Time Machine - Cover

Time Machine

Copyright© 2001 by Ale Stone

Chapter 20

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Jule Vernsk sex-story

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Pregnancy  

Fritz' story was, in short, that some time during the night before, a mob led by a bearded priest had suddenly turned up at Die Freude. Before the inhabitants had time to wake up, the marauders were inside the house, and though they struggled valiantly, they were soon overpowered. Thus the bruises and wounds that the women of my family were now treating while the victims ate as if they hadn't seen food for a whole week.

"You know what I think?" Fritz asked between mouthfuls of bread and cheese, when they had finished their story.


"I think the priest was another Time Traveler. How he was able to fool the villagers I don't know, but there was definitely something odd about him."

"Besides, I heard him speak and his French wasn't as fluent as the villagers, it was more like mine," Sabine added.

"I guess you were right then, we are not as safe as we thought."

"No, apparently not."

"What do you suggest then?"

"I want to get him. Not for revenge because revenge doesn't pay. No, I want to get him for the safety of us all. None of us will feel safe unless we get rid of him. One way or another."

"Yes, but how will we find him?"

"We could start working on my tracking device again. This time in earnest. Now I know, we all know, that there is something dangerous out there. Which reminds me, we must go back to Die Freude to make sure that there are no tracks leading him here... And the sooner the better, preferably tonight."

"Yes, I agree. I'll go. You stay here and rest and be fit to fight tomorrow. I'll start working on a new Machine for you and you concentrate on the tracking device."

Nina and I went back to Die Freude, or what remained of it, a little later that night and looked it over, trying to find anything that was left which could create any form of anomaly but everything was completely burned down or demolished so all we had to worry about was the remaining Machine. I forgot to tell Fritz that I hadn't seen any trace of his van when I had a quick look the first time I went there, and I still couldn't find it. Apparently Fritz was right about his suspicions that another Time Traveler was involved in this attack.

"I wonder how it is that they didn't discover the one-way Machine," I mumbled to Nina. "There's something very strange going on here."

"Maybe the person responsible for this is laying in ambush, waiting for someone to come around and retrieve it," she suggested after a short while.

I looked around but in the semidarkness I couldn't see anything suspicious.

"We'll have to be careful then. Look around and see if you can find anything that can be used as a weapon."

We rummaged around in the junk till we found a couple of bricks that felt heavy enough to do some damage if they were thrown accurately and a piece of wood that would make do as a club. As carefully and quietly as we could, we stockpiled the bricks and the club a couple of meters from the one-way Machine.

"Are you ready?" I asked Nina when we stood side by side near the little pile.

"As ready as I can be," she whispered with a little tremor in her voice.

"Don't be afraid," I mumbled and squeezed her shoulders.

"I'm not afraid, well maybe a little. Mostly I'm... Well it's probably the adrenaline. I feel... strong - and ready - waiting for action."

"Good. Please just don't attack me if I turn up unnoticed," I was half joking and half serious. I didn't want to get that club, swung with all the strength Nina could muster, smashed over my head. She was by no means a big woman, on the contrary, but she was strong. "Well, I'm off then. Keep an eye on the edge of the woods. If there is anyone around, it's most likely that he or they are hiding there."

"I've been thinking," Nina said before I had time to go. "What if he already has that device that you and Fritz were talking about?"

This was something that neither Fritz nor I had taken in account. That was probably the case. Why else would the Machine be there unharmed? He wanted to get to me and my family too! And how had he been able to find Fritz? It was impossible that it was by chance. I don't know what the odds would be that one Time-traveler would just stumble across another, separated by hundreds of years and god knows how many miles, by chance?

Promptly I went over to the Machine and went inside. I looked at it for a while. It was a shame to destroy it but what options did I have? There were a few parts that could easily be ripped away and salvaged so I did that and lay them beside me. Then I started to tear at anything I could see but soon found out that it wasn't enough. I had to smash it completely or as nearly as I could, and for that I need something to hit it with.

"Careful, I'm coming out," I said quietly to the empty night and I could hear Nina shuffle her feet a little.


"I need one of these," I told her as I picked up a brick, went back inside the Machine and started beating on it everywhere. Slowly it disintegrated into, well, if not dust then at least into much smaller pieces. Pieces I thought were small enough to be unidentifiable and I thought that would have to do for the time being. However, we should come back later and remove it for good though.

"Done," I said as I exited. "Have you seen anything suspicious?"

"No. It's a quiet night, very quiet. Listen."

I listened and at first I didn't hear a thing, then it dawned on me. It was too quiet! There had been a lot of noises coming from the forest when we had sat on the stairs together not all that long ago.

"I see what you mean. There definitely has to be someone out there keeping this place under observation. But why didn't they come out when I hammered on the Machine?"

"Maybe they think that it's one of the villagers. Or that there are more than just the two of us here; that the rest of us are hiding, waiting, just as he is."

"Mmm, maybe. Lets get out of here."

We hurried over to the van, that thankfully stood parked a little bit down the road, hopped in and I pushed the appropriate buttons. Soon we were home.

"Hm, wait," Nina said before I had time to climb out. "I don't know what it is about this contraption but it gets me hot every time I get into it. I just wanted to warn you, you'll have a lot to do tonight my dear." With a giggle, she bent over and kissed me deeply, leaving me breathless.

We returned to our house and found that only Anita had remained up waiting for us. The others had already gone to bed and, after a beer and a shower, we followed their example. All the while, Anita hovered over us as if she wanted to make sure that we were alright, which of course we were.

In bed, first Nina climbed on top of me while Anita lay beside us and caressed the soft curve of Nina's ass as she forced her shivering hips to force her pussy down over my hard cock. Once in a while I could feel the fingers of her other hand trail the length of Nina's spread lips and come to rest against my cock as it drilled its way into Nina's warm soft recess. As soon as Nina's little cry of orgasm had quieted, Anita pushed her aside, climbed onto my still hard cock and, without any preliminaries, sank down onto it.

"Oh, I missed you both sooo much," she moaned. "I was so scared that something would happen to you. I need you both so much. Sooo mu-uch! Yes! Cum in me now! Nooow!"

She lay on my other side, between me and Chris, who during all this had been snoring softly but now sighed a little sigh as everything went still. The only sound was the little smacking sounds from Anita's lips as she once in a while kissed my shoulder. Nina crept closer to me and, wedged between my two lovers warm bodies, I drifted off to sleep. Sometime during the night I thought I heard a baby crying but I didn't react to the sound since it quieted almost at once.

I woke up the next morning still laying between my two women. I stretched lustfully, totally rested but reluctant to leave the warmth. Suddenly I realized that it was Saturday. Saturdays are the days when I have to "make breakfast". I don't know why Anita and Nina keep me doing it because what I serve usually is burned bread, either too hard or too loosely cooked eggs with either too weak or too strong coffee. I am perfectly capable of making good coffee but in the morning nothing in my body works properly except my bladder, it always seems to have filled itself up during the night, but certainly not my brain.

Slowly I made my way to the bathroom, let my water stream into the bowl, careful to aim at the side of the porcelain so not to wake up my sleeping beauties before breakfast was ready. Then I washed my hands, brushed my teeth and then did a cat wash on my face. I would take a shower after the others were up.

The first thing I did in the kitchen was to add water to the coffee-brewer, measure what I perceived to be the proper amount of coffee into the filter and push the button to get it brewing. While I did this, I heard the sound of naked feet padding toward the kitchen. I was expecting to see Chris appear and wasn't worried about my state of undress, that is stark nakedness, and just wriggled my bum as I heard her step inside.

"And good morning to you too sir," I heard a strange female voice say causing me to spin around, forgetting that I was about to show her much more than just a naked ass.

"Oh... Hum... Sorry Sabine." It was Fritz' wife who stood in the doorway! I forgot all about my nakedness when I saw her clothing. All she wore was one of my t-shirts! I could clearly see her nipples push against the rather thin cloth and could even make out the color of them, darkish pink. I could feel myself starting to blush when she made it worse by closing her eyes while she yawned and stretched her arms up in the air, not all the way, just high enough to scratch the top of her head. The effect this had on the old t-shirt was mesmerizing. It slowly rode up, following her arms and revealing the blondest, hairiest pussy I had ever seen. She must have sensed that I was looking at something which it hadn't been her intent to reveal because her eyes suddenly flew open and she too started to blush.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to... I... Oh shit. Things like this always happen to me. I'm sorry..."

"No, it's my fault," I offered chivalrously, not that I had the vaguest clue to why it should be my fault but it seemed to be the appropriate thing to say.

"OK, lets say that," she surprised me saying and walked over to me. "Can I help you?" she asked, ignoring my nakedness.

"Oh, yes. Please. Could you boil the eggs while I get something to... While I get dressed."

"Oh, don't bother. We like to go naked too. I could take this off if it would make you more comfortable," she offered. I didn't dare to think what Nina, Anita or Chris would say if they found me in the kitchen with a naked woman. However, I didn't go and get dressed.

For a short while I wondered why I acted like this and then I struck me. If I went and got dressed, then she too would feel compelled to get dressed and then I would miss the sight of the lower part of her pert ass cheeks, and once in a while almost all of her round ass as she bent a little to get teaspoons and stuff. And once I even caught a glimpse of part of her pussy that sort of hung down below the hem. Although it was covered by the thick, blonde hair, I could clearly make out the cleft where her outer pussy lips swelled apart and maybe a little of two thick and long inner lips peeking out between them.

We found that we really enjoyed talking with each other and to my surprise the morning-mist in my brain evaporated and I was, if I may say so myself, quite witty and funny, making her laugh a very pleasant laugh quite often.

Our voices and laughter must have woken Chris because suddenly she trudged into the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks when she saw me naked and Sabine half-naked, talking and laughing.

"Oh, I didn't know that I was interrupting something," she said, shooting me an angry look but forgetting that angry looks aren't all that effective when you are standing in front of the objects of your anger in the nude.

"Good morning, darling," I said and took the few steps over to her and gave her a light kiss. She weakened noticeably.

"Hum," she grumped all the same.

"Would you like some coffee now or..." Sabine opened the door to the refrigerator, bending down low, exposing her lovely naked backside to the both of us. "Or would you prefer a glass of... What is this stuff? Pineapple juice?" she said shivering.

I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful rump so I missed the expression on Chris' face, but I heard her 'Uuuurk' and so must have Sabine because she straightened up, closed the door and turned towards us, showing her front and two dark pert nipples which had hardened noticeably from the cold air leaking from the fridge.

"That was one of Nina's pregnancy needs... Pineapple juice and pickled cucumber sandwiches. I shiver just thinking about it!" Chris giggled, her eyes glued on Sabine as she walked over to the coffee machine, took the coffeepot and poured her a cup. She blushed a little when she saw that Sabine smiled when she saw where Cris' eyes were focused.

"I think I'm overdressed," she said, and before we had time to react, she drew the t-shirt over her head and flung it on a chair.

I just stood there gaping. This was without any question the most beautiful body I had ever seen! Her broad shoulders made her high breasts seem a little smaller than they actually were, pink nipples on top of puffy aureoles in the same color and the size of her breasts made the soft curve of her stomach sort of soften. Her navel was deep and in the middle of the distance between her breasts and the upper line of her pubic hair, which was, as I mentioned earlier, blonde and thick and straight and grew in the same way that a horses mane grows.

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