You're Just an Angel in Disguise - Cover

You're Just an Angel in Disguise

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2024 by Curbstonesetter

Erotica Sex Story: He lost his girlfriend; she returned to him and brought him another one for both of them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

Author’s Note: This story was inspired by a recording by: Earl Thomas Conley “Angel in Disguise”. His recording is available on the internet and the lyrics are there also.

Ellen McGuire and I first met when we were freshmen in high school. Ellen was sitting across the lunch table from me in the school cafeteria. She looked directly into my eyes and said, “I haven’t seen you before and I guess you are a freshman here in school this fall, too. My name is Ellen, Ellen McGuire and I’m a freshman, too.”

I responded, “I’m Eric Murphy and yeah, I’m a freshman here this year. I’m pretty certain that I haven’t seen you before now. It’s nice to meet you Ellen.” as I looked into her eyes and thought about how pretty she was and then I thought she really had a great shape, too, even though I didn’t know anything about her.

But, I knew I’d like to see her again and get to know more about her. Just looking at her and how pretty she was, it shot a strong shock through my lower belly and then it slowly descended even lower.

When I told my buddies about her, how cute she was with her beautiful light bronze complexion, how shapely she was and I wanted to go out with her. They just gave me the raspberry and said it was just “puppy love”.

They then told me, “Murphy, all you have to do is go to the boys’ restroom and take a piss and piss your hard-on away. Then you’ll feel a hell of a lot better after that and you’re not likely to blow your hot load in your shorts, you dumb ass.”

I just thought to myself, ‘That’s just a load of bullshit. I may have had a hard-on but, I still thought she was cute and shapely and it wasn’t “puppy love”. I thought, ‘Hell, with her pretty face and light bronze complexion who the hell wouldn’t want to take her out.’ I really wanted to take her out to a movie or something like that and get us something to eat after that, too. My lower belly and my balls kept telling me that.

Then I got to thinking, ‘Hell, I really needed to have enough coins to take her out and then I needed to have a car to pick her up and take her home with. But, I didn’t have either the coins or the car to do it and I didn’t even have a driver’s license either.’ I thought probably the best I could do for right now was talk to her and make a little time with her when I saw her at school on campus and in the classes we had together.

I sure enjoyed talking to Ellen whenever I saw her, whether we just met someplace on campus or if it was in any of the classes we had together. She was always very nice and sweet to me and I think that she was pretty much that way with everyone else she talked to as well.

Ellen was always so nice some of the people I talked to thought she bordered on being almost angelic. As I just thought, I knew that Ellen was a really nice girl but, I wasn’t quite ready to say she was an angel, yet.

We went through our freshman and sophomore years and every time I saw Ellen she greeted me very sweetly and graciously. And I always tried to greet her just as graciously. I knew that our affection for one another grew each time we talked and looked into each other’s eyes.

Every time we talked we found that we had more in common with each other. By the beginning of our junior year, I had reached the age of 16 and I went down to take my driver’s license test and I got my driver’s license.

When I got my driver’s license I felt like I had just been liberated. I felt like I was as free as a bird. That meant I could fly anywhere I took a notion to go. Much more than that it meant I could take Ellen out to school events and I could take her out to the movies and to the fast food joint for something to eat afterward. Our first date was when I took her to the first home football game of the year and to the school dance after the football game.

On the Friday nights when the football games were out of town I took Ellen to the movies and then to the fast food joint after the movie. We always had such a good time together whenever we went out with each other.

Then there were times when there were no football games to go to and the movie didn’t appeal to us so, we went to a local park. It was pretty wooded with lots of shrubs where we could park and not be readily noticeable by passing cars. We could sit in the car and make out with one another. We both really enjoyed our make out sessions.

Ellen always got so turned on; she even let me fondle her soft warm titties. Her titties weren’t exceptionally big but, I wasn’t all that particular and I sure enjoyed fondling and gently squeezing them. And I think that Ellen really enjoyed me fondling her titties, too, since she purred to me all the time I had my hands on her sweet warm titties.

Of course, I got really turned on when we were making out and I was fondling her soft warm titties. As turned on as I got making out with her, I know her panties had to have gotten pretty wet. I wanted to do more with her but, she wouldn’t let me do anything more than kiss her and play with her titties.

During spring break my parents and I went out of town to visit relatives for the better part of that week. When we got back home Mom and Dad had a whole list of things they wanted me to get done around the house for them.

As a result I really didn’t get a chance to see and go out with Ellen at all. Even worse, I missed her so much I had to visit with Rosy Palm and her five crooked daughters several times that week. I had to wonder if Ellen had to do something similar for herself during that week, too.

Just before the end of our junior year I took Ellen to the prom and I thought she was the prettiest girl at the prom. She was so pretty in her formal gown with the corsage I brought her that she had pinned to her gown.

After the prom Ellen and I went to the after the prom party and I didn’t get her home until almost one o’clock in the morning. Of course, I had a hip flask in my suit jacket that I spiked our punch with. It was easy to conceal when I wasn’t spiking our punch.

I didn’t get the chance to see Ellen except for a couple of times that summer. My Dad had found a job for me and it was very long working hours and I always had to work the full week and on Saturdays too.

Ellen had never been allowed to go out on Sundays. I think she told me it was because she had to go to church on Sundays. I was only able to see Ellen on a couple of holidays and I was really happy to take her out then. I know she was happy to go out with me then, too.

When fall came and school resumed, I was able to see Ellen a whole lot more than I had seen her over the summer. Our senior school year was a lot like the previous year. I took her to the football games and to the dances afterwards.

And then we went to the basketball games and the dances after those games as well. Just like the previous year when there were no home football or basketball games Ellen and I went to the movies together.

Similar to last year, if the movie didn’t appeal to us we just went out to the park we used to go to and we made out with each other. We’d have a heavy make out session with one another. Needless to say Ellen would always let me fondle her titties when we parked.

During our make out sessions, when Ellen would let me fondle her titties, every time I touched either one of her titties she had a little gasp of her breath. It was very easy to tell she gasped for her breath each time since we were passionately kissing each other at the same time. I wanted her to put her hand inside my pants and hold my dick but, she was really hesitant to do that for me.

As time went on, I pulled her across my lap. Holding her in my arms I kissed her very passionately. Then I started running my hand up under her skirt along the soft warm flesh of her inner thighs to gently touch and fondle her very wet pussy.

Ellen’s panties were so wet I thought they were very close to being dripping wet. I would not have been surprised to find that she had a wet spot in the back of her skirt and on my car seat.

As I touched and fondled her wet pussy she not only gasped for her breath she started trembling also. Softly whispering in her ear, I asked her to let me take her panties off but, each time she refused to let me take them off of her.

Each time I asked her she said, “No, Eric, if I let you take them off of me you are going to slip your hard member inside me and you’re going to get me pregnant. I just can’t get pregnant right now or even later. I sure can’t get pregnant until I get through college and get married, Honey.”

However, she put her hand down on my crotch and fondled and squeezed my hard dick. When she did that I just slipped the leg of her panties to the side and slipped my middle finger up and down her slippery love cleft. After a while I separated her lips and began to slip my finger inside her hot slippery pussy. Of course, feeling her wet slippery pussy made my dick get even harder.

I couldn’t get my finger very far into her pussy because of her hymen and I wasn’t going to disturb her hymen. I was afraid I would hurt her and I wanted to make sure that her hymen remained intact for her.

Slowly easing my finger out I slipped it up to the top of her cleft and started to slowly and gently stroke her little love bud just peeking out from under its clitoral hood. As I was stimulating her hard clitoris her breathing became short and erratic and she was softly moaning to me.

Soon, Ellen was trembling and she just melted into my arms then she shuddered, stiffened and she moaned very softly to me. I knew instantly that she had reached a huge, very satisfying climax with her head on my shoulder and her soft titties pressed against my side and my chest. She was moaning passionately in my ear.

Within a couple of minutes she breathlessly said to me, “Oh, Eric, you have made me climax and it was so much better than I have ever been able to do for myself. You have made me want you very much tonight, Honey.”

With her hand still on my dick, I whispered in her ear, “Honey, unzip my fly and pull my hard member out and gently stroke it back and forth for me please. Ellen very nervously did as I asked of her and started gently stroking my dick for me. At that time I asked her, “Honey let’s get in the back seat that will give us much more room and we should be much more comfortable in the back seat, too.

It occurred to me that Ellen might not want to move to the back seat of my car but, she did without any hesitation. When we did move back there, I laid her down in the seat, lifted her skirt, spread and separated her legs and started licking her pussy with her panties pulled to the side.

I had to start kissing and licking her wet love cleft up to her little love bud. Then I kissed and licked the inner petals of her pussy. She squealed loudly and said to me, “Oh, Baby, I loved that and I love you so much, too, Eric, please don’t stop until you make me cum again, Honey.”

She knew I had no intention of stopping and I continued to lick her clitoris until I thought my tongue was about to fail me. Very shortly she was moaning even louder than she had before and she was humping her hips up into my face and mouth.

Within a few minutes Ellen first shuddered, then stiffened and she appeared to have a huge orgasm. She went very limp on the seat below us gasping for her breath. I held her and kissed her until she had recovered her breathing.

I really wanted her to take my dick in her mouth and return my oral favor to her and bring me to a similar orgasm as i had just given her. I pulled her up in my arms to hold her and whisper in her ear,

“I really love you; Ellen, and I really loved giving you the tremendous thrill you just had. Do you think you could take my hard love member in your mouth and bring me to an orgasm similar to what you just had, Baby?”

She was still breathing very heavily and could only whisper back in my ear, “Oh, Sweetheart, I wish I could but, you have worn me out so much I don’t think I can do it tonight. Can we wait until the weekend after graduation when we go out again and I want to give you that same orgasm you just gave me, Honey?”

She said to me, “I think you’re going to have to take me home now, Eric.” I was really disappointed and I knew I was going to go home with a huge case of the blue balls and a hot date with Rosy Palm.

Even knowing I was going to have a huge case of the blue balls I kissed her very lovingly and said, “Ok, Ellen. I love you very much. We can wait until then, Honey.” We both relocated to the front seat and I drove her home. Kissing her good night, I said, “You know I love you and I’m looking forward to the week after graduation when we can go out together again, Ellen.”

Ellen quickly replied, “I love you, too, Eric. I think you know how much I really loved what you did for me tonight and I’m really looking forward to giving you the same pleasure you gave me, Honey.”

After saying that, she kissed me and was quickly through the door as she disappeared into her house. After graduation I wanted to see Ellen and talk to her but, I saw her walking off through the crowd with her parents and I didn’t get the chance to see and talk to her that night.

I got my summer job back that I’d had the previous summer and went to work the next day after graduation. The work was like it was the previous summer at least 12 to 16 hours each day.

On Thursday afternoon after work, I drove by Ellen’s house. I wanted to see her and tell her I’d like to take her out again either Friday or Saturday night. But, when I got to her house it didn’t look like anyone was home. There were no lights on in the house and there were no cars in the drive way like there usually was.

I thought that maybe they had gone shopping or to visit friends and I decided to drop by there the next night. The next night I drove by that house with the same result. Then I thought maybe they went on vacation out of town.

I continued to drive by their house for the next week and there was never any change. After a couple of more weeks there was never any indication that they had come back to the house.

Not having been able to see Ellen, I was really dejected that I couldn’t find, see and talk to Ellen but, I still drove by their house a couple of times each of the remaining months until it was time for me to leave for State College for the start of the fall semester.

I had hoped to take Ellen to State College with me when I went to school again but, that wasn’t going to happen or at least not this year anyway. At thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break I drove by that house but, nothing had changed.

I got my summer job back that following summer. I drove by that house about twice a month during the summer on my way home from work and there was no apparent change.

About two weeks before school was scheduled to start again I drove by the house and there were a couple of cars in the driveway and two little kids playing catch out in the yard. I knew that Ellen didn’t have any little brothers or sisters and the two cars had out of state license plates on them.

It was clear to me that Ellen’s parents’ had left the area and they took Ellen with them wherever they went. I had to resign myself that I wasn’t likely to see her again. So I decided to forget about her and do the best I could do in college and go on about my life.

I worked very hard through my remaining three years and graduated with my bachelor’s degree. After interviewing several companies I found a company that offered me a good starting salary and a good chance for advancement.

On graduating, I went home and spent a few days visiting with my Mom and Dad and then I drove out to the city where the company I joined was located. On joining the company I went to work as an entry level production management employee.

During the next four years I was promoted to supervisor of the department then to the manager of the department. Of course, with each promotion I received a sizable increase in salary along with the added responsibility that came with my promotion.

The Plant Superintendent along with the Assistant Superintendent decreed that all managers of the plant had to take a Management Refresher course of two weeks. They advised that there was an approved course that fit their requirements.

And the refresher course was to be taught right there in the city and each manager was to sign up and register for that or another approved management course. However, they strongly advised that the one taught right there in the city was highly recommended.

I immediately walked down to HR and had the HR clerk sign me up. She was coordinating the number of managers signed up for the course and she was reporting them to the Assistant Superintendent.

That was because upper management didn’t want all the managers to be out of the plant at any one time. I was mildly surprised to find out that I was the only one signed up for the course right off the bat.

In the past, that management training was facetiously referred to by some of the floor production crew and others as Charm School. I later learned that such a somewhat flippant and sarcastic name for the training was not all that far from the truth.

I knew that when word got around that I was out of the plant for that management training it would be said that I was sent out to Charm School to sweeten my disposition. I thought, ‘Hell, I don’t care, I really had no choice but to attend the course.

On Monday morning the Charm School was scheduled to begin, I drove downtown to the hotel instead of to the plant and parked in their parking lot. On entering the lobby I saw a sign for the management training course and the conference room number where it was to be held.

On walking into the open door of the conference room I stopped a moment and surveyed the available seating and chose my seat. After taking my seat, I had a little more time to look around the class at some of the other attendees.

A couple of rows in front of me I could see two ladies one of whom appeared to be in charge of the other. The woman in charge was a lady who had black hair. Her hair style and light bronze complexion seemed to be very familiar to me but, I sure didn’t know why.

I just thought it might be a coincidence with someone I had seen somewhere previously. It might have been at work or even while I was still in college. I didn’t think anything more about it. I wasn’t going to waste my time speculating and mentally chasing a possible ghost.

The course instructor came into the conference room and began his lecture. He talked for two hours and told the conferees that it was break time and in an adjoining conference room there were urns of coffee and other drinks along with pastries if any of the conferees were interested.

Of course, I was never one to pass up a cup of coffee and a pastry if they were available. In fact, I generally had a box of donuts brought in each morning for my staff and we always had a pot of coffee in the office, too.

When I stepped into the adjoining conference room, there was a line with small plates and pastries followed by two coffee urns and coffee cups beyond the pastries. Looking on down the line I could see the lady I had seen earlier in the conference room.

Whoever she was, she had her back to me again and I was unable to get a view of her face but, my earlier thoughts about having seen her before returned and remained firmly in my mind.

I sat down at a table facing at a right angle to where she was sitting. That way I could see her with a slight turn of my head or shift of my eyes but, I didn’t want to stare at her and make her feel uncomfortable or even alarmed. I only wanted to briefly look at her occasionally in a very casual fashion.

She seemed to be very engrossed in talking with the other lady sitting across the table from her and probably wouldn’t notice my occasional glances at her. But, it was reasonable to believe that her conversation partner could certainly notice what I had been doing.

I was just about ready to go back to the training conference room when I saw the two ladies get up from their table to return to the conference room, too. I had just finished my pastry and took the last sip of coffee from my cup. When the two ladies got up from their table and turned to leave I got my first look at her face.

It then struck me, ‘I know I have seen her before but, I was having difficulty remembering where it was or who she was.’ When I saw the two ladies start walking ahead of me it struck me, ‘Eric that has to be Ellen McGuire, we went to high school together and if it is I haven’t seen her in over eight years.’ Now I realized why I hadn’t recognized her. I know my heart rate had jumped about thirty beats per minute.

I felt like I had just found the Rosetta stone that I had searched for all four years I was in college.’ I casually followed them out the door and into the hall. Maybe I was ten feet behind them. The two ladies were totally engaged in conversation when I called out, “Miss, may I speak with you for a few moments before you return to the training session?”

They both stopped, turned and looked at me with a questioning look on their faces and Ellen asked, “Are you talking to one of us, Sir?”

I immediately responded, “Yes, I am.” as I was looking directly at her and then I continued, “If your name is Ellen, may I speak to you alone for a few moments?”

The other lady turned to continue her walk to the training room and Ellen took a couple of steps back toward me with a very perplexed look on her face. Then she said, “Yes, my name is Ellen. Have we met before? What can I do for you, Sir?”

“Well, let me answer your question this way, if your full name is Ellen McGuire, we have met before and you may remember me when I tell you my name is Eric Murphy.” I could see an expression spread across her face like she thought this simply just couldn’t happen and then I saw moisture begin to gather in the corners of her pretty eyes.

With a tear running down her cheeks she said trying very hard not to cry and said, “Eric, tell me that this is reality and I’m not dreaming or I’m off of my meds. This just can’t be real. Things like this just don’t happen in real life. I have seen movies where something like this happens but, they don’t happen to me or to us.”

“You’re not dreaming, Ellen, but, come on we need to get into the training room before it reconvenes and we can talk more a little later at lunch or at the close of this session today.”

We both walked into the training room and she took her seat next to the other lady and I went back to the seat I had been occupying before the break. After Ellen returned to her seat I saw the two ladies quietly whispering to one another.

No doubt, Ellen was giving her a little background on us having been high school classmates. Just before lunch the course instructor announced that we could take about 90 minutes for lunch and told us what time the training session would resume.

Ellen immediately turned around to look at me and pointed at herself and the other lady beside her. Then she pointed at the door to let me know they were going to go to lunch probably as they had previously planned.

I nodded my head acknowledging her gesture. Since they were going to lunch I wasn’t going to intrude on their lunch. I just walked down the block and got a quick sandwich and came back to the training room. Back in the training room I sank down in my chair and attempted to relax until the training session resumed.

That was a luxury I didn’t have when I was at work and I was going to make the most of it at least for today. I had dozed off to a light sleep when I felt a small hand softly land on my shoulder.

I looked around and found Ellen standing beside me with her purse and her course material in her other hand. Once she saw my eyes had opened she softly asked me, “Is there anyone sitting here in this seat?” indicating the chair beside me. “If not may I sit here beside you, Eric?”

“Yes, you certainly may since there is no one sitting there. Please have a seat.”

Ellen put her purse down along with the course materials and delicately settled in the chair. After settling in her chair she turned to me and said, “The other lady and I had already agreed to go to lunch together and I didn’t want to break our agreement. Otherwise I would have gone out to lunch with you, Eric. I would have preferred to have gone to lunch with you though.”

“That’s fine, Ellen, I didn’t want to intrude on you and your friends lunch or your relationship. That will just give us a chance to go out to eat this evening after the training session is over for the day. And it will give us a chance to catch up on our lives since we have last seen each other.”

“It is not what you may be thinking, Eric. Cherise, or Cherri, as she likes to be called, is a subordinate and a friend and she works for me in my group. She pronounces her name, Sherry. She has no demands on my time and who I see. Since you mentioned it I’d love to go out to eat with you this evening after this training session today.”

At that time the training instructor came back into the conference room and resumed his lecture. In the mid-afternoon we took a break from the training. During the break Ellen went to get some refreshments with Cherri and I went for a short walk in the fresh air.

Just before the training session lecture resumed Ellen returned and took her seat beside me. I briefly looked at her, smiled and returned my attention to the lecturer. I didn’t want to disrupt the session by talking to Ellen during the lecture.

On the Conclusion of the training session for the day I looked at Ellen and asked, “Do you want to have an early evening meal or do you want to go back to your hotel for a while and relax. I can pick you up sometime after that.”

“I’m not staying in a hotel, Eric, since I live here in town but, I do have to take Cherri home since she rode to the hotel with me this morning. Why don’t you follow me home and I can drop my car off there and then we can go eat wherever you’d like to go from there.”

Nodding my head I said, “Ok, Ellen. You lead the way and I’ll follow you to your home.”

Ellen walked up to the door where Cherri was waiting for her and she introduced me to Cherri. As we walked past where my car was parked I motioned to Ellen that was my car and I’d follow her.

She dropped Cherri off at her home and when we got to her home she parked her car in the driveway, got out and locked it. Ellen got into my car and I asked her, “Do you need to say anything to your husband or anyone else inside the house, Ellen?”

“No, that’s not necessary, Eric. I live alone and there is no one else I need to talk to and tell them where I’m going.”

“Well, that answers my question before I have even asked it. I was going to ask if you were married because I was concerned that I might be interfering in your personal life.”

“No, you don’t have to worry about that, Eric. About a year after I got out of college I got married but he was killed in an industrial accident and I have been alone ever since.”

“You don’t seem to be very anguished about it but, I really don’t want to pry into your personal business.”

“That’s Ok, Eric. I realized about a year after we got married that I hadn’t made the best choice in life and I had begun to think about telling him to take a hike. But, the accident beat me to it.

We had bought that house not long before it happened and his life insurance with the double indemnity in case of accidental death and our additional mortgage insurance paid off the mortgage and I have continued to live here ever since.”

“How about you, Eric, are you married and have a bunch of kids by now?”

“No, I haven’t ever been married. After we graduated from high school I went to State College. I dated a few girls there but, I never found one who turned me on like you did and I never got as close to any of them like you and I were Ellen.”

She reached her hand over and laid it on my arm and said, “It’s really interesting that you just said that. When I came to realize that my husband wasn’t the man you are, Eric, that’s when I was thinking about telling him to take a hike. I thought back and any guy I ever dated I think I subconsciously compared him to you. When I got to know my husband better I knew he certainly wasn’t the man you are, Eric.”

We arrived at the restaurant and parked. I turned to her and asked, “Are you ready to go in and get something to eat? I know I am and I’m pretty sure that you are probably pretty hungry, too.”

“Yeah, I am, Eric. What little I had for lunch hasn’t lasted me very well today.”

We went into the restaurant and we ordered our meals. “Ellen, I don’t think we ever had any wine to drink when we were going together in high school. But, have you ever acquired a taste for wine since you have been out of high school and college?”

“Yes, I have. My parents were pretty religious and they didn’t believe in drinking alcohol so they never drank any and they never had any in the house either. When I started college and lived in the dorms some of the other girls used to sneak a couple of bottles of wine into their rooms and I learned to drink wine there. The first couple of times I drank it, the wine made me pretty dizzy until I learned to sip it a whole lot more slowly.”

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