Time Machine - Cover

Time Machine

Copyright© 2001 by Ale Stone

Chapter 24

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Jule Vernsk sex-story

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Pregnancy  

Two weeks had passed since we bought the new house, and we were finally settled in. The only one opting for her own room was Chris, who hadn't given up the thought that she should be able to get back to school someday, and she had insisted that Charlotte too should be given her own room. Where Chris had posters and stuff on the walls in her room, Charlotte's was Spartan in its decoration. No pictures on the walls, no books in the bookcase and hardly any clothes in her wardrobe.

"Dad," Chris came up to me one day shortly after our move. "We need to talk."

"OK. What about?"


"What about her?"

"She's only fifteen, and she acts as if she's at least a hundred. I want to take her shopping. New clothes, a CD-player and a whole bunch of CDs. Also, a little makeup, not that she needs any, but every girl likes to experiment with makeup. Get her a poster or two. You know, stuff."

I didn't think about this for long.

"Tell you what, Fritz and I have to go into town this week anyway and we can as well do that tomorrow as any other day, so why don't the two of you come with us? We can have a nice dinner afterwards and make a day out of it."

"Great!" She exclaimed, giving me a hug and rushing off to tell Charlotte the good news.

Fritz and I had made a list of everything we needed and, if we went into town a day or two earlier than we had planned, it didn't matter. We had already purchased the poles for the surveillance cameras and searchlights. Fritz had also been to the future and picked up some very sophisticated security locks. The rest of the work would be handed over to Tommy while Fritz and I took turns watching the monastery.

The next day, one very excited girl, and one not so excited, rode into town with us. Charlotte really didn't have a clue what they were about to do even though, to all our amusement, Chris had tried to explain it to her in great detail. Finally, Charlotte had gotten angry and stormed up to her room. There was no slamming of doors though, even if I thought that it would have done her good to do so.

When we left the two girls outside the biggest mall in the city, I could see that Charlotte was almost white with fear and Chris had to hold her hand. I watched as they went inside, then Fritz and I were off to do our business.

We had arranged to meet the girls just after two o'clock to have lunch and, if they were done with their shopping, go back home. At the agreed time, we stood in front of the restaurant and waited... and waited. I started to get worried, and Fritz started to pace back and forth. Almost an hour later they came running, as well as they could run for all the parcels they were carrying.

"Sorry we're late," Chris panted. "But I couldn't get Charlie out of the bookshop... and the music shop was just as bad. I bought her a very nice CD-player. We just have to pick it up before we leave."

I don't know why, but I got the impression that the 'we' she was talking about meant 'Daddy'. I was, however, so relieved that they were safe that I didn't protest.

"So, Charlie," I said when we sat waiting for our order, "did you have fun?"

"Oh yes. Very," she smiled excitedly.

"Did you buy anything you like?"

"Oh yes, look," she bent down to one of the bags but I had to stop her.

"Wait, wait. You can show me everything when we get home." I heard Fritz chuckle at her eagerness, and I too had to smile.

The girls both chatted away happily during the meal and all the way home. It was a relief when we pulled up finally in front of the house where they bumbled inside loaded with all the parcels. I heard how they shouted hello, and then they disappeared upstairs. When we entered the house after unloading the car, we found the ground floor deserted but from upstairs we heard all the women chatter and understood that Chris and Charlotte were showing off their loot.

"Who's taking the night watch?" I asked Fritz when we sat in the living room sipping a cup of coffee.

"I haven't really thought of it, but we have to make up a schedule, four hours watches in pairs, day and night for as long as we are pursuing this matter. It won't be that difficult to come up with a rotation."

"We are sixteen grownups, I'm counting Charlotte in that number. Four of us are generally busy with the monastery; that leaves twelve. Three shifts during the night will occupy six and that leaves six for the daily chores. Maybe we should have two in charge of the daily doings and then divide the watches up between the rest of us. You and I can help out occasionally also."

"Yes that sounds good. We'll let the women decide who does what and come up with a list."

We finished our coffee then went outside and started to work on the security system.

At supper we told the women what we had thought of, and they agreed that this was something that needed to be done, so we left it to them to sort things out.

"Daddy," Chris asked, as soon as everyone was busy and she had announced that she was fine with anything the others decided.

"Yes, dear."

"Can you help me with the CD in Charlie's room?"

"Of course, when?"

"As soon as possible. She's dying to try it but doesn't want to impose on your work..."

"OK, well let's get it done now then."

I followed her up to Charlotte's room. She stood in the middle of the room looking at herself in a mirror and swirled around as we entered. She had a short skirt and a blouse on. The skirt swirled up and showed her panties, giving me a quick glimpse of her thighs, but fell back to its proper place all too soon.

"Oh, hi Robert," she said breathlessly and walked over to me, stood on tip toes and kissed my cheek.

"Why thank you," I said. "What was that for?"

"All of this. Everything," she smiled. "Everything," she said again.

"So you are happy, are you. I mean living here and all?"

"Come on Dad, you can talk and walk at the same time. We need some music!"

I assembled the parts to the CD-player. The only problem encountered was with the proper placement of the loudspeakers but that was soon solved, and Charlotte put a CD on. Chris Isac! I silently groaned, but Charlotte smiled happily so I didn't say anything. I saw that there was a whole stack of CDs, and I just hoped that there would be something less offensive in that stack.

"Why don't you show Daddy the thing you bought," Chris suggested. I was about to excuse myself and flee the room, but again the sight of Charlotte's happy smile stopped me, and I sat down on her bed.

Charlotte dived into the walk-in-closet, and I could hear some rustling and a few thumps. She came out in a dress that looked great on her and I told her so. She blushed a delighted blush and after that the show continued for what seemed to be a long time, but it couldn't have lasted that long because just as she said that I'd seen it all, the Chris Isac CD ended and Chris put on Backstreet Boys. This time I groaned loudly. It was quickly going from bad to worse.

"You must educate Charlotte," I said a little annoyed to Chris.

"I know, I know, but you can't expect her to listen to what's their name, Sch... nberg or something, or Weil or... well, anyone. She must learn to listen to music first. Get used to it. She's fifteen for heaven's sake!" Chris burst out.

"Sorry. I was being a bit of a dad, wasn't I?"

"Yes, you was!"

I almost corrected her when I saw that she had a challenging glint in her eyes, so I just shrugged my shoulders. Chris walked over to me, sat on my lap and gave me a deep, promising kiss.

"Why don't you show Dad the rest of your clothes? Wait, I'll help you."

They disappeared into the closet, and I heard a little giggle from Chris just before Charlotte, a little tentatively, stepped out into the room clad only in a pair of cotton panties. Chris followed her, looked over at me and smiled a little knowing smile when she saw my eyes bulge out at a sight I still hadn't gotten used to; Charlotte nude or seminude!

Chris cupped her hands over Charlotte's uncovered breasts. "We didn't buy any bras," she said and withdrew her hands. I think she must have given her nipples a tweak, because when she again revealed them to my eyes, they stood full and proudly straight out from her aureoles. "Charlie's breasts are too beautiful to be hidden, don't you think?"

"Oh yes," I whispered and again Charlotte blushed her delighted little blush.

"We bought six pairs of them. They are very practical."

I just swallowed in anticipation, expecting to see Charlotte model them all.

"So we won't show you the rest," Chris continued. "When you've seen one pair, you've seen them all. Can you manage by yourself now?" She asked Charlotte as she walked over to me and again sat on my lap. After a while she again kissed me with the same promise as before, and I enjoyed the kiss till I heard Charlotte cough. I tore my lips free, looked up to see what she wanted and my mouth fell open. It stayed open until I realized that I must be looking like a drooling idiot, and I shut it.

The pair of undies she was wearing now was a smoky gray color, and the silk was so sheer that, if they had been designed to hide anything, they certainly had misunderstood their purpose totally. Instead, they enhanced the shape of the high pussy mound and the shape of the almost coiffure of the hair on it. Chris giggled as she felt my cock expand another notch from the one she had previously made it expand with her ardent kisses.

"You like?" Charlotte asked sweetly, feigning innocence.

"Yes! Oh yes."

She giggled happily and twirled around; giving me a view of her hard ass cheeks covered in the sheer material. This sight did nothing to calm my erection. On the contrary! Oh to have those firm globes pressed against your lower stomach and your cock hidden in the soft recess of the wet cunt below and between them!

Chris squirmed in my lap, rubbing her soft ass against my hard-on and I could feel that the place on my thigh that my cock rested on, cramped, was getting wet by the precum. She turned her face to Charlotte and nodded her head. Charlotte again disappeared into the closet and the next time she came out she was dressed in the best thing yet... Nothing!

Chris stood, reached her hand out for Charlotte and guided her down onto my lap.

"Daddy," she said demanding. "Daddy, don't you think it is time to formalize your relationship with Charlie?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked against better knowledge.

"Well, she's in love with you and you are so obviously smitten with her that both Mom and Nina are just waiting for you to ask Charlie into our bed. She can't live by herself up here. She could develop a trauma!"


"Well, a phobia then."


"You know very well what I mean," she was starting to get a little annoyed.

"No, dear, I really don't. How can anyone, under secure circumstances, among people that love her, tend for her, care for her, buy clothes and stuff for her, develop a phobia?"

"Stop it! Will you ask her?"


"No?" She couldn't believe what she heard, and Charlotte suddenly sobbed.

"No, I can't. I must do it in front of the others! With the others. Don't you see? I can't just expect them to... I just can't do whatever I want. As much as I love Charlotte, I just can't do it behind your mother's and Nina's backs."

"They know, daddy."

"Have you told them?"

"Daddy, obviously you don't know anything about us women."

"Oh, if you only knew what I know about women," I said in an indulgent tone of voice.

"So? What is that?" She asked with real curiosity.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," I had to confess when thus confronted.

This made her laugh and realize that I was pulling her leg. She told Charlotte so, comforting her as she had started to cry softly, not hiding her tear-stricken face from me. I kissed her tears away.

"It's OK. I love you, sweetheart, for as long as you want and even after that. I'll ask you to be my wife as soon as... Shit! I must go and get your mother and Tommy!" I exclaimed as I realized that the time had just flown away. "Don't you go anywhere," I said to Charlotte. "And you young lady, I'll deal with you later," I said in a menacing voice at which Chris laughed gaily.

"Promises, promises," she chided and she stuck her tongue out at me.

I told Fritz that I was off to get Anita and Tommy. I got there just as the sun was setting, and I was led to the place where they were sitting by the shimmering telltales of sperm confined in a cunt.

"So," I said as soon as I was close to it. "Have you had time to look out as well?"

Anita giggled and Tommy hummed a little embarrassed.

"Oh, hi darling. It's lovely here, isn't it?" She said as she crept close to me. "And that machine of yours is lethal! Well, it's at least a hazard to your health... if you are a man that is."

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