Time Machine - Cover

Time Machine

Copyright© 2001 by Ale Stone

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Jule Vernsk sex-story

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Pregnancy  

"Are... Are you here?" she asked with a little tremor in her voice.

I was surprised at this. How did she know? I hadn't moved since she came into the room. Had hardly breathed. But somehow she knew.

"You don't have to hide. I know you are here. Say something!" the last was said in a little angry voice.

"Yes," I blurted before I could stop myself.

"Who are you? How did you find me? What do you want from me? Why me?"

"Because I love you," I said with my half whisper. I didn't want her to recognize me by my voice.

"Sure you do. Were have you been all these years than?"

"I couldn't find you?"

"Couldn't find me? How did you find me the first time? Or was I just picked at random?"

"No, no. I know... knew you."

She looked at the place were she thought I was.

"You - knew - me?!" she said not believing what she had heard.


"Do I know you?"


"Are you my age?"


"Were you in my class?"

She was quick to comprehend and deduct from given information.


Again she was silent. This time for longer.

"Why don't you sit down. I have to think about this."

"Thank you."

She jumped a little when she heard the chair being pulled a little closer and then she looked hard at the place were I sat, trying to see me. She just shook her head in disbelief and disappointment.

"I know you and you were in my class, that means that you can't be... be invisible all the time. Or?"

"No, I'm not."

"You invented a lotion that makes you invisible? You know like Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hide?"


"No. I didn't think so either. There was only one boy in my class that was intelligent enough to be able to do that."

"Oh, is that so?"


Again she was quiet for a while.

"So you stumbled over something that makes you invisible?"

"You could say that."

"Yes, that makes sense. Would I be invisible if I was to take this... whatever?"

"I don't know."

"Are you Peter?" she tried spring the question on me and make me answer it in surprise.

"No. And I will not tell you my name."

"Hm. So are you going to test it on me?"

"I don't know."

"What do you know and why are you here?"

"I don't know and I really don't know. To gloat maybe."

"Gloat at what? I'm doing good. What is there to gloat about? Me being a lone mother with a child that don't have a father. Not even in her papers? Is that something to gloat about?"

"I didn't know?"

"What? That I have a daughter?"


She let me off the hook for a while but put me in another spot.

"Aren't you going to kiss me? You have after all fucked me so you may as well kiss me. You never did, you know. Besides I would like to feel it, make sure that you are just as despicable as I always imagined."

She took a step toward me and I sprang to my feet to be ready if she had an ultimate motive. It didn't seem so and when she was close enough for me to reach her I put my hands on her shoulders and drew her closer to me. She lifted her face and my lips closed on hers.

I was overwhelmed by my feelings for her once again and the kiss lasted longer and got a lot more passionate than either of us had expected. When it ended she took a step back and looked questionly at me, there was a glimmer of surprise and something else in her eyes. It looked like love! Suddenly the expression changed. Her eyes went black and her lips tight and the flat of her hand suddenly swung at my face and landed a stinging slap right on my cheek!

"How could you! You damn bastard! How could you? Wasn't it enough for you to spoil my life? Why did you have to spoil my daughter's too? You're own daughter's? How evil can you be?"

I stagger back to the chair, pulled it up and sank down on it. It was me! I myself who had ruined my life! And Anita's! And to add too that my new daughter's as well! Well not new, she must be at least - eighteen by now, but new to me. Suddenly I realized that I was crying. Tears just streamed down my cheeks and I didn't notice that Anita had approached me and I almost jumped out of the chair again when I felt her hand touch my ear. I didn't because her fingers weren't threatening me. They just wanted to "see" me, like a blind looks at objects. When she reached my cheeks she could feel the tears.

"No, you didn't know. Did you? But you hated me enough to do it. What can I have done to deserve such hate?" she whispered and with a little shiver she sat down on my lap but at first attempt she almost missed it but since she hadn't let go of the support of her legs yet she was able to stay up and land in my lap. As she sat down she jumped up again.

"My god! You're naked!"

I had to laugh a little at the look at her face. Surprise mingled with disgust and curiosity.

"Clothes doesn't get invisible," I mumbled and dried my tears.

"Oh, I see."

She got a determined look at her face and again she sat down, this time she got it almost right at the first time and it just took some wriggling to land right.

When she sat in my lap she took my head in her hands but when she felt it she again stood and went to get some paper-tissues and handed them to me.

"Here, blow your nose and act as a man!" she said with a laugh.

I did as she said. Both parts. Blew my nose and felt my cock act manly. If she noticed she acted as if she didn't.

She took my face between her hands and tried to look me deep in the eyes that wasn't there for her to see.

"I think we have to get everything out in the open, don't you?" she asked in a sincere tone.

I just nodded my head.

"So tell me all about it."

"I-I can't just now. I have to... compose myself. You tell me first."

"Oh. OK. Were shall I start?"

"Why not from the beginning? When we... first met."

"You mean at school or - in my room?" she blushed at the last words.

"Your room."

"Oh. Well, it's a bit embarrassing you know. You saw me, didn't you?"

"Saw you? Of course I saw you."

"You saw me... masturbate?"

"Oh, yes. I saw you and that's why..."

"So it was my own fault then?" she said hotly.

"No! I didn't say that! I loved you! Saw your... you know, your butt was all the way out on the edge of the bed and-and... Why didn't you stop me?"

"How could I? At first I didn't believe it was happening, that it wasn't real that it only was a dream, you know the kind you sometimes can dream when your still awake but on the way to fall asleep. And then I became scared. You frightened me for heaven's sake!"

"I did? That's not what I can remember. All I remember was that you put your hand down between your thighs and felt my cock. Oh yes. And you looked over your shoulder once."

"Yes and I didn't see you! But I felt you! I was horny! Had been ever since..." she went quiet.

"Ever since?" I nudged her on. Maybe now she would tell me who it was that she had left me for. Whoever it was he didn't seem to be around anymore.

"Oh what the hell. What harm can it do? Maybe I can hurt you a little too. Ever since Robert had started to finger my cunt! So. Happy now?" she said defiantly.

Once again it was confirmed to me that I myself was to blame for my misery. Or?

"Oh, that's all?"

"What do you mean; that's all! That's all! Of course it is all! Why would I lie?"

"No I didn't mean it that way. I thought that you had met..."

"Met what?" she glared angrily at me, she hoped.

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