Along Came a Swapper - Cover

Along Came a Swapper


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - They were a very loving and hot couple. They never imagnined their sex lives could every be any hotter until they met another couple.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Max was dreaming that Jackie, sated with intercourse in the ordinary style, had moved down in the bed and taken his prick in her warm, loving mouth. The dream had a compelling reality that finally stirred him into awakening, and he then saw it had not been entirely a dream at all. However, it wasn't Jackie who was mouthing his prick; it was Pris!

He gasped with surprise when he looked down and saw her blue eyes looking up at him, her mouth stuffed with his flaming flesh. Her look implored him to be quiet and not disturb Hal or Jackie, who lay flat on their backs, snoring steadily.

Max grinned suddenly and nodded his agreement to Pris' lewd scheme. She tried to smile, though the mouthful of hard prick made that impossible; but there was gratitude in her eyes. Max reached down to gather her head in his hands, steadying her face so he could work his prick in and out of her hot oral grasp with more telling effect. Pris allowed herself to he fucked in the mouth She apparently liked it, and was there to accept the steamy tribute from his passion-packed balls when ecstasy swept over Max.

It came like a sudden summer storm, taking him by surprise with its rush of quick feeling. He stifled a groan of delight and arched his loins up, driving even more of his big tool into the woman's ready mouth. Pris' tongue lapped and laved his spouting, spewing prick; her throat worked quickly as she swallowed the surging cream, sucking more and more of it from his teeming tool.

When the last droplet had been extracted, he lay back for a moment, then gently got up from the bed. Pris was moving down the bed, eyeing Jackie with interest, and for a moment Max thought that she was surely going to kiss his wife squarely on, her semen-clotted but still beautiful pussy.

However, Pris passed over the dark-haired, passion-reeking gash and hovered over her husband's body. She looked back at Max, who was now standing in the bedroom door, smiling impishly, then took Hal's limp prick in her mouth.

Max was astounded at her fierce sensual hunger. The thought that a woman could take two men in her mouth consecutively, loving each to a gushing, drenching conclusion, was something he'd never imagined. But that was just what Pris set out to do. He clearly saw Hal's stubby prick swell to full, erect life, and Pris removed her mouth from its wet stem once and turned to show the hard tool to Max. She actually glowed with affection and pride, and Max found it a trifle disgusting that she could go to her husband with traces of his own semen doubtless still in her mouth.

Nor was there any doubt about her sucking Hal to orgasmic conclusion. He never fully woke up, though he groaned heavily and pulled her tousled head down onto his belly when the supreme joy pulsed through his body. Once the storm had passed, he lapsed back into sleep, and Pris rose from the bed, moving silently as she came over to join Max. They closed the bedroom door quietly behind them and went down to the kitchen, where Pris put on a pot of coffee for breakfast.

"That was quite a way to wake up!" Max said the first words he'd spoken to her. "I was dreaming that Jackie was doing that to me, and then I woke up to find that it was happening... but that it wasn't Jackie!"

"I couldn't help it," Pris explained, "I woke up and there it was, rearing up from your belly so full and firm, like a flag-pole. The sight of a beautiful cockstand like that always gets to me. I couldn't resist giving it a kiss; and once I'd done that, of course, the rest was inevitable. Then I decided if I'd sucked you off, I might as well go ahead and give Hal a blowjob too. If it's good with one, it ought to be double good with two, I figure."

"And was it?"

"Of course! There's nothing like a good suck to stir up the appetite," Pris murmured. "I hope you didn't mind my being so familiar."

"No! Of course not," Max hastened to reply. "In fact, I thought it was wonderful. So much so that..."

He stopped in mid-sentence, horrified at what he'd almost said. But Pris divined his meaning, and sidled over to him, dropping her hand to his semi-erect prick and fondling it tenderly.

"Look, I've got a confession to make," she whispered, darting a look over her shoulder toward the closed bedroom door. "I can't let you make real love to me; it wouldn't be fair to Jackie, and besides, I promised Hal I'd never let another man make me come unless he was there beside us. But the truth is, I'm dying for a feel of this lovely prick of yours! Max, would you just slide it into me for a moment so I can feel really full of you? Just so I can see what it would he like?"

Max had a strong set of principles, and lived up to them with surprising success, but his will was no match for that appeal. His prick sprang to full, throbbing life when he heard her ask to be speared by him. He could no more have refused her than he could have stopped the sun from rising.

Pris read the agreement in his eyes and turned her back to him, presenting a charming view of her tight, well-rounded buttocks. She bent forward at the waist until her juicy pussy winked seductively at him from between her trim thighs.

"Just run it in," she panted hoarsely. "Don't stay long enough for us to come, though; I'd die if that were to happen."

She was tall enough to allow him easy entry, and her slot was already wet with lusty dew; it greeted the head of his prick with a hot, juicy kiss. Max steadied her with his hands, once the broad head was in place, and gently nudged forward, driving his tool past the snug rim of her hot cunt. Pris sucked in a deep breath, appalled but also thrilled by the size of his organ; her flesh cried out for a long, steady diet of that immense tool.

Max thrust nearly the entire length of his prick into her slick orifice before stopping. Another gentle thrust, and the fur of his loins was scraping the swollen lips of Pris' sex, bringing a gentle moan from her lips. She hitched herself back against him, rubbing the tingling flesh of her pussy into the bony mass surrounding the great pleasure pole. But then she stepped forward, separating them.

"God, that was terrific!" she whispered, turning to him with lust burning in her eyes. "I can see why Jackie's so hot for you. It must be great, being able to keep that thing inside till the very end."

Max longed to beg her to do just that, but his pride forbade it. And Pris knew very well that he longed to complete the act with her, but she kept to her vow. They sat on opposite sides of the dining table and resolutely tried to keep up a conversation, though Max found it almost impossible to keep the talk from veering toward sex. The easy way in which she sat there, displaying her perfectly molded breasts, combined with his knowledge that she wanted him, drove, him almost to distraction.

They were still trying to carry on a non-sexual conversation when they heard the bedroom door open. Max, uncertain whether he would be discovered by his wife or by Pris' husband, kept his seat, though he was wondering how he would explain having a cup of coffee with her when they were both stark naked. Then Jackie came into the kitchen, and his problem was solved; she too was nude.

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