
“I want to make love to my sexy sister.”
“Good. Your sexy sister wants to make love to her hot brother. I want us to eat each other, then fuck.”
Mike and Kathy finished showering, dried themselves, and went to his room. She pushed him onto the bed and rolled him onto his back. Kneeling, Kathy straddled her brother’s head and lowered her crotch to his waiting mouth. He grabbed her hips, pulling Kathy’s pussy to his face. As Mike ran his tongue over her labia, Kathy leaned forward and took his cock into her mouth. She wet his shaft and bobbed her head, applying suction.
Kathy and Mike used their mouths to excite each other. While they had planned to screw, she made him come, and shoot is semen into her mouth. Kathy moaned when he sucked her clit, and her orgasm began as his ended. Her body quivered, and her stomach jerked as her climax ripped through her. After regaining her composure, Kathy flipped around and snuggled against her brother.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hold off any longer,” Mike said.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I love the taste and feeling of your cum.” Kathy giggled and kissed him. “I’ll just have to make you hard again so you can fuck me.”
“As hot as you are, it won’t take long. Do you think we have time before Mom and Dad get home?”
Kathy jumped out of bed, closed the bedroom door, and rejoined her brother. “I don’t care. They know we’re having sex.”
Mike kissed Kathy. “We’re not having sex. We’re having great sex!”
Kathy moved her hand to Mike’s crotch and caressed his semi-hard cock. He ran his hands over her breasts and kissed her. When his cock was hard enough, he moved on top of Kathy and slipped it into her wet pussy. She moaned and held him as he moved in and out of her.
“Oh, Mike! I love feeling your cock in my pussy. It makes me feel so full. Please fuck me faster, baby.”
Mike increased the speed of his thrusting. His body hit hers, making a slapping sound. Mike was getting better at prolonging his orgasms, but after ten minutes, he came. As his cock throbbed in her pussy, Kathy used her fingers to rub her clit. Mike could feel her pussy contracting around his softening cock as she came.
Kathy and Mike cuddled together for a while before they got out of bed, cleaned up, and dressed. He followed his sister to her room, smiling as he watched Kathy put on her bra and a thong. She selected a tank top to go with the skirt she wore.
Joanne and Gwen led their children into the mall. As they walked past the stores, Gwen said, “Where would you girls like to shop?”
Suzie giggled and said, “Can we go there, Mom?” She pointed at a lingerie shop.
“No, Suzie. You girls are still growing, and the things in that store are too expensive. We’ll go to the department store for now. You can shop there when you’re older.”
Mandy looked at her mom. “I agree with Mrs. Hillman, Mandy.”
Although the two young girls were disappointed, they followed their mothers to the department store. Joanne and Gwen took the two to the girl’s department and looked at the underwear displayed.
“All of these are the same as what I have now. I wanted something different, if it’s okay,” Mandy said while pointing at the cotton panties hanging on a rack.
“Let’s look in the women’s department. I think the girls are big enough to find something they want there,” Gwen said.
The underwear in the women’s department was better and what Mandy and Suzie wanted. The girls went to a display of thongs, flipped through the selections, and commented on what they liked. Gwen and Joanne chuckled as they watched Tommy stand close to the girls, offering his opinion.
“I don’t know how I will survive my kids’ growing up. Suzie and her brother have always been close. It seems that Mandy has become as close,” Gwen said as she and Joanne stood back watching the kids.
“Mandy told Rich and me she’s fooling around with the twins. I’m glad she’s comfortable enough not to lie to us.”
Gwen chuckled. “I didn’t realize how close the girls were until I found them with their heads between each other’s legs. It was obvious it wasn’t their first time. When I made a noise and they looked at me, they didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed.
“That’s when they told me they also fooled around with Tommy, and they were still virgins. I didn’t ask what they had done. Later, Suzie confided in me. She said they kissed, touched, and had oral sex.”
“What did Fred say when you told him?” Joanne said.
Before Gwen could answer, Suzie and Mandy came over with bras in their hands. “We’re going to try these on. We’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” Joanne said.
“Where’s your brother?” Gwen asked.
“He’s over there guarding the panties we picked out. Mandy and I don’t want anyone to take them,” Suzie replied.
“Go try on your things. No messing around. We don’t want to be here all day,” Joanne said.
“You’re no fun, Mom,” Mandy said as she and Suzie headed to the dressing rooms.
“Anyway, you asked me what Fred said. The pervert said he wished he would have caught them. He said seeing two girls going at it would be hot.” Gwen grinned. “Have you ever been with a woman?”
Joanne shook her head. “Have you?”
“When I was in high school, I messed around with a girl. We just kissed and felt each other’s boobs. Other than that, no, I haven’t.” Gwen paused and took a deep breath. “Fred has asked me to, and I have thought about it. Have you ever thought about having sex with a woman?”
“No.” Joanne chuckled and put her hand on Gwen’s arm. “I’ll admit I am now. Since Rich and I decided to see what it would be like to swap with you and Fred, I’ve been thinking about where our sex lives were headed. Your husband is the only other man I’ve ever been with.”
“You don’t regret what we did, do you?”
“No, it was exciting and disappointing.” Joanne grinned. “Fooling around with Fred was exciting. Having the kids come home was disappointing. I really wanted to take things further.”
“We’ll have another opportunity if you and Rich want to. I know Fred and I are willing and ready when you are.” Gwen laughed. “We’re not only willing, but we’re also anxious.”
Before Joanne could respond, Suzie and Mandy bounced out of the dressing room with their bras.
“Can I get these, Mom? Mandy and I wear the same size, twenty-eight A. We picked different styles and colors so we could trade. Aren’t they pretty?” Suzie said.
“We picked four each to match the panties we want,” Mandy said.
They went to where Tommy stood by a group of panties hanging on the end of a rack. Mandy and Suzie took their selections and showed them to their moms. Joanne and Gwen smiled while looking at the lacy panties the girls showed them.
“These are all thongs. Shouldn’t you get some bikini panties or other styles?” Gwen said.
“We want these, Mom. I have regular panties at home,” Mandy said.
“I meant in addition to the thongs, not in place of them, girls. You may not want to always wear a thong,” Gwen said.
The girls handed their things to their moms. Suzie grabbed her brother’s hand and said, “Come and help Mandy and me pick out some sexy panties.”
Joanne shook her head. “Tommy isn’t the least bit embarrassed, is he?”
“No, but he’s used to seeing Suzie naked and in her underwear. As we told you, there isn’t much modesty in our home. The kids have seen Fred and me naked, and it doesn’t faze them. We don’t run around naked on purpose, but it happens.”
“While Rich and I don’t go naked now, I’m sure things will change when the pool is finished. I know the kids don’t have a problem with it.” Joanne laughed. “Kathy told me the three of them have showered together.”
“I don’t know if Suzie and Tommy have showered together. It wouldn’t surprise me if they have. I’ll have to ask them.”
Suzie and Mandy walked over to their moms, each carrying four pairs of panties. They showed them to Joanne and Gwen, giggling when their moms said they could get them.
Before leaving the department, Joanne and Gwen selected new underwear for themselves. When they were sure the kids would hear them, they commented on how their husbands would like to see them in the sexy items. Gwen convinced Joanne to buy a garter belt and stockings, telling her she could wear them the next time the four of them went out together.
“Fred likes it when I wear stockings. I’m sure he and Rich would also like to see you in them. We’ll dress in sexy undies for our men,” Gwen said.
Joanne chuckled. “Maybe we can put on a fashion show for Rich and Fred.”
“There’s no maybe about it. Maybe more than a fashion show.”
“Are you saying you want to let our hubbies watch us fool around together?”
“I will if you will. It might be fun.” Gwen chuckled. “Hopefully, it will turn into more.”
Joanne and Gwen laughed as they made their selections. They heard Suzie say, “come on, Tommy, let’s get you some new undies, too. Yours are boring.” They settled down and finalized their choices.
Joanne and Gwen laughed at their kids as the girls pulled Tommy to the men’s department. The women carried the things their girls had selected and watched as Mandy and Suzie showed Tommy boxer briefs and other styles. He picked two packages of colorful boxer briefs and a package of nylon bikinis at his sister’s insistence.
Gwen and Joanne couldn’t help chuckling as they watched their kids’ interaction. Once Tommy had what he wanted, the women helped their children find shorts, tops, and skirts. After paying for everything, they went to the car and placed the packages in the trunk.
“Thank you for buying me my new undies, Mom. I can’t wait to wear them,” Susie said from the backseat.
“Yeah. Thanks, Mom,” Mandy said.
Tommy thanked his mom, too.
“I can’t wait to try everything on,” Mandy said.
“Are you and Susie going to give me a fashion show?” Tommy asked.
Susie giggled. “Maybe. Do you want to see us in our new panties and bras?”
When Tommy said, “Heck yeah,” Gwen and Joanne laughed.
“You have to wash your things before you wear them. They use chemicals to size them, and it can cause a rash,” Joanne said.
“Okay, Mom. Will you help me when we get home? I know you don’t put all your underwear in the washing machine,” Mandy said.