Fit for Her Son - Cover

Fit for Her Son

by James_Steele

Copyright© 2024 by James_Steele

Incest Sex Story: Sherry's divorce brings her back to her handsome son. All of mother's holes belong to him.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   .

Sherry had the wind knocked out of her by her divorce when she reached the age of forty-four, but by the time she was approaching her forty-fifth birthday, things had turned around. At first, Sherry didn’t know what to do with herself or even where to go. With her mind in a haze of confusion, she ended up moving in with her son, Joel, who had an apartment not far from the center of their city. The apartment was good sized, with two bedrooms, one of which Joel had been using as an office. When his mother moved in, he set up his work station in his bedroom and let her have the spare.

“Oh, darling, I hate to put you out,” Sherry had told him with a resigned sigh.

“You’re not, Mom, trust me,” he’d replied. “I’d rather have you here where I can take care of you instead of out on your own, who knows where.”

“But sweetie, it’s not like I don’t have enough money to be comfortable,” she explained.

“I know, Mom, but I’d worry about you being on your own.”

Sherry smiled warmly at his protective attitude, feeling more relieved than she cared to admit. She didn’t really want to live on her own and her son was the best company she could ask for. If only her ex had been half that devoted.

Joel was twenty-four at that point and doing well in his career. His mother was due to get a hefty settlement in the divorce, but in the meantime, her son had all the resources he needed to support them both. Sherry didn’t want to be alone after all the anguish she’d been through, and Joel was the only one she really felt at ease with. She had a couple of close friends who were also divorced and understood her situation and they’d both offered to let her move into their houses until she collected on her settlement, but the idea of being near Joel again made it an easy decision.

Even though Joel’s apartment was roomy by most standards, it was a lot different from having a large house and yard to take care of. Sherry took a while to figure out what to do with herself in her new living situation. She tried to busy herself with the domestic chores she’d been used to doing for years, cooking, cleaning, taking care of laundry, but in a smaller place that didn’t occupy her time the way she was used to. Joel kept telling her she wasn’t supposed to be his maid. He was used to cooking for himself and just ordering takeout half the time. He also explained he usually just sent his laundry out.

“Those things cost too much money!” she admonished him. “And as long as I’m here, no son of mine will be sending his laundry out for some stranger to wash. You have Mommy to take care of you. You just concentrate on your computer thingies and making your boss happy and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Joel grinned widely at her. “Mom, you know you’re hot when you get all motherly like that?”

Sherry sputtered and blushed in surprise. She was taken aback as much by Joel’s remark as she was by how much she liked hearing it. “Since when do boys talk to their mothers that way?” she forced a disapproving frown that didn’t seem to be convincing her son.

“Most of them don’t,” Joel replied. “But most sons don’t have mothers as hot as you.”

“Oh. My. God.” Sherry kept trying to come off as disapproving, but they both ended up laughing and went on with their daily routine. She knew he could tell she was pleased, but she didn’t mind in the least. If it made him happy to lavish his mother with compliments, who was she to discourage him?

In fact, Sherry was incredibly flattered by her son’s off-color compliment. It was the first time since finding out her ex was involved with a younger woman that she started to feel sexy again. Logically, she knew she was much prettier and sensual looking than most women her age, but the ordeal of her divorce had left her with deeply wounded pride. She loved her son for giving some of it back to her. She then started to put as much effort into her appearance as into keeping up her son’s apartment.

The complex Joel lived in had a small but well equipped gym that was usually deserted during the day. Sherry started working out again for the first time in almost a year. She’d always been a beautiful blonde and that hadn’t changed. Throughout her life, she was used to being one of the most noticeable women at parties. She didn’t necessarily look a lot younger, but more like she was maturing beautifully. She had a definite cougar vibe about her that drew plenty of admiration from guys her son’s age. And with her new regimen, her body was looking firmer and fitter than ever, which only enhanced the memorable jut of the perfectly shaped D cups her ex had paid for several years ago.

Sherry was also one of the few women she knew among her circle of friends that hadn’t started coloring her hair. She was still a silky, natural blonde and she started making regular trips to her favorite salon for the first time in a year.

Joel noticed the subtle changes in his mother’s looks and attitude and he loved giving her compliments she pretended were totally inappropriate. But deep down, she loved every second of her son’s admiring attention, and it didn’t take a genius to know he loved it too. He always made a big deal about how good she looked in her workout outfits. This caused Sherry to think about buying some more revealing ones. It was a crazy idea which made her nervous, but her love of Joel’s comments overpowered her logic. And as much as she loved what he said, she loved the gleam in his eyes when he looked at her even more. Those were times when he looked at her like a man who wasn’t her son. She knew it was wrong, but it still seemed pretty harmless, and it made her feel so good. And the more she got, the more she wanted.

Sherry ended up getting leotards that were much lower cut over her tits and much higher over her hips and ass. She got much smaller sports bras and the thinnest, most body-hugging leggings she could find, along with booty revealing gym shorts. Sherry was over the moon when her handsome son could barely keep his eyes off her when she came back in from a workout. It seemed the hotter and sweatier she looked the brighter the gleam in Joel’s eye. This caused Sherry to preen and pose for him only to get him to pay even more attention to her tight body. His compliments started to get more personal and specific.

“Mom, your legs look amazing in that leotard,” was one thing he told her every time she wore her new turquoise leo. It was cut daringly high on the sides and back and he even went so far as to say her ass looked perfect in it.

“Oh my god, Joel, please tell me you’re not checking out your own mother’s ass,” she teased.

“Okay, Mom. I’m not looking. I’m staring. How could I not with you wearing that outfit?”

Sherry giggled like a schoolgirl. “I guess I’ll have to forgive you since you’ve been taking such good care of me. You’re going to make some girl a wonderful husband one of these days.”

“Aww, Mom,” Joel said, his tone suddenly growing tender. He then put his arms around her and hugged her while she was damp with sweat, with her ass and tits nearly falling out of her leotard. “I like taking care of you,” he added as their faces were just inches apart. “You always took the best care of me. I’m glad I can do the same for you.”

“Oh, Joel, you’ve always been the best son a mother could wish for. And you’ve become such an incredible man. So much better than your father ever dreamed of being.”

“I guess I love you more than he does,” he said with a wry grin.

“I love you too, baby.”

Then the mother and son kissed. On the lips. It was soft and light, but there was a moment Sherry could feel like they were both trying to decide if they should go deeper and harder. It went on for too long and then they pulled apart awkwardly, still hugging, but laughing off the weird moment.

“That was so inappropriate,” Sherry said with a sigh. “But amazingly nice,” she added with a giggle.

“What can I say? I love kissing a beautiful woman.”

“I guess this one time isn’t hurting anything. It’s only a kiss, right?”

They kissed again. It still didn’t go too far over the line, just far enough, but it went on longer than the one before. Joel finally broke it off.

“I still say your ass looks perfect in that outfit,” he suddenly retorted, grabbing his mother’s half bared ass cheek and giving it a hard squeeze.

Sherry shrieked in surprise, but she found herself unable to move away from her devilish son. She just stood there still hugging him while he groped her ass cheek and grinned at her with a defiant smirk. Her pussy started heating up and getting moist faster than she ever felt before. She knew she should move away but by now it was almost like a contest to see who would chicken out and move away first.

“I can’t believe I raised you to be such a naughty, naughty boy,” she said.

“Mom, you’re kinda raising me right now,” he grinned wickedly.

Within mere seconds she could feel it. His cock was growing bigger and harder against her body. He was still playing with her ass, but now his touch was more of a caress than the playful grab he started with. Between the way her son was fondling her and the steady swelling of what felt like a huge cock up against her, Sherry’s puss was melting like butter. Even Joel’s haughty attitude was turning her on and she couldn’t help feeling proud of her son for having such an impressive piece of manhood between his legs. Despite how wrong it was, she was dying to see it.

“I – I can’t believe you just said that,” she answered quietly, feeling like the moment had a kind of reverence to it despite the playful way it started. She knew this was the right time to push away, but feeling that cock trapped between them was setting her nerve endings on fire. It was overwhelming to feel the rigid evidence of the way her precious boy had become a hung, rock hard, sexually capable man. It was like a validation. He was the best thing she’d ever done with her life, her greatest accomplishment.

Sherry also realized Joel hadn’t been out with a woman in all the months since she moved in. She instantly felt elated and bad about it at the same time. Yet it was the most surreal feeling in the world to be hugging him tighter as he ever so lightly ground his huge, rigid pole against her body. Her pussy was beginning to drip onto her upper thighs, past the slim taper of her leotard. She felt like a slave to this overpowering feeling for her son yet she felt such shame over it too.

“I think you need to find a girlfriend,” she said weakly.

“You’re right, I do. I’m afraid I’ve been a little unmotivated after my last breakup got kind of unfriendly,” he said.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

“Meh. It wasn’t meant to be. Besides, she wasn’t really my type.”

“Hmm, and what is your type?”

“Older,” he said without hesitating. At the same time, he moved his other hand onto the other cheek of his mother’s ass. “An older blonde. Hot looking and fit. Recently divorced might be okay. In fact, yeah, recently divorced would perfect.”

Sherry could barely form words with Joel’s cock mashed against her and both of this hands now boldly kneading her ass.

“I don’t know anyone like that.” She meant it to sound like a joke, but her voice was breaking up as the ache in her pussy spread through the rest of her body.

“I do,” Joel came back. “And she’s just perfect.”

Sherry felt a wave of heat roll through her from head to toe. It brought a wave of dizziness along with it. The mother and son were now very clearly facing a moment of truth. She was dying to reach for his cock and feel it in the flesh while he forced his tongue into her mouth. She had never felt such overwhelming desire. It felt so powerful it scared her. All the teasing and flirting they’d been doing for months was one thing, but to actually take the only step forward that was now in front of them was more than she could comprehend. Was she really about to become like some trashy whore on a tabloid news show?

“Well,” she tried to say diplomatically as she squirmed her way out of her son’s forbidden hands, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of everything she was feeling. “Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone like that closer to your age.”

She hated the idea of Joel meeting someone else. She also hated that she couldn’t keep from staring in awe at the enormous pole tenting the front of his pants. She could swear the lips of her wet snatch quivered at the sight. He looked like he was easily twice the size of his father. Sherry felt like her knees might buckle.

“I don’t want someone like that,” Joel said.

Then he actually gripped the shape of his cock through his pants, giving himself a boldly open squeeze. The gesture pulled the fabric of his pants more tightly around his organ. His mother could see the beautifully sculpted head of his stalk outlined in the fabric. She mumbled something unintelligible and finally beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom where she started the shower. As she pulled off her outfit she was relieved she didn’t trip over her own feet getting away from Joel.

Sherry caught her reflection in the mirror as she waited for the water to heat up. She turned to face her image head on, taking a moment to watch as she squeezed her sumptuous tits, plumping her sensitive nipples. Then she slid one hand downward to her pussy, slipping her fingers into the slippery folds of her twat. A long breath of pleasure came out of her while she stroked her slit and thought about Joel’s cock. Would she have the will to resist such an imposing piece of man flesh when she was living under the very same roof? Had she allowed her needy ego to cause her to push her relationship with Joel in the wrong direction?

Looking at the woman in the mirror, she didn’t see the aging wife her ex had traded in for a younger version. She saw the hot, maturing cougar with a tight, vital body that could milk the creamy essence out of any man. Seeing herself in this light, it wasn’t hard to understand why her own son had wanted her so much he got hard. And when she thought of him, she could only see the man she had raised from boyhood. And what a man he’d become! He had everything. He was handsome and fit, smart and successful ... and he had a cock that would make a porn star wither in shame. He was also a man who quite obviously wanted to fuck her. And a man who loved her more than any other ever did or ever would.

Of course, Sherry loved Joel the same way. But there were rules. There were supposedly even very good reasons for those rules, but she was at a loss to remember what they were as her fingers sank deeper into her slick, motherly fuckhole.

“Oh god, fuck, my babyyyyy,” she moaned under her breath.

She finally got into the shower and immediately pushed her fingers back in her snatch while she ravaged her tits with the other hand. She was thinking about her baby-man’s cock when she climaxed hard enough to make her entire body shake with release.

After she got out of the shower and got dressed, Sherry discovered Joel had gone out. He usually left a note to say where he was going, but not this time. It was impossible not to imagine that had something to do with her sudden rejection of his horny advance. She felt bad about that, but it was probably for the best. He would have to realize his own mother wasn’t any kind of choice as a lover or sex partner. Hopefully, he’d gotten so horny he went out to fuck some girl he knew to relieve his pent-up needs. Then he’d be thinking more logically and things between them could go back the way they were before.

Sherry blamed herself for teasing him so badly. If only she hadn’t been so starved for a man’s love and attention. She knew she’d miss the fun of it, but it made sense to stop teasing him the way she had been for much longer than was wise. She hadn’t missed the fact that he hadn’t gone out on any dates since she moved in, a point she never even thought about until now.

But Joel was out for a long time. No call. No text to let his mother know where he was. Time went by and Sherry started to worry, but then she made it go away by assuming her son was out fucking his brains out. This was supposed to alleviate her worry, but it only made her jealous. She hated the idea of his cock going into the body of some airheaded slut she didn’t even know. She was the one who cooked for him, cleaned his apartment, washed his clothes.

“Oh my god,” she said to herself in the empty apartment. “Am I his mother or his wife?”

The question made her laugh, and she realized there was a very fine line between those two roles.

Sherry ended up having dinner alone. It was the first time she’d done this since moving in. After her ex left she got used to having dinner by herself. That had actually been peaceful for her, finally feeling free of the stress of her marriage. But this time she found herself missing Joel and wishing she hadn’t been so foolish as to send him out on his own.

Later she went to her room and decided to change. Her mind kept going back to Joel and mostly flashing back on the man-sized bulge he’d had in his pants earlier.

Feeling lonely, she was in a mood to feel sexy so she put on a brightly colored thong and matching bra. The set was lacy enough so her areolas and smooth, hairless pussy were visible. She then spent a few minutes on her hair and reviewed the results in her mirror. She felt a powerful wish that Joel could see her. His reaction would’ve made her happy. He would’ve made her feel like a gorgeous queen.

Sherry ended up taking some selfies with her phone. Some were full length shots she took in her mirror. A few others were more typical where she held her phone at arm’s length and took shots of her face, but these included her large tits bulging out of her lacy bra. She thought they looked good. Better than expected. She also took a few using the mirror again of her ass exposed in the thong. These actually surprised her as she hadn’t realized how good her ass was starting to look from her exercise regimen.

The pictures were giving the newly divorced mother’s ego a well needed boost in the absence of her son. Feeling inspired, she lay down on her bed and took some POV shots down the length of her body, showing the big, fleshy mounds of her tits and down her flat belly to her lace covered mound and firm legs. Giggling to herself, she pulled her panties aside to expose her mound and took a few shots that included her bare pussy. That moved her to sit up and put her feet on the floor as she pulled her panties aside again and held her phone between her legs. She took several shots of her fully exposed pussy slit.

Sherry couldn’t help being impressed. Her pussy looked every bit as good as any porn actress she’d seen while her tits and legs were as good if not even better. It was fun taking sexy pictures of herself for the first time, but it would’ve been more fun to have someone to share them with. There was only one person she knew she could do that with, however. Joel. But sending him any of those shots would be sending the wrong message. She had to be very careful with him after what happened earlier. That made her feel sad, though. She’d been so happy with the way everything had been going ever since she moved in. It was such a shame to have to think about changing anything.

She finally decided to put on a short robe and go out to the living room to distract herself with some mindless television. She spent a while surfing channels and scanning the selections on various streaming services but nothing was able to catch her interest. It seemed impossible to stop thinking about her private little photo session. Another thing she couldn’t get out of her mind was the sight of Joel’s big cock stretching his pants. He had such an amazing cock and as good as it looked through his clothes it had to be a hundred times better exposed. She kept trying to imagine how it would look naked, but that only ended up frustrating her. A murky mental image wasn’t what she needed.

Sherry also craved some positive feedback on her new pictures. She was pleased with them, but that wasn’t the same as hearing it from someone else. She knew a few sites online where she could’ve posted some without her face, but that didn’t interest her. Strangers on the internet usually acted like such assholes, and who knew where her pictures could end up.

There was really only one person she wanted to share those pictures with and he was the one person with whom she promised herself not to keep doing things like that. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t text him and try to find out what was going through his mind that he was keeping away for so long.

She picked up her phone and put it back down in exasperation four times before she finally thumbed out a message: Where are you? I’m sorry if I did something wrong.

He quickly wrote back: All my fault. So sorry. So ashamed of myself.

Sherry felt terrible. The last thing she wanted was for Joel to feel that bad. After all, she was the one who’d been teasing him, not the other way around. Besides, they hadn’t crossed any lines they couldn’t come back from.

She told him: No! Don’t feel bad! You didn’t do anything wrong.

He sent back a heart emoji and then a kiss. This made his mother smile.

Miss you, she texted.

Miss you too,” he sent back.

Whatcha doing? she asked.

Watching basketball at Dean’s place. What about you?

She said: Some worrying, some pampering. The usual.

A few seconds later she got a laugh emoji. And then: You deserve some pampering.

See why I miss you? You’re so sweet, she wrote.

She was feeling so much better already, knowing he wasn’t upset with her.

He wrote: Did you put on that lotion you like after your shower?

Yeah, why? she asked.

Cuz it smells really nice, he said.

She smiled and felt tingly.

That’s not all I did, she told him.

She got a row of question marks in reply.

I could tell you, she said, or I could show you.

Show, please.

She spent a moment looking through the pictures she took earlier, knowing she was about to break her promise to herself but she didn’t care. She only wanted things to be right with her son, and everything that was supposed to be wrong felt so right, including that big cock he’d been rubbing against her when they hugged.

She sent him one of the POV shots looking down the length of her body between the big round mounds of her tits.

Uh, Mom, he sent back.

Yes? she asked.

He explained he was sitting in his friend’s living room with three other friends watching the game, except he wasn’t watching the game now.

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