Along Came a Swapper - Cover

Along Came a Swapper


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - They were a very loving and hot couple. They never imagnined their sex lives could every be any hotter until they met another couple.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

The Bensons ate a hearty meal in celebration of Max's promotion, then washed their dishes and returned to bed, seeking to surpass the fervent joy of their Special. They both had to admit that the later climaxes didn't quite measure up to the bone-crushing splendor of that first grand culmination, though they also admitted that the effort had been delightful.

They fell asleep only after totally exhausting their bodies that night, and Max awoke early the next morning to find Jackie bent over his hips, teasing his prick to full-grown life with her lips.

"Hey, that's not for breakfast!" he muttered.

"I know," she said, sitting up and looking over at him. "But I happened to wake up, and there it was, all hard and beautiful. It even had a little dribble of come seeping out of the tip. I just couldn't help myself. I just had to get down and give it a good-morning kiss! Besides, you know how I love it when you let all the come and stuff dry on it overnight. I'm sure glad you didn't take a shower last night!"

"Who could think of showers after the way we fucked? Do you think maybe we could manage a quick one before breakfast? And I don't mean a shower."

"I was just on the point of suggesting it, myself," Jackie purred, kneeling over him and fitting his stuff prick into place. "You just lie there; I'll do it for both of us!"

And do it she did. Her ministrations to his prick had already fired her loins with lust, leaving only the application of cock to cunt to complete the sensual cycle. Her lascivious hips ground out a hot rhythm over him, forcing more and more of his prick into her tender trap, and in no time at all they clutched each other tightly, grunted and writhed together in a hearty orgasm.

"Nothing like a good screw to liven up the appetite!" Jackie groaned as she leaped off him and headed for the kitchen.

"Right! Just make me a double portion of everything," he called after her as he headed for the shower.

That was approximately the Benson's schedule for the rest of the week, as it had been for nearly all of the preceding eleven months. They seemed to have an inexhaustible hunger for each other, and saw no reason not to try satisfying that hunger, difficult though the project was.

Max had to work most of Saturday since Dr. Homer Hensley, head of Walton's research labs, believed in working whenever he could, which was most of the time. He got home just in time to shower and don a pair of shorts and a sport shirt before leaving with Jackie for the Hudgins'; they didn't even have time to go to bed!

"Damn! If this job's going to keep you away every Saturday, I might not like it so much," Jackie grumbled facetiously as they drove away. "I'd gotten used to that long, leisurely Saturday morning fuck."

"Yeah. And we didn't get a chance to make up for it this afternoon," Max added, patting her knee in a fashion more suggestive than solicitous. "well, there's still Sunday morning!"

"Yes, and there's also Saturday night! You just wait till I get you home, Max. I'm going to put blisters on that prick of yours!"

"Heavens! I thought I was your friend, lover and husband!"

"You are! That's why I'm, going to wear you down," Jackie laughed. "And get your hand out of there! I'm wearing panties tonight."

"What shortsighted things my wife does!" he groaned, taking his hand from between her thighs. "Why don't you let it stay bare? You know I like to reach over there and feel nothing but sweet, wet, pussy!"

"And I like to have it there for you to feel," she replied, kissing him on the car to compensate for his frustration. "But you know how I am. The last time I went to a party without pants, I just about ruined the seat of my green skirt."

"I guess I should tell you you shouldn't have such a hot, juicy box," he said. "But I wouldn't have you any other way."

"No kidding, Max, sometimes I wonder if I'm oversexed or something," she told him. "I just sit around all day, dripping and oozing that stuff all over everything."

"There's nothing wrong with you," he assured her. "You've just got a hot, hungry body. It's the best kind to have, to my way of thinking."

"You're sweet," she said softly. "And just for that, I'll give you a little taste!"

She looked around to make sure no other cars were near, then lifted the hem of her dress and darted her right hand beneath it. She slid her index finger past the legband of her panties, dipped it into her simmering snatch, then drew out the wet, glistening finger.

"Here, sweet pussy-lover," she murmured, extending her finger. "Have a sample!"

Max brought her hand to his mouth, sniffed delicately, then closed his lips around the glistening digit. Jackie shuddered with delight, finding even so infantile and ineffectual a gesture as this an incitement to more vigorous pursuits. For a moment she contemplated asking Max to pull off on a side road and find a deserted spot where she could satisfy her cravings in straightforward fashion.

But then she shook off that desire. They were less than a mile from the Hudgins' apartment complex, and already five minutes late. She sat back and tried to ignore the pulsations that radiated from the junction of her thighs, pulsations that seemed to grow stronger, not weaker.

They arrived just in time to keep Jackie from changing her mind. Priscilla was out in the building's patio, checking on the smoking charcoal in a Hibachi.

"Hi, Bensons!" she greeted them as they walked out of the parking lot. "You're just in time for drinks."

"A gin and tonic all around would be a world-beater," Max told her.

"I'll go along with that," Jackie agreed. "Can I help you do something?"

"No. I was just checking the charcoal," Priscilla said. "Come on in for a moment and I'll fix the drinks. Hal's finishing up a shower. You can meet him too."

Max allowed Jackie, then Priscilla to precede him up the stairs to the Hudgins' second-floor apartment. Pris' trim, nicely rounded hips bobbed enticingly in front of him, not more than two feet away as he followed her up the steps. She wore a pair of brief, white, skin-tight shorts, and try as he would, Max could see no sign that she had panties on beneath them. The thought excited him somewhat, causing him to wonder what Pris might be like in bed.

Certainly she was a good-looking woman, he thought to himself. She was Jackie's age, or near enough to make no difference; she was blonde, whereas his wife was a brunette; she was built along slender lines, while Jackie was positively voluptuous, especially in the bosom department. All in all, he decided, Pris Hudgins was a very good-looking woman, but he preferred his wife. Still when a woman twitches her buttocks so close to his very eyes, a man can hardly help responding, even if only in fantasy.

"Darling?" Pris called as she let them into the apartment. "The Bensons are here."

She busied herself with making drinks, leaving Max and Jackie to themselves on the sofa. Hal came in as she handed out the tall, cold glasses. She introduced them all around, perching on a stool in the middle of the room.

"How's the charcoal?" Hal asked.

"It's coming along," she told him. "By the time we finish these, it ought to be ready for the steaks."

They had a leisurely conversation while they waited for the charcoal to burn down to proper condition. Hal had already donned swimming trunks, and suggested that the Bensons might want to change as well. "We can splash around for a while till the food's ready," he observed.

"I'll go out and get our suits," Max agreed.

Jackie found it difficult not to stare at Hal. He wore a pair of racing-type briefs that struck her as the ultimate in brevity, and she wondered at the way they bulged out in front. Apparently he had a truly massive hunk of sexual machinery stored behind the thin black nylon!

"Why don't you drop the steaks on, Hal? I'll stay here and change too," Pris told her husband.

"All right, I'll give it a try," he agreed. "Want to come along, Jackie, and make sure I don't make a mess of it? We can get a head start on the pool, too."

"Fine with me," she said, taking the suit that Max brought in. "I'll be changed in a moment."

Pris showed her to the apartment's bedroom, where she quickly made the change. She paused a moment to admire herself in the Hudgins' mirror, knowing that the print bikini set off her dark complexion and voluptuous figure in a way Max always found exciting. And she idly wondered what effect her suit would have on Hal. She didn't especially want to excite him but she certainly didn't want him to be indifferent to her.

Max had stayed behind in the living room, and was talking to Pris about his work. He ogled Jackie in a soul-satisfying manner when she walked out of the bedroom.

"I'll go down and help Hal if I can," she told him. "See you down there in a minute?"

"Right," he agreed, caressing her full figure with his eyes. "I'd better get changed too."

He ducked into the bedroom and pulled off his clothes, raising his voice to his conversation with Priscilla all the while. For a girl, she knew a fair amount of elementary physics, and showed a more than passing interest in electric-eye sensors. Max had just stepped out of his underwear when his glance fell on a small mirror on the wall opposite the door. He realized then that he'd been undressing in full view of his hostess, whose stool was placed just right to allow her to see his reflection. More than a little embarrassed, he bent over to hide, his half-stiff prick, and quickly pulled on his trunks.

His unruly cock just wouldn't lie down properly, and finally he had to give up the effort of trying to position it so it wouldn't show as an indiscreet bulge.

Priscilla kept up their conversation as she went into the bedroom to change, and Max virtuously avoided taking over the stool, which might have given him a peep at her body as she undressed. For all that, he saw with a rising interest that the bedroom's highly polished floor reflected her silhouette with considerable clarity. Down went the tight shorts as he watched with open mouth; off went the clinging sweater- blouse. Pris seemed to pause for a moment, rubbing her hands over her thighs and sex, before finishing her job. Max realized with chagrin that his prick had responded with indecent speed, and now strained in full rigidity against the front of his suit.

Did Pris give that suspicious-looking bulge a more than casual glance as she came back into the room? He couldn't be sure, but he leaped at the opportunity to freshen their drinks when she suggested that this might be in order.

"I'll go on down and check on the steaks," she told him. "Why don't you bring the drinks down?"

The respite gave Max a chance to concentrate on something other than feminine flesh. His prick sank back to its normal state of watchful waiting, and he went about the drink-mixing with a clearer conscience. Still, he couldn't keep his mind entirely off the enticing figure Pris had displayed. Her bone-white bikini was cut in a pattern much more daring than Jackie's; it seemed to consist only of several small triangles, strategically placed to hide--but also to call attention to-- the critical parts of her lithe, athletic body. Yes, Hal Hudgins definitely had himself a good-looking woman in Priscilla; no doubt about that!

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