Abducted and Enslaved - Cover

Abducted and Enslaved

Copyright© 2002 by MarkMersereau

Chapter 6: Ken, Al, Pierre, and Roy Abuse Sheila in their Cabin

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Ken, Al, Pierre, and Roy Abuse Sheila in their Cabin - Detective type plot with principal protagonist a newswoman. She is abducted along with other females (and males) for white slavery on south Atlantic island frequented by the wealthy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting   Food   Water Sports   Enema   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

Yvonne's steward, Pierre, glanced quickly up and down the corridor. He saw no one, and he softly unlocked the door to the Captain's suite.

Yvonne is on the bridge. She shouldn't be back down for another forty minutes.

He listened, heard nothing, and let himself in. Quickly, he went to the table and collected the used utensils and the empty wine bottle. He set them beside the tray and large cloth. This was one of his rest periods, but he would use the cleanup as an excuse should she return and catch him.

Pierre found the album in the right bottom drawer of her desk. He examined its position so he could return it without it appearing to have been disturbed. He glanced at the wall chronometer. He had no more than thirty minutes before she'd be off the bridge and return. He would have to hurry.

He removed the album and slipped it under the tray. He draped the cloth over the tray. He set the dirty plates and cup on the cloth and tray, and lifted them, placing the entire shaky edifice on the flat of his right hand. After tentatively testing its balance, he carefully went to the stateroom door. He glanced down both sides of the corridor. It was empty, and he closed the door quickly behind him.

He left the B deck and went down past C where the cheaper cabins were, and one more flight, to D, where the kitchen and crew's quarters were located. He glanced down the hall, was satisfied it was empty, then quickly passed the kitchen and the communal bath. He reached the cabin that he shared with the other three men.

Ken, Al, and his fellow steward, Roy, were all there, Ken and Al were sitting on Al's lower bunk, while Roy was sitting opposite them, on Pierre's bunk. The moment Pierre entered, Roy stood up. He helped removed the items from the tray, the cloth, and finally, the tray.

"Whew!" Pierre exclaimed. "The album is as heavy as the average dinner the Captain orders. It's fortunate that I had only two decks to come down."

"Let's see the cunts," Ken said. He jumped up and reached for the album.

Pierre pulled it away. "Be careful! I'm not supposed to take this out except to show the clients. Don't get your greasy hands on it!"

"My hands ain't greasy. Anyway, open it up on the bunk here, so we can all see it."

Pierre laid it on the coverlet and opened it. "I only have about twenty minutes," he said. I'll have to get it back before she leaves the bridge." He flipped past a number of colored tabs and lay it open at the section with the tab labeled, 'Shipment 19'. He let the other three men eagerly thumb through it.

"Jesus!" Roy said. "I never saw so many gorgeous broads in my life! Stark fucking naked!"

"I told you they were," Ken bragged. "They're right out of Penthouse!"

Al turned to the steward. "You actually brought one of these broads up deck for the rich pricks to fuck?"

Pierre nodded. "On the last trip. The Captain is gonna pull the same scam on this trip; I heard her talking about it with two clients. Of course the clients have to pay. That's why she's pulling the scam. I got big money for that girl on the last trip; you'll never guess how much!"

Roy laughed scornfully. "You did? You mean the Captain did. Did you cream any of it off, or did she get it all?"

"She gave me a cut. Not as big as she should have. I'm pissed about that."

"Well, we sure the fuck won't pay."

"Hurry it up. I have to get this back. Pick a girl out."

"Suppose she makes a fuss?" Al asked. "What if she squeals to the Captain?"

"She won't. Roy and I will both wear officer's hats. Girls are dumb about ships. She won't know these are stewards uniforms. She'll think we're officers. Besides, when the Captain takes a girl up for those two clients, she'll think it's what goes on here."

"I know the one I want," Ken said. "The one you hassled me about back in the storage building."

"Yeah," Al replied. I got a hardon for her too. She's got great tits. See if her picture is in here."

They took Sheila down one flight of stairs and into a hall that she supposed was similar to the one her cabin door exited into. After a few step, she heard a door opened. "Step up," one of the men told her, and she stepped over some barrier into the next room.

They took off her blindfold and she saw she was in a cabin very much like the one she'd left, with bunks above and below against the two longer walls. The two men who had brought her wore wore white uniforms, with dark blue officers caps...

I guess they're ship's officers.

But she was horrified to see the two men who's abused her in the building where she'd undressed. Ken and Al, who were looking at her, grinning.

"I guess you're not too happy to see us, huh?" Ken said. "Well, we're gonna finish what we started last night. We ain't gonna be interrupted, this time."

"Who fucks her first?" Al asked.

"Well, shit," Ken said; "I'm first. After the way you pulled me off her, you sure as hell ain't gonna be."

He stood up. "Let's get those rags she's wearing off."

Pierre said, "Be careful. Don't tear any of it. Sheila, you take it off, all right?'

Sheila felt herself trembling.

I have no choice. Well, it's what I expected when I accepted this assignment from Max.

She undid the halter string and removed the garment.

"Oh man!" Ken exclaimed; "Look at those tits!'

Before Sheila could touch the skirt, Ken had grabbed her waist and thrust his face onto her left breast, taking the nipple in his mouth.

Sheila felt strange. Her feeling was detached, as though she were watching a play and that none of this was real. Ken's sucking mouth, and his hands didn't seem real. Nor did the hands from one of the men behind her, pulling down her skirt and lifting her feet in turn by her ankles, to remove it. The entire cabin seemed unreal. Its single fluorescent light above her and the bunks, the lower right one she now noticed had several color photographs of nude women torn crudely from some magazine taped to its wall.

Someone's hands were between her legs, feeling her genitals, probing roughly for her vagina, finding it.

"Please!" she protested. "You're hurting me!"

"OK, I'll make it easier," she heard one of them say. She thought it was Pierre, his voice was rougher than the others. Two men pushed her back onto the right hand bunk, and she fell awkwardly onto the counterpane, lying with her upper body and hips on it, her legs over the edge. Her bare feet--her slippers had come off with her skirt--were flat on the cabin carpet.

Hands grasped her ankles and pulled her legs apart; then she felt bare skin between her thighs, someone had removed his clothing already. She stared at the base of the upper bunk above her and noticed a broken metal spring. The mattress above it had torn and some of its contents, like dirty cotton, protruded.

She notice the pictures again; there were eight. Three above, five below, but she couldn't see much of them, the angle was too acute.

Ken was mouthing each of her nipples in turn, sucking. They had both become erect, although she felt no sense of arousal, just hard nipples. Now, the one between her legs had his hand on her labia--no, his mouth; that surprised her. She felt a tongue separating her lips, spreading them as it explored.

What a weird experience. As a reporter, I suppose I should try to remember this.

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