A Birthday, a Wedding, and a Reunion - Cover

A Birthday, a Wedding, and a Reunion

by Family Love 1954

Copyright© 2024 by Family Love 1954

Erotica Sex Story: Family events bring a brother and sister closer.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   .


I stepped into the small AIRBNB and dropped my bag on one of the Queen beds. The bathroom door was open and the shower running. As I was taking my suit out of the bad, Les—my older sister by eleven months, Irish twins, they say—stepped out of the shower.

“Jack, you finally made it.”

So, as they say, this isn’t how it looks. Les, Leslie, and I grew up in a lower-middle-class family in a two-bedroom house with one bathroom. Our parents worked, and we struggled, but we had a great life as kids.

We weren’t naturists. We didn’t’ eschew clothing, it was just the way. Doors were seldom shut, and Les and I shared a room. Seeing our parents nude was normal, not flaunted, just expedient—small house. Les and I bathed together as kids. Water, and hot water, cost money.

Shared bathing stopped in our teen years, but that was the only change. There was nothing sexual about it in any way. Tough to give you the feel for it, but it was.

Even though I hadn’t seen Les in four years, she looked good. Still the tall lean volleyball player. Her chestnut hair long and thick.

I stopped unpacking, “Yeah, had a tough time at the rental counter and there was a wreck on the interstate.”

“Take a shower, you’ll feel better. There’s takeout on the way and I brought bourbon.”

I kicked off my shoes, shucked my polo, and dropped my pants. Les made no comment on my lack of briefs, or pubic hair.

Les stood at the mirror as I slid behind her to get in the shower, “You’re taking care of yourself, baby brother.” Les said.

The warm water felt good washing the road grime away, “yeah, still play pickup baseball and hit the gym.”

I left the curtain open, and Les conversed looking into the mirror as she pulled stray hairs from her eyebrows, “I’m in a volleyball league. It’s not as easy as it was in college.”

I laughed, “Les, that was four years ago. Should I get you a spot in the home?”

Les cupped her hands under the faucet and doused me with a handful of cold water, “You butt!”

I was done and stepped out, shoving Les out the door, “Get out of the way, you had your turn.”

As I dried and shaved, Les got dressed, still talking, “So, how’s married life?” she asked while sliding a thong up those long legs over her natural bush.

“Not bad.” I replied, the truth not being convenient at this time.

Les slipped a tank top on, not bothering with a bra. That was her way, she doesn’t have a lot on top and always hated a bra, “Well, you’re doin better than me.”

I was out of the bathroom at the other bed, getting out a pair of athletic shorts. I paused, “Trouble?”

“Let’s mix some drinks, the foods here.”

Les didn’t return to her comment until much later. We reminisced over dinner sharing stories of our dad, whose birthday we were celebrating, and our life in the little house on Carter Street.

It was late, the bourbon was nearly gone, an old movie on the TV that we’d both seen many times. Our conversation had lapsed, I was close to nodding out.

“He gambles and loses,” Les said.

I took her hand, the same as we always have when one of us was down, “How much of a problem is it?”

“He just got fired. I exploded. He swears he’s going into rehab. This will be the second time.”

I squeezed my sister’s hand, “I had no idea.”

Les leaned into me, “Yeah, well not exactly Face Book stuff.”

We sat in silence for a second or two.

“I think Janet’s cheating on me.”

Les leaned forward and looked at me, “Really? What the fuck?”

My wife Janet, my college sweetheart, is five feet of energy. Smart, sassy, funny, and profoundly attractive. Platinum blond, perfect round ass, and a set of D cups to die for. We have well, had, a terrific life and a more terrific sex life. Janet loves sex, all kinds of sex and she isn’t shy about where.

Well, I let it out, so might as well tell all, “In the last few months, her sex drive has, well, we do it a lot less and she kinda rushes it when we do.”

Les turned to face me, “You need to confront her, talk about this. You’re wrong. It’s gotta be a medical thing or something.”

“I’d like to think that, Less, but one of my neighbors, a drinking buddy told me that there’s a car that pulls into my garage on some days when I’m at work. He was really embarrassed and apologized all over the place, but he was on his second marriage, and it had happened to him. He never saw the driver and insisted that he was probably wrong, but the tone of his voice told another tale.

Les rubbed my arm, “What are you going to do?”

“I’m not sure. I’m thinking cameras.”

“Oh, Jack, I don’t know. You gotta be careful. If you’re wrong and she finds them, it’ll be bad. Or, if you’re right, well, you might know the guy. I’ve read stories.”

I got up, helped Les get up, “Yeah, but I gotta know.”

We took turns brushing our teeth, and all that. Les pulled back her bed and slipped off her tank and shorts. I did the same. I laughed, “Some things never change.”

Les looked at me, “I never could sleep with clothes on.”

I pulled the covers over me, loving the crisp feel of clean sheets on my naked body, “Me neither. G’night, Les.”

Her back to me, my sister mumbled, “Nite Jack, love ya.”

The birthday was great. Les and I stayed another night. We didn’t talk about our marital problems, just the old days and college.

After that, Les and I got back in touch, phone calls, texts. It was nice. Out of an unspoken agreement, we did not talk about our marriages. One of our close cousins was getting married in three months and we were invited. Two days before the wedding Les texted me.

“I left him.”

I texted back, “My neighbor was right.”


The ceremony was down south. Les, who has a much better job than I, got us an AIRBNB, two queens, like last time.

I got in late, Les was already asleep, I showered quickly and went to bed.

“Get up, you slug.”

I opened my eyes, Les stood next to the bed, nude, a towel around her head, her untrimmed pubis at eye level, “What time is it?”

“Past nine, we have to be at the bride’s breakfast in ten minutes.”

“Why did you let me sleep so late?”

Les stepped back, giving me room to get out of the bed, which was nice, but better if she had turned away. As usual, my dick was hard, and I was embarrassed. Les was oblivious.

“You got in wicked late, and I was trying to be a good sister.”

Still not moving. Oh well. I tossed back the covers and got up. Les’ eyes went wide, but she said nothing as me and my boner went to the bathroom.

When I got out, I was ‘relaxed’, and Les was dressed.

Our cousin’s family is much more well-off than ours, so this was going to be an event-filled weekend. I had gotten in on Friday, and the wedding was Sunday. I won’t get into details, but Saturday was a busy and fun-filled day with a large group of people. Les and I stayed together, neither of us talking about our marriages. The day ended with a barbeque.

Les closed the door to the room, “Wow, great day, but I’ve had enough people.”

I kicked off my shoes, “yeah, really. I love our family, but I’m not used to that many of them.”

Les reached behind her to release the zipper on her dress, “Shower and a movie? I brought bourbon.”

I stripped off fast and headed for the bathroom, “Me first!”

I had to go around both beds. Les is fast. She stood in my way, her dress hanging around her waist, her handful breasts free, “Oh no, you take all the hot water.”

I faked a turn, but Les is a good volleyball player and quick. She blocked me, but her dress dropped around her ankles. I jumped up on the bed and Les had my ankle. I was face down on the bed as my sister, in only a G-string, climbed over my naked body.

“You never were very quick, little brother.”

As she moved over me, I felt her nipples run along my back. Feelings I’ve never had for my sister came over me. As I watched Les’s firm ass flex into the bathroom, I was hard.

It was late. Our usual nighttime attire, me in loose boxers and a tee, Les in a long tee, and undies. We watched one movie in silence, just sipping bourbon. The second had just started.

“I left two days ago after some goon showed up and told me that Hank owed big, and he was there to collect.”

Les and I were sitting shoulder to shoulder, “Did he hurt you?”

Les shook her head, “No, thank God. But I had been in denial until then. I packed and left as soon as that guy pulled away.”

“How are you for money? Did Hank...?”

Les poured another two fingers into our glasses, “No, we always kept our finances separate and the house is in my name.”

I held her hand, “What’s next?”

Les sighed, “Lawyers, Sheriffs, etc.”

My sister turned and asked, “So?”

I got up and got an HDMI cable, hooking my tablet to the TV, “You have to see this to believe it.”

I talked while I set things up, “As I told you last time, I had to know, so I got cameras, spycams, and put them in our bedroom and the living room.”

I turned the lights off, the TV providing plenty of light, sat back down next to Les, and took a long drink of bourbon, “I didn’t put one in the kitchen but the living room one covered the door from the kitchen to the garage. Ah, all set. You ready?”

Les looked confused, “Jack, I don’t think I want to watch this.”

I put my arm around her, picked up her glass, and handed it to her, “I need you to see this.”

I brought my hand back between us and felt her fingers lace with mine, “Whatever you need.” I pushed play.

The cameras are motion-sensitive and there was one in our living room, others in the bedroom. Janet and I share, well shared, a small house, 1700 square feet so the living room camera covered almost all the living/dining and kitchen. I had sorted through a lot of nothing to edit the video I brought. I took a breath and pressed the button on the remote.

Janet stood at our front window, looking out. She was wearing a robe, a very short robe. She called her ‘Jap slut’ robe because it had oriental symbols embroidered on the red satin. The symbols were Chinese, but I didn’t bother to correct my wife’s xenophobia.

“No sound?” Les asked.

“Much cheaper,” I replied.

Janet had seen something out the window and moved quickly to the kitchen and stood near the door to the garage.

He walked into the house wearing athletic shorts, that’s it. Les gasped and squeezed my hand. As the door shut behind him, Janet slid the robe off her shoulders, showing her perfect round ass and those big round tits, and knelt in front of him. Her long fingers slid into the waistband of his shorts, pulled the band out and down, releasing his already hard cock. Janet gripped the base of his cock with her right hand, opened her mouth, and took all of him in, using her left hand to hold his ass. He leaned his head back and you knew he was moaning. His hands filled with my wife’s hair as she sucked his cock enthusiastically.

When I reviewed all the recordings, I expected to be angry, raging mad if I found that my wife was cheating. When I first saw this scene, I was, but I was shocked at how fast rage turned into lust. I was watching another man with my wife, and it was exciting. My penis got hard. Now even after seeing this vid many times, my dick still stiffened. Wearing just boxers had been a bad plan.

I looked over at my sister. I’m not sure how I expected her to respond, I assumed anger or revulsion, but neither was in evidence. Les stared- her left hand on her thigh, thumb to the inside, near her light blue hipsters. Our hands were still clasped, and I felt our mixed sweat. Still staring at the screen, Les whispered, “That’s her brother.”

Tom, Janet’s brother gently pressed his sister’s mouth off his hard cock. She stood and they kissed, deep and hard, pressing their bodies together. They broke and Tom took his sister’s hand and walked out of the kitchen.

Editing the bedroom scene took a while, but I was happy with the result and embarrassed at my reaction, a rigid erection, just like now. I quickly adjusted my cock, a waste of time since I caught Les glancing over. She shifted and opened her legs. Then I noticed. Between my sister’s legs, a dark spot at the gusset of those light blue hipsters. So, maybe I’m not the only disgusting pervert here.

The camera POV was overhead. This one was in the ceiling fan. Janet, laughing, flopped onto the bed, throwing her legs wide and displaying her shaved pussy, already wide open and very wet.

Tom got on the bed between her legs and pushed them up and back as he moved his face closer to his sister’s pussy. As Tom’s mouth pressed against Janet’s vagina, Janet threw her head back, her mouth open in a silent howl.

I had seen this more times than I will ever admit, I knew the plot. I glanced over at my sister to gauge her response. Les was biting her lip, staring, riveted at the show. Her right hand still held mine in a sweaty embrace. Her left hand caught my eye as she moved it. Her thumb was at the edge of the leg hole, edging underneath, that small dark dot was now a large patch and it looked wet. Les jerked her hand back when she caught me looking. On the screen, the fun was just beginning.

Based on her open mouth and hands clamped on her brother’s head, Janet came, hard. Tom ate his sister like he was going to prison. Janet writhed on the bed; her hands pounded the sheets. My mind filled in the sensual blanks. I’d had sex with Janet many, many times. My mind added the soundtrack and the scent track. My cock was hard and, looking down, I saw the large wet spot at the tip from all the pre-cum. Nothing I could do. Like it or not, I was all out there. Les seemed oblivious to my boner.

The POV switched. I had four cameras in the bedroom. Now it was bed level from the side as Tom moved up over his sister and slid his cock between her huge tits. Janet giggled, reached up, and tweaked her brother’s nipples as he fucked her tits. She spit on his cock as it slid forward, hitting her mouth. Soon her tits were a wet mess. Janet’s hand moved around her brother’s hips and we watched as she fingered his ass.

That had the predictable result. Tom came, he cums a lot, blasting all over his sister’s laughing face. She took her finger out of his ass as he rolled off of her. I had assumed that he’d need a break, I would, but not horny brother Tom, still rock hard, lying on his back as his sister moved over him.

The POV moved to the foot of the bed, and it was a perfectly framed shot of my wife straddling her brother, her shaved pussy on perfect display, her small hand grasping her brother’s cock, rubbing the head up and down her drenched pussy. Janet held it at her entrance and slowly settled, I had edited and zoomed in as Tom’s cock spread his sister’s pussy lips and filled her.

Janet settled slowly, no doubt savoring the forbidden sensation of her brother inside her. When their hips met, she paused, then twitched, the POV shifted and we could see, Tom’s hand between her legs, no doubt rubbing her clit.

That set Janet off and she rode her brother’s cock with abandon. My mind filled in the slapping sound of skin on skin and my nose filled with the scent of lust as we watched Janet’s pussy gush all over her brother as she came, a lot.

The POV went back to overhead as Janet rode Tom. His fingers pinched her nipples. Her hands flat on his chest for leverage. She fucked him, no other words for it.

Using my peripheral vision, I checked on Les. In the muted light from the video, I saw her left hand covering the crotch of her hipsters, her middle finger pressing in. She was biting her lip, and the gusset of those hipsters was soaked.

Tom’s face contorted and he moved his hands to his sister’s hips as he drove his hips up, cumming. Filling his sister’s vagina with his semen. Janet was rubbing her clit, perfect timing cumming all over him.

She fell off him and they lay there and laughed. That’s where I ended it. The screen went blank.

Les said nothing, got up, and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, peed, and came back, sliding off her tee and soaked hipsters, and getting into bed.

“We’ll talk in the morning,” She said.

Good enough for me.

Even with an erection, I managed to fall asleep, for a while.

Something woke me. I opened my eyes.

The tiny nightlight in the bathroom cast a noir glow through the partially open door. My sister was masturbating.

All I could see was a moving shadow, the covers in a hump over her knees. She must have been biting the pillow, her moans deeply muffled, but not the liquid sound of her fingers pleasuring herself. The scent of her excitement seemed so intense. I shifted carefully, then I felt it, by my pillow. My sister’s hipsters under my fingers. I slowly moved the sodden fabric to my nose. Les rubbed her pussy while I savored her taste in her underwear. My penis was beyond rigid. This was so wrong but so intense.

Les orgasmed. Panting into the pillow, shoving her hips up, making just a little too much noise. I froze, not wanting to be discovered, and listened as my sister’s breathing slowed and she quickly fell asleep.

On my back, knees up, Les’s hipster in my mouth as I stroked my cock. Less than a minute and I was there, hadn’t thought about what to do, holding her briefs on the head of my erupting cock, cumming, cumming hard, imagining fucking my sister.

Satiated, but oh, so guilty. This was very wrong. Les was asleep. I got up and hid her hipsters in my suitcase, hoping she wouldn’t ask and oblivious about why she put them on my bed, just convulsed with a brew of shame, guilt, and lust.

Sunday morning Les woke me. She wore a robe. As soon as I was conscious, she walked away. Me and my morning boner hit the bathroom as my sister said, “Get moving, we have a breakfast to attend.”

It was actually a brunch. I stepped out of the bathroom as Les, facing away from me, dropped her robe to put on her dress. Those same light blue hipsters, and when my sister bent over the gusset was dark with our wetness.

She hadn’t heard me, so I waited until the dress was up and made a noise.

“Geez, get dressed, we gotta go.” Les said.

The weather was warm, almost hot. Les wore a sundress, probably a little more formal than that, but I know nothing about women’s fashion, all I could think about was those light blue hipsters, full of my cum, against my sister’s vagina all day. At one point I actually snuck off to the men’s room to masturbate. I was confused. Why did my sister leave those wet panties? Why is she wearing them, knowing? I was confused, conflicted, but couldn’t deny the attraction, and the clear message that it was mutual.

Bride’s breakfast, then a trip to an apple orchard. The bridal party left to get ready, and Les and I toured the town.

Back in the room. Les closed the door, “I’ll shower first.” she said as she flipped off that cotton dress. Her hands behind her made quick work of her small bra as I watched. She paid no attention to me, but I noticed that her nipples were long and hard. She stood, her back to me, those famous blue panties tight on her firm, round ass. I looked up, ashamed to be gawking and our eyes met in the mirror. My sister’s hand moved over her hard abs, lower, over the waistband of her panties until she held her covered sex in her hand. Still eye-to-eye, she clenched her hand, massaging her pussy. Just twice, then she shoved off the blue ones, picked up a pink pair of underwear, and went into the bathroom, closing the door.

My cock was so hard, it hurt. I stripped and, glancing at the bathroom door, picked up those famous blue hipsters. They were still warm. My sister’s warmth. The gusset soaked with her cum, my cum at the front. I wrapped them around my erection and masturbated, no longer guilty or confused, but knowing my sister would have to make the first move.

Les took longer than usual in the shower. I felt so guilty, I didn’t give it a thought until she came out of the bathroom wearing that pink thong. I just brushed past her and into the bathroom.

Under the water, my hard cock in my hand again I wondered, was that thong darker between her legs? I shook my head, the fabric was thin, it was probably just her pubic hair I saw. Her luscious pubic hair covering her wet pussy. I came all over the wall of the shower.

When I got out of the shower, Les was already dressed for the wedding. I got dressed and we packed and put our bags in our cars, we were headed home after the reception.

Sitting at the reception, Les reached over and took my hand, “Dance with me.” I’d never danced with my sister, but I liked the idea.

The music was slow, romantic. We stepped onto the dance floor, and I took my sister in my arms, keeping a polite posture. Les moved in and molded herself to me, resting her head on my shoulder and whispering in my ear, “Thank you, Jack. I needed to be close, feel wanted.”

I knew that feeling. Since my marriage cratered, I’d felt discarded. Now, with Les’s firm body against mine, her arms wrapped around my neck; her hips pressed against mine, I felt wanted, needed. I ignored the fact that this was my sister and just enjoyed the sensation.

Les had just a dot of perfume and smelled crisp and clean. My hands held her toned body. I couldn’t help moving my hands; feeling where her trim waist changed into her hips, my fingers exploring the gentle curve, not feeling anything under that dress.

Then I felt it. I was getting an erection dancing with my sister. She had her body pressed against mine and it was already too late. I moved my hips back, Les pressed her hips in, “It’s okay, Jack, we’re family.”

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