Dinner at the Breedlove's - Cover

Dinner at the Breedlove's

by Peter Duncan

Copyright© 2024 by Peter Duncan

Erotica Sex Story: On the way to the Breedlove house, Amanda was still skeptical. “I know what Paul and Mitzi said about swinging with them being so beautiful Tony. But I still can’t get over the fact that they are old enough to be our parents.”

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Swinging   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   .

On the way to the Breedlove house, Amanda was still skeptical. “I know what Paul and Mitzi said about swinging with them being so beautiful Tony. But I still can’t get over the fact that they are old enough to be our parents.”

Tony responded, “And if Mom gave me permission today, I would go down on her pussy in a second, baby. Sex was beautiful with her when I was going through puberty. It always got better, and I’ve never stopped thinking about it. When Mom and I talk on the phone, even though she is in her sixties I still get a hard-on. I just wish you could go into this with an open mind.”

The house was on a hillside overlooking Denver with a panoramic view of the mountains behind. It was built to emulate a Japanese house. When Paul and Mitzi greeted them at the door, they were both dressed in silk kimonos and wore Japanese sandals. As they were ushered into the living room Tony and Amanda could see that the house was a complete replica of a Japanese dwelling, complete with sliding doors of rice paper framed by stained teak wood. Like everybody who visited the house for the first time, the Breedloves took them on a tour. Tony and Amanda were not sure of the details of such a house, but they thought the beds would be more like pallets on the floor. Each of the two bedrooms though had king-size beds. “Is this standard in Japanese homes?” Tony asked.

“No,” Paul responded, we’re accustomed to more comfort in our beds. Also,” he smiled, “we’ve grown accustomed to the flexibility these beds give us in the alternate lifestyle we have chosen.”

Mitzi prepared sukiyaki that was simmered in an electric frying pan. Everything about the meal was authentic, right down to the Japanese vegetables, tea, and sake. Ginger ice cream was served for dessert. They ate at a low table and sat on the floor. Amanda asked where the love of Japanese culture came from.

While Paul looked on lovingly Mitzi gave the monologue: “Paul and I both served in the armed services during World War II. We met on a hospital ship while he was a patient, wounded with mortar shrapnel in his stomach. I was a nurse on the ship. We married just after the war ended. A few years later, as reservists, we were called back into action for the Korean War. Paul served in Korea while I was a nurse in Japan. It was during this time that we both lost our resentment toward the Japanese for bringing the U.S. into the war. And it was during that time that I lost all my resentment and prejudicial feelings toward the Japanese people. I realized that, if it were my country, this could have been me. When we came back to the United States, we patterned our living style to the Japanese. We are Christians and uphold those religious values. At the same time, we are Buddhists in search of Nirvana.

It was wonderfully comfortable before and during dinner, meeting with no discussion of the swinging lifestyle that Paul and Mitzi were suggesting. Each got the background on the other couple, asking how the other couple met. They discussed the church and each other’s religious values, being members of the same church made that discussion easy. When Amanda asked how they worshiped in two religions Mitzi responded, “Christianity is a religion of love, Buddhism is more of a philosophy ... a way of life. Christianity is about worshiping God. Buddhism is a way of trying to perfect oneself.

Amanda was so impressed with the ambiance and accepting atmosphere Paul and Mitzi created that, while not completely dismissing her ageist skepticism, found that she was becoming more comfortable in their presence than with any of their other friends. Using Cassie and Craig as a yardstick she realized that their Front Range friends were an exciting young couple, someone with whom to explore a different way of sexuality. With Paul and Mitzi, she was beginning to understand that such a relationship could be nurturing as well.

After dessert, Courvoisier was served in snifters. Paul moved away from the table and leaned his back against a large, plush cushion. Mitzi scooted back to him, leaning on a cushion of her own, and snuggled up to Paul while they continued their conversation.

“This is a very comfortable way to converse,” Paul said. “Why don’t you move to those cushions,” pointing to cushions that were close to them. The room was small and intimate. The two sets of cushions were spread away from two conjoining corners that allowed two couples to sit without interfering with the other.”

When they were just getting settled it was Mitzi who said with a chuckle, “We know that you are wondering when we are going to attack you and bring you into our lair.”

“The fact is,” Paul said, “we aren’t. We know from our previous conversation that you have been introduced to the swinging life through Front Range Swingers. We even went over there and tried it out. Frankly, we didn’t think much of their format. That you two found a couple to be close with was a plus for you, something you said you became quite comfortable with.” Amanda and Tony were listening intently.

Mitzi chimed in, “We haven’t been involved in swing clubs since the beginning of our experience ... that was almost twenty years ago. From what we know of you two we’re not surprised that you seemed to have gotten your fill of it in just a few months. In our experience people who habituate those places don’t grow in “the life merely to become more lustful, developing a need for more as well as more and different. For us, it is like being in a family, in a way like being members of the church, just more intimate. We are looking for best friends who are part of a group that we can respect, a couple interested in growing their sexual relationship into something more eclectic.” With that, Mitzi turned to Paul. He gave her and long and erotic French kiss. His hand went into her kimono and found her breast. As his hand moved, she murmured her pleasure.

Breaking the kiss Paul said, “We’re not doing this to make you uncomfortable. We just hope we can demonstrate to you that our way of expressing and sharing sexuality with you can enhance your life.”

While expecting something different to transpire Amanda didn’t feel like she was in the presence of a pornographic act or even a display of raw sexuality. To hear what the Breedloves were doing was strange, no, different. She had never seen two people of such an advanced age making love. Sure, she had seen hugs or pecks on the cheeks and lips. But she had never seen two people in their sixties kissing in such a complete and sensuous way. Certainly, she had never seen an older man fondling a woman’s breast. Rather than being turned off though she felt warmed by the action, feeling the surge of moisture that had bedewed her labia.

As Paul continued to fondle Mitzi’s breast, he replanted the passionate kiss. The Firestones watched as Mitzi’s hand went to her husband’s thigh, disappearing under the silk fabric and inching towards her husband’s groin. Not seeing the grasp, just the movement as she grasped, their knowledge was confirmed by Paul’s wiggling of his hips. As he relaxed his glutes he settled back and released a thankful murmur through his nostrils.

Having both been tense in their observance of the Breedlove’s act of petting It was more their desire to participate than being driven by intimidation. Amanda was relieved and thankful to feel Tony’s arm snaking over her shoulders, his hand draping down her chest, closing on her breast.

She knew how much Tony ached to be with his new mother figure, Mitzi. And because of Paul’s loving ministrations with his wife Amanda’s skepticism was quickly being replaced by respect for this experienced older man’s technique, which electrified her libido. Isn’t this crazy she thought. As Tony’s lips melted into hers and their tongues swam in the dripping darkness of their oral cavities she quickly relaxed, becoming part of the ambiance.

Paul and Mitzi had been kissing long enough that when they broke the kiss Mitzi’s face looked freshly washed. They had been confident that their new friends, though so much younger, would join in on their loving demonstration. During each of their moves to new communities, they had been selective enough to be sure of their targets. It was an afterthought when Paul said “We promised you each a gift when you came. But we wanted to make sure that they might be something you would like to wear tonight, even if chose not to participate.”

Unable to resist the challenging words Amanda asked, “Interesting for us, or interesting to you?”

Giving her an elegant smile Mitzi replied, “Interesting for all of us Amanda. Paul and I never take our special guests for granted in such a way that the interest would be only one-sided.”

Amanda held Mitzi’s eyes as both women tested each other’s power gazing. Mitzi stood up, went to the opposite corner, and picked up two packages wrapped in gift paper. She handed one to Paul—who had just stood up—and they each went to the guest of the opposite sex, each bowing and handing the gift to their guest.

When they removed the wrapping paper Tony and Amanda smiled at one another. They were looking at silk kimonos with the same pattern as the Breedloves,’ one blue and one pink. “You can try them on if you like,” Paul said. “You don’t have to stay. If you choose not to, the robes are yours and you can take them with you. But we would at least like you to model them for us.”

Both spouses were unsteady as they got up. Sitting on the floor made their knees stiff. With unsure smiles, Tony and Amanda opened the sliding door and made it back to the guest bedroom. When they closed the sliding door Amanda whispered, “They are amazing Tony, they’re treating us like family, a family we have known forever. I can’t get over the feeling.”

“Does that mean we’re staying?” Tony asked.

“I don’t know why you put up with me sometimes Love but yes, I want to stay. And these robes are so elegant.” She rubbed the silk against her face.

“Kimono,” Tony corrected.

Coming back into the dining room they found their hosts sprawled on the cushions, sighing lusciously as they kissed and petted. They could see that Mitzi’s robe was open in the middle, slightly showing a smooth and toned stomach.

Amanda was stunned that Mitzi was in such good shape. Paul’s hand was on his wife’s mound, his finger obviously inside her pussy. When they heard their guest’s footsteps they sat up. Noticing again how fresh Mitzi looked with her lipstick kissed away she was reminded of the Front Range Swingers and how, once the evening progressed, all the women’s faces looked freshly washed. Smiling, Mitzi said, “I thought so ... the Kimonos looked so elegant on both of you. You are an attractive couple you know?”

Allowing the compliment to sink in she was hopeful of softening any thoughts the Firestones might have of leaving. It was Amanda who spoke. “We have decided to stay. You and Paul have a very pleasant way of making your guests feel at home.” As a segue, Amanda and Tony had agreed in the bedroom that they would give each other a passionate kiss and let the evening flow from there.

While watching their new friends French kissing while their hands fondled each other’s bottoms, Paul arose and took Mitzi’s hand to help her stand. Closing the gap Paul draped his arm around Amanda’s back and Mitzi did the same to Tony. Gently prying them loose each embraced the guest of the opposite sex and drew them into a kiss.

Tony lusted after Mitzi Breedlove the way he had lusted after his mother and had been sold the moment he met her. His passionate kiss was returned in kind by his hostess, both finding the opposing lips lusciously inviting. Mitzi had recognized Tony’s eagerness for the get-together the night the suggestion was made that they come to dinner. Taking Tony’s hand she murmured, “We’ll be in the guest bedroom.”

Paul, alone in the room with Amanda, was conscious of her dwindling skittishness. Instead of kissing her on the lips the way Mitzi had Tony’s, he romanced her by pecking her forehead, bussing each eyelid then the tip of her nose. Holding both of her hands he gave her a paternal smile, captivating her with his piercing blue eyes.

He knew by the way her nostrils flared that she was becoming his for the evening. But he continued his enticing approach. Hugging her affectionately Paul gently teased her bottom with his fingertips while kissing her cheek, earlobe, and neck. Discerning her almost silent, kittenish sigh he melted his lips into hers. It was magic.

A pro at first kisses in this kind of scenario Paul was accustomed to his objective being tentative. But considering the edgy behavior that led up to this point, he was surprised at how eager and compliant Amanda had already become. It was as if she was playing “Texas Holden” and had declared “I’m all in.” Her open-mouthed, tongue-twirling kiss was complete with searching hands, grinding hips, and what sounded like snorting hunger.

From the beginning Amanda was taken with Paul and Mitzi, there was no doubt in her mind that they were both in total control. Because of their age though, she hadn’t seen the possibility of being sexual partners with them. But the ambiance of their home and their warm hospitality spawned feelings of amenity and possibility. When the older couple began petting after dinner the aura of oldness was erased by their youthful behavior. Had Paul not been hypnotizing her all evening with those intense blue eyes Amanda would have simply considered their behavior quaint.

Throughout dinner, nothing had been said about their previous conversation about swinging. There was no pressure brought upon them by their hosts. The constant flirting, however, functioned as a catalyst for Amanda’s libido. When she saw Mitzi leading Tony toward the bedroom it was as if she had become a gift to this sophisticated older man. Her husband had given her permission to go wild in this new kind of exploration.

It was not like Front Range Swingers, where the involvement began turning them off. She had soon become apathetic about being fucked on the examination table and the association was so shallow that they gave it up after just a few months. With Craig and Cassie, while they loved the sex, the depth of their relationship was not that far below the surface. Theirs was a liaison where similar human beings shared but didn’t completely open themselves. With the Breedloves however, it was beginning to seem like a melding of youth and age, where the purpose was to share gifts of understanding. In this relationship, particularly in Amanda’s assessment, these gifts were like a child’s Christmas with new gifts to be opened.

As butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her knees became weak, she was surprised that a man of Paul’s age could have these effects upon her. Where she had previously been disdainful of his desire to become sexually involved his advances now enthralled her. As he took her hand, she willingly gave it to him, walking slowly past the opaque rice paper sliding door of the guest bedroom. Teasing her further he purposefully slowed their progress, hesitating outside the door where she could hear the kind of sighs coming from her husband and the whimpering sighs and murmurs, sounds of a couple kissing passionately. As she imagined what might be transpiring behind the door her percolating vaginal juices increased as did the tenderness in her tingling clitoris.

There was something about being dressed in Japanese garb and being led by a man dressed the same and entering the bedroom of an Asian-style house that enhanced the aura of what was happening. Jesus, she thought as she felt the urge to clamp the walls of her pussy tight, what the hell is happening to me?

Without taking his eyes from hers Paul broke the kiss and loosened the fabric belt of her kimono. When she did the same Paul’s kimono parted open. Amanda could not keep her eyes from looking down at his erect penis. To her shock and amazement what her eyes saw was the smallest penis she had seen on a man she had ever been with. Tony was well endowed as was Craig. But Paul’s was simply unspectacular and thin. Her panicked thoughts were how can this man even begin to satisfy me?

When her troubled eyes returned to his Paul gave her the typical response. It started with an abbreviated quote from the Bible: “Oh ye of little faith...” Filled with misgiving Amanda’s face tinged with embarrassment. Though she wondered, “How can he,” she reminded herself that Paul Breedlove was truly a man with supreme confidence.

He answered like a man who was inside her brain, “Don’t worry about it Amanda great gifts come in small packages. To tell you the truth, sweet lady, I’m rather proud of the things I can accomplish.”

With that, he casually peeled the top of Amanda’s kimono over her shoulders and dropped the garment to the floor. Taking her hands, he separated them and scanned her body from head to toe. “You’re a spectacularly beautiful woman Amanda.” Kissing with the same delicious passion he had in the dining room he clutched her bottom and skillfully slid his erection between her labia, lubricating the top of his shaft with her sexual emollients.

She had done this before with Tony and then Craig and had always loved the feeling. But never had she felt a climactic jolt in her clitoris. Paul, being so much taller than Amanda, when he slid his penis between her legs it hit her groove at a downward angle, forcing direct contact between the top of his shaft and her clitoris. The ardent kiss coupled with the expert undulations of his well-practiced member stirred feelings she had never experienced. The elegant effect was silkier than either finger or tongue could duplicate.

During the prolonged kiss, his expert application of this unique love technique had Amanda quivering in his arms for the second time. As with other women Paul was once again reassured that, if for no other reason than this alone, Amanda would want to have sex with him repeatedly.

Paul’s tongue explored what to Amanda seemed to be every conceivable surface inside her mouth and on her tongue. She imagined a safecracker’s fingertips trying to find one more number to the combination that would unlock yet another shockwave of excitement. Rising on her toes and flexing her knees to enhance the contact of his grazing hardness that ravished her clit. Until the backs of her legs hit the edge of the mattress, she never realized that he was steadily edging her back toward the bed. Giving her a slight push, she collapsed on the bed.

Lying next to her his lips kneaded hers as he caressed her breasts. Quick to recognize the pulsing hardness in her nipples he grazed them with his fingertips, rolling them gently as if he were trying to tune into a libidinous radio broadcast. Wiggling like a hooked eel, Amanda lost control of her emotions. While his tongue in her mouth coupled with new-found erogenous spots her breasts twitched with every sensory touch. “You feel like a filly that is ready to gallop, Amanda,” he whispered.

Gasping she exclaimed, “Oh Paul, I had no way of knowing. How can you do these things?”

With a knowing chuckle, he kissed her one more time then sat up and leaned over her chest. While continuing to fondle her left breast he suckled the nipple of her right. With every touch he coaxed tiny shocks that networked with nerve endings between her nipples, clitoris, and toes, pausing along the way in the hollow behind her knees.

Accustomed to Tony’s purposeful foreplay which always tuned her body to a higher pitch and brought her to orgasm she was proud to be his wife and sex partner. But never had her entire body seemed like a musical instrument that was being played by a brilliant performer. Orgasms that were merely localized became universal. It was as if a gentle laser targeted one area, and then moved on to another. Her body felt warm and full. It was dreamlike.

When he kissed each breast, she knew where he was going, pecking each nipple, tonguing her ribs, her navel, nibbling the hair on her mound. When he was on his knees between her legs—before his fingers surrounded her ankles—her legs were already in the air. Amanda thought she knew where he would start (his tongue in her wet vulva) but she was startled when she felt each thumb opening her puffy labium, then winced as she felt a tiny shaft of air being blown through the wee hole between his lips, which dried her groove and made it feel frosty. Having touched her clitoris with ice before she understood the feeling but had never had it done by someone else. Opening her mouth to sigh or moan or say something it just froze open, making an oval where her breath came whooshing out.

When his tongue finally parted her wafery labia, its warmth was equally shocking, bringing forth a faux climax as it traveled to her tingling clit where the nascent orgasm became real, universal, and gigantic. The voice that whisper-screamed, “Oh my God Paul, I’m in Heaven,” sounded like came from a distant body, or was it just in my mind?

But when Paul murmured, “And your body, Amanda, is the Garden of Eden,” she knew she wasn’t dreaming.

As his tongue had patiently examined the inside of her mouth when they kissed it was like an archeologist’s paintbrush used while searching each remnant of an ancient relic’s missing piece. His searching tongue caused an erotic clutching that went from her buccal cavity to pussy to her toes. That was before exciting the first of the eight thousand nerve endings in her clitoris (a detail that he would explain later).

She had never considered that foreplay could have lasted for over an hour. At the same time, she had never thought that in foreplay she would have so many orgasms. Thoughts of what she had considered Paul’s “needle-dick” had long since left her mind. With the joys, Paul Breedlove had shown her during the last hour and seventeen minutes she did not doubt that their first fuck was going to be just another avenue to Heaven. Finally, Amanda could hold back no longer. “Fuck me, Paul; please fuck me with your magnificent cock.”

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