Along Came a Swapper - Cover

Along Came a Swapper


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - They were a very loving and hot couple. They never imagnined their sex lives could every be any hotter until they met another couple.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Did you, ever hear of such a thing? Actually offering me her husband! As if you weren't the greatest lover on earth!" Jackie burst out indignantly once they were moving down the highway.

She seemed more indignant than offended by the offer, and not as surprised as Max would have thought.

"I didn't get the impression she was slighting my ability," he remarked cautiously, uncertain of Jackie's temper. "It was more like she was saying, 'Sure, he may be great, but you might try something different once in a while.' It wasn't as if I wasn't giving you what you wanted."

"I should hope not!" Jackie said. "You know, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they hadn't once been part of one of those wife-swapping groups you keep reading about. Do you think that might be?"

"Possibly," Max agreed. "After all, they did say that they were friends with the people who made that movie, the one where the mother played 'share the boy friend' with the daughter. And if they were close to a bunch like that, there's no telling where they stopped, if they stopped at all."

They continued the discussion in the apartment. Jackie carelessly threw aside the envelope of magazines Pris had given them; her mind was on her old college friends offer, and nothing could dissuade her from talking about it.

"Well, what did you think of the offer, just as an offer?" Max asked finally. "I mean, Hal doesn't turn you off or anything, does he?"

"Certainly not," Jackie replied. "He's good-looking, attractive and charming--a very nice sort of guy. But to love him? No, I don't love him, and I doubt if I could."

"Who said anything about love? Didn't you ever sit back and wonder what it might be like, having another guy fuck you? Maybe one whose prick was a lot bigger, or thicker, or maybe even smaller than mine? Come on, Jackie, admit it: You're interested!"

She denied it vehemently, but Max wouldn't be put off. He assured her that love or loyalty were, not involved, that he was certain of her deep and lasting affection for him, and that he wasn't testing her love.

"All right!" Jackie finally confessed, blushing strongly and looking down at the floor. "I'll admit that a time or two I have had thoughts like that, just wondering what it might he like. And since I'm being honest, I'll he totally honest and go all the way. Do you want to know what I really thought about? Okay, I'll tell you. I really did wonder what it might be like to lie back with your cock in me, right up to the hilt, and then have Hal come up and hold his prick where I could get at it with my mouth! I've wondered about that!"

Max was considerably taken aback by this outburst, though he wasn't offended by her frank statement. More surprising, he thought, was Jackie's next statement.

"And do you know something else I thought about?" she continued, relentlessly baring her soul. "I spent more than a minute or two wondering what the reverse situation might be like, where he'd be shoving it into my cunt and you'd be feeding it to me in the mouth-- except that your prick would be all hot and slimy and wet with cunt juice and come! Yes, Max, I wondered how it would be to suck your dick after you'd fucked Pris, so I could taste her on your cock!"

Max had long known that there were great untapped depths of lust in his wife, but he had hardly expected her to harbor such desires as these. He sat silently for a few moments, trying to readjust his thinking to these revelations of her sensual character, then decided that if she were being so totally honest, he could hardly be less so.

"All right, I've got a confession of my own to make," he said with a shamefaced grin. "This morning, before you or Hal woke up, I woke up to find Pris was sucking me off. I lay there, afraid to move a muscle, while she gave me a complete blow job!"

"Darling, that really isn't news" Jackie informed him, to his utter surprise. "I was half awake then. I saw it all. I'd have sat up to enjoy it, but I was afraid you'd be so embarrassed you wouldn't be able to finish. Yes, Max, I saw, even when you came in her mouth! And it was so exciting that I could hardly keep from reaching over and getting you to do it to me right then and there!"

With that startling admission, Jackie declared that she was all for having herself a bath. Max followed her, equally ready to wash the accumulated dregs of lust off his body. But before getting into the shower he found her naked beauty so inviting, so compellingly exciting, that he forced her onto their bed.

"Hey, you're not going to kiss me like this, are you?" she asked as he pulled her thighs high, exposing her heated sex to his searching lips. "I haven't bathed since yesterday, and you must have given me half a dozen fucks since then!"

"It's rank," Max admitted, "but that just makes it all the more appealing!"

Ordinarily, they didn't indulge their taste for the French arts except when freshly bathed; but this time Max found that her semen- coated pussy had a delicious aroma of pure, concentrated lust. He buried his lips in her nether folds, running his tongue deep into the savory wound and shivering at the added zest their mellowed lust gave her tender flesh. Jackie arched her loins against his thrusting tongue, shuddering tenderly, and pulled his head down so his face ground savagely into her pussy.

"Enough!" she panted, pushing him away after a moment. "Now the other!"

Max knew what she wanted, and gave it to her, sliding up and into the mouth-warmed crevice with an easy grace. Jackie choked out an oath and locked her legs around him, heaving viciously as she tried to scrape the lips of her oily pussy into his pubic bone. It took only a moment for her to reach her peak of sensitivity, and then she rapped out another garbled oath as her cunt convulsed and spasmodically gripped his prick.

Driven to the limit of his endurance by the overwhelming force of Jackie's climax, Max let his pent-up passion spew forth, inundating her fevered womb with his sperm.

It was Monday before Jackie remembered to examine the magazines Pris had so thoughtfully given them. Their furious coupling that Sunday morning, had capped off their sensual activities for the weekend; neither had felt the slightest need for sex the rest of the day, and Jackie had forgotten the manila envelope. But she noticed it early on Monday morning while picking up the apartment, and carried it into the kitchen to look through the material while drinking her mid-morning coffee. She looked forward to the new adventure, since she had never before seen what might be, called genuine hard-core pornography.

The luridly colored and highly explicit photographs surpassed all her expectations, amazing her with the range of activities they showed. All the models were at least good-looking; several were even beautiful, and the men were all presentable. Furthermore, they were all giants in the sex department. Jackie found herself marveling that such immense tools could even exist, much less penetrate a woman's tenderest parts.

There was one photo in the first magazine that especially interested her. It showed a striking black-haired girl--either Japanese or Chinese--sitting astride a magnificently endowed African lad with a prick that looked to be every bit as big as the girl's forearm. The girl was facing his feet, squatting in an upright position; his gigantic organ reared straight up and disappeared into her tiny, nearly hairless cunt. Jackie could even see the girl's small but perfectly shaped pussy lips clasping the huge, chocolate colored staff! The picture fired her desires as they had seldom been fired before; for the rest of the day, she couldn't push the lurid, lascivious image from her mind...

When Max returned from the plant, Jackie met him at the door with the magazine in hand, open to the photo that had stirred her so deeply. When he suggested that they try the pose, she headed straight for the bedroom, unfastening her dress as she moved. In less than two minutes Max was spread out on the bed, his prick every bit as hard as a table leg. Jackie got over him, uncertain how to proceed but determined to find out.

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