Incest Family - Cover

Incest Family


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A brother and sister taken in by their aunt and uncle when theer parents have a nasty divorce, wind up getting much closer to them and their cousins and each other than they ever imagined.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Novel-Pocketbook  

Alice found herself in a terrible State. She'd tried, to sleep but just couldn't doze off. For a long time she stared at the ceiling, wondering, wishing things that were against everything she knew was right. If only Mitch had at least kissed her before saying goodnight. But he'd been so drunk. The skinny dipping party had gotten crazy. Everybody running around naked and all had just been a big game. A lot of teasing and not much pleasing. And though she sensed that the girls were the ones who teased the boys more than the other way around, tonight it's been Alice who felt the most frustrated. Mitch couldn't have wanted her very badly. He'd just gone upstairs after a couple of feels. Alice wondered if something she'd done had turned him off. Or maybe Margaret was keeping a closer eye on him. But that couldn't be either since Mitch's wife had gone off with Billy in the boat.

Alice wondered if there was something going on between her aunt and her brother. Billy wasn't the type to fool around with older women. Especially when the older woman was his aunt! It was all far-fetched and nutty. It was the strangest household she'd ever lived in, Alice decided. Her aunt and uncle were a lot weirder than her own mom and dad.

"Oh, hell, I just can't get to sleep." She pulled her legs out of the bed and snapped on her bedside light. She'd pulled on a shorty nightgown and left off the pants. Her favorite way of sleeping unless it was without clothes altogether. She felt restless, unsatisfied. And it was the kind of hunger that a finger wouldn't help. She'd had other fingers pushed into her cunt now and somehow her own just didn't feel so exciting. She wondered what Lee was doing. Sleeping probably. Lee was a strange, guy. He'd come on to her hot and heavy that first time out in the lake. But now he was just really laid back. Was it because Mitch was flirting with her so openly? God, the whole scene was about to drive her up the wall.

Alice got up and walked across her room to the window. A cool breeze was blowing in but it was still a very warm night. She went out to the hall and looked up and down it. Then she closed her door behind her and tip-toed in the direction of her cousin's room. She was surprised to see a dim glow coming from under the door.

"What kind of light could that be?" she breathed in the darkness. The door wasn't completely closed she noticed. Her breasts felt so heavy! She knew she'd come down to Lee's room because she wished he would talk to her, comfort her, touch her. Of course he was probably asleep. He'd left a light on while reading. There'd be no chance of seeing him because Alice wasn't about to wake him up. She couldn't let herself go that far. It was pretty obvious, her appearing outside his room without anything but a shorty gown on. Maybe if she could just get a glimpse of him.

Alice eased close to the door, her heart pounding. Only then did she hear the groan. It was a girl's voice and the shock of hearing that almost made Alice dizzy. She pushed her eyes close to the opening and gently touched the doorknob.

The strange light she'd first seen shining under the door was that of two candles. They made shadows flicker around the walls of Lee's room.

And then she saw the figures on the bed. But, God, it was unbelievable! It was Betty, her red hair mussed, her small breasts heaving up and down. She was flat on her back, legs spread wide. Crouching between her thighs was her very own brother. Lee! Lee was doing something to his red-headed sister. Doing something that was against every law known to man. Alice put a hand to her mouth to smother a cry of amazement. Then she saw exactly what Lee was doing.

"Don't touch me Lee," Betty gasped. "Remember we can't ever touch. Or it would be a sin, darling."

"l won't, Betty. I never do, remember?"

"Ohhhhh, God, keep doing it like that. Yehhssss!"

Alice bit her bottom lip hard. Lee was pushing something in and out of his sister's pussy. It was white and long and slender. And it made a buzzing sound. A vibrator! Alice could hardly believe her eyes and ears. But Betty's reddened wound was glistening with sweat and love juice and each time Lee pulled the vibrator from her cunt, the girl's dainty tissues seemed to follow it, clasping tightly to the plastic. The slow way Lee did that part made Alice just about come unglued. Her knees shook and her breasts felt even heavier than before.

"His own sister," she whispered, a hand slipping against her tummy as she reacted unconsciously to the sex play in the candle-lit room. She didn't want to touch herself but the lips of her down-fringed cunt were glowing and juicy. She slid a fingertip along the smooth inner surface then dipped deeper.

Betty was digging her heels into the bed. Lee had a firm grip on the base of the vibrator and he was plunging it in and out much faster now. The crackling, slick sound of the redhead's hole being penetrated and emptied over and over again was like nothing Alice had ever heard before. It reminded her of when Mitch had finger-fucked her in that bar. But when she looked again at the size of the vibrator, it made her shiver.

"God, it's so big," she breathed to herself and her little hole pinched tight as if to protect itself from anything so grossly huge as that vibrator. But Alice remembered, too, that her uncle's cock was bigger.

"Ohhhh, Lee," Betty gasped, pumping her round bottom up from the bed. "Ohhhhh, God, Lee! God!"

"Is it good?"

"Ohhhhh, yesssss! Don't stop! Don't ever stop!"

"Tell me when you come," Lee hissed, bending lower. "I like to watch."

"You can do anything you want if you just don't stop doing th-th-that!" Betty's head flopped back and forth and a splash of red hair glinted in the candlelight. Alice's toes fanned out against the carpet. She was really getting worked up. And the erotic effect of seeing Lee do something so carnal to his very own sister was very powerful. Alice remembered how the boy had kissed her breasts and fingered her out on that dock and almost wished it was her on the bed instead of Betty. But of course she didn't really want that at all. That big plastic vibrator would split her in two pieces!

"Oh, I can't watch this any longer," Alice sighed, feeling her way along the wall. Her cunt was so wet that the blonde curls surrounding it were plastered together. She knew she couldn't go back to bed yet. She'd just finger herself until she was exhausted. She'd already done that enough for one night.

She padded downstairs in the darkness thinking she could get a glass of milk or something to get her mind off sex. But the image of brother and sister playing secret games in bed stuck with her. Lee was so young, as young as she was. Betty was twenty-four or five, she couldn't remember which.

The glass of milk only helped while she was drinking it. But the fact that she wore no panties wasn't helping either. She could feel the soft slip of the shorty gown around her big tits. Her nipples were swollen, out so that they were rubbed every time she made the slightest move. The sheer silk sanded and teased her flesh until she finished her milk in one gulp, washed the glass out at the sink and started back upstairs. It was the bannister that stopped her. She was near the top when she remembered sliding down that very same bannister as a child. And she remembered, too, the sensations it had given her. In puberty she'd realized the fantastic possibilities of the smooth, sloping wood rail. Yes, it'd been just after her thirteenth birthday when she'd actually brought herself to climax by sliding down in her jeans. The crotch of her denims had heated up and a subtle friction had been created which brought her closer and closer to that final release. Though she couldn't remember for sure, Alice thought it'd taken about ten times on the rail before she finally came for the first time in her life. That last climb up to the top again had been so hard. Alice touched the smooth wood and licked her lips.

"Who would know?" she asked herself. And then she swung a long leg over and eased herself down. She let her chest rest on the wood, too, and steadied herself with her hands. Then she began to gently pump her ass. Her feet dangled in the air as she felt her cleft open against the varnished surface. There was the smack of her dripping folds sucking against the bannister as she started sliding slowly down.

"Uhhhh, oh, God, it feels so gooooood!"

Her breath puffed as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the smooth, hard pressure against her slit. It didn't take her ten times up and down to get off. She knew she was going to come before she reached the bottom. And then she was settling against the little upturned curve of wood at the bottom of the stairs, her slim ass plunging as she felt the tickling joy spread through her body.

"Ahhhhh, uhhhhhh, it's happening. Ohhhh, yes, it's g-g-good!"

Alice limped back upstairs, heading for her bed. The candles were still going in Lee's room but it was quieter when she passed. She fell across her mattress and went to sleep almost immediately. But during the night she woke up after a strange nightmare. Her uncle had tied her up and stripped off her clothes. He had pulled out his huge cock and forced it into her pussy. And then the dream turned bizarre. When Mitch had come inside her and pulled out his cock, Alice was immediately immersed in the violent pangs of birth. She watched the babies pop out of her ruined hole until she lost count. And then she slept again.

"You wouldn't mind watching the shop for an hour or two, would you Alice?" Margaret asked. They were the only ones down for breakfast and her aunt bent close to pour Alice another glass of orange juice.

"Course I wouldn't."

"We can drive into town in a little bit. My regular salesgirl is sick and I've got some business at the bank to see about." Margaret cleared the plates and ran the sink full of water. "I think I'll leave these dishes for Betty."

The mention of her cousin made Alice's tits tingle. She remembered vividly how Betty's pussy had looked with that vibrator going in and out of it. Or had it just been a hot sex dream in the middle of the night? Had Alice dreamed the thing about the bannister, too? No, she could still feel that thick, slick wood sliding up between her labia as her clit exploded, as she slid inch by inch to the bottom.

"Alice, are you still there?" Margaret laughed. "What on earth were you just thinking about? You looked a million miles away."

Alice felt herself blush. Margaret's smile told her that her aunt had guessed that the thoughts had been pretty risque. Margaret gave a little nod and turned to what she'd been doing at the sink.

"I hope Mitch hasn't been bothering you too much," she said, pushing her dark hair out of her face. "He can be a terrible bore. He things he's God's gift to women. But I can tell you for sure he isn't."

"I don't understand," Alice said. She guessed that it would be best to keep quiet and play dumb. She didn't want to start a family hassle anymore than Margaret did. But when it came to men, she was pretty weak. Even as her aunt warned her Alice was remembering the way Mitch's finger had felt sliding into her tiny cunt hole.

"Oh, you understand. Haven't you seen the way Mitch has been flirting with you?"

"I guess so. I thought he was just being nice." Alice knew she was blushing again. She knew that if Margaret turned, she'd see the guilt written allover her face. She picked up the rest of the dirty dishes and carried them to the sink.

"Oh, he'll be nice as hell to you all right," Margaret continued. "I just didn't want you to let him take advantage. I'm not embarrassed to say it Alice. My husband has a hard time keeping it in his pants when young chicks are around." Margaret smiled but there was a knowing expression in her eyes. "And you, my dear niece, are an especially sexy young chick."

"You make me feel funny, Aunt Margaret."

"Well, I certainly don't want you to feel unwelcome here." Margaret wiped her hands on a towel and tossed over the back of a chair. "Let's drive in to town and I'll show you how to mind the boutique, what do you say to that?"

"Sounds like fun," Alice replied brightly. "I've always wanted to be surrounded by new clothes."

"I'll even let you pick something out to keep," her aunt said. "Just for doing me this favor."

"Oh, wow, Aunt Margaret, you're super."

It didn't take Alice but a few minutes to understand how to use the charge card machine and how to use the list for people one couldn't accept a check from. Margaret left her with the instructions that she should pick out something for herself when she had time. Alice was thrilled. And she made it up in her mind that she was going to turn over a new leaf in her life. If she expected to stay very long with her aunt and uncle she certainly couldn't be getting embroiled in any domestic tangles. That meant she had to keep clear of Lee and Mitch. She would stay in her room from now on when they were around. Or at least she could avoid any kind of activities which might put her in a compromising position. Especially with Mitch. Margaret's casual advice that morning had been pretty clear. Stay away from her husband.

A few customers came in to paw through the dresses. Alice sold her a few items and circulated through the shop. It was half past ten when something disconcerting happened. A young girl went into one of the changing cubicles to try something on. After a few minutes Alice started to wonder about her. She tip-toed closer to the booth and saw the small bare feet of the youngster. Then she heard the sigh of pleasure. The sound was unmistakable. Alice knew at once that the girl was masturbating. Her breath was raspy and quick and every so often she'd hit the side of the booth with her elbow or knee, Alice wasn't sure which.

She knew that she should just leave the girl alone until she could politely get rid of her. It was obvious that the child had no money. Trying on a garment was only a ploy to get a little privacy. She probably hated to do it in a public bathroom. Who didn't? But instead of following her own advice Alice was drawn to what was taking place in that booth. Until at last she entered the booth beside the one the girl occupied and climbed up on the low seat. Standing on tiptoes, Alice could just reach the top edge with her chin. She moved slowly so as not to make any sound. Then she peeked over.

"Whuuhhhh, ohhhhhh," the girl groaned, hardly able to smother the sounds of joy. She was a small, skinny kid with almost no tits at all. And Alice could clearly tell that she was even younger than she'd thought. The girl was stark naked.

Between her fingers she held something strange-looking. Until Alice finally realized what it was and had to bite her lip to keep from crying out with surprise. The tender nymph had made herself a cock out of modeling clay and then covered it with a rubber. The clay was flesh colored to make it seem more real. The rubber was glistening with the girl's fresh, hot juices. She was pushing that thing slowly in and out of her hairless slit. Alice watched it disappear with astonishment. The thing was at least seven inches long. But this twelve or thirteen-year-old was taking it to the hilt every time.

My god, Alice thought. I'm bigger than she is by a whole lot. Why can't I do something like that? She felt suddenly very inadequate. She was no woman at all, not even as much a woman as that little teeny-bopper with the clay cock.

By now the girl had braced her small feet against the corners of the booth and was leaning back, eyes glazed with joy. Her frizzy blonde hair dangled half over her face and her fingers were wet too where the sex juice had dripped back down to the base of the clay cock. Her hot little hole sucked around the rubber-sheathed penis like a small, hungry animal.

"Woweeee, ohhhhh, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Alice could see the rise and fall of the girl's chest. Her small nipples were dark against the immature pink of her areola. And the barely distinct swell of each breast quivered as she bucked her boyish hips and rammed the home-made phallus as deep as it would go.

Alice saw the youngster shiver like a stake had been run through her belly. And then she was coming, her eyes closed, mouth open. Alice climbed down quickly and busied herself in another part of the store. When the girl came from the booth she was dressed again and her complexion glowed with health and happiness.

"Thanks for letting me look," she told Alice. "But I guess I won't buy anything today. I can't find quite what I'm looking for."

"Are you sure you didn't find it?" Alice said, unable to resist a little poke. The girl blinked innocently and shook her head.

"No, but thanks again for letting me look." She left with her small paper bag.

Alice put the frocks back on the hangers after the girl was gone. Then she started looking for herself. With no customers in the place she could concentrate on what her aunt had in stock. She went down the aisles, tanning through the racks of lovely dresses and outfits.

After the third change of clothes, Alice decided to try something daringly sexy. She'd passed it up twice before because it seemed a little too much. But now she couldn't resist slipping it over her shoulders. It was a short dress more like an ice-skating costume than something one would wear on the street. The flowered skirt flared over her bottom just enough to cover it. When she bent over, she knew that her panties showed to anyone who might happen to be interested. The panties she had on were the skimpiest of bikini type underwear. She hardly felt like she was wearing anything at all underneath the sexy outfit. She twirled before a mirror, her blonde hair flying out from her shoulders.

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