Chained Cheerleader - Cover

Chained Cheerleader


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - She had no idea that a job would lead her into a life that she never thought of before

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Lesbian   BiSexual   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

"Jesus! What the hell's going on!" came a voice ringing through the empty stadium.

Debbie dully turned her head and peered into the gloom. She could hardly see. A red veil of pain crossed her eyes and a strand of her once lustrous blonde hair fell over her forehead. She tossed her head and sent the vagrant hair back into place, then saw Sherry standing at the edge of the field. The other girl's expression told the entire story.

She was shocked.

Something inside of Debbie made her suddenly unhappy. Sherry hadn't had to put up with tortures like this. She hadn't been required to fuck the entire goddamn football team. Only she, Debbie Connors, had done that.

It was a dubious honor but the blonde cheerleader felt a surge of pride in what she had endured. Somehow, this made her seem better in her own eyes. She had withstood pain and more cocks than she had ever had in her entire life. She had been whipped and raped up the ass, forced to suck men off, jerk them off and then had been gang raped.

She had endured all that--and more.

The mental anguish she felt couldn't be put into words. Everything Bradford had done was designed to humiliate her further. He hadn't bothered to take off her boots. Other than this, she was stark naked and had been the entire evening. This promised her some very small protection while denying her that which mattered. He robbed her of her dignity whenever and however possible.

The idea of having some of those big, strong, burly men fuck her was nice. She'd had that in the back of her mind ever since she'd spied on Sherry and Ben fucking their brains out. Bradford had sensed her desires and had perverted them. He had twisted those aspirations into something filthy and lewd.

She had begun to think she was personally responsible. Debbie didn't believe Bradford when he called her a cock-teaser-- not quite. But the tortures added on to other tortures had taken their toll on her mind. Slowly, she was beginning to think he might be right. He had forced her to doubt herself and her own morals.

"What the fuck is going on?" demanded Sherry again. "This is the most sordid thing I ever saw. I didn't believe Debbie when she said you were after her ass, Bradford, but, God, do I ever believe it now!"

"Take her, too," the man said calmly.

One of the football jocks looked at the general manager and then over at Sherry. Indecision was written on every line in his face.

"Are you sure this is okay, boss? I mean, Sherry's a good girl. And Ben don't like to share his chick with nobody."

"It's all right, I tell you."

Bradford's voice took on an added snap. The command was obvious.

"No, I think I'm gonna go shower. The others can bugger her for you if they want. I mean, God, Ben's a mean motherfucker! If he caught me fucking around with Sherry, he'd rip my bloody arms off!"

The man turned, tucked in his now flaccid prick and trotted off. The others exchanged glances and guiltily let Debbie's legs swing free. She groaned as the full weight of her body rested again on her chained arms and shoulders. The blonde's entire weight was suspended from the cross piece of the goal post, her feet barely touching the ground.

Sherry swaggered over, anger written in her every movement. "I think I'll tell Ben about this. Goddamn, I hope he rips all your arms and legs off. And maybe he'll twist those slimy peckers of yours, too!"

Sherry stood with her hands perched on her perky hips. She stared directly into Bradford's eyes as if daring him to say anything. Just as he started to speak, she cut him short.

"I'm going to tell Ben about you, not them. They were duped into raping Debbie. But you were the one responsible. Shit, Debbie, I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said he had it in for you. I figured he wanted a quick piece of ass and, what the hell, he deserves it. After all, he's the general manager. But this is too much!"

Debbie cringed as the girl lightly pushed on her bruised tits. The movement was enough to set her swinging. She moaned loudly, the pain almost more than she could bear. The girl was positive her arms would fall off. She was slowly regaining a sense of where she was--and it was terrible.

The cold air blowing across the field simulated icy fingers into her raped pussy. She felt the wind drying the flow of her cunt oil and making her entire body tremble. The way she had been fucked up the ass and the cunt had left her bruised and battered. The girl knew that the next day would be worse. Her body would protest this abusive treatment and she would feel real pain.

Right now, she was still coasting along, numbness covering her mind and body.

"There's laws against this, Bradford. I'm going to see you tossed into the slammer for the rest of your life."

Bradford only smiled, his lips turning up evilly at the corners of his mouth. "You think so, bitch? I control the contracts on you and that muscle-bound boyfriend of yours. What's he going to choose, a piece of ass like you or a multi-million dollar meal ticket for the next five years?"

For the first time since coming to Debbie's rescue, the dark- haired girl looked unsure of herself.

"You can't cancel Ben's contract. That's already signed. And I mean more to him than a quick fuck."

"I'm sure you do, but what man is going to blow off over a million dollars? He might fight it in the courts and win, but that'll take years. He doesn't have years left playing ball. He'll be over the hill then and nobody'll want him. The money's good, but that asshole boyfriend of yours loves to play football. He'd die before he'd get himself in a position where he might end up benched."

"No," said Sherry, the conviction gone from her voice.

"Yes," said Bradford, moving with the suddenness of a striking snake. His arms circled Sherry's waist and he hoisted her up into the air and spun her around. Never releasing his hold on her, he used his weight to carry her to the ground. Flat on her belly, his strong arms pinning hers to her sides, she was totally helpless.

Debbie moaned, "No, Sherry, run! Get away, please, please! Get help! Get Ben! Ohhhhhhh!"

Chains rattled in the darkness of the playing field. All Debbie could see was the struggling pair. She had no way of telling what the outcome of the fight would be. Hoping and praying did her no good. The blonde teenager saw Bradford stand and laugh.

Sherry rolled onto her back and managed to sit up, her hands securely chained behind her back. Debbie could see the muscles standing out in bold relief on the other girl's neck as Sherry fought against the bindings. It did her no good. She wasn't strong enough to get free.

"Now that we've settled this mess, let's have some fun. Just the three of us, since all my friends seem to have gone to the showers."

"What are you going to do, Bradford?" demanded Sherry, indignant and more than a little frightened now.

"You're making a real asshole out of yourself, cunt," snapped Bradford. "I think you should find out what it means to smart off to me."

He dragged Sherry over to where Debbie still hung limply. He pulled another length of chain around both their waists and cinched it tight. They were bound together face to face.

"I'll be back," he promised.

Debbie managed to keep from crying only through incredible effort. Her entire world was crumbling again. For a brief moment, when Sherry had come onto the field, she'd had hope. That had been her mistake. She had hoped and thought that she would soon be free of Bradford. Sherry had failed, and now both of them were at the man's mercy.

"I'll cut his balls off!" flared Sherry, her entire body shaking in anger. "Wait till I get out of this, I'll..."

Debbie cut her off with one single sentence. "What makes you think we're going to get out of here?"


"What makes you think Bradford won't kill us when he's done? We might be able to make a charge against him stick with the cops. They don't much care, usually, about rape, but maybe this time they will. He can't take the chance of losing his job. And Ben is going to rip him limb from limb, right?"


Debbie did cry then. She knew Sherry was wrong. Ben wouldn't do any such thing. They were all alone, on their own and totally under the command of the team's general manager. Bradford could do any damned thing he wanted to them.

"Here, kid, let me try to boost you up a little." Sherry hunkered down and got her shoulder under the naked girl's tits. Straightening up took some of the pressure off Debbie's arms but the shoulder crushing the bottom of her boobs was more than she could stand.

"God, kid, I didn't want to hurt you," said Sherry, a touch of panic coming into her voice. "I was only trying to help, honest!"

"I know, I know," sobbed Debbie. "It's not your fault, it's Bradford's. I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone in my life!"

"What's he going to do with us now?" asked Sherry, real fear tingeing her words.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do," came the cold voice they both recognized instantly. "I'm gong to show you girls how to have some real fun. And I mean real fun!"

Sherry suddenly found herself trying to support all of Debbie's leaden weight. The pair of them tumbled to the ground, still chained together at the waist.

Debbie felt the pressure leave her shoulders. Bradford had released her from the goal post. She tried to use her hands to attack the man as he came closer. She discovered that her arms refused to move. The circulation had been cut off for too long.

"Now we do a little rearranging. You'll both love this!"

The rattle of chains and the meshing of arms and legs kept both the girls confused. Neither cheerleader was able to escape. When the man had finished with the rechaining, they found they were chained like animals to one of the goal posts.

One chain locked around their necks, and they were positioned so that their wrists were chained behind the other's back. No amount of struggle now would get them free.

"Here, kid, take this."


Debbie heard a resounding smack as Bradford slapped the other girl's face. Then she felt a long, hard cylinder shoved into her hands, chained behind Sherry's back.

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