Along Came a Swapper - Cover

Along Came a Swapper


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - They were a very loving and hot couple. They never imagnined their sex lives could every be any hotter until they met another couple.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Jackie heard nothing from Pris until Tuesday, when her friend called to say that she'd contacted several of her friends in the group of mate-swappers who were to meet, and asked their opinion of bringing a new couple to the next party.

"Of course they were a little leery at first," she told Jackie, "but when I described you and Max, they were sold completely! Now you will remember, wont you, that you don't have to play around with anyone unless you want to? I've gone to several parties of this kind and stayed flagrantly faithful to Hal, and he's done the same, so there's nothing to worry about there. I'll admit, though, that most often I get my kicks. There's just nothing like having a variety of men, I believe, and the curious thing is that when Hal comes back to me, I'm even readier for him that I usually am!"

Jackie, however, wanted to talk about the strange experience she'd had with her friend. She quickly agreed to come to the party, taking down the address Pris gave her, and then switched the conversation to the subject that seemed to prey constantly on her mind.

"Oh, so you're worried that maybe I've turned you into a queer? Don't give it another thought," Pris advised her. "The first time I was sucked off by a girl, I worried about it too. But then I woke up later to find myself wanting nothing so much as a nice, hard prick rammed up my cunt, so I decided I was one of those who can go either way. Really, I don't believe you have a thing to worry about, Jackie."

Jackie persisted, however, and finally got up enough nerve to say what had been gnawing at her conscience ever since the experience.

"But you don't understand," she told her friend. "Pris, I liked it! And what's more, ever since then, I've been unable to think of much but what it might be like if you had been lying there and I had been kneeling between your legs! I'm serious! I think I'd really like to do it to a woman, in the French style, I mean."

"Maybe you're in further than I thought," Pris muttered after a brief pause. "If so, it might create complications, though I still doubt it. Gee, darling, if we weren't going out of town this afternoon, I'd sure come over and let you work out those feelings on me. You're a swell girl, you know, and I could get real hot about a little game of sixty- nine with you, or maybe a good pussy-rubbing fuck. But we have to leave in an hour or so, which makes it just impossible. Otherwise I'd be there in a flash!"

Jackie felt a dark thrill of elation flash through her body when she heard Pris admit that she'd like to go to bed with her and engage in abandoned love play of the most perverted sort. Her body, already sweaty-slick and hot with the passion she seemed to retain constantly now, cried out for attention and she gave it to herself, telling herself all the while that it wasn't really being unfaithful to Max since he wasn't there to assuage her throbbing need and cool her fevered lusts. Still, she realized with shame that it wasn't the usual image of Max's lust-stiffened prick which loomed in her mind as she lay back and massaged the lips of her pussy until they sang with joy; rather, it was Pris' mature, womanly cunt that she visualized, a cunt which her friend was pressing down onto her lips with an insistent hunger that would be satisfied in only one way.

Max greeted the news of the coming party with a happy smile, and they promised that if the experience turned out badly for either of them, they would leave at the first opportunity. Max promised too, that he wouldn't harbor any jealousies or resentments if she found someone who especially pleased her, and Jackie made the same vow in return. However, she said nothing about the disturbing thoughts she'd had that morning, nor about the fantasy which had stimulated her as she'd masturbated herself to a raging climax.

The party was to be on a Friday night. Pris had explained that she and Hal would arrive back in town late that day, and would probably go directly to the party. She'd agreed to be on the lookout for the Bensons, since they'd known no one else at the gathering.

Max was very quiet when he returned from work that Friday. They ate dinner silently, as if neither dared to talk about what was going to happen, then showered and dressed. Jackie consulted Max about the propriety of wearing panties and a bra to the party, and found, to her relief, that he agreed with her. In view of the nature of this event, such garments would be superfluous. She pulled on a dress, stepped into sandals, fluffed out her hair and pronounced herself ready.

"Mmm! If we didn't have a strenuous evening ahead, I'd be inclined to take you to bed right now," Max told her in a passionate tone.

"You know, if this is going to be as wild a party as Pris makes them out to be," Jackie mused, looking at him thoughtfully, "it might be interesting if you... er, arrived with the taste of me on you!"

Max immediately caught her meaning, and agreed to her lewd proposal. Jackie lay back on their bed, flipped her skirt up and baring her pussy to him. He knelt and covered the hairy lips with a tender kiss, anointing his mouth liberally with her honeyed oils. When he leaned back, the mark of her cunt's wet pressure shining around his lips, she rolled over and drew herself up on her knees, exposing the target between her comely thighs. Max quickly bared his erect prick, bringing it into view with a flourish, and settled into position behind her.

"Just in and out quickly," she urged him, looking over her shoulder as she spoke. "Otherwise I'm afraid I'll want it so bad that I just may have to break my resolution and make you give it to me properly."

Just as she ordered, Max sheathed a portion of his tool in her loins, then quickly pulled out. Jackie turned around when it was free of her vaginal grasp, gloating with pleasure when she saw its slick condition, and told him to put it away before she changed her mind.

"I'll bet the first girl who gets a taste of that will have a shock," she chuckled. "And it'll be a miracle if I'm not the one! Damn it all, Max, I just like to do things like that with you!"

They hurried out of the apartment, putting temptation behind them. Max took the car over the route quickly and smoothly, listening to Jackie's chatter about the party with interest, but volunteering few statements of his own.

Fortunately, the Hudginses were already there and it was Pris who opened the door for them. "Ah, it's you!" she cried. "I'm playing hostess temporarily, since Marge decided she couldn't wait another second. She's upstairs with Hal, having a quickie. Come on it, and I'll introduce you around."

They followed her into the big, rambling house. She led them to a sumptuously furnished den, a cavern of a room, where about seven other couples were standing, sitting or dancing. Jackie saw immediately that Pris hadn't exaggerated: This was indeed a handsome collection of people. The women were uniformly attractive, except for two who were downright beautiful, and the men were all slender, tall and handsome. To her surprise, Jackie found that she knew two of the couples by name and another by reputation. Max also found one man he knew, a teacher of electrical engineering at the university.

"If you like, I can give you a little rundown on most of the guys here," Pris whispered to Jackie after finishing the introductions. "Now that Max has gone for drinks, it might be a good time. But first I want to know if you were really serious about wanting to try something with a woman. If so, there's a darling girl here who's just divine in bed, and the most patient creature in the world. She'd be a marvel at teaching you what the queer side of life is like."

Jackie gulped, then boldly said she was indeed interested, and Pris pointed out a long-haired, slender blonde with an absolutely ravishing complexion, a girl who could well have attracted the whole-hearted submission of any man in the room. Jackie expressed surprise that so lovely a creature would be interested in making love with women rather than with men.

"Don't ask me to explain it," Pris said with a shrug. "But she's that way. Oh, she'll spread for a guy, but it's not much good to her. She swears that the only time she really grooves is when she has a woman next to her. And I believe it! If you're interested more in guys, Teddy, that guy in the black shirt there, is real interesting. He's got a prick like steel, and darling, its both longer than Max's and bigger around than Hal's! It's like being stabbed with a fireplug! And Joey, in the red sweater there, he's a French artist. His tongue is absolutely divine, and he can stretch it out till you'd swear it was a cock! Fred, the guy sitting down there, is mostly a Greek lover--you know, likes to put it up your asshole. Fortunately for those of us who like it that way but are rather tender, he's got a small prick, so it doesn't hurt much. The other guys are pretty normal, I guess."

Jackie's head was swimming by the time Pris finished her analysis of the men present. It was as if a gigantic Christmas stocking had spilled out its contents before her, its toys and treats only for her. Max returned with her drink and with a cute redhead in tow; he introduced her as Sandra.

"I hope you don't mind if I monopolize him for a few minutes," Sandra apologized to Jackie. "But I'd like to get to know him better."

Jackie smiled and assured Sandra that it was quite all right. Perhaps it was the sight of Teddy--the one with the gigantic prick-- approaching with interest clear in his eyes, which prompted her generosity. Whatever the cause, Sandra led Max off to a secluded corner of the den, and Jackie found herself face to face with Teddy.

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