Chained Cheerleader - Cover

Chained Cheerleader


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She had no idea that a job would lead her into a life that she never thought of before

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Lesbian   BiSexual   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The player lifted her to her feet. He had to support her, Debbie's knees refused to lock properly and hold her body erect. With a quick yank that cut deeply into her flesh, he tore off the string holding her hands bound behind her back.

Hot and harsh breath assaulted her ear as he said, "You're a tight cunt. I like you. Maybe I'll go out there and boot another couple of field goals. We'd both like that, wouldn't we?"

"Burn in hell!" she shot back. He only laughed and fondly patted her on her curving ass. He shoved her into the arms of Bradford and then began stuffing his limp prick back into his padded pants.

Debbie considered trying to kick him in the balls and then discarded the idea. The man already had the cup back into place. What she could do to him now was less than any single one of the defense of the other team might try. She succeeded in getting free of Bradford's circling arms and ran for the locker room.

With any luck, she could be dressed and away from this terrible stadium before any of the others noticed she was gone. Debbie wanted nothing more than to leave and find some dark place to curl up and cry.

Tears running down her face, she opened her locker and began taking out her street clothes. She ran her hands over the fringed vest she wore, knowing that her chance at fame and fortune was gone. She was quitting the cheerleading squad. Hell, they weren't anything more than a whore corps to be used by any of the players!

She stepped out of her g-string and started to strip off the knee-high white boots when she heard the harsh click of heels against the concrete. Turning, the blonde teenager was startled to see Bradford and another of the players standing and watching her.

Never had she felt more naked. Debbie realized all she wore was the pair of boots and a lot of naked skin. Trying to cover up her voluptuous tits jiggling around in front of her chest was pointless. Likewise, she couldn't cover up her fleecy white- blonde snatch and hope to escape.

"Get the hell out of here and leave me alone!" she shrieked. "Don't just stand there, get the fuck out of here!"

The only response she got was laughter. The football player said, "She's everything you said she was, Mr. Bradford. I'm glad I made that touchdown. Hell, I'd make a dozen to get a shot at a chick as pretty as this one. Shit, just to hold those boobs of hers is worth it!"

"Go to it, Mark. She's all yours." Bradford stood back, crossed his arms and let a smug look creep onto his face. He was enjoying the sight of the young girl's torment.

She couldn't forget this was the man who had spanked her butt and then fucked her up the rear. He had chained her before cornholing her. He had forced her to suck him off in the middle of the stadium after practice on the very first day.

She hated him with a passion that transcended anything she had ever felt before.

But Debbie found herself confronted with a more immediate problem. The football player advancing on her obviously wanted to fuck. She wanted to escape this evil place! But now she had no chance at all. If she had been able to summon up the nerve, she could have called attention to her rape outside. In the gray dimness of the locker room, there wasn't a chance in hell that anyone would hear her screams. She was at the man's mercy, unless she could dodge and outrun him.

She feinted to the left, and then tried to go right. He was waiting for her. She cursed her own stupidity at the move. He was expert at reading the attacker's body language. She couldn't hope to fake this man out. Never. What came to her aid was her nakedness. In spite of the cold, she had begun to sweat like a pig when she saw what might be in store for her. The slipperiness of her naked skin allowed her to slide through his grip.

"Hot damn!" he cried. "This is fun. Keep running, chick, as long as you can. I enjoy chasing almost as much as I enjoy fucking!"

He tossed aside his helmet and began to unlace his pants. He sported a monstrous boner that bobbed in front of his crotch as he moved. He held out his arms and advanced on her in a half-crouch that told her that escape wasn't going to be easy.

She just hoped it was possible.

"You make a right pretty sight, chick. All that naked flesh just waiting for me. And I dig those boots you all wear. I do! They make you even sexier, though nothing's as sexy as a bare pussy just oozing juice for my cock."

He lunged. She managed to keep just out of his reach, but she realized then that she couldn't do this forever. She would slip and he would have her. And then he would rape her, just as Bradford had done, just as the other player on the team had done.

She would be nothing more than a convenient cunt to fuck. She wasn't a woman to any of these men; she was just a pair of tits bouncing around, a trim waist and a flaring ass with a nice, juicy twat hidden between firmly fleshed white thighs. That was all--a hole to fuck!

"Get away from me!" she cried, knowing it would do no good. The sight of the chain-link fence that separated their lockers from the property room gave her an idea. If she could get into the property room, she might be able to lock the gate and keep this cock-sporting football player away.

The terrified young girl ran to the chained gate. She rattled futilely at it, a cold feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. She realized that there would be no escape for her. Not now, not with the football player getting into the spirit of the chase. To him it was nothing more than a little added fun.

To Debbie, it was a matter of life and death.

She wasn't sure she could stand the added humiliation of being raped a second time. It had been bad out on the field. The threat of a camera covering her degradation had frozen her solid then. The idea that any of the fifty thousand spectators could see that long, hard prick jutting up from the place kicker's crotch and driving in between the puffy, pink lips of her cunt kept her from protesting too loudly. But now things were different.

She jerked savagely at the locked gate, knowing it wouldn't budge and yet having to try. Through that door lay her only hope of safety.

Tits bouncing, the ruddy tips tracing out sexy figure eights in the air in front of her chest, she turned from the locked gate and tried to evade the player with a quick end-run.

He was waiting for her.

The blonde teenager ran squarely into his arms. She struggled but it did no good. He was too strong. The girl tried to kick him, her booted feet her best weapon. He hardly noticed. He was too heavily padded for her to injure enough to get away.

"Hey, beautiful, why struggle so much? This is going to be fun!"

She felt his prick force its way between her tightly clenched thighs. The idea that he could fuck her whenever he wanted robbed her of all dignity. She was only a piece of property to this man. She was his reward. He had done good and now he got to fuck her.

"She's all yours, Charlie," came Bradford's cold voice from the shadows of the semi-dark locker room.

In that instant, Debbie hated him more than she had ever hated anyone in her life. He was everything she loathed in the world. He didn't have a single human feeling in his body. His heart had been taken out years ago and replaced with a cash register. If the team won, he kept his job, maybe got a pay raise. If the team lost, he might be fired. Therefore, in his mind, it was all right to do whatever he could to keep the players happy.

Letting them fuck the cheerleaders was a simple enough reward, from Bradford's point of view. From Debbie's, it was stark terror.

"Get away from me!" she bellowed, hoping the player would get the message. The way his prick pulsed and jerked with added virile life, she could tell he was even more turned on by her fear than before.

"No way, beautiful blonde lady. I'm going to fuck you. I was promised and I'm going to have that tight little pussy of yours. I bet you've just been waiting for a stud like me, haven't you?"

His arms tightened around her trim body. He picked her up and tossed her against the chain-link fence. She felt the squares of wire cutting into her tender flesh. She moaned and tried to escape. It wasn't possible. She was helpless in his grip, nothing more than a trapped animal.

She groaned as he moved a little closer to her. His cock prodded the juicy lips of her pussy. She could hardly believe that the chase had turned her on. She felt nothing but stark, gut-wrenching terror, yet she couldn't deny the fact that her pussy was getting damp. She was starting to flow with oily fuck fluid just as if she were in bed with a man she loved.

This wasn't going to be fun, it was going to be rape--and she was as turned on by the prospect as if she were spreading her legs willingly for the man she loved. The girl was horror-struck and knew she wasn't supposed to be aroused. There was no denying the feelings welled up inside her cunt, though. She was hot for this football player's raping prick.

Confused, frightened, she didn't know what to do. The moment she stopped struggling the man found the warm, moist place he wanted to stuff his cock. His prick surged into her awaiting cunt.


The entire world shook around her. She felt heavy hands pawing at her tender breasts. The titflesh flowed under those meaty fingers like putty. He was trying to rearrange her jugs into another shape. The harder he squeezed, the more resilient her tits became. They bobbed under his groping hand until she was breathless.

"Please, oh, sweet Jesus, please don't do this to me."

Her words said one thing and her body another. She felt the heat of his cock pressing into the tiny, clutching walls of her pussy. This was rape! She shouldn't enjoy it, but she was. She needed cock. The leaping and cavorting around as a cheerleader had turned her on. The feeling that the camera followed her every sexy movement outside made her hornier than hell.

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