Lavender Ghost Story - Cover

Lavender Ghost Story

Copyright© 2001 by Nikolai Mirovich

Chapter 23: Epilogue...

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 23: Epilogue... - Drawn home by Lavender Town's anual Halloween festivities, Miranda, Misty and their pokemone find themselves standing alone against the vengeful fury of an evil older than the Tower itself...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Magic   Mind Control   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Halloween   Slow  

The mood around the round wooden the table was one of celebration as Bob put the last steaming platter of food down and took his customary seat between his wife Vivian and his almost-brother-in-law Frank. Beside him was Laurna, looking quite pleased despite all that had happened, merrily joking with Miranda as Misty once again wondered where she'd put the mountain of food her host insisted on piling her plate with.

The kitchen itself had been decorated to mark the occasion, with black and orange intertwining streamers reaching out to all four corners of the room from their center point at the ceiling, and a large glowing Jack O'Lantern still sat in the window above the sink, staring out into the darkness despite it being the first night of November.

"So I hear you two are planning on staying on for a month or two," said Frank conversationally; glancing up at Miranda as he shoveled a forkful of Bob's gravy soaked mashed potatoes into his mouth and looking entirely blissful for a moment.

His niece nodded. "That's the plan," she replied, giving her mother a questioning look, "That is, if it's still alright."

Vivian chuckled as Bob reached across the table to pass her the gravy he'd spent the better part of the day working on. "As though I could refuse such a gift, my dear!" the woman responded, meeting her daughter's gaze with a look that held a softness seldom seen in Vivian's peculiar dark-magenta eyes.

"Hey, maybe you can try out an temporary admin job," her husband offered in a careful tone, glancing from Miranda to Misty to gauge their reactions.

"I think not," Miranda replied gently, smiling to reassure him before turning to her Aunt, "But I was thinking of maybe helping out at the Gym a bit. Earn my keep and all that."

"As if you'd need to!" her mother scolded her mockingly, chuckling at the thought of such a thing.

"She's right!" agreed Misty with a laugh, feeling surprising at ease, and for the first time in more than a decade, feeling as though she were truly part of a family, "Only Joshua works harder than our Miri!"

"I'll second that!" called Frank and Laurna, laughing at each other as they raised their glasses high and Miranda blushed as they clinked them against Misty's.

"Oh! And speaking of Joshua," added Bob as the thought suddenly struck him, "He's retiring this Spring, eh."

"WHAT?!" exclaimed everyone at the table except for Bob and Vivian.

Bob chuckled to himself, feeling slightly smug. "He's taking one last big job and then he's coming home to Lavender to stay," he explained, "Of course, he's not REALLY retiring so much as taking a lighter work load. Joshua's gonna be one of Lavender's in-city couriers."

"One of three," commented Miranda, her eyes fluttering as she realized why her Uncle had reacted so favorably to her stepfather's gravy as she tried a bit of the roast he'd made.

"If you don't mind me asking," Misty inquired curiously, smiling in Miranda's direction as the courier set her fork down and gripped the table with both hands to contain herself, "what's the big assignment?"

Bob grinned broadly. "It's a secret," he replied, dark blue eyes sparkling with mirth, "But I can tell you this. It involves the Celadon to Fuchsia Winter caravan."

"Speaking of which!" interrupted Vivian, raising an eyebrow as she inquired of her daughter, "Are you up for it this year?"

Miranda opened her eyes, catching her breath as she nodded slowly. "I wouldn't mind," she assured, glancing at Misty, "If it's okay with you?"

Misty shrugged, turning to Vivian. "Sure," she replied, "What's it involve?"

"Well, it pays quite a bit," chuckled Bob, receiving a stern glare from his wife.

"Oh, it's quite a hike," Vivian explained casually, "Especially through the mountains when those wretched storms hit us in late January. But you two wouldn't be alone. Joshua's been the senior courier for that run since as long as I've been with the Company. He knows the route, and all the complications that can arise, so he'll be in charge. Oh, and they're be two or three other couriers as well. Depending on who's willing this year."

"I hope you don't mind cramped quarters, though," cautioned Miranda as she sipped her tea, "I volunteered my first year as a courier, and I don't mind saying that sleeping in those wagons is something of a talent."

"Oh, they're not THAT bad," her mother replied, shaking her head in dismay as she ate.

"Oh, I don't mind," assured Misty brightly, "It'd be better than walking through nine feet of snow."

"Hey, I was serious, eh!" said Bob, quickly swallowing a mouthful of vegetables, "It pays really well!"

"Well I'm sure Miri's account can handle a few extra credits," Misty chuckled.

Vivian sighed, setting her fork down and resting her chin on her hands. "No, dear, you misunderstand," she explained, "We're offering you a job. A courier apprenticeship, actually."

"Under Miranda of course," added Bob hastily, causing Frank to choke a bit on his food and Laurna to smack his arm as she giggled.

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