Incest Family - Cover

Incest Family


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A brother and sister taken in by their aunt and uncle when theer parents have a nasty divorce, wind up getting much closer to them and their cousins and each other than they ever imagined.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Novel-Pocketbook  

Alice was amused at the way her uncle kept his eyes averted from the sight of her. He was bending over a huge potted fern. There was mud on his T-shirt and he was frowning at something.

"Pretty delicate, this plant," he said.

Alice leaned against the table behind her and crossed her long slender legs. She'd been on her way down to the lake shore when she'd seen Mitch in the greenhouse. She let the front of her terry beach jacket bag open a little. Her uncle's eyes blinked rapidly but he kept his attention directed to the ailing fern.

"I just wanted to thank you..." Alice began, "for taking me and Billy in like this. The folks had been going at it for over a year and it was getting pretty awful towards the end."

She brushed a blonde hair from the full swell of her breast. That was her left one. The right was every bit as lovely. The wee bikini barely corralled them. And though they were perfectly shaped, Alice had always felt her tits were way too big for her willowy frame. Mitch was looking now. She pulled her belly in under her ribs and smiled.

"When Mom and Dad broke up, I really had no idea where I could go or who I could turn to. I certainly didn't want to go with either of them. They'd been simply horrible to live with."

"We were glad to do it," Mitch smiled. He took off his horn-rimmed glasses and wiped them casually on his T-shirt.

Alice thought Mitch was good-looking even with his glasses. But without them, he was really dreamy. For a guy around forty he was in terrific shape. His chest rippled with tennis muscles every time he moved. Alice found herself curious about his love life. Did Margaret appreciate him? Margaret seemed so aloof to everyone, so snooty. She was so tangled up running the boutique downtown that she didn't seem to have time for a husband. Alice tried to imagine Mitch making love to Aunt Margaret. She could almost see Margaret's dark hair splashed across a pillow, her long white legs spread. And between them the glistening raw wound of her pussy ripe for Mitch's rigid cock. She felt her palms grow moist and a flush of heat spread across her skin. It was silly thinking such things. As if she knew what her Uncle and Aunt did with their private moments. It was none of her business.

"Everybody had been so wonderful," she blurted, trying to cover her excited state. "And Betty has been like a sister to me." That was a lie. Betty was her cousin, Mitch and Margaret's daughter. And Betty didn't like her very much. Alice had tried to be friendly to the older girl but Betty was put off by something. Maybe it was the unconscious sexuality Alice exuded. It was a trait she just couldn't hide. She'd been a sex object all her life. It was as much a part of her behavior as breathing. The things she could do with her eyes and hands could make a grown man tremble. And when she moved her body, it was enough to make a cripple walk. That was what a friend of her father's had said once. Daddy and his crazy artist friends! She'd liked the friends much better than her father.

Mitch was fooling with the plant again. Alice tilted her slim hips and scratched her shin with her heel. Mitch stared. Her fresh skin was just beginning to glow with an early summer tan. The pale peach bikini was of some satiny material that clung to her young cunt-mound man excruciatingly sensual way, especially when wet her swimsuit clearly defined her crevice and the fine cleavage of her ass. Alice moved her blonde braids over the fronts of her shoulders and put the end of one between her lips. Striking a pose, she sucked on the braid end and let her blue eyes widen as she smiled her smile again.

It was something she had practiced in front of the mirror. She could almost observe poor Uncle Mitch coming apart inside.

"Why don't you come swimming with me?" she breathed, tilting her head the slightest bit.

"I uh-" He cleared his throat and started again.

"l haven't eaten breakfast yet," he shrugged, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Margaret will be expecting me."

"Oh. I see."

For a long moment she sulked, enjoying the longing look her uncle was trying to hide behind the leaves of the fern. But she could see him peeking at her figure. She thrust out her tits and sighed. Then she turned her back to him suddenly and gazed over one shoulder.

"Do you think my legs are too skinny Uncle Mitch?",

"Why they're fine. Just fine." Mitch cleared his throat. "Why should you worry about your legs?"

"Oh, sometimes I think I'm built kind of weird."

She glanced down at the tops of her breasts again and blushed. Alice had learned to blush whenever she wished. It was a handy bit of acting that could turn men to silly putty. Mitch stared as the blush spread down over the freckles that dotted her sun-kissed tits. They actually seemed to be swelling up inside the skimpy bikini top. Alice felt that they might burst out at any moment if her uncle kept staring like that. A flurry of erotic thoughts flashed through her mind. She imagined her handsome uncle holding her in his arms. Such a wicked thought! But it was fun to think it. He was kissing her, rubbing her back with his hands. And then one of her hot tits had flopped loose from the bikini and Mitch was kissing it, sucking the nipple between his teeth.

The sexy dream vanished as Alice trembled and pulled herself together again. She recalled that only once in her life had that actually happened to her.

A friend of her father's had come to the studio and her dad hadn't been home. Alice had been fourteen at the time and her tits hadn't been so big. But this artist friend had apparently appreciated them. He'd touched her in so many places. Alice remembered the episode like it had happened yesterday. She'd remembered the moment the man's lips had covered one tit. The way his tongue had felt slavering the immature nipple.

Alice was suddenly very aware of the lump in her uncle's jeans. He was still staring at her. Alice wondered what he was thinking. Was he trying to imagine what she looked like without anything on at all? It wouldn't take much imagining. She was all but naked now. She knew she was teasing her uncle. It was a wicked thing to do. Yet the wickedness excited her all the more. In her momentary confusion Alice decided to get on down to the beach. She'd pulled her beach robe around her again and started towards the door when Mitch spoke.

"l like to swim in the moonlight. Have you ever tried that, Alice?"

"No," she said, whirling around so that her slim body was exposed again. "But it sounds far out."

"Margaret likes it, too. Maybe the whole family can do it some night soon." Mitch waved and turned again to his fern. Alice went out the greenhouse door and headed across the grassy lawn towards the lake. She didn't know why she felt a vague disappointment. Mitch was married after all.

Was there something perverse inside her that made her want all men to be half crazy over her. She wanted them to want her, to try and have her. But when the time came for commitment that's where she chickened out. Because at seventeen and a half Alice was still a virgin.

When she was in the water she swam quickly with long, fluid strokes. It took her only a few minutes to reach the large floating dock. The coolness of the lake against her breasts always excited her. And as she swam her bikini top had inched down until it barely hung on her dark large nipples. Pulling herself out of the water exposed her tits completely. She rolled onto the sun-warmed wood planking and trembled at the heavy bounce of the large swells on her chest. The maroon nipples looked swollen and turgid with blood. She thumbed one and felt the tingle jolt down her body. A glow spread through her loins.

She was panting.

Alice pulled her bikini cups back up and went to the other side of the platform. The lake rocked the dock gently as she sat down facing away from shore. She dangled her legs in the water, satisfied that no one would be watching her. From the house anyone might see her sitting there but only from the back. She was giddy with anticipation.

She squirmed around for a second getting comfortable. Then satisfied that she was alone, she stretched the crotch of her bikini to one side and pressed a finger against the blonde-downed swells of her labia. They parted with a wet sound and she worked a fingertip against her clit.

The first slippery caress made her cry out. It was a soft, helpless sigh of young lust. She pushed two fingers into her crevice then and began to work them up and down the delicate lining of her opening. Now her body was beginning to surge with hot moisture. She opened her thighs more and kicked her heels in the lapping waves. The muscles in her legs had hardened with excitement and she was drooling. She wiped her chin with her hand and kept the other one plunging up and down her open slit.

For some reason she was thinking of Mitch's son, not Mitch. In her sexual fantasies Alice usually used the last male image she'd come in contact with for her little finger games. But this morning after talking about her cousin Betty it was only natural to think of her other cousin, Betty's brother. So she let Stephan's form fill her thoughts and then undressed him. She imagined him on his knees begging her to let him touch her. But she made him lay on the floor and then walked across his body scornfully as she finger-fucked her juicy, blonde-fringed cunt over his upturned face.

"Ohhhh," she gasped, letting her eyes flutter closed. "Ohhhh, goddamn!" As her finger slipped down over her clit hood, down to where her cherry was, Alice remembered a particular doctor some two years in the past. She could remember the way the office had smelled, the dog-eared magazines and her mother's hovering presence. Her mother had insisted on the checkup.

A pelvic examination was what they called it. Alice hadn't been particularly embarrassed. In fact she'd found herself somewhat curious as to what the doctor might find. But then he didn't discuss that with her. If it hadn't been for the careless nurse leaving the examination room door ajar, Alice would never have heard the good doctor's words to her mother.

She touched the spot, that mysterious, naughty spot where men had made fools of themselves since the beginning of time. Like the doctor had told her mother in calm, hushed tones, her hymen was abnormally thick. He even implied that she might have to have a minor operation before her marriage night. For some reason this seemed to please her mother. Alice had felt hot and flushed even under the flimsy gown they'd given her to use. Those damned things never did close up quite right. And that only added to her embarrassment when the nurse came back into the examining room and gave her a look. Alice remembered feeling like some kind of freak. She had a funny cherry. The nurse knew, the doctor knew. It seemed like the whole world knew.

But now on the bobbing platform, she felt alone and happy with herself. She'd managed to force a little finger up inside herself over a year ago and now she did it as a daily ritual, hoping to stretch herself big enough for that fantastic moment when a man would really fuck her.

"Ohhh, there! Right there." She eased her pinky into the tiny slit in her hymen. It was still tight and her inner muscles closed down in reflex making it even tighter. But the friction of her smallest finger penetrating the super-sensitive tissue caused a throaty groan to escape her throat. It felt so good to think of her finger as a male cock. Even though he would be a pretty small male to have one so teensy as that.

So she pretended it was bigger and that the guy who was doing it to her was her cousin Lee. He even had some resemblance to his daddy, Mitch.

But he had Margaret's dark, almost black, hair. Lee was pretty nice looking alright. Even if he was her same age. At seventeen he seemed so young, so inexperienced. Somehow Alice thought of herself as experienced with men, virgin though she was.

"Nhhuuuu! That feels so wonderful," she gasped, rubbing her pinky around in slow circles. It was as deep inside her as she could fit it now and her juices had started to flow freely. They smacked at the outer surfaces of her lips while she gently plunged the finger in and out. Now her trim hips had begun to lurch and she decided to lay back on the floating dock, her feet still dangling in the water.

The tingling fire in her body seemed to flare up suddenly, engulfing her in passion. She forgot where she was, who she was. She was gasping, moaning in the heat of her lust. Her finger was working in and out as fast as she could make it go.

She was rubbing her ass cheeks around on the edge of the dock in time to her turbulent finger fucking. The muscles corded out on the insides of her thighs and her toes parted in the water.

The splash nearby made Alice jump half out of her skin. She jerked her finger out of her spasming little cunt and wiped it up across her belly and tried to sit up. Her eyes took a while focusing and then she saw the shape of someone swimming through the gentle waves of the lake. He was less than twenty yards away now and Alice wondered if whoever it was had seen her engrossed in her little finger game. When the shape neared the dock platform, she recognized her cousin Lee's dark hair. He pulled himself dripping onto the dock and threw water from his hair only moments before she jerked her bikini top back up to cover her tits.

"Hey, Alice, I saw you swim out here but it took me a while to get into my trunks. Wow, you really like to get in the water early!"

"Hi, Lee." She felt more embarrassed than she usually did around a boy. And she wasn't even trying to blush! She was panicked, wondering if he could smell the musk on her skin where she'd hastily wiped her finger. She certainly could. She smelled like she was about to come all over the place.

"l like your bikini," Lee said, staring at the taut-fitting cups. Her nipples were engorged from her excitement and her cousin staring at the dark flesh poking out the peach-colored silk. Her tummy was still heaving and she tried to quiet her breathing and pulse by taking a long, deep breath and holding it.

"You... you sure have a nice tan," she said, trying to make conversation. She wished in a way that Lee hadn't come out to disturb her little moment of joy. She'd been really getting it going good when he'd so rudely interrupted. She could hardly keep from squirming her pussy down against the hard platform, could hardly keep her finger from probing down in the direction of her cunt again. And her breasts tingled for a touch. She wished she could squeeze them hard, hurt herself a little.

"Hey Alice, you ever swim the nude?"

"Uhhh, well, no. I guess not." Lee's expression confused her. She didn't know whether he was trying to poke fun at her or what. He seemed so frank, so up front with everything that she hardly had time to think.

"You oughta try it. It's really fun to feel the water on your body when you swim." Lee promptly jumped off into the water and when his head bobbed back up he grabbed the edge of the dock and smiled at her again. He was really a cute guy. But so young. Alice preferred men four or five years older than she was. Dog-paddling now, Lee continued to grin at her as his hands disappeared under the softly lapping waves. His body wrenched around under the surface and he came up with his trunks and tossed them up on the floating dock.

"Come on," he said, a hint of challenge in his brown eyes. "You gotta try it."

"Well I don't think-"

"You're acting like a prude," he said, still smiling. But the challenge had been given now and Alice felt herself flush with his accusation. She lifted her chin and pressed her lips together.

"Oh, hell, why not." She slipped herself into the water and held to the dock with one hand while undoing her top with the other. It came away and she felt the waves buoy her heavy tits up. It felt unexpectedly sexy and she had to stifle a little moan.

"That's only half," Lee put in. He was daringly near. Alice could almost feel him about to touch her with his own nakedness. She paddled away a few dozen feet and turned to dog paddle and keep her eye on him while she slipped her long legs out of her bikini bottom. The sudden sensation of being stark naked under the waves had a devastating effect on her libido. She was panting again though the water cooled down her swollen labia and nipples. She wadded her wet bikini panties and tossed them onto the dock.

"Race you to the island," Lee called and went into a smooth crawl, his dark hair appearing from the waves and then dipping again as he kicked forward. Alice knew that the island was at the limits of her swimming ability. And in her excited state she wasn't sure she had the wind left to make it there. But she couldn't let this smart-aleck Lee get her goat. She gave one last glance at her bikini making a wet circle on the wooden platform and started to swim.

She was within a hundred yards of the sandy island beach when her strength gave out.

"Lee!" she called, past embarrassment, past any concern for pride. She needed help! And her voice had sounded sufficiently scared enough to cause her cousin to turn and start back towards her. She tried to float but water kept getting in her nose. She struggled violently in the water for a moment and as she felt herself slipping under, took a big breath and held it. She only went down a few feet before she bobbed up again. But her legs were too tired to kick. Lee churned up beside her and hooked an arm around her chest. His hand accidentally brushed across her nipples and despite her fright, she felt the hot rub do naughty things deep inside her.

"Ohhh, thanks," she gasped. "I was really running out of gas."

"It's just a little ways now," he assured her. "You can touch bottom right up ahead."

When they got to where the water was just waist deep, Alice hesitated. She felt her presence of mind returning. She didn't want to just stride up on the sand naked as a jaybird with her cousin gawking.

"Come on, you better rest," he demanded, pulling her by the wrist. She gave in and went up onto the dry sand and plopped down on her back.

Her cousin nestled his body beside her and gave her a concerned look.

"I'm okay," she said, blushing for real. She'd never really been so exposed to a boy's eyes. And Lee was taking advantage of the situation. "I wish you wouldn't look at me like that."

"You're beautiful."


"God! You are really something else."

"Lee!" She tried to turn on her side but he took her shoulder and pressed her down again. Then his other hand pressed warmly against her tummy. Alice felt a wave of the most delicious sensations sweep over her body. She began to breathe hard. Lee was pushing his face closer. She knew he wanted to kiss her. She was so mixed up. So uncertain. If she only had her clothes on she wouldn't have felt so scared. And then his mouth was brushing hers and she gave a little cry and closed her eyes. His tongue teased along her lips but she wouldn't let it in. It was his hand that made her moan again. It had slid up her belly, up her chest until she felt one big tit surrounded by gently squeezing fingers. The blast of pure sex joy almost made her faint. She realized with a shock that almost all her sex experience had been administered by herself. She'd spent a puberty and half of an adolescence fucking herself with her own finger, feeling her tits, rubbing herself in various ways. But with Lee doing it, it was a whole new ball game. She whimpered and tried to pull her emotions into some kind of order. She couldn't just let her young cousin maul her there on the beach in plain open daylight, both of them naked.

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