Time Machine - Cover

Time Machine

Copyright© 2001 by Ale Stone

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Jule Vernsk sex-story

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Pregnancy  

For many years I had been working on different machines in order to invent a perpetuum mobile. Even though I had many failures I never gave up. It had evolved from a hobby into an obsession. Everywhere at home there were clinking of chains, ticking of cogwheels and sparkling of electricity. Nothing seemed to help. Everything failed. Until one day when I happened to build a cube of mirrors attached to electric motors in a complicated design. In the middle of the cube I had made a hole that I could look in through. The first time I looked there were flashes like lightning far away inside my brain at the same time I experienced a rotating, spiraling, sinking movement. My curiosity was awakened and I decided to build another one, but twice as big. This time I made a hatch on one of the sides so it could be opened. First I placed a pencil inside the cube. Closed the hatch and started the motors. After a while I opened the cube. I don't know what I had expected to find inside it but not what I found... the pencil! I didn't let this get to me so the next time I caught a fly which I put in a test-tube and then I placed it in the cube. I let the motors run for a minute before I again opened the cube. I almost fell down on my ass when I took out the test-tube. I looked at it not believing my eyes. The fly was gone! In its place there was a maggot! I had invented the time-machine!

After uncountable experiments with bigger and bigger animals, I had a machine that I could handle. I won't tell you about all the mishaps and failures but after about a year of hard work I was so advanced that it was time for the ultimate experiment. To put myself in the machine!

At first I just took short timed trips so I wouldn't get lost so much in space/time that I wouldn't be unable to return.

Then the day came when I should take the decisive leap. I had a very specific day in mind. It was a day when we had a burglary at my childhood home. Nothing valuable was stolen but my mother had lost her jewelry, which had more value to her as mementos than monetary value. Besides that she had lost a pair of rather sexy silk underwear that I had bought her as a Christmas present (we used to give each other at least one present with underwear and usually I bought her white cotton panties at her suggestion) but this year which was the first year without dad who had died from cancer the same year and it was my intention to cheer her up a little. I think I succeeded though I never saw her wear them, unfortunately since my mother was a beautiful woman.

The whole theft-thing was a mystery for me all my life and now I was to travel back to solve the mystery once and for all. All my life I had suspected a neighbor's wife, who had moved away while we were visiting my grandparents during that summer. I had never been able to prove my suspicions.

I transported my time-machine to a forest not far from the place where I grew up. Went inside. Closed the door and pulled the right levers and soon I could feel that sinking feeling in my stomach that proceeded the inevitable blackout. When I again came to the time-machine stood still. Carefully I climbed out of it. I recognized the place immediately. I had arrived where I had aimed. Still in the forest where I would be unnoticed, not that I would have any reason to worry about that because this was the sleepiest of sleepy towns I've ever had been in and you seldom saw anyone out and about after eight o'clock in the evening. The only drawback was that I was naked! The clothes that I had worn were now laying on the floor of the machine as the seeds they were before they had been grown. And I was the age that I was a the time! My body was. Not my thoughts and memories. They were unchanged. How could that be? Were memories for ever indestructible? Or was it just that the brains complexity was so great that anything stored in it would be there forever? No matter if it was something that had happened a day before or a day after? I don't know, maybe it was just a side effect that wasn't explainable. I decided that I should put some research into the matter, later, some day.

Carefully I sneaked to my childhood home and found the key where we used to "hide" it. I opened the door and went into my room and got some clothes that I put on before I opened the window, went out and closed the door after me and put the key back in its place. Crept back inside through the window and sat down on my old bed to wait for the thief.

In spite of the excitement and the nostalgia that flowed through me I fell asleep. A very light slumber but it had lasted for about an hour when I was awakened by the key that was inserted into the lock, carefully been withdrawn and put in place from the inside. The door was slowly pushed open.

I slid down on the floor and under the bed just in time to escape discovery. I could feel the presence of someone in the room. The person probably wanted to make sure that there was no one home.

Then I could hear drawers being opened and closed. Carefully not to make any noise I crept out from my hiding place and sneaked over to my mother's room. To my surprise it was empty. I looked around and then I noticed that the light was on in the bathroom. I sneaked up to the door and peeked in. What I saw almost made me laugh.

Standing on the lid to the toilet-stool I saw Mrs. Nelson, the neighbor's wife that I had suspected for so long. She was standing on the lid with her skirt lifted up above her hips and tried to see herself in the bathroom mirror. She pushed the waistband down, exposing a soot-black bush. She combed the thick hair with her fingers and admired herself in the mirror. Admired the contrast of the black hair against the chalk-white silk in the undies. And then she adjusted the panties to their right place, turned in half-profile and looked at her pouting ass that pushed against the cobweb-thin cloth. She turned the other way and saw me in the doorway.

"Oh!" She shrieked. "What are you doing home? I mean I saw that there was light on and thought that you weren't at home so I came over to see if anything had happened!"

"And so it had, obviously," I answered without taking my eyes from her round, pouting ass.

"Well, William, I didn't think..."

"No. I can see that."

She let go of her skirt as if it had burnt her hand and it fell down and hid the wonderful sight and at the same time she jumped off the lid down to the floor.

"I' sorry William. I really thought I saw the lights... It must have been in your room!"

I showed her the key that I had taken when I passed the door...

"And that's why you locked the door after you?"

"Oh, then you were..." her voice just died away in her throat.

I let my eyes feast on her womanly beauty, which even the washed-out dress couldn't hide and I could feel the muscles in my stomach almost cramp of lust at the sight of this woman with a capital W. Brazenly and slowly I let my eyes travel over her body letting her see that I did so. I kept the key so that she couldn't ignore it. Tentatively she took a step forward and reach out for it but I was prepared for that and closed my hand around it. Nervously she smoothed her dress with her hands. And again she reached out slowly and touched my fisted hand. I didn't budge or let her believe that I was going to give her the key.

"Tell me, Mrs. Nelson, could I ask you for a favor?"

"Well. It depends," and suddenly she realized that I had the upper hand and changed her tone. "What could a nice boy like you want from me?"

It was all too obvious that she thought that a little flattery wouldn't hurt in this situation and a little coquettish she took my hand that closed around the key in her. "What shall I do to get you to give me the key?" she smiled and showed her small white teeth.

"Oh, I'm sure we'll find something..." I said suggestively.

Her smile vanished slowly and she looked at me with a calculating look.

"Tell me, do you have a bathtub at home?"

"No. We don't. Why?"

"Well, maybe you should take a bath while you are here, don't you think?"

"And of course you would wash my back?"

"Why not? Maybe it would cleanse you from sin?"

That arrow knew its target and she gritted her teeth and gave me an angry glance. Then she turned her back toward me and opened the faucets, running a bath. She sat on the toilet and looked straight out as if she wasn't part of anything that happened. I had to call her when the tub was adequately full. With a sigh she stood. Turned off the water and with her back to me she undressed. Got into the tub and sat down, a little bent forward so I couldn't see her face or the front of her body.

I drew up my sleeves and started to carefully, caressingly, soap her back. I could clearly feel the tense muscles in her back and for a short while I felt sorry for her, till I remembered the sorrow she had caused my mother.

"Stand up so I can reach the rest," I ordered her.

Silently she did as I said and turned her back toward me. My eyes couldn't stop admiring her swelling forms and my hands carefully squeezed her ass-cheeks. They gave way to my kneading hands.

"Turn around."

Hesitantly and with her hands over her cunt she turned to me. The breasts she let me see. They were big and heavy, but surprisingly firm for the size. Her nipples pointed a little downward though, but they were still a sight for sore eyes. I soaped my hands and let them close over the two enticing tits and I pinched the nipples lightly and they sprang to life immediately and Mrs. Nelson drew in her breath sharply as I again pinched her nipples. Slowly I let my hand glide down over her curves, slippery with water and soap and reached her hips. Caressed the slim thighs and glanced up at her. She stood perfectly still and only the heaving of her chest showed that her breath was a little fast.

With light force I pried her hands away from her cunt and I couldn't hold back a hungry gasp as I saw her totally naked.

"You are beautiful, Mrs. Nelson," I said with open admiration in my voice.

"Do you think so William? How old are you?"

Chapter 2 »



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