Teacher's Hot Lips - Cover

Teacher's Hot Lips


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - School teacher Janet Peters hated men after a bad affair years ago. But now she has to take a medicine that is the only one that will clear up the fever she got on her vacation, but it has some side effects, particulary it increases her libido... a lot. Now she has to find a way to restrain herself over the course of treatment.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Drunk/Drugged   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Just before leaving for work the next morning, Janet took another of the pills. She'd put off the dreaded moment as long as possible, but she knew she had to take the medicine, no matter what it did to her. She just hoped she could keep her mind on her teaching duties.

The pill started to take effect towards the end of first period, and for the rest of the day Janet was fighting horniness. She kept catching herself staring at attractive boys in her classes, even focusing on the crotch of their jeans. She undressed the boys with her eyes and helplessly fantasized fucking them. It was so humiliating, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her pussy was on fire with need.

At lunch time she took a brisk walk instead of eating, hoping it would cool her lust. No such luck. During fourth period she was just as horny as ever. To make matters worse, one of the students seemed determined to ruin the class. Les, a tall lean kid who favored black leather jackets and skin-tight jeans, kept talking and kidding around till Janet finally lost her temper.

"Les," she snapped, "I want to see you after school. Maybe we can think of something that will keep you quiet."

Les scowled at her but stayed quiet for the rest of the hour. Janet had almost forgotten about him by the end of the day. She'd watched her sixth period class march out, then breathed a big sigh of relief. She'd managed to get through the day without revealing how lusty she was, and that was quite an accomplishment. She was gathering up her things and preparing to leave when Les walked in. Janet groaned. She was going to have to stay with him while he served his time.

"Here I am, teacher," he sneered. "Are you going to put me over your knee and paddle me for being a bad boy?"

"Somebody should have done that a long time ago, Les," Janet sighed. "The best I can do is make you sit here for an hour."

"I got news for you, teacher, " Les growled. "You can't even make me do that. I decided to drop out of school, so there's nothing you can do to me any more."

"Les, please think about what you're doing," Janet said. "You need an education. You won't be able to get a decent job without a high school diploma."

"Aw, save the lecture, Miss Peters," Les snarled. "There's only one thing I want from you."

His eyes travelled hungrily up and down her tall big-titted body, and suddenly Janet realized that she was in trouble. Les hadn't come here to take his punishment-he was here to punish the teacher. Janet started backing away from him, and he grinned and came after her. She kept going till she backed into a wall. Les came up within a foot of her and stood there leering at her. He was slightly taller than she was, and she knew he was much stronger.

"You're pretty smart, teacher," he sneered. "I didn't even have to tell you what's on my mind. So why don't you go on being smart, and don't fight me?"

He reached out and set his hands on her tits. Janet gasped and flinched. He was taunting her, daring her to fight him off, even though he'd told her not to struggle. He squeezed her tits through her clothes, not gently, and she recoiled, as if she'd been bitten by a snake. She didn't like this young punk, didn't want him to touch her.

"Take your hands off me, Les," she said icily. "You know you can get into big trouble for this."

"Not if I leave town, which is what I'm gonna do as soon as I finish with you," he said. " And if you're smart, you'll just relax and enjoy, teacher. You can't win in a fight with me, and here's why."

One hand went to his pocket, and out came a gleaming knife. Janet's blood froze. Les let her look at the knife for a few moments, then put it away. He'd gotten his message across, all right. No way in the world was she going to risk being cut. She huddled against the wall, and Les began squeezing her tits again. This time she didn't say anything.

"That's better, " he grinned. "Now I'm gonna start taking off your clothes, and you're not gonna say a word, right?" Janet nodded. As he began unbuttoning her blouse, she told herself that this wouldn't take long and then he'd be out of her life forever. She'd cooperate - anything to keep him from using that knife. She blushed hotly as he removed her blouse and ogled the tightly packed cups of her bra, but she said nothing. He reached around her and unhooked her bra and drew it off.

"You got fantastic tits, teacher," he leered. "I noticed that right away when you walked into class this morning. I just had to find out if they were real or falsies."

He certainly had his answer. Janet's large beautifully shaped tits stood out firm and thrusting, capped with light pink nipples. Les dropped her bra on the floor and stood there staring and grinning. She felt totally humiliated, but she also felt a strange excitement.

Her excitement grew when Les cupped her naked tits in his hot hands and began to squeeze them. Hot stabs of pleasure shot through her sensitive breasts.

"Nice, real nice," Les breathed.

Janet stifled a gurgle of lust. She despised this kid, but she was so achingly horny that any male touch was welcome. It had been ten years since a man had made love to her and she was starved for it. All those years she'd bottled up her feelings and denied that she needed sex. Now those stored-up needs were being released by the medicine she was taking, flooding out like water from a broken dam. No way could she control those feelings.

But at least she wouldn't let Les know the effect he was having on her. His ego was big enough already. She kept a prim, cold look on her face as he fondled her tits, but inside she was boiling with lust. She began to cream heavily and helplessly, and the hot juice soaked right through her panties. She glanced at Les' fly and saw that he had a big bulging hard-on.

She barely stifled a moan of longing. She knew the boy was going to rape her, that soon she'd be feeling his steel-hard young cock in her famished cunt. She could hardly wait. Yes, it wouldn't be any hardship at all Just to let this rape happen. All she had to do was conceal her excitement and not give him the satisfaction of knowing how aroused she was.

Now he was rubbing his thumbs back and forth over her soft pink nipples, teasing them into stiffness. They responded, growing long and erect, and Les' evil grin widened. He bent down low, his hot breath tickling the sensitive nubs, and he stuck out his tongue. Janet flinched as the hot juicy meat lapped her nipples, darting from one to the other. It felt delicious-but she wasn't about to tell him that.

She slumped against the wall and closed her eyes. Things would be nicer if she imagined somebody else was making love to her. But who would that be? There'd been only one man in her life, Ned Evans, and she hated him for what he'd done to her. She couldn't bear to think about him. One other male face loomed up in her mind, the face of Dr. Dan McGrath, her physician. He was a very attractive guy, after all.

But he was also the one who'd given her those damned pills. She angrily blanked out his image. She might as well just go with reality, she decided. She opened her eyes and watched Les' wet red tongue lashing her stiff nipples. He left both erect buds glistening with his hot spit. Then he drew back and took off his jacket and his t-shirt. His chest was starting to get hairy, and there were menacing tatoos on his arms.

He grabbed Janet and pulled her against him so that her sensitive lust-engorged nipples poked into the coarse hairs of his chest. Janet creamed right through her panties and barely suppressed a moan of lust. It had been ten years, but she still remembered her naked embraces with Ned Evans. It had been just like this: Her nipples had been stiff with arousal, and she'd loved rubbing them in the thick fur of his chest.

But Les was doing it just to taunt her, not because it turned him on, and when he didn't get any reaction out of her, he stopped. He unzipped her skirt, and it fell to the floor. He peeled down her panty hose and pulled them off, along with her shoes. She stood there in just her white lacy panties. Les stared at her pouting mound, and she felt like his eyes were burning right into her skin.

"You do the rest, teacher," he said hoarse)y. "You take off your panties."

Janet blushed hotly. As lusty as she felt, she still didn't like stripping for this leering young punk. But as long as he had that knife, she wasn't going to argue with him. She grasped the waistband of her panties and started inching them down. Les moved back a little to watch, grinning and licking his lips. Moving back was a mistake. It offered Janet a chance to escape. She could probably get to the door before he caught her.

But did she want to?

Sure, she could get away from him, but then what? She'd go home and sit around feeling horny till she just had to masturbate, and even then her lust would soon come flooding back in full force. Playing with herself just didn't do the job. She needed a man and his stiff cock - and here was her chance. Much as she loathed Les, he was male and he had the hots for her. She wasn't likely to get laid any other way.

"Come on, teacher, quit stalling," Les growled.

Her hands moved another inch lower, easing the panties down very gradually. She was still thinking. She desperately needed to be fucked, but was Les the only male she could find? Yes, it seemed that way. Once more she glanced at his obscenely tented fly, and that made up her mind. No matter how she felt about the kid, she had to have his cock. She tugged the panties down over her small golden bush.

"Yeah, that's more like it," Les leered.

She let her panties drop and stepped out of them, totally naked. She knew her body still looked great. Les' hot eyes reflected his appreciation. He moved in close again and started running his hands up and down her sleek warm body, and she struggled not to shiver and moan with excitement. It had been so long since a man caressed her. She was way overdue for it.

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