Hot Oil and Fish - Cover

Hot Oil and Fish

by E J Sheeran

Copyright© 2001 by E J Sheeran

Erotica Sex Story: Beautiful young lady uses a lure to catch what she wants.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   White Couple   .

One of the most beautiful women in the world and she wanted to go out with me!

I didn't know that she knew me from Adam's house cat, but I certainly knew her. So did the rest of America. She was one of the highest of the high fashion models; her picture had graced almost every major publication in the free world.

Her call came in just when I thought the summer doldrums couldn't get any worse. The mid-afternoon temperatures here on the Florida Keys in early July were very humid and well into the 90s. Winter tourists had long since gone home and it was still a little early for the families with children that invade us every summer.

I picked her up at her motel and couldn't believe my eyes, she was even more beautiful in person than any magazine could ever depict. Her entire ensemble was straight out of a fashion page. She was wearing a white blouse accented with red piping and a red logo on the pocket, white shorts with a red stripe, white athletic shoes with the same red logo and a white and red sun visor that allowed her naturally wavy blond hair to be shown at its best. All in all, she looked cool as a cucumber.

I had difficulty squawking out the words, "Hi, I'm Ed"

No syrup in the world was as sweet as her voice when she said, "Hi Ed, I'm so glad you were free and could take me out."

"I'm very happy to do it. How did you come to call me?"

"Three or four people told me you were the best bonefish guide in the Florida Keys, and I want to catch a bonefish on my fly rod."

I didn't even know she had a fly rod!

It was only eight o'clock in the morning so I suggested that we have breakfast before we hit the water. "Low tide will be about noon and the best fishing will be about an hour on either side of that."

"I wouldn't mind leaving a little early and spending some time on the water. I need to work on my tan, so let's get going as soon as we can after breakfast."

We were well underway by ten o'clock, headed for what I knew to be one of the hottest bonefish flats in this part of Florida Bay. As we motored along, I watched bug eyed as she shed her fashionable clothing and stripped down to the skimpiest of string bikinis.

When we finally stopped she asked me to apply sunscreen to that portion of her back she couldn't reach. I was so blinded by her beauty and the erotic feeling of my lubricated hands slipping and sliding over her body that I almost didn't see the bonefish tailing. With reluctance, I stopped what I was doing and pointed out the feeding fish to her. I'm sure I had tears in my eyes and let out an audible sob when she moved away from me and picked up the fishing rod.

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