Time Machine - Cover

Time Machine

Copyright© 2001 by Ale Stone

Chapter 21

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Jule Vernsk sex-story

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Pregnancy  

The honeymoon lasted only that one night and the next morning I shipped my new wives, my son and Fritz's family back home, while Irene and Tommy remained at the hotel for another day. When I returned with Fritz, we paid our bills while Irene chatted away happily about the wedding and their week here. I kissed her good-bye outside their flat and then it was back to the workshop. Or rather back to testing.

Although Fritz had the design almost completed in his head, it took us another month of frustrating trial and error testing before we had the tracking system working properly. We tested it as best as we could by me randomly jumping to any place and time I could and only a couple of minutes later Fritz would be there with a triumphant smile. We returned home in triumph and told the family the good news.

"So from now on we don't have to share you with Snoopy?" Chris asked.

"Snoopy?" Fritz and I asked in chorus.

"Yes, it's going to act as a tracking dog so... ?"

We all had a good laugh at this, but the mood turned more somber as soon as we told them that we had to get down to business at once. I saw that a couple of Fritz's wives, as well as Anita, turned a little pale at the thought of us venturing into danger.

"Don't worry," Nina said softly to Anita. "I'll go with him and make sure that he doesn't do anything foolish."

"Me too," Sabine chimed in.

We protested, trying to persuade them not to be stupid.

"As I see it, it all boils down to us being women," Sabine finally said. "I'll grant you that we aren't as strong as you men are but, on the other hand, it is less likely that we would rush in rashly and get into trouble if it wasn't absolutely necessary. We have more patience and I think we can assess danger better. So we would be more a complement than a hindrance."

All the other women said that they would feel much better if we had Nina and Sabine at our sides when we went into action, so reluctantly we agreed to take them with us.

At first we searched the Time/Space web at random, mostly to get used to Snoopy, as we now called the tracker, but also because I think we were all a little reluctant to take on the very real dangers that lay ahead. And then one day we felt that we couldn't delay the real task any longer. The more time we spent on tests, the more time would that give the one who had organized the attack on Die Freude to prepare for an attack against us all here.

We decided it was time to go back to the ruins of Die Freude and start from there. When we arrived and climbed out of the Machine I notice that almost all odors from the fire had vanished, now the only things that reminded us of the violence that had occurred here were the fire-blackened timbers and bricks.

I turned to Fritz to see how he reacted and noticed Sabine whispering something to Nina, which made her giggle and nod her head in agreement. Fritz just stared solemnly at the remains of their previous home, showing no outward emotion. He saw my look and just shrugged his shoulders.

"OK, first I think we have to go through the debris, just to make sure that there isn't anything left that can cause a paradox or lead whoever did this back to us," he said firmly.

We spent well more than an hour going over the place carefully but there wasn't much to see. The fire had been fierce, effectively destroying everything. We walked down to the little stream that flowed a couple of hundred meters away and washed the soot and dirt off, then Nina and Sabine produced a basket with sandwiches and some sodas. It was agreed that we should refrain from all alcoholic drinks while our mission lasted. Little did we know then just how long it would be.

We sat in the midday sunshine, munching our sandwiches and drinking some soda. There were some thermos bottles filled with hot coffee but we decided to wait for coffee until the next break.

After a while we reentered the Machine and examined the computer display. Fritz pointed out the curved pulses that appeared on the screen's base line, which represented the normal flow of time. These were the sort of rounded peaks you would get if you were to plot the sound level-verses-time of an engine, when rapidly pushing the accelerator down, then suddenly releasing it; a steady level interrupted by a sharp, rounded peak, then falling back again to its normal base level.

"This is the trace. It is as though the Time Machine pushes the time waves away and slips in between the peaks," Fritz explained. "As you can see, there are a lot of lines that go out from here. Whoever it was that was here had been here many times before, so the notion I mentioned to you that we were being observed seems to have been correct. That reminds me, we have to tell the others to be alert for any feelings they get about being looked at. I don't yet know if this is a matter of life and death, or if it is just someone who wants to annoy us. But if they are not serious, why go to all the bother... and the villagers didn't seem as if they just wanted to play with us; they were very upset and acted very threateningly."

"Can you see from the lines which one is the most recent?" Nina asked.

"No, unfortunately not."

"Oh, well that would have saved us some time. Now we have to follow every line, or... ?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"OK, shall we get going? Fritz, can you give me the coordinates please."

After the eighth jump, Sabine saw that we were revisiting a place where we had been before.

"No, this is no good," Nina said. "We need a program that will enable us to tell the difference between the lines we have followed and those we haven't, perhaps make a line we have followed another color. I think Chris could do that in a matter of, well, if not minutes, at least within a couple of hours. So what do you say, shall we call it a day for now and continue when the program is modified?"

We all agreed with that and returned home.

"You know what all this traveling does to me, don't you?" Nina half whispered as she climbed out of the Machine.

"I'm looking forward to it darling," I laughed back. "Just wait till you've traveled in the invisible state! Then you'll get something to worry about!"

"Oh, when you put it that way, I can hardly wait."

"Wait for what?" asked Sabine, as she and Fritz joined us and we started to walk home, Fritz with the hard drive in his hand.

"Oh, you know... Nothing," Nina giggled. I poked my elbow into her midriff and she jumped away laughing. "Well, nothing much anyway," another shove, "OK, OK... enough and I mean just barely enough!" she was laughing hard now and Sabine joined her, while I pretended to look hurt but the twitching of the corners of my mouth must have betrayed me because no one seemed to care.

While we had an afternoon snack, Fritz explained the problem to Chris, who took the hard disk to her room and started working on it immediately.

Sure enough, a couple of hours later she returned and said that the problem was now fixed. We decided that it was too late to go on another tracing expedition today, and besides I think the four of us were getting rather horny... I know for sure that Nina and I were, so we decided to leave it for the day.

Nina asked Anita to take care of Adam should he wake up during the night, which she knew very well that he would, and then she lay down, stretched her arms out for me, inviting me to lay on top of her. She stopped my hand when I started to reach down to get her fat pussy in my hand.

"There's no need for that, unless you absolutely want to," she whispered and I could hear both Anita and Chris snigger in the background, or rather, beside us. Nina shot them both an angry glance.

"Well, you know how it is," she admonished them. "All those times and no cock! It must be more than a hundred years since the last time!"

"Sorry!" Anita laughed.

"I've only traveled a couple of times and... Oh my god! My rent! I haven't paid my rent for... How long is it?"

"Don't worry dear," I moaned, because just at that moment Nina's hips shot up and the wet, slippery mouth of her pussy swallowed the whole bulbous head of my hard cock. "Do-on't wooorry, I've left instructions with the bank to take care of it," I managed without too much difficulty as her slick cunt worked my cock deeper and deeper inside.

"Oh, thank you daddy. Mom, don't we have a considerate husband?" she half mocked.

"We sure do," my wife agreed. "Don't you think so too, Nina?"

"Yyeeessss I dooo, but that caaant be said... oh my god, yes... about you,... oh this is sooo nice... , my felooowwwoh wives!" Nina tried to say while her hips rocked up and down to meet my alternatively fast and hard, then slow and soft, thrusts.

"Oh, busy are you?"


"Shall we ignore them, Chris? More than two can play that game. How about helping your poor old mother, who by the way has been downgraded to babysitter, out?"

"I thought you'd never stop talking, otherwise I would already be helping you," Chris giggled and soon the room was quiet apart from the sighing, moaning, mewing and slapping, slurping noises emanating from four naked people playing on the bed.

I slept like a log, and when I woke up to the smell of coffee, I noticed that the bed was empty apart from me and Nina. I staggered out to the bathroom, washed the dried juices off my cock and then sat down and peed while I brushed my teeth. For a change, I was totally washed when I entered the kitchen only to find that Chris, Anita and Adam were the only people there.

"Did we wake you?" Anita asked.

"No way. He was snoring so loud the house was shaking when I got up," Chris laughed.

I didn't answer them, just put my nose up in the air and looked at them, making them both giggle. I noticed that Adam was looking at me with his wide, blue eyes.

"Don't you start too," I told him. "And don't look at me that way either."

I don't know if it was sheer luck or if he actually recognized me, but suddenly a quick smile played across his lips and he sort of shook his head.

"Oh, look at him," both my wives cooed. "He recognizes his daddy!" After that I could as well have been someplace else because they both forgot me while they tried to make him smile again.

"Don't bother," I said, "he only smiles at me!"

We were interrupted by the statuesque Helga entering, scratching her left breast making the nipple swell a little and my mouth water. After that I was preoccupied by ogling every woman entering the kitchen. They murmured their 'good mornings', a little grumpy before the first sip of coffee woke them up completely and warming up their vocal cords. Soon the kitchen was filled with the usual sound of jabbering, laughing women. I sat there enjoying it all. Last of all Fritz appeared.

"Sorry I'm late," he said. "I sat up for a while last night and laid plans. Or maybe organizing the search is a better term. I think there may be a difference in how the waves look, according to how old they are. It appears that the longer the distance between the peaks, the older is the trace."

That sounded quite plausible, like old waves in the ocean.

Tania and Petra packed a lunch basket for us and we were on our way to conduct the second day of tracing down our enemy.

If Fritz's theory was right, we weren't able to confirm it during that day's hunt, but it became evident that the program that Chris had written was a great help. We ended up in the most unlikely places, such as a small town in what we assumed was northern USA, the outskirts of London and Rome, and then suddenly in an alley in a town we didn't recognize at all. The alley was so narrow that when I looked out through the open door I was amazed at the fact that we hadn't landed in the house instead and I told this to the others.

"Maybe there is some sort of, umm... defense mechanism that repels the machine from any hard objects," Sabine said.

"I think you may be right," Fritz said. "I have never thought about it, just taken it for granted, but there must be more to it than that. Or at least let us pray that there is more than just sheer luck involved in this, luck can be a very deceitful mistress." Suddenly I heard voice coming our way.

"Quick, everybody inside, lets get out of here," I ordered and we all scrambled inside the Machine. In seconds we were gone, ending up inside the workshop.

"I think that from now on it is better if we use the invisible mode. We don't want to bump into any people clothed like this."

I had already informed the other three about the dress you wore when you traveled in the invisible mode - nothing! So now the four of us stood in the middle of the workshop and stripped our clothing off. I saw Sabine whisper something to Nina, who giggled in return and whispered something back which made Sabine smile a broad smile. I wondered what this was all about, but mentally I shrugged my shoulders, putting it down to some female thing. I took the opportunity to look at the two women. I had never before seen them stand so close together. They were so alike in body build and yet so totally different.

Nina's, to me, familiar body I knew by heart and Sabine's I had come to admire a great deal during the breakfast sessions.

Her breasts were not as big as Nina's but the shape was the same, a pear-shaped, upturned tit crowned by a pink nipple that always seemed to be slightly erect, ready to swell out into full hardness at the slightest touch. Similarly narrow waists flared out into wide hips and a stomach that slowly sloped down to their vaginas. The feature that differed the most between them was Sabine's thick, straight, totally hair covered pussy and Nina's Mohegan-style hair. They seemed to have the same hair texture though, rather rough to the touch but once behind it you were met by the softest of softness. I was woken from my thoughts by Nina, who called for me as she entered the Machine behind Fritz. As I climbed in, Sabine's breast brushed lightly against my upper arm, just hard enough for me to notice and enjoy. She didn't act as if she knew what had happened so I just climbed in and sat down in front of the controls. Fritz gave me the coordinates; about five hundred meters west of where we had first landed.

When we were again back and looked out, I saw that we had cleared the nearest building by almost all of the five hundred meters. The alley we had landed in the first time was just a small blind space between two buildings, two of about twenty houses on each side of what you might call a street. It was paved with flagstones and so narrow that it would be hard for two vans to pass. There wasn't any traffic though, just a couple of people walking almost in the middle of it.

I looked to the other side and saw that there was a grove of trees on a small hill not far from where we stood. I drove over to it and guided the machine in between the trees where the van would be hidden from anyone in the city or coming down the road that led to it. We all climbed out and walked to the edge of the grove. I saw that if I had lifted my eyes just a little I would have seen the castle that lay on the opposite side of the city. I didn't have to point it out to the others because almost at once there was 'Look... ', 'There's a... ', 'That's probably where... ' flowing in the air, and then some laughter as we realized that we all had the same idea of what was hiding in that castle.

We walked up to the castle, a walk of only a little more than a kilometer. When we got close we saw that the high walls loomed over a small house nearly hidden in its shade. We saw a couple of people walk towards the big gate, then disappear inside. Again my thoughts were interrupted.

"Shit," Sabine moaned.

"What?" Fritz asked, worried.

"I... I don't know... I'm all tingly... You know as when... You know," she ended weakly.

"Oh. Well, hum... ah... yes. I see," Fritz sounded a bit embarrassed.

Nina giggled; "me too! I don't think I can walk a meter further if I don't get... You know."

"Please Fritz," Sabine begged.

"Please Robert," Nina chorused.

I heard a silent sigh from Fritz just as a warm female hand brushed against my hardening cock and, when I was about to get a grip on her hips, she turned and sank down on her knees with her back against me, drawing me with her down onto the sandy ground. As soon as my knees touched the dirt, my cock was hard enough to penetrate the wet pussy that the hand steered it towards. When I felt the soft, yet hard, hairs touch the sensitive bulb of my cock, I was hard enough to let it slip in between the two fingers that held the lips apart. With a moan she accepted my hardness inside her and her ass pushed back against me, forcing my cock further in, almost by force. I heard a matching moan coming from less than a meter beside me and I understood that Fritz was giving, and receiving, the same treatment as I. Already at the second in and out thrust I could hear the wet slurping sounds from the pussy in which my cock worked its way. The smell rising from the woman wasn't one that I was familiar with and I understood... it was Sabine I was fucking! I didn't want to reveal to her that she had made a mistake, my dream was coming true so why spoil it.

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