Incest Family - Cover

Incest Family


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A brother and sister taken in by their aunt and uncle when theer parents have a nasty divorce, wind up getting much closer to them and their cousins and each other than they ever imagined.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Don't you think that Margaret should know?" Alice asked. The third beer had made her a little woozy. She wasn't used to drinking. Not in a bar. Mitch was sipping some kind of drink he'd ordered. The place was full of people and was pretty noisy.

She'd thought that Betty and Lee would meet them there too but so far there'd been no sign of them. Mitch had taken off his glasses and was leaning close to her. She couldn't hear what he was saying for the noise. The band had started up again and people were clapping and hollering.

"What did you say?" she said back.

"I said you look like an angel."

Alice blushed. She'd felt a little on the defensive this afternoon when Mitch had taken them all to town. She'd almost been afraid to pull any of her teasing like she had earlier in the week. In fact she'd stayed pretty much to herself after that little incident Friday with Lee on the island in the lake.

But Mitch wanted to celebrate some big real estate deal and had taken her and his own daughter and son to town.

Earlier in the day Alice had thought about taking the motor boat out to the island by herself to do a little nude sunbathing so all she had on was a halter top and a pair of white shorts. She felt strange sitting so close to Mitch without so much as a pair of panties on. The shorts didn't do much to make her feel dressed. And he kept looking down the front of the little halter. It was blue with white polka dots and her big tits pushed the front open something awful. She liked the comfortable way it felt and usually chose it when she was going to be alone. But in this crazy bar with Mitch hovering there by her she felt a little self-conscious.

He'd been in such a hurry to leave for town that she hadn't had time to change.

"Seventeen is a good age," he said, slipping an arm around her shoulders.

"Why, Uncle Mitch?"

"Oh, lots of reasons." He looked down her cleavage again. Alice kept seeing Margaret's face whenever Mitch seemed to be admiring her charms. She couldn't help it. He was a married man, after all.

"Aren't Lee and Betty going to meet us here?"

"Maybe later," her uncle said in an off-handed way. He was wearing shorts, too, and she could see his strongly muscled legs, tan from tennis and swimming. The crotch of his shorts covered a bulging swell. She could almost imagine that thing inside his underwear all hot and tight with blood. She felt faint just thinking of how it would feel like Lee's cock had felt in her fingers. She hadn't bargained for so much experience packed into a few days. Her hot little hole seemed to pinch down and spasm with the excitement of rubbing against such masculinity as her uncle was exuding. He smelled good and looked good and was embarrassing her more every moment by his undisguised show of affection. What if someone knew he was her uncle? Or would they just think that he was giving her a friendly hug?

"What kind of perfume do you wear?" he asked, letting his lips come dangerously close to her face.

She brushed fingers through her hair, exposing the ear nearest him for a moment.

"Nothing. Really, nothing at all."

"Goddamn. It must be youth." Mitch tightened his fingers against her arm. She could feel him feeling her, squeezing her lovingly. She was breathing faster. She'd had no experience with men putting their hands all over her. Just a few times it had happened and she hadn't known how to handle it any better than she was now. She tried to quiet her breathing but that only made it worse.

She licked her lips and closed her eyes for a moment to regain composure. Mitch kissed her softly on the cheek.

"Mitch! God, you scared me."

"Just a little kiss." He smelled faintly of liquor.

His beard had felt bristly and the rub of it had done something strange to her. Meanwhile Mitch's hand had slipped down her shoulder and under her arm. His fingers curled dangerously close to her left tit. Though the heavy orb wasn't really being touched at all, Alice felt a glowing sensation around the nipple. It was as if the anticipation was enough. She sucked a trembling breath and squeezed her beer glass harder. Then she took a big swallow and let the air out. Mitch's fingertips moved ever so slightly. He was still touching her rib cage now but if he kept sneaking closer to her tit Alice thought she might cry out. Her own uncle! What if someone there knew him? What if Aunt Margaret happened to stroll in?

"Have you thought about swimming with me some night?"

"I thought you said everybody would come along," she breathed, afraid to look in his eyes.

"Maybe that would be a drag. Maybe we could have more fun together."

Underneath her thin white shorts her pussy had swollen with blood and was leaking juice now. She couldn't understand why. Nothing was happening. Except that her uncle's fingers were slipping closer and closer to her bulging breast. And he kept putting his mouth close to her ear when he talked. And she was about to jump right out of the booth if he kept on. Now he was gazing at the expanse of naked tummy between her halter and her shorts. She was tan and flat-bellied there and her navel made a sexy little depression fringed with blonde down. Mitch seemed almost to be drooling as he looked. Then his fingers finally made it to her tit. They spread suddenly, cupping her mature swell gently but firmly. Then he squeezed ever so slowly and Alice let out all the air in her lungs.

"Mitch, I think we'd b-b-better be going."

"It's just getting dark," he said. "We'll go for a drive somewhere along the lakeshore."

"What about Margaret? Won't she be worried?"

She was pretending to ignore his hand but it was getting harder. A fingertip grazed the thin material which hid her nipple. The brown lump swelled almost instantaneously against her uncle's touch. He sensed the change in her and lingered to massage the soft areola that surrounded the bulging nubbin. Alice shivered and pressed back in the booth. That was when she felt his other hand. It touched her right thigh and squeezed. Mitch had grabbed her so close to her crotch that the caress had caused the skin around her clit to be pulled tight. Alice gave a little whimper way down inside.


"Relax, sweetheart. You're too beautiful not to enjoy a little honest affection."

"Honest affection?" she squeaked, trying to look at him. Her eyes would hardly focus.

Mitch rubbed her breast openly now. The bar seemed darker than before. No one was paying any attention to the back booth where her very own uncle was doing these terrible things. She struggled weakly in his embrace but his other hand slipped suddenly upwards and she felt one of his fingers go under the leg of her shorts. Almost immediately there was a pressure against one soppy lip of her pussy.


"Alice, you're fantastic. When you were talking to me the other day I just about lost my mind." Mitch was whispering fast, his lips against her ear.

"You are the nicest thing that's come along in my whole life. I want you bad, honey. Awful bad."

"For God's sake, Mitch. You happen to be my-" Mitch had slipped his hand under her halter top so quickly that Alice forgot all that she'd been meaning to say. His hot fingers smoothed under and around the tingling swell of tit. Then he was pinching her nipple teasingly and Alice knew that the crotch of her shorts must be drenched. And so was her uncle's finger as it slid up and down her swollen outer lips. She could hear the squish as he pressed between them and dug the inner folds open.

"Yuuhhh," she groaned, letting her head fall back on his arms. Her thighs flopped open and she squirmed her ass around slowly on the seat. Mitch kissed through her hair, his lips fondling the lobe of her ear until she thought she might pass out. And the touch of his palm against her tit. She could see how he'd moved the halter top around so he could get under it. She might as well have been sitting there in the booth naked for all the good her clothes were doing her.

"Alice, God, you're fine."

"Mitch, don't. Nhhoooo! Please don't."

"Alice, honey, you've got to like it."

"Like it? I... I..." She stopped, swallowed hard. "We've got to go."

Mitch pushed his lips down her cheek until she had to kiss him. She'd never been kissed by anyone over eighteen before and the rub of his rough beard, the practiced way his tongue teased her lips open made Alice whine all the more. She moved into the kiss, working her head back and forth slowly as her uncle's tongue probed deep in her mouth. His finger worked up and down her dripping slit now, massaging the lump of her swollen clit. It pulsed with a steady rhythm, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She let a hand come up and circle his neck. She didn't want the kiss to end and yet she was afraid, ashamed, shocked past all reason.

"Oh, this is awful," she gasped trying to twist her face away. Mitch made her continue the kiss and she moaned and opened her mouth wider. Then he was sucking her own tongue between his teeth and touching her partly torn cherry with the tip of his middle finger. Alice panicked.

"Don't! Not there, Mitch!"

"What's wrong baby?"

"It's me. I'm a virgin. Well, kind of a virgin." He smiled and kept massaging the reddened hymen.

"There's something wrong with me," she blurted fmally.

"Listen honey, there's nothing wrong with you. In fact I think you're damn near perfect."

"Not like that," she gasped, trying to hold his wrist. But the finger stroked up her clit again and then centered on that tiny tear where Lee had fingerfucked her. She licked her lips and tried to think straight.

"Don't worry baby, don't you think I know better than to hurt you?"

"But, but..."

Mitch kissed her face again and his finger pressed harder against the spot that still kept her innocent.

She tried to pull her ass back in the booth but there was no place to go. Then Mitch was kissing her again, tonguing the roof of her mouth as his middle finger shoved harder. She felt her cunt spread to admit him to the first knuckle. The sliding friction brought a moan to her lips. Her breast was being petted, squeezed. Her chin was being kissed and so was her ear. She went limp in the strong circle of her uncle's arms. His middle finger curled up and under and pressed so hard that she fmally felt the pain. It was the biggest thing that had ever been pushed up into her body. And as it went in a devastating storm of pleasure seemed to cover her skin like molasses. She clicked her teeth together without really meaning to and then her uncle was kissing her chin once again as his middle finger went into her pussy to the hilt.

"Ohhh! Ohhhh, God, help me," she babbled, eyes fluttering closed. When she gave him her tongue to suck, he sucked it furiously. He pulled back his finger to plunge again and the muscle inside her squeezed down hard around it. She felt that she could hold a pencil she was so tiny and muscled at that particular spot. The amazement in Mitch's eyes told her that he was at last aware of her special feature.

"Goddamn, Alice, you're different." He tried to move his finger but she held it tight. Then when her tension drained away she felt the hardened circle open and once more her uncle's finger slid deep into her pussy.

"Nhhuuuhh," she gasped, head lolling against his shoulder. "Ohhhh, ohhhh shit."

"Like it don't you?" he smiled, pulling back and shoving in again. The penetration was like a tiny bit of heaven had been speared into her body. Alice twisted in the booth, her slim ass pinching as she worked herself back and forth on the stiff finger of her uncle. Even the smooth seat was slick with her juices now.

"We can't keep doing this!"

"Why can't we?"

"It's wrong!"

"Sure it's wrong. Anything worth a shit is wrong." Mitch laughed throatily and his finger rammed deep. Alice trembled and arched her back. Then she thrust her ass forward, her thighs spread wide under the table. The slick, sucky sound was incredibly exciting to hear as Mitch's finger came almost out of her body and speared deep again. She gave a little growl, a noise she'd never made in her life, and began to pump her hips wildly. She knew she must be behaving like a whore! But the tickling pleasure was growing more intense by the moment and she couldn't seem to control herself anymore. She could say it was wrong but she couldn't possibly stop.

"You hot little mink," Mitch laughed, finger-fucking her all the harder now. His mouth teased the sides of her face and his other hand squeezed and pinched her tumid nipple. She rubbed her body hard against him in the booth and whined with lust.

"Ohhhh, Uncle Mitch, ohhhhhhh!"

"Just enjoy it honey, cause I sure am."

Alice was aware of something else now. Her uncle had taken her hand and was pulling it down close to his thigh. She didn't realize he'd taken his cock from his shorts until she felt the huge shape slide against her knuckles. She opened her eyes suddenly and looked around the smoky room. The music was going loud and off on the dance floor couples gyrated wildly. Nearby another couple hugged in the back of a booth. Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to anyone else at all. But she felt that surely someone must know. Know that her very own uncle was taking indecent liberties with her body!

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