Along Came a Swapper - Cover

Along Came a Swapper


Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - They were a very loving and hot couple. They never imagnined their sex lives could every be any hotter until they met another couple.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Swinging   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

By eleven o'clock, three hours after arriving at the party, Jackie had been to bed with three different men, including the superbly equipped Teddy. Each had given her exquisite pleasure, bringing her body to a purring perfection of sensual awareness, then plunging her headlong into the cauldron of orgasmic excitement. Max had been in bed with four different women, all hungry, and all expert at satisfying their lascivious needs.

No one bothered with clothes now, and indeed, few couples now made the effort to go off to a bedroom to do their coupling. Jackie looked around and saw two different pairs lying locked together, bodies pushing and thrusting madly as they sought release.

"Hi, I'm Jeff Willis," a good-looking young man said, seating himself beside her. "I've been looking forward to getting together with you all evening long but... well, I just haven't had the chance until now."

Jackie smiled at him, and remembered that he was the one Pris had identified as a devotee of anal intercourse. She felt a flicker of fascination.

"I'm Jackie," she replied, looking at him with frank interest. "Perhaps you can help me with something that's been troubling me. I can't get anyone to tell me what Greek-style lovemaking is. Do you know?"

"Do I ever!" he sighed, almost melting with eagerness when he heard the question. "My dear, it's the most exquisite form of passion in the world, that's all! Do you mean to sit there and tell me you don't know what it is?"

"I mean just that," Jackie insisted, eager to draw him out.

"It's very simple, really," he told her, smiling with anticipation. "It involves a man applying his stinger to the rear entrance instead of the front, basically. Of course, there are lots of fancy variations, but in essence that's what it amounts to."

"You mean a guy puts his cock up a woman's asshole?" she blurted, curious to see what the effect of her bold language would be.

"I mean just that! And Jackie, believe me when I say that you just haven't lived until you've felt a prick prying at your anus, spreading the sphincter and then digging into your bowel! And when the climax hits, woweee! Most women are much more sensitive there than in their cunts, so they feel it all the more intensely. Look, why don't you and I go off to a bedroom somewhere and let me show you what I mean. Girl, you'd be wonderful to teach this to!"

Jackie agreed, since she'd been hoping all along that he would ask and save her the ignominy of having to request it.

They were well on their way to a bedroom when suddenly Jeff paused and looked curiously at her. "I know of something that would be an even more delicious experience, if you'd like to try it," he murmured tentatively. When Jackie assured him that she was indeed interested in all forms of sensual experience, he brightened and put his suggestion to her. "Why not bring your husband along? If you're happily married--and I can tell that you are by the looks you've been giving him--then he might think it a good thing to be there when you lose your anal maidenhead, so to speak. And especially if he were in you himself. That would make it terribly exciting for all of us!"

Jackie almost toppled at hearing that. Her legs were afflicted with a sudden weakness that threatened to turn them to jelly, and her heart raced at a maddening pace. The thought of being pierced to the core by two vigorous men, one in each of the tender openings between her thighs, struck her as outrageously stimulating. She could only nod her eager assent to the bizarre proposal.

"I'll go get him," she gulped after recovering her power of speech. "He might think it odd, somebody else coming up to him with a proposition like that. But I'm sure he'll be willing to try it."

She went off in search of Max, and found him in a knot of, people by the bar. He answered her beckoning look by coming over to her, and when she explained what Jeff had proposed to her, he looked curiously at her, as if he were seeing her for the first time.

"But that's... sodomy!" he gasped.

"So what? It sounds like it might be fun," Jackie replied. "And besides, he's got a little prick; it wouldn't be like I was trying to get yours in there. Lord, that club of yours would rupture me for sure!"

Max finally agreed to participate in the perverted exercise, though Jackie could tell he wasn't truly happy about it. For that matter, she felt a small twinge of guilt herself, but it was as though they'd both been infected by the atmosphere of sensuality and lewdness pervading the house. They caught up with Jeff, and found an empty bedroom.

"This will take a little bit of managing," Jeff told them, once they were in the bedroom. "Since Jackie's never done this before, she'll probably he pretty tight, which means that I'll have some trouble getting it into her at first. Yes, it'll hurt a bit, but I think you'll probably find after a minute or two that the hurt is nothing compared to the thrills you'll be getting from it!"

Jeff instructed Max to lie down on the bed first, so Jackie could straddle him. She managed this easily, since it was precisely the position they used when she took the active role and used her educated hips to propel them both to orgasmic splendor. Jeff instructed her to insert just the head of Max's prick in her cunt, which she did readily enough. Even though she'd had numerous climaxes with the three men who had plunged deep into her womb, she still felt a strong hunger for more of those delicious, body-bending sensations.

"Just the head, or I'll have even more trouble getting in at my end," Jeff cautioned her anxiously once the flaring head of Max's prick had disappeared into her simmering cunt. "And now you'll have to relax your midsection as much as possible, Jackie; that'll ease things considerably. Unless, of course, you happen to be one of those rare creatures who positively loves being forced."

Jackie decided she'd better play it safe this first time, and she bent every resource of her mind to the task at hand, forcing herself into total relaxation. Jeff anointed the small brown ring with his saliva, working it into the rim with a finger, and incidentally giving her a probing foretaste of what was to follow. She realized with a start that she was indeed sensitive there; his finger set off a series of electric shocks in her body that threatened to turn her into a whirling dervish then and there!

"Ah! I'm glad to see that you respond readily," he purred, moving in closer and aiming his prick at the target he had prepared. "That's a good sign indeed! Now, just let me get this rascal in you, and from there on it'll be pure pleasure, believe me!"

Jackie thought for a moment that she would never live to experience the pleasure. His prick felt like a flaming sword as he tried to nudge it into the taut crevice he loved above all others. Max's heavy cock had strained the flesh in the region, making it tighter than usual and thus complicating the problem for Jeff. Undaunted, he steadied himself with a hand on Jackie's smoothly rounded hip and tried again. This time he forced the stubborn flesh to give way and Jackie gasped loudly as she felt herself stretched by his stiff intruder.

"No! It's too much!" she gasped. "I can't do it! Don't try it again. I just can't stand it!"

"Too late, my dear. It's already in you," Jeff gloated. "Just be very still for a moment and most of the pain will go away. Meanwhile, Max, why don't you run some of that lovely cock of yours into her cunt? That'll give her something else to think about."

Max needed little urging to do just that. He lifted his hips enough to send a couple of inches of stiff, broad cock arching into the heated maw of Jackie's cunt, bringing a cry of delight to her lips. She found herself growing accustomed to the strange presence in her rectum now; the small but obstinately erect prick Jeff had given her now exuded sensations of the greatest promise.

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