Abducted and Enslaved - Cover

Abducted and Enslaved

Copyright© 2002 by MarkMersereau

Chapter 8: Janine and Holly Arrive on the Island and Begin Train

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Janine and Holly Arrive on the Island and Begin Train - Detective type plot with principal protagonist a newswoman. She is abducted along with other females (and males) for white slavery on south Atlantic island frequented by the wealthy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting   Food   Water Sports   Enema   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

It was ten in the morning and still cool when Crane waited for the two new females. The sun hadn't yet scorched the sand and pier. The tide was in; nevertheless, the pier was too high for the launch to dock where the cruise ship usually did. He waited at a point halfway between there and the shore. He inhaled the invigorating sea air and, along with its odor he caught the scent of perfume. He wondered from which young woman it emanated.

Beside him were his two female trainers. Kelly was buxom, a slightly overweight blond (dirty blonde), and eighteen years old. Nina, a svelte brunette, was twenty-two. Each wore the usual blue shift and brass collar. Their earrings differed; Nina's were delicate gold spirals while Kelly's were two inch diameter blue rings. Crane disliked those blue ones: they made him think of hoola hoops.

They watched the approaching boat. It crept, sidling sideways, toward the pier. Crane was able to make out the hooded figures of the two captives in it. Soon he could even see their hands that were bound behind them. The boat struck a stanchion gently, and the crewman who wasn't doing the steering threw out a line. Crane caught it and secured it. A few moments later the man was helping each girl up onto the pier.

Crane watched as Kelly took the arm of the taller brunette and Nina that of the blonde. The blue girls escorted them down the sunlit boardwalk and onto the jungle trail that led to the main building.

Crane waited until the two crewmen were beside him; then he asked the skipper Mike, a fortyish gaunt man with a graying beard, "I understand we had problems getting these two. Do you have the details?"

"A little, Crane." Mike always took his time. Crane waited patiently.

The former fisherman withdrew a pipe from a satchel over his shoulder and followed with a small plastic packet that he opened. Using his forefinger, he filled the bowl with the tobacco and tamped it. He lit it up.

After exhaling his first puff, he began, "We nabbed the two when they left a college hangout on their way back to the campus. When they didn't get back, one of their friends who had been in the hangout with them, reported them missing. Evidently that allowed the cops to get on it fast. The broad with the long hair is some celebrity, and there was a lot of pressure to find them.

"I talked to Yvonne on the liner, but she wanted no part of them. She refuses to take on any girls until the searching dies down. I saw helicopters and patrol boats all up and down the East Coast. Luckily, I had my fishing lines out and some catch on ice to display. I wasn't boarded, just asked on the radio if I'd seen anything suspicious."

Late that day Crane stood at his large window facing the west. The sun was an orange globe, so low that its rays were no longer bright enough to hurt his eyes. With the rainbow of colors filling the western sky and, below it the calm blue-black sea, it was a beautiful sight. Why did he feel sombre?

You aren't sombre Crane. You're bored. You're a manipulator, and you've no one new to put under your thumb.

He heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

It was Kelly. "Master Crane, Nina sent me up to tell you the two new girls are ready for you."

"Have they had anything to eat?"

"Oh yes, Master Crane. We gave them lunch at about one. The doctor's medication was in the lobster bisque. Afterwards, I gave them enemas and bathed them. They're all prepared. As you ordered, we brought them to the lounge."

"Whips and toys? Collars?"

"I think we got everything, Master Crane."

"Good. Let's go see them."

They descended the stairs to the lounge. Crane paused before entering to get a view of the new girls before meeting them. Their two male guards were seated at the bar talking with the bartender who was leaning over it. The two occasionally glanced over toward the female captives who were sitting with Nina on a couch against a wall. Nina's heavy shoulderbag--stuffed it seemed, from its rotundity--lay on the carpet beside the sofa.

Three male clients and Rita were at a table adjacent to the bar, while two other clients were in armchairs, conversing and occasionally glancing toward the couch. The two men were obviously interested in the female captives.

One girl was a striking willowy brunette with long black tresses. She looked to be in her early twenties. Crane supposed she was the one all the commotion was about. The younger girl, her roommate at the university, was the girl his agency in New York had intended to acquire. Blonde and not as tall as the brunette, she looked several years younger. She was pretty enough to feature in any swimsuit competition, typical of the women selected by SMF. She didn't interest Crane except for her value in the auction.

Perhaps the brunette would provide him some diversion. From what Mike had told him, she must be of importance to the American authorities.

Neither girl wore the clothing she'd arrived in; no doubt it was being laundered. Each was now dressed in a trainee uniform, a conservative one, black and white striped pleated miniskirt with white cutoff tee, the hem a couple of inches above her navel.

Hems of the miniskirts ended at mid-thigh. Crane was able to discern about an inch band of skin separating the skirts from the elasticized tops of their black stockings. On their feet they wore glossy black flats.

Despite the shortness of their skirts, Crane saw no sign of their panties. First day trainees were obliged to wear them, so he assumed they were wearing thongs. Even from the doorway the sheerness of the nylon tees was apparent. He could see both the bumps of each girl's nipples and the pink hue of the material over their aroelas.

He entered the room and walked to them.

Nina looked up. "Master Crane," she said, indicating with a wave of her hand to the blonde on her right, "this is Holly Harding. This is Janine Millet." She pronounce it 'Millay'.

"H-Hi Mister Crane," the blonde said. She gave him a smile that looked forced. The brunette looked up impassively. She said nothing.

Crane wasn't concerned with niceties. He said, "You've probably learned a few things from Nina and Kelly about why you were brought here. Normally I'd process you with five or six other females, but I can't spare a lot of staff labor on just the two of you. I'll try to inform you what to expect here in as few words as possible."

The brunette broke in with, "Mister Crane, you made a serious mistake when you kidnapped us. Right now I'm sure the American FBI and CIA are searching for me. Probably some of their military as well. It would be best for you if you released us as soon as possible. You shouldn't worry about our knowing where this is; they kept those hoods on us all during our dreadful trip in that boat."

Crane felt a stirring of some interest. He detected a slight French accent, although her English otherwise was flawless with, in addition, a slight British accent. But those were asides. Her lack of fear--at least overt fear--was what interested him. She considered herself more important than her companion. He'd have to find out more about her. But only after he'd made her more compliant.

It's been a long time since any female has been this self-possessed after arriving here. Of course these two haven't gone through the normal orientation process with all its humiliations. They don't yet know what they're in for.

He pondered how to begin with them. It was a unique situation. The male trainers were unimaginative. Too often they immediately subjected novices to physical abuse, with whippings or occasionally even the use of prods, to coerce compliance. Those methods bored him.

His two female trainers were more subtle and preferred psychological abuse, humiliations of all types rather than crude physical methods. They usually succeeded in breaking down the resistance in captive females just as readily as the methods used by their male counterparts.

When he'd spoken of not sparing his staff for just the two of them, of course he was deliberately exaggerating. It would probably be three days or more before Yvonne's ship arrived with the batch of new females that these two would have been part of. Along with them on the ship would come a new crowd of clients. He might just as well amuse himself with these two before the new crush of work descended on him.

"Are you aware of why you were brought here?" Crane asked.

"No," the blonde said with a shake of her head that caused her hair to brush her shoulders. Her hair was smooth, centrally-parted, and so light a blonde that Crane would have bet that on a cloudy day it would appear to be silver.

"For ransom undoubtedly," the brunette said. "You're making a great mistake keeping us here. I told you, lots of people will be searching for us. I'm sure they have to be looking right now."

Well, it might be amusing to convert them into sex toys without informing them that's my goal. Janine is older and seems the spokesperson for the two of them. She'll be the interesting subject; the blonde will be easy.

"Janine, stand up."

Janine gave him a smile that approached a sneer. "I'm not accustomed to taking orders, Mister Crane. Particularly from persons I have no liking for."

Crane was aware that everyone in the room was now watching. He had no need to raise his voice when he turned and called one of the guards.

"Miguel, would you please take this girl? Tie her over one of the card tables so that she's in the rear entry position."

The dark-haired, mustached young man had been watching with his fellow guard and the bartender. "Sure, Crane," he responded, grinning. He approached the seated girls.

When he reached them, he bent over Janine and he seized her arm. The brunette tried to ward him off. "You're hurting me!" she protested.

The blonde girl looked up at him. She appeared frightened. "What are you doing?" she asked.

The guard didn't respond. He pulled Janine from the couch. When she refused to walk, crying, "Let me go!" he dragged her over the carpet, to one of the four heavy mahogany card tables in the center of the room.

The guard pushed Janine forward. She fell onto it, only avoiding striking her face by catching herself at the last moment with her hands.

The second guard retrieved Nina's bag from beside the sofa. From it, he extracted several cut lengths of rope. He joined Miguel, who was holding Janine face down on the table. He grasped the girl's right wrist and pulled her arm over the table edge. He bound her wrist to its closest leg. He handed another length of rope to Miguel, who repeated the action with her left wrist.

When they'd finished, Crane thanked them, and the guards walked back to seat themselves on the bar stools, rejoining the bartender.

Crane approached the bound girl. Her long legs were vertical from her hips down to her feet, the latter flat on the carpet. Her struggles had caused the miniskirt to creep up her hips. It was high enough for Crane to see some of her buttocks above the lacy tops of her black stockings. A band of black nylon covered her pudenda and partly the crack of her ass.

Crane found her far more attractive than the shapely blonde, whose big tits and over- voluptuous body held little interest for him.

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