Along Came a Swapper - Cover

Along Came a Swapper


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - They were a very loving and hot couple. They never imagnined their sex lives could every be any hotter until they met another couple.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

"What do you think of trading now?"

Pris directed the question at both Bensons, turning her head toward them as they lay beside her and her husband on the big bed. They had separated themselves and stretched out, all four on their backs, resting from their exertions.

"I thought it was better than it's ever been before," Max replied, still gazing up at the ceiling where a large mirror afforded him a fine view of all four naked bodies.

"Me too," Jackie murmured, squeezing her thighs together exultantly as she savored the lingering effects of her mighty convulsions. "I thought I'd never stop coming! And talk about powerful! I was close to rupturing myself, the sensations were so violent!"

"And a curious thing," Max added. "You know, I was able to come again! Right away, I mean. And that was a pretty powerful load that I shot into you, Pris!"

"Wasn't it just!" she sighed, recalling the way his long hose had doused her womb with its steaming essence. "But we've found that it's often that way, if we've been with another couple that we both dig. And you'll probably find, too, that the effect will stay with you for all of next week. I mean, I can get turned on just by thinking about some of the good times I've had in the past."

"I hope this was a good time," Jackie said. "I know it was for me. I'll never forget it!"

Pris assured them that they had nothing to worry about on that score, a sentiment which Hal seconded fervently.

After a moment of silence, Jackie got up enough nerve to ask Pris how she'd gotten into the trading game.

"I know it's a nosy question," she added apologetically, "and you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No! I don't mind a bit," Pris told her.

She gave them a lengthy explanation of her introduction into swapping society, as she called it. Briefly, she explained that as a college girl she'd always enjoyed making love in a car while double- dating, especially if the other couple was engaged in the same delightful pastime. It seemed as though the fact that another couple was close at hand, doing the same thing, heightened her desire immensely. However, she'd never gotten up the nerve to suggest the obvious next step, jointly renting a motel room so they could enjoy themselves on a bed with the added benefit of light.

However, Hal had added a new dimension to her lovemaking--several dimensions, to be strictly truthful, but one in particular that had brought her closer to mate swapping. He had shown a great interest in her earlier sexual experiences, and it wasn't the sort of interest a jealous man shows; rather, it was simple curiosity and a desire for, vicarious excitement. It seemed that he was one of those men who derive pleasure from hearing a woman talk about her experiences with other men. And Pris learned quickly that she was also that sort of woman.

"So we used to lie there for hours," she continued, "telling each other about how so-and-so had done this or that to us, and getting hotter and hornier all the while. Then one time I said, 'I'd love to watch you doing it to somebody else. If I like to hear you tell about it, it should be far more thrilling actually to see it.' And after that... well, it wasn't long till we were right in the middle of a genuine swingers' club."

"Oh? Are they that easy to find?" Jackie asked.

"My dear, they're all around you!" Pris said with a throaty laugh. "I personally know of about twenty-five or thirty couples in this town alone who regularly meet and pair off. Or maybe they don't pair off; they often go at it three or four or maybe even more at the same time!"

Jackie drew in a deep breath at this. She could feel in her bones that Pris was going to invite them to become part of such a group, and she already knew what her answer would be. She could also feel, from the slight tension in his body, pressed close to hers, that Max knew.

"In fact, if you'd like to become better acquainted with that world," Pris went on, "there'll be a gathering of the swingers in a week or ten days. If you'd like to experiment, you could attend as our guests!"

Jackie thought desperately of Max, almost hoping he would jerk her back from the pit into which she seemed to be sliding, yet also wanting him to join her in that slide into... what? That was the trouble: She couldn't really decide what she was getting into.

"I don't know about that," she said cautiously, delaying the answer she desperately wanted to give. "I mean, having to be available to just anyone... many of them people I never saw before and maybe... well, unattractive... It doesn't sound quite like this; like what we've been doing."

"It isn't that way at all," Hal said soothingly. "To begin. with, all the people there are in about our age group, and I don't believe there's a single couple who isn't at least average in looks and intelligence. Many of them are far above it. And it isn't true that you... er, have to be available as you put it, to anyone who wants you, is it, Pris?"

"Not at all," his wife corroborated. "You see, it's really rather like any other party, except that occasionally a few people split off and disappear for a while. But you needn't feel that you have to go with anyone who asks you, no more than if it were a regular cocktail party. If you find yourself talking to someone and he's attractive, and he finds you so, and the idea appeals to both of you... Well, then it's just a matter of finding a place to enjoy yourselves. But if you happen not to find that person pleasing, then behave in the ordinary way, and no one will think worse of you for it."

"But I thought they were just regular orgies!" Jackie protested. "With people running around naked and making love in front of everyone, else and... stuff like that!"

"Sometimes the parties turn into that," Hal admitted. "But only if everyone there is really turned on and agreeable to it. The majority, by far, are much more sedate, believe me!"

"Hmm. That does throw a different light on it," Max observed. "If that's the way it is, I don't see anything wrong with trying one party on, just for size. Do you, Jackie? After all, it isn't much different from what we've been doing here, I suppose."

"All right. If that's the way it is, I'll be willing to give it a try," Jackie, said, clutching Max's hand as if she were seeking reassurance in her daring move.

"Well, now that that's settled," Pris said, sitting up on the bed and looking at her friends, "suppose we discuss what happened that last time. Jackie, did you really see a lot of difference when it was Hal going into you instead of Max? Was it so awfully different?"

Jackie thought for a moment, trying to recall details of the tension-packed experience. After a brief pause, she shook her head in wonder and tried to explain her feelings.

"As I remember it," she began, "I had this feeling that I was about to burst, as if he were about ten times as big around as Max. Of course, that may have been due a lot to the position; I always seem tighter when I'm on a man, I've found. But later, when Max came to me, I'll swear that it felt exactly the same! Why? Am I insensitive down there or something?"

"Hardly!" Max and Hal chorused.

"No, not at all," Pris told her. "There's very good reason to believe that all women feel about the same thing down there. I mean, a prick feels marvelous when it goes in, but one feels about like another."

"I don't believe that for a moment!" Jackie burst out, shaking her head vehemently. "And I know how I can prove it, too! Max, can you find that gadget I bought you when we were down in Mexico last year? Pris, if you want a fabulous experience, just wait till you try this!"

Max went to a nearby bureau and rummaged through it, finally uncovering the article he sought. He brought a small plastic box back to the bed and tossed it down between Jackie and Pris. Jackie seized it, opened it and brought out a pair of small rubber rings and another curious device. The rings, of pliable latex, were about half an inch in diameter; each was studded with a series of small rubber spikes, projecting out perhaps a quarter of an inch from the wide band.

"Oh, French ticklers!" Pris cried, clapping her hands in delight at the lewd articles.

"Ah, so you're acquainted with them already!" Jackie purred.

"Not this kind," Pris said. "Hal had one once, but it was just a little star-shaped device on a rubber cap that fitted over the head of his tool. I never saw one like this! And what's that other gadget? My, that looks vicious!"

Jackie urged Max to demonstrate the use of the articles he'd brought out. He placed the two bands on the shaft of his prick, one near the broad head and another farther back. The third object resembled a flat, circular pad; a hole had been cut in its center, and it too was studded with small, flexible, spikes. A harness-like series of straps were fastened to it, and Max showed their use, pulling the round pad down over his engorged prick until it fitted snugly against the base of his belly. A few adjustments of the straps around his waist were enough to anchor it firmly.

"I see now!" Pris cried, her eyes round with interest. "The round thing stays back against his body, so when he's shoved his tool all the way home, you can rub the lips of your pussy on those little spikes! Yummy! I'll bet there's a lot of feeling when you brush your clitty against that tickle-pad!"

"That's hardly the proper term for it," Jackie sighed, already warm with passion and ready to feet Max's gruesomely bedecked prick ripping into her body. "It's just the most excruciatingly beautiful thing in the world, I guess. The bad thing about it is that the sensations are so intense they're almost like pain. I can't stand having it used on me except at certain times, it's so strong and awful!"

This was obviously one of those times, and Pris urged the loving couple to demonstrate the use of the curious implements. Jackie needed no urging, nor did Max, and they were shortly joined in a lustful embrace, with Pris and Hal paying close attention to their ecstatic movements.

Jackie felt her belly begin turning flips as soon as the first band circling Max's stiff prick scraped its sensational path between the tender lips of her pussy and pried open her throbbing cunt. The entrance of the second band intensified her terrible joy, and she swung her hips up in a frantic lunge, seeking to press her aching sex flesh to the obscene, pad surrounding Max's plunging prick.

"Aiiee! Ooohh! Uffff!" she screamed when their bodies closed, bringing her clitoris into scalding contact with the spiked disc.

Max flung himself at her viciously, knowing that this was the way to bring her even greater joy, and Jackie responded with a shuddering, writhing, panting climax that seemed to last for many minutes.

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