Kathy Learns
Copyright© 2002 by Dark Vision
Chapter 18: Expanding Horizons
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 18: Expanding Horizons - A teenage girl learns the joys of sex without leaving home. Note, this story has been reworked and reposted on 6/7/09
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa ft/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual BiSexual Fiction Incest Mother Brother Sister Father First Safe Sex Oral Sex Masturbation Petting Lactation Pregnancy Exhibitionism Voyeurism
Kathy woke up and climbed out of bed. She pulled a tee shirt over her naked body and headed for the bathroom. Seeing her parents' bedroom door open, she looked in. She saw that the room was empty and wondered if her mom and dad had left for work. After using the bathroom, Kathy woke Mandy. She left her room, went to Mike's bedroom, and woke him up too.
Mike looked up at his sister, smiling when she smiled down at him. "What time is it?" Mike said.
"Time to get up for school," Kathy said.
Mike reached out. He slid his hand under Kathy's tee shirt and began rubbing her pussy. "Want to fool around?" Mike said.
Kathy giggled. "Yeah, but we don't have much time." She pulled the covers back and reached for Mike's cock.
Mike ran his fingers over his sister's pussy, feeling it getting wet while Kathy stroked Mike's hard cock. She moved closer, leaning over so she could take his dick in her mouth. Moaning, Kathy swirled her tongue around the head of her brother's cock. He slipped a finger into Kathy's pussy, moving in time with her bobbing head. Mike rubbed his sister's clit with his thumb after adding a second finger to her vagina.
Kathy felt Mike's cock swell. She pumped her hand on his shaft, waiting for the semen she knew would soon splatter the inside of her mouth. Mike started squirting his cum into his sister's mouth at about the same moment her pussy gripped his fingers. Kathy didn't swallow Mike's creamy semen until he stopped coming. She pulled her mouth off his cock, stood up, and rocked her hips against his driving fingers. As her orgasm reached its peak, Kathy swirled her brother's semen around her mouth. She swallowed, threw her head back, and moaned. Kathy grabbed her brother's wrist, shoving his hand against her vulva. A moment later, she sat on the edge of Mike's bed so she didn't collapse.
"That's the way to start the day! We better get going or we'll be late for school," Kathy said as she giggled.
Mike laughed as he nodded. Kathy left his room and went downstairs to see if her parents were still home. She found her mom and dad in the kitchen.
"Aren't you going to work today?" Kathy said to her parents.
"Not right away. We're waiting for the pool company to get here," Rich said.
"Oh, I almost forgot they're coming today. I'm going to get ready for school. I'll be back in a few minutes," Kathy said.
A half hour later, Mike, Kathy, and Mandy sat at the kitchen table eating cereal. They heard the sound of machinery and looked outside. A man on a backhoe pulled into the yard and parked. Three other men walked in and they began setting up. By the time the kids finished eating, the men were staking out the area they would dig out for the pool.
Rich went out with his coffee. Mike followed his dad, standing next to him while they watched the man on the backhoe take the first scoop of earth out of what would soon be their swimming pool.
"Mike, I'm taking your mom out to get her a new car today. You can use the minivan if you'd like to," Rich told his son.
"No kidding?"
"No kidding, Mike," Rich said and then he chuckled. "I expect you to be responsible and not do anything stupid."
"Don't worry, Dad, I won't disappoint you," Mike said.
"I know you won't. Oh, you'll have to take your sisters to and from school."
"No problem."
"Take the spare set of keys from the cabinet. Your mom and I have our own. I'll take care of the gas and repairs for now. Once you get a job, you can help with the expenses," Rich said.
"Dad, can I ask you something?" Mike said.
"Sure, you know you can ask me anything."
"I'm just wondering what's going on. I mean first you decide to put in a swimming pool and then you decide to buy Mom a new car. Did we suddenly get rich or something?" Mike said.
"Not rich, but we are in better shape than we used to be in. I made a few investments a few years ago and they've paid off in spades. We're not going to change the way we live too much, but we are going to get some of the things Mom and I have wanted," Rich said.
"That's cool. Oh, thanks for the minivan," Mike said.
Rich and Mike went into the house. Mike told his sisters about the minivan and about their dad buying a new car for their mom. Kathy went over to her dad and gave him a hug. "Um, can I go shopping for new clothes?'
"Sure, how much do you need," Rich said.
"Um, well, I don't know. I would like to get a few things, Dad," Kathy said.
Rich took out his wallet. He removed a credit card and handed it to Kathy. "Here, make sure you take your sister shopping too."
Kathy thanked her dad. Joanne chuckled and said, "Don't go overboard, Kathy. Keep it under three hundred dollars."
Giggling Kathy said, "The same for Mandy?"
"No, for both of you," Joanne said.
"Three hundred dollars doesn't go as far as it used to, Mom."
"Call me if you think you need more," Rich said. "Now, you kids better get going or you'll be late for school."
"Come on Mandy, let's go," Mike said.
"You guys go ahead. I'm going to walk with Tommy and Suzie," Mandy said. "Our school isn't as far as yours is."
"Do you want to go shopping with me after school today?" Kathy said.
"I do, but we have drama practice after school. You can pick up a few short and top outfits for me though. I know you'll buy cool things," Mandy said.
Mike and Kathy went out to the minivan. Kathy changed the station on the radio while Mike adjusted the mirrors and seat.
"Can we swing by Megan's house? Maybe we can give them a ride to school," Kathy said.
Mike nodded. He headed toward their friends' house.
"Will you take me to the mall today? I want to get a few new outfits," Kathy said.
"Yeah, we can go after ball practice. You have to get something I like though," Mike said.
Giggling, Kathy said, "What do you want me to get?"
"I like short skirts and tight tops," Mike said.
"Cool, so do I. I want to get new shorts and undies too."
Mike pulled in front of Megan and Danny's house just as they stepped out the door. Kathy rolled down the window and called to them. Danny and Megan got in the backseat. Mike pulled away from the house, driving toward school.
"Your mom let you use her car today?" Megan said.
"Yeah, and every other day too. My dad said I can use the minivan because he's buying Mom a new car," Mike said.
Kathy twisted so she could look back at Megan and Danny. "That's not all. We're getting a pool too. The workers are at our house right now. Dad said that we should be able to use the pool by next weekend," Kathy said.
"That's great. I know we love having a pool," Megan said.
"Dad is having a tall wooden fence put up around the pool so we can go skinny dipping," Mike said.
"Wow, your parents will let you do that?" Danny said.
"That's what they told us. They said our friends could swim naked too as long as their parents say its okay," Kathy said. "Do you think your parents will let you go skinny dipping?"
"I don't know, but I guess we can ask them," Megan said.
"Mike is taking me to the mall after baseball practice. My dad gave me his credit card so I can buy new clothes. Do you want to go, Meg?" Kathy said.
"Sure, I have some money saved," Megan replied. "Maybe Mike could drop us off before practice and then pick us up when they finish."
"That's a good idea. That is unless Mike and Danny want to help us pick out our outfits," Kathy said.
Megan giggled and said, "I think it would be more fun to surprise them."
Mike pulled into the lot at school. The four of them climbed out of the minivan and hooked their backpacks over one shoulder. Kathy walked next to Danny as they headed toward the building. Megan noticed and moved next to Mike.
"Hey, how's it going?" Eddy said when he saw Kathy by her locker.
"Good, Eddy. How are you today?" Kathy replied.
"I'm fine I guess. What's going on, are you going with Danny now?" Eddy said.
"No, I'm not going with anyone. I told you I didn't want a stead boyfriend. Danny's a friend that's all," Kathy said.
"Are you still planning to go to the party with me tomorrow night?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know, I thought that maybe you'd want to go with Danny. It looked like Megan was with Mike this morning," Eddy said.
"God, Eddy, we were just walking together. Mike and I picked ... Never mind, I don't owe you an explanation. If you want to go to the party, that's fine. Just don't go acting like we're going steady because we aren't."
"Whatever. I'll see you later," Eddy said and then he walked away. Kathy slammed her locker door and went to her first class.
"I saw Eddy this morning. He's all pissed off because he saw me walking with Danny," Kathy told Megan at lunch.
"That sucks. Are you still going to the party with him?" Megan said.
"I'm going to the party, but I don't know if I'm going with Eddy or not. Why does he have to be so clingy?"
"Tell me about it. Phil has been acting weird too."
"That's different, Megan. You two have been dating for a while. Eddy and I have only gone out a few times," Kathy said.
"Are you still pissed because of what happened the night of the dance?"
"No, I don't care about that. I just don't want Eddy acting like he owns me." Kathy leaned closer to Megan. "There are way too many cute boys that I'd like to go out with."
"Like Danny?" Megan said.
"I like Danny a lot, Meg."
"He likes you too. We talked about what happened yesterday. He thought it was cool. Has Mike said anything about me?" Megan said.
"Mike likes you, Megan. He thinks you're hot," Kathy said.
Megan and Kathy finished their classes. Mike drove them to Megan's house so she could get her money and Danny could get his gear. Then Mike drove home. Kathy invited Danny and Megan into the house. They went to the kitchen so they could look at the progress on the new swimming pool.
"Wow, they have been working hard," Mike told his dad as they walked outside. "Dad, this is Danny and his sister Megan. They're friends of Kathy and mine. Danny plays third base for our ball team," Mike said.
Rich shook hands with Danny and said hello to Megan. He pointed to the back of the yard and said, "They have all the posts set for the fence and the hole for the pool almost finished. Mr. Roberts said they may be able to set the pool by Sunday."
"They work on the weekends?" Kathy said.
"Yes, Mr. Roberts told me that he has more work than he knows what to do with. He moved us ahead of the other people because we bought a pool that someone ordered and then canceled. He said he wanted to get the pool out of his yard," Rich said.
"Where's Mom?" Kathy said.
"She'll be here in a minute. Mom is on her way home with her new car," Rich said. He moved closer to Kathy. "Don't worry about how much you spend today. Get what you want, Honey."
Mike went into the house to change and get his ball glove and bat. When he returned, he told Kathy and Megan it was time to leave. On the way to the minivan, Joanne pulled into the driveway in a brand new silver Mustang convertible. She honked the horn and waved.
"Holy crap! This is cool," Mike said as he leaned over the side of the car and looked in. "Why don't I drive this and you can keep your minivan?"
"That's not going to happen. If you're good, I might let you take it for a ride. Just don't get your heart set on using it," Joanne said.
"I know, Mom. The van is fine. You look good in this car," Mike told his mom.
Kathy, Megan, and Danny complimented Joanne on her new car. Joanne thanked them and got out.
"Mike is dropping Megan and me off at the mall. They'll pick us up after ball practice. What should I get for Mandy?" Kathy said.
"You know what she likes. Get her shorts and tank tops. Oh, and pick up a couple bra and panty sets for her. Do you know her size?" Joanne said.
Kathy nodded. "Should I get her thongs? That's what I want," Kathy said.
"I don't know if she'll wear them. Get her a couple so she can try them out. If Mandy likes them, she can get more."
"Okay, Mom. We'll see you later," Kathy said.
Kathy and Megan sat in the backseats as Mike drove to the mall. They started talking about what they wanted to look at. Danny turned around and smiled at his sister and Kathy.
"We like girls in short skirts and tight tops. Don't we, Mike?" Danny said.
"Yeah, if they have to wear something, that sounds good to me," Mike said. "Personally, I prefer them naked."
"Well duh, but they can't run around like that in public," Danny said.
Kathy giggled and pulled up her top. "Why not? The windows are tinted so it's hard to see inside."
"Nice tits, Kathy," Danny said. Megan giggled and pulled her top up too. "You have nice tits too, Meg."
"We're the same size. I thought boys like girls with big boobs," Megan said as she pulled her top back into place.
"If you ask me, you two have the best tits around," Mike said. "Not to mention your cute asses."
Megan and Kathy laughed. Even though it was coming from their brothers, they enjoyed the compliments and attention.
"Saying things like that will get you laid," Megan said.
"I'd say it even if we weren't having sex," Danny said.
"Danny's right. You two are hot," Mike said.
"Aren't they sweet?" Kathy said.
"I happen to think so," Megan said.
Mike pulled into the mall parking lot. The girls told their brothers that they would meet them at the entrance in about two hours. Kathy and Megan got out of the minivan, waving as Mike pulled away.
"Okay, where to first?" Megan said.
"I want to get new undies and then we can check out the other things if that's okay with you," Kathy replied.
Megan nodded. The two girls went to one of the department stores and found the lingerie department. They searched though the selections, picking new thongs, panties, and matching bras. When Kathy picked out a couple of A cup bras, Megan asked her why.
"They're for my sister," Kathy said. "She has a few plain white training bras now. My mom told me to pick out a few for Mandy."
Kathy and Megan finished shopping for underwear. They paid for their things and went back out into the mall. The girls went to one of the shops that carried clothes for teenage girls. They selected skirts and tops, taking them to the dressing rooms to try on. Both girls liked the mini skirts and tank tops they picked out. They giggled and goofed around as they tried on one outfit after another.
Two hours later, the girls carried their bags to the entrance of the mall to wait for Mike and Danny. "I'm going to wear the pink and black skirt with a black tank top tomorrow," Megan said.
"You'll look great in that outfit. I think I'll wear the white skirt and the red top I found at the Gap," Kathy said.
"Do you think Mike and Danny would take us out tonight? It's Friday and I don't have any plans," Megan said.
"We can ask them. I think it would be fun," Kathy said.
Mike pulled up to the curb. Megan and Kathy jumped in back, sitting down after placing their bags on the rear bench seat.
"What are you guys doing tonight?" Megan asked.
"I don't know. What would you two like to do?" Mike said.
"We could go out if you want," Kathy said.
"Sounds good to me," Danny said. "Where do you want to go?"
"Can we get something to eat and play miniature golf?" Kathy said.
"Yeah, that sounds fun," Megan said.
"Okay, Mike and I have to clean up. We're sweaty from playing ball. Why don't we meet at our house at seven?" Danny said.
Mike drove to Danny and Megan's house. Megan grabbed her bags, said goodbye to her friends and went inside with her brother. Mike took off and went home.
Kathy and Mike told their parents what they planned for the night. Rich and Joanne told them it was okay for them to go out. While Mike showered, Kathy showed her mom and sister what she'd bought. Mandy was thrilled with her new underwear. The moment she saw the colorful bras and new panties, Mandy stripped to try them on. Kathy and her mom sat on Kathy's bed looking through the new items.
"Thank you so much. I love these," Mandy said as she modeled her bra and thong panties. "It makes my butt feel funny though."
"You'll get used to them, Mandy," Joanne said as she snickered at her daughter's excitement.
"I'm going to jump in the shower, Mom. We're meeting Danny and Megan at seven," Kathy said.
"Are you going to wait until your brother is finished in the bathroom?" Joanne said.
Giggling, Kathy said, "I guess so. If I have to I will."
"You do what you want, Kathy. I'm going downstairs to see what your father wants to do for dinner," Joanne said.
"Why don't you and Dad go out tonight? I can go over to Suzie's house. She invited me to spend the night," Mandy said.
"That sounds like a good idea. Mandy, if you plan to wear your new things, take the tags off first," Joanne said. She left the girls' room and went to find her husband.
Kathy stripped down to her panties. She left for the bathroom, giggling as she thought about how surprised Mike would be when she walked in. Kathy opened the door, stepped into the bathroom, and removed her panties. She got into the shower, causing her brother to jump.
"Are you nuts? Mom is going to skin us," Mike said.
"No she won't. I told her I was going to shower with you. Mom told me to do what I wanted to do so I'm here." Kathy giggled, turning her back to Mike. "Wash my back please."
Mike and Kathy showered together. They both wanted to fool around, but decided that they didn't want to push their luck. When they finished, Mike left Kathy to fix her hair.
At a quarter to seven, Mike and Kathy told their parents they were leaving. Rich told them not to stay out too late, but didn't give them a time to be home. Kathy followed her brother out to the minivan. As she climbed in the front seat, Mike whistled at her. Giggling, Kathy flipped up her short skirt.
Megan and Danny were waiting when Mike pulled up in front of their house. Mike and Kathy went in to say hi to their friends' parents. Kathy knew Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, but Mike didn't.
"Hi, Mike, I'm happy to finally meet you. Danny has told us about the ball team. Mrs. Lawrence and I are looking forward to seeing you boys play," Mr. Lawrence said.
"Our first game is a week from Saturday. My parents will be there too," Mike said.
"We better get going," Danny said. "I'm starved!"
Mike, Kathy, Megan, and Danny left the house. The two girls got into the back, sitting behind their brothers. As Mike drove, they talked about where to go for dinner. They decided on a small family restaurant near the arcade.
"Are we still going to play miniature golf?" Megan asked as the group left the restaurant after eating.
"Yeah, I think it will be fun," Kathy said. She hooked her arms through Mike and Danny's arms. "Do you guys still want to play?"
"I'll play. I'm going to beat you and Megan," Danny said.
"We'll see about that," Megan said.
Kathy pulled away from Danny and her brother. She whispered to Megan, telling her to get in the front seat with Mike. Megan grinned and nodded her head.
Kathy opened the sliding door of the minivan. She asked Danny to sit in back with her. Megan jumped in the front passenger seat before her brother could answer Kathy. Danny got into the van and took the seat behind Mike, while Kathy stepped in behind him. Kathy moved over to Danny and sat on his lap.
Mike chuckled when he saw what his sister did. He started the minivan and took off for the arcade. Kathy put her arm around Danny, sitting side-saddle on his legs. She made sure her short pleated skirt wasn't between her butt and Danny's lap. Danny put his left arm around Kathy, letting his hand rest against her side.
Mike pulled up to a red traffic light. Kathy began sliding off Danny's legs when Mike applied the brakes. Danny moved his hand to Kathy's hip to hold her in place.
"Are you trying to feel my ass?" Kathy said to Danny.
"No, I'm trying to keep you from falling," Danny replied.
Kathy giggled and said, "I don't mind if you feel my ass."
Danny grinned and moved his hand back. Kathy squirmed on his legs and then kissed his cheek. He rubbed her hip, sliding his hand back until he felt Kathy's bottom through her skirt. Kathy shifted again. She pulled Danny's mouth to hers and kissed him. He parted his lips, letting Kathy's tongue into his mouth. Using her right hand, Kathy pulled on her skirt until Danny's hand was touching her skin.
Kathy moaned as Danny ran his hand over her bottom. He pulled his mouth from hers and said, "Aren't you wearing panties?"
"Yes," Kathy said.
"It feels like you're naked under your skirt."
Kathy giggled and said, "You'll just have to keep looking."
Danny moved his hand over Kathy's ass. When he felt the thin strip of material of her thong, he furrowed his brow. "It's a thong," Kathy said. She stood up, lifted her skirt, and turned around slowly. "See?"
Megan giggled and said, "I'm wearing a thong too. We bought them when we went shopping."
Mike pulled into the parking lot. He found a space and parked the minivan. Megan undid her seatbelt, got up, and showed Mike and her brother her thong.
"Damn, those things are hot!" Mike said. He reached out and rubbed Megan's ass. "Maybe we should go somewhere else."
Megan moved away. "We want to play miniature golf."
Mike, Megan, Kathy, and Danny headed into the arcade. They walked around for a few minutes, saying hi to the kids they knew.
"This is a favorite hangout for the kids at school, isn't it?" Danny said.
"Yeah, I know quite a few people here," Mike said.
"Megan, look over there. Eddy and Phil are here with Beth and Karen," Kathy said. She giggled and grabbed Megan's arm. "Let's go say hi."
Mike and Danny followed their sisters across the noisy room. Kathy touched Eddy's shoulder and said, "Hey, Eddy, how's it going? Hi, Phil, hi, Beth, hi, Karen."
"Oh, hi, Kathy," Eddy said. Kathy smiled, noticing the surprised look on Eddy's face.
Megan said hello to the two couples and then introduced Mike and Danny. "What are you guys doing tonight?" Megan said.
"We're just hanging out and playing a few video games," Phil replied.
Eddy and Phil shuffled their feet. They slowly separated from Beth and Karen.
"We're going to play miniature golf. Do you guys want to play too?" Kathy said.
"I'll play," Karen said. She took Eddy's hand. "Will you play too, Eddy?"
The four couples went to the miniature golf course. They all picked out a putter and got a ball from the man behind the counter. They decided that they would play teams. Eddy and Karen would play against Kathy and Danny. Phil and Beth would play against Mike and Megan.
At the first tee, Eddy went first. He hit his ball toward the cup, banking it off a wall to make the right turn. Kathy went next. Placing her ball on the mat, she bent at the waist. Kathy giggled, knowing that her short skirt hiked up exposing her almost naked ass. After Danny and Karen hit their balls, the foursome went to finish the hole.
As they played, Kathy made sure to flash Eddy and Danny every chance she could. Karen finally pulled Kathy aside to complain.
"Why are you doing that? You know that Eddy can see up your skirt every time you bend over," Karen said.
"I'm just having a little fun," Kathy replied.
"I like Eddy. He's paying more attention to you than he is to me. Please stop teasing him," Karen said.
"I'm not doing it for Eddy. I'm doing it for Danny. I can't help it if Eddy can't keep his eyes off me. Maybe you should give him something else to look at if you don't want him watching me," Kathy said.
"Like what?"
"Undo a couple of the buttons on your shirt. I know he likes boobs," Kathy said and then she giggled.
"I don't know if I like him that much."
Kathy shrugged her shoulders. She went to the next tee to wait her turn. Instead of bending at the waist, Kathy bent her knees and stooped down to place her ball. After taking her shot, she smiled at Karen.
"Was that better?" Kathy said to Karen.
"Yeah, thanks," Karen replied.
Kathy behaved herself for the next few holes. When she took her turn to putt her ball, Kathy stooped to line up the shot. Giggling to herself, Kathy spread her knees far enough for Eddy to see her crotch. Karen huffed and then she opened two buttons on her shirt.
Kathy and Danny beat Eddy and Karen by two shots. Mike and Megan lost to Phil and Beth. They turned in their putters and went to get sodas.
Sitting on a picnic table outdoors, the teens talked about the game. Kathy put her hand on Danny's leg, moving it from his knee to the hem of his shorts. Making sure no one could see, Kathy moved her hand to Danny's crotch. She gently gave his cock a squeeze and then removed her hand.
"We have to get going," Kathy said.
"Okay, I guess we'll see you guys at the party tomorrow night," Karen said as she looked at Kathy. She knew that Eddy asked Kathy to the party.
Nodding, Kathy said, "Yeah, we'll see you there. Um, Eddy, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Eddy got up and followed Kathy away from the table. Karen watched them, wondering what was going on.
"Eddy, I think that Karen wants you to take her to the party tomorrow night. It's okay with me if you want to take her," Kathy said.
"Are you sure?" Eddy said.
Nodding, Kathy said, "Yeah, I'm sure. Look, I like you, but I think you want to be my only boyfriend. I'm not ready for that. If you want to go out with me, that's cool, but as I told you, I'm going to date other boys too."
"Maybe it would be better that way."
"I think so." Kathy giggled. "Did you like looking up my skirt?"
Eddy blushed and Kathy laughed. They went back to the table and Eddy sat next to Karen. Danny, Mike, and Megan stood up. Everyone said goodbye and then Kathy and her friends left.
"What do you guys want to do now?" Mike said before he started the mini van.
"We could go to our house and go swimming. Danny and I have suits you and Kathy can wear," Megan said.
Mike chuckled and said, "I'd rather get into your suit."
"You can if you want to, but I have to put it on before you can," Megan said and then she giggled.
"Do we have to wear suits?" Kathy said with a giggle.
"Our parents are home," Megan replied.
Mike drove to Megan and Danny's house. They all went inside, said hi to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, and told them they were going swimming. Megan's parents told them not to make too much noise.
Megan gave Kathy a bikini and began to strip. Kathy removed her clothing and put on the suit.
"Our parents said we can go skinny dipping if we want to. They said our friends could go too if their parents say that it's okay. Do you think your mom and dad will let you and Danny go skinny dipping?" Kathy said.
"I don't know, Kathy. I don't think I could even ask them," Megan replied.
"Why not?"
"They're too old fashioned."
"Maybe you're wrong. Maybe they'll understand if you talk to them," Kathy said.
Megan shrugged her shoulders. The girls left Megan's room, grabbed towels, and went outside. Mike and Danny sat on the edge of the pool, waiting for their sisters. They all jumped into the pool, swimming around in the refreshing water.
"I can't wait until they finish installing our pool. This is great," Mike said. He moved closer to Megan and put his arm around her.
"I told Megan that she should talk to her parents and see if she and Danny can swim naked at our house," Kathy said.
"You've got to be kidding, Kathy. We could never ask our parents something like that," Danny said.
"That's too bad. Our parents won't let us go skinny dipping with our friends unless their parents say that they can. Our parents said they wanted to talk to our friends' parents first," Mike said.
"What our parents don't know won't hurt them," Danny said.
"We won't do that, Danny. If Kathy or I lie to our parents, we'll lose our privileges," Mike said.
"I don't know why your parents wouldn't let you guys do it. Didn't your mom put you on the pill when she caught you and Danny fooling around?" Kathy said.
"Yeah, she did, didn't she? Maybe they'd let us if we asked," Kathy said.
Kathy giggled. She took Megan's hand and led her out of the pool. Megan asked what was going on, but Kathy just giggled and handed her a towel. The girls dried themselves while their brothers watched from the pool.
"Come with me," Kathy said. She wrapped the towel around her waist and tucked in the corner.
Kathy took Megan toward the house. Megan stopped and said, "You're not going to do what I think you are, are you?"
"I don't know what you think I'm going to do."
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