Always Be There - Cover

Always Be There

by bootswomanmtp11

Copyright© 2002 by bootswomanmtp11

Erotica Sex Story: All I will say is that love never dies and Jennifer is about to find out that sometimes love can be re-born and take shape again.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Magic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Bestiality   .

It had been at least 5 months and Jennifer was still mourning the death of her one true love. Her boyfriend had died 150 days ago and it was something that Jennifer was still trying to get over. She couldn't. It was like a big hole in her heart. Jennifer had to get away from this town because it was driving her completely crazy. She was at her apartment cleaning out everything that was there. She was working on closet, which had contained their clothes. She would throw his clothes quickly down on the ground because she didn't want to feel that shirt she always stole from him and wore to work. She didn't want to smell that pair of pants that were torn and stained. The ones she kept on telling him to throw away, but he never did. Now here was her chance to finally get rid of them and she couldn't. She put them in the box of stuff she wasn't going to give away. Then, she heard scratching.

She stopped what she was doing and got up. She traced the source of the scratching to the front door and when she opened it there it was. On four legs and fairly small, Jennifer got down on her knees and took the cat right into her arms.

"Where did you come from?" Jenn asked. He just lay in her arms and brushed his head over and over her chest. The cat was nice, it curled up in her arms and didn't move. At that moment she forgot about the heartbreak of losing the love of her life. She forgot all about the pain she felt from moving her life for him. Even if she was still able to accomplish all her dreams. She had a job as a photographer, without attending a big school, and she got paid a lot of money for doing it too. It was because of him. This man that she had shared this apartment with. She remembered how simple life could actually be. For the first time in five months, she remembered the good times. She didn't know how it started, she climbed in bed with the cat. The cat lay in her arms rubbing his head into her chest and purring so sweetly.

She doesn't know how come she started to talk about him, she just did.

"When we were trying to get this bed. He always had this fantasy of making love to me in a canopy bed. Something about tying me up in lace and kissing me from head to toe. I always thought of it being so kinky and it wasn't. He would describe how he would kiss every single inch of my body. How he would scrape his fingernails all the way down my arms and leave not one scratch. How he would..." Jennifer stopped herself and realized that she was telling the most erotic fantasy that she and her man had ever shared to a cat. Usually, she would have stopped, but for some reason she didn't. "I was a spoiled brat with a lot of talent and was brilliant. He would always say that about me. I would say that if I'm such a spoiled brat then why are you with me? He would walk over to me, kiss me on my lips and say "Because you have potential" No man ever said that to me. They would always say these generic things that you would hear in love songs or movies. His words were different." Jennifer realized it was late and if she was going to make the shoot she should go to sleep now. She pulled the covers over her and the cat, and fell asleep.

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