Abducted and Enslaved - Cover

Abducted and Enslaved

Copyright© 2002 by MarkMersereau

Chapter 12: Senator Ellsworth Abuses Judith and Sheila

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12: Senator Ellsworth Abuses Judith and Sheila - Detective type plot with principal protagonist a newswoman. She is abducted along with other females (and males) for white slavery on south Atlantic island frequented by the wealthy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting   Food   Water Sports   Enema   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

When Sheila awoke, Jerry's wife Anne took her into the tiny bathroom. Anne, who Sheila supposed must be a few years older than herself, was an auburn-haired beauty with a proverbial hourglass figure, including long svelte legs and firm C cup breasts.

Sheila felt filthy both inside and out. Fortunately, wash cloths and towels for four people had been provided in the bathroom and, although each had already been used, they served the purpose. With Anne's help, Sheila was able to clean herself up.

After helping towel her dry, Anne handed Sheila a paper cup full of water. "You must have had a dreadful ordeal!" Anne said.

"Yes. There were four of them," Sheila replied.

"The worst of it was how long it lasted. I kept praying they would finish. Before they did, though, I think I fainted. I can't recall much after that."

The taste in her mouth and reek in her nostrils had been bothering her since she woke up. Rinsing her mouth with water alone didn't help much. "I wish I had a toothbrush," she said.

"Here's a wrapped unused bar of soap," Anne said, removing it from the cabinet. "If you can stand soap in your mouth."

"I'll use it," Sheila said. Despite the bitter taste of the soap, she was relieved when she'd rinsed it all out. Finally, the reek of semen was gone and her mouth tasted clean.

As the two women exited the bathroom, the other prisoners were quiet. No one asked Sheila about her ordeal. For that she was grateful. Probably they guessed some of what had been done to her.

There was a knock on the cabin door. For the second time a male voice told the prisoners, "Everyone stand away from this door!"

Two crewmen looked in. One Sheila immediately recognized. It was Pierre.

Oh god! Are they going to rape me again?!

"You, Sheila!" he ordered, pointing at her. "Come with us."

"Jesus!" Jerry exclaimed. "Why don't you bastards leave her alone!" He looked as though he was going to move toward Pierre.

Pierre ignored him, but the other put his hand onto what Sheila thought must be a weapon holstered in his belt.

But Jerry saw the motion, and he halted. He said nothing further. Pierre reached out, grasped Sheila's wrist, and pulled her through the doorway. The other crewman slammed and locked the door. Pierre led her down the hall toward the stairwell with the armed crewman following.

"W-Where are you taking me?" Sheila asked.

"To the crew's head. Our bathroom."


"You'll find out soon enough."

She began to tremble, growing more fearful as she followed the man who was gripping her hand.

They proceeded down a flight of stairs and into another hall.

At the end of it, Pierre unlocked a door. The entered another corridor, where they stopped before an open doorway.

The large, brightly illuminated room appeared to be a communal bath. Sheila saw men's urinals, sinks, and stalls and, in the center of the room, an enormous sunken tub. The tops of its sides were at floor level. The tub and its fixtures, as well as the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room all seemed to be made of stainless steel. The floor felt cold through her slipper-shoes.

"Henri," Pierre said; "Undress her while I start filling the tub."

What followed embarrassed and humiliated Sheila. Once she was nude, the men walked her to one of the stalls, seated her on a toilet, and gave her an enema. Then they bathed her in the huge tub. After drying her, they positioned her on what they told her was a bidet. On it, she was ordered to wash herself.

After she was towelled dry, Henri told her, "Bend over. You can put your hands on the bidet so you don't fall."

She did as she was told, and she felt something hard and cold pressed against her anus. She recognized it as the nozzle of a tube of lubricant from the episode with the four men.

When they were done injecting it into her, they led Sheila to an open closet where clothing hung from hangers. Most appeared to be uniforms, either in white or in navy blue with brass buttons, but hanging in the center were a white blouse and a black and white striped pleated skirt. Beside them, folded over a hanger was a pair of black thigh high stockings, and beneath them on the metal floor, stood a pair of glossy black flats.

"We'd better put the hood on her," Pierre said, reaching up on a shelf above the bar.

"Don't bother," Henri replied. "From what I saw of him last summer, Ellsworth don't give a fuck about who sees him do squat. If you ask me, even the Captain is leery of him, and she don't panic too easy."

The Senator glanced at the clock. A little before twenty-one hundred. The blonde should be delivered to his stateroom about ten minutes from now. He doubted that Yvonne would risk annoying him by delaying the girl's delivery.

Ellsworth was pleased with himself. His threat had intimidated her, and it had produced the expected result: Yvonne had capitulated.

A pity though... I'd have enjoyed seeing how the lesbian took to sex with a man. And it woud have been interesting to see how she reacted to being instructed by a woman half her age. She's old enough to be Judith's mother. As for Judith, would she have demonstrated giving a blowjob? Or, perhaps she would have held Yvonne's head, and pushed it, moving it up and down, all the time giving her verbal instructions: "Lick with your tongue, Yvonne... Suck it, Yvonne... Don't lose any, Yvonne... That's a good girl, Yvonne... Now swallow, Yvonne...

Ellsworth smiled. It was a pleasant picture.

He intended to position the armchair so it faced the metal bars that made up the foot of their bed. Accordingly, he moved the chair a few inches forward on the heavy carpet. He moved it so that it faced the foot of the bed about four feet from it.

Pierre had provided him with handcuffs. Ellsworth locked a cuff about each of the legs at the foot of the bed.

As he sat in the armchair, his cock was alread semi-hard from anticipating the blonde's entrance. That was a good sign. It confirmed his belief that his recent problems with potency arose from boredom with Judith rather than from anything organic. His shorts, without underwear, felt comfortable enough in spite of his near-erection...

Judith had thoroughly cleaned herself. She had given herself the enema that the Senator had insisted on. She turned off the valves in the bidet and began drying herself. She wished she didn't feel so uneasy. Perhaps it was her imagination, or perhaps a lack of self- confidence.

But she didn't really believe that. For some time now, not just today, but for the last month or so Ellsworth had been distancing himself from her. Not in bed of course. The Senator was too sexually active for that. Although, now that she thought about it, he had recently had instances of impotence with her. She had ascribed that to age; men were supposed to become less virile when they grew older. Prescott Ellsworth was sixty.

This blonde whore that he was having delivered was partly the cause of her uneasiness. Prescott wasn't monogamous; Judith had no illusions about she being the only female he bedded. But this was the first time he wanted her and another woman to share him at the same time.

It was also the first time he'd wanted her to fill her anus and rectum with lubricant. Not that it would be novel for her. Her sex with Bill had involved virtually everything imaginable. Bill's participation in Gemini had exposed him--and by extension, her--with all sorts of D and S. Judith had found submission to be an enormous turn-on. She had even gone to an occasional bar with Bill to re-enact the episode he'd had with a couple shortly after he'd joined the Society.

Ellsworth was another matter. He had always handled her with kid gloves, even though he sometimes seemed to think he was shocking her. Sex with the Senator was pure vanilla. What turned him on was sex at odd times and odd places. He was enormously addicted to having her under his desk sucking him off while he had some female visitor in his office. Either a visitor or that eighteen year old just out of secretarial school. Judith thought that some of the letters he dictated to her were totally bogus, intended entirely to get the girl in his office to sit across his desk from him in her miniskirt while Judith gave him a blowjob.

Well, her goals hadn't changed. As long as she was on his staff she would comply with the Senator's whims. Her own physical and emotional needs took second place. Like men, she had to realize that to advance in one's career, one needed to make personal sacrifices. That had been made clear to her last summer when she'd returned to their state and she phoned her boyfriend Bill--correction, former boyfriend--Bill Starrett. He was now engaged to Sherry, her best friend.

That had hurt. But Judith had understood. How could she expect him to see her only during the times she was away from Washington? The night that he told her about Sherry, he had offered to take her to dinner, but she had declined. Knowing men, he might have invited her to his apartment. She didn't want to be exposed to temptation. She would have had no resistance whatever. Bill gave her something that no boyfriend or lover ever had before or since.

Bill had joined the Gemini society when he'd worked for a year across the bay from San Francisco.

Later, back in the South, he'd met a couple at the bar in a hotel where they were staying for the night. Somehow the conversation had reminded him of the Gemini Society, and he'd told the couple about it, including his own membership. After describing some of the activities he'd participated in, the man's wife had leaned over on her bar stool to whisper in his ear, "I'd really like to suck your cock."

He had gone with the couple up to their hotel room. The husband had tied up his wife. He had abused her with his belt, to 'get her in the mood'. She had fellated Bill while her husband watched.

Judith never had any inclination to inform the Senator about her experiences with DandS. To her, it had nothing to do with him. Until now, she always looked forward to summer, when she and Bill would swing with another couple and engage in BandD. Humiliation was a real turn-on for her. It would arouse her like nothing else would. Unbelievably, sometimes amidst being forced to do or to accept some degrading act, she would experience an orgasm, albeit a small one, without having her clit even touched.

She threw the empty KY Jelly tube in the wastebasket. She wiped herself again and tossed the tissues on top of the used tube.

She thought again about the Senator's whims. He had been subjected to much criticism from the media. Perhaps this spring break was what they both needed. They both would relax on the sand; Prescott had said the beach was beautiful. She'd have a tan to take back to Washington. For now, whatever his whims, she'd defer to them.

She stood up and slipped her robe on. Then she thought of how he wanted her to dress. She felt her face grow warm. Perhaps he wasn't serious. No. He was serious. The Senator never joked about such things. God, she was getting really aroused thinking of it!

At least these people on the ship don't know me. I'll never see them again once we're back in Washington.

Ellsworth was seated in the bedroom armchair. He'd positioned it so it faced the metal bars that constituted the foot of the bed and was four or five feet away from it. The Senator was dressed in a tee shirt and white walking shorts, and his legs were propped on a footstool. She carefully avoided looking at the tent his erection was making in his shorts.

I suppose he's thinking about the blonde whore.

Judith withdrew a pair of her black thigh-high hose from the second drawer of the dresser and laid out the stockings on the bed. She retrieved her black pumps from the closet. She took the choker and bracelet from the top drawer of the dresser and stood before the mirror above it to put them on. She displaced strands of her hair in the process, and she took the hairbrush from its top and brushed out the tresses. She walked then to the vanity, and she applied some crimson to her lips.

In the mirror she noticed Ellsworth glance at the clock. He gave her a smile, but there wasn't even a trace of humor in it.

"You're stalling, Judith. I don't want you to greet the blonde while you're wearing that bathrobe," he said. "Dress as I told you to. Hurry up; I expect that she'll be here any moment."

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