Abducted and Enslaved - Cover

Abducted and Enslaved

Copyright© 2002 by MarkMersereau

Chapter 4: Shipping to the Port, and Inspection

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Shipping to the Port, and Inspection - Detective type plot with principal protagonist a newswoman. She is abducted along with other females (and males) for white slavery on south Atlantic island frequented by the wealthy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting   Food   Water Sports   Enema   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

It was dark by the time they were led back down to the garage. The three prisoners were unceremoniously shoved into the rear of a truck and made to lie down on its cold metal floor. Something that felt like canvas was thrown over them.

After twenty minutes or so, another group of prisoners, including at least two new girls-- Sheila could hear their sobs--were shoved onto the truck. Their guard, who lay down with them but closer to the hatch, ordered them to remain quiet. Shortly afterwards the vehicle started up and left the garage. Their ride was bumpy and bruising, as well as long--lasting more than two hours. They could have been driven almost anywhere but, judging from the sounds of waves and odor of the sea, they knew they were near a large body of water.

"Probably the Atlantic," Ed whispered as they were led in the dark from where they had parked to a building that sounded closer to the water.

They entered the ground floor where their hoods were removed. Five armed men were in the room. Besides their captors, Ed and the two girls found themselves in the company of six other occupants, captives like themselves. Two couples were of college age. Seated in chairs against a wall were a young married couple. They had been abducted the previous night and had been held in the building all day.

They waited for about an hour, when two more girls were brought in. These were followed by three more girls. Finally, after about two hours in all, two teenage couples, who had been at a dance and had accepted an older couple's offer of a ride home, were herded in. Edgar counted eighteen captives, including twelve young women and girls, and six males, two being teenaged boys.

At that point, one of the guards, a blonde man who sounded, Sheila thought, more educated than the others, told them, "Each of you will proceed, one at a time, into the next room. My friends in there will tell you what to do. Don't ask any questions, either of me or of them." He turned to Sheila and told her, "You seem to be the oldest female. I want you to go first."

A guard grasped her arm, opened the door, and pushed her unceremoniously into the next room, closing the door behind her.

The room in which she found herself was essentially bare, except for a long wooden bench against the far wall. Another door, on the right and ajar, opened into a bathroom, while there was a closed door on the left. Suitcases were stacked against a side wall. Over the bench she saw a rectangle of heavy plywood covering a window.

A tanned man of about forty, with slightly graying black hair and a neat mustache, seemed in charge and was accompanied by two much younger men... He handed her a marking pen.

"Bring one of those suitcases here and print your name legibly on its outside. Then, open it and undress. Put your clothes in it."

Sheila's mouth felt dry. "How much of my clothes?"

The younger of the other two men, a well-built man wearing jeans, a tee shirt, and sporting a crew-cut grinned at her. "We want you bare-ass naked."

She blushed. Not looking at Crew-Cut, she asked the older man if she could undress in the bathroom. He shook his head. "Undress in front of them. I realize it's embarrassing for you, but you'll soon get accustomed to being naked in front of men."

Sheila nervously undid her buttons. Besides her personal concerns, she was afraid they would examine her purse and her shoes, the heels of which contained the two parts of a homing radio transmitter. Her purse, its fastener containing a tiny camera, was no longer in her possession, having been taken from her the moment they'd exited the limo in the underground garage.

However, it was soon evident that at least the younger men were interested only in watching her undress. They ignored her shoes as she removed her sweater and skirt, her shoes and socks.

She removed her underwire bra and dropped it on the pile of other clothing.

Crew Cut exclaimed, "Nice tits!" He wet his lips, staring. Avoiding his eyes, she couldn't help noticing the bulge in his jeans.

She rolled down her thongs but, as she tried to retrieve them from one foot, Crew Cut suddenly reached out and grasped her breasts. His fingers found her nipples and began kneading them in his fingers. Sheila gasped but was afraid to say anything.

Unable to reach the thong, which lay in a ring about an ankle, she kicked it off.

"Jesus! what a body!" he exclaimed. "How about it Al?"

The third man, thirtyish, with a slight paunch and thinnish blond hair smiled. "Yeah. Shit! She must be a model or something. Her bod's giving me a hard-on.

"You're just gettin one?!" Crew Cut laughed. "Look!"

Releasing her breasts, he unzipped his pants. His cock thrust out and bobbed in the air.

"See this?" he grinned, holding it, pointed at her...

"I've seen them before," she replied, hoping he didn't detect the quaver in her voice.

"Hey Ken!" the older man said. "No fucking around. We'll catch hell if the boss finds us screwing any of the catch."

Crew Cut--or Ken, now that she knew his name--ignored the warning. He reached up with both hands. He again gripped her nipples, this time so hard that it hurt. She cried, "Oh!" She hoped the older man would stop Ken. But he said nothing, just watched.

"Hold her Al," Ken said.

Hands gripped her hips. Al pulled down, hard. Sheila cried out again. Perforce, she crouched, her torso bent forward.

"On your knees, Baby!" he ordered.

He pulled downward until the girl, to avoid falling as well as from the pain, complied, hurting her knees when they struck the wooden floor. Unable to keep her balance, she nearly fell, but the hands behind her moved up to her waist, and supported her. When she was on her knees, Ken grasped a clump of her hair like a rope, holding it so close to her scalp that she was unable to move her head.

Gripping his cock in his other hand, he pressed it to her face, then slid it down to force it against her lips, pressing them until they hurt. The pain induced her to part them, but she kept her teeth closed.

"Open your teeth Baby," he told her. "I'm gonna give you a snack."

She was frightened, her heart beating fiercely. What would he do if she didn't obey?

He released his hand from his shaft, only to put it about her throat. His thumb pressed against it and she couldn't breathe.

"Open up!" he repeated.

She parted her teeth, and he thrust his organ into her mouth, sliding it over the length of her tongue and down. She gagged, and her eyes filled with tears.

She hardly noticed when his hand released her hair, and slipped behind her head,

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