Super Trick - Cover

Super Trick

by Titmouse

Copyright© 2001 by Titmouse

Erotica Sex Story: Superman is trapped by three lusty ladies who demand his services.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   .

©1997, All Rights Reserved

Lois' voice on the telephone is an excited whisper.

"Clark," she says. "Can you get in touch with Superman? I just heard on the police scanner that there's a problem."

She's always doing this to me. One time, in an emergency, I pretended I had a way to contact the Man of Steel in order to explain how he arrived to intervene in a situation that only I knew about. Since then, Lois calls me every time she thinks she needs Superman.

"Maybe," I sigh. "What's up?"

"There's something happening at a warehouse over on East Ninth," Lois says. "They're not saying much, but I think they've got a hostage situation."

"Well," I say, "I can try. But no promises."

"Okay, do what you can," Lois says. "I'm heading over there. Do you want to come?"

"No, I can't. Got this story I gotta finish."

"Okay," Lois says, seeming not very disappointed. "I'm on my way. The address is 9534 East Ninth, a warehouse. The guy's holed up in a second floor office. Try to get Superman to come."

"Okay," I say, "I'll..." But Lois has already hung up. Two offices down from mine, I hear her door pop open, followed by the rapid click of her heels going down the hall. I glance around. Nobody is looking. Typing at superspeed, I quickly finish the story I'm working on and forward it to the City Desk. Insisting on a silent "clickless" keyboard for my terminal has made things a lot easier sometimes. Casually, I stand up and head the opposite way down the hall, toward the restrooms. Ducking inside the men's room, I quickly make sure that the place is empty. In the blink of an eye, I shed my outer clothes, fold them neatly, and tuck them onto the top shelf of the supply closet. Another blink and I'm in the air, on the way to East Ninth.

Landing on the roof of a somewhat taller building next to the address Lois gave me, I survey the scene. There's no sign of police activity. Could she have gotten the address wrong? Using my x-ray vision, I scan the building. It appears to be completely empty. The only suspicious sign is that one of the larger offices on the second floor is impervious to my vision. Must be some kind of vault with lead lining.

Just then, Lois' staff car pulls up in front. I watch Lois get out, walk right up to the entrance and go inside. I see cross the empty warehouse floor to the stairs. She scampers up the stairs, walks to the office that I can't see into, and goes in.

Now what, I wonder. I watch for a couple of minutes and absolutely nothing happens. I see nothing and hear nothing. It looks like a false alarm, but I hate to leave with Lois inside a room that my vision won't penetrate. Suppose she walked into a trap?

With a sigh for all the times that Lois has been almost more trouble than she's worth, I zip over to the warehouse's roof and enter through the maintenance door. My hearing on full alert, I slip down to the second floor. The door creaks faintly as I enter, but that's the only sound I hear. Scanning once again with x-ray vision, I confirm that the entire warehouse, with the possible exception of the office Lois entered, is empty.

I fly down the hall and land softly just outside the door. Putting my ear to it, I listen carefully. I think I hear a faint rustle -- clothing or perhaps window drapes -- but nothing else. But the door is lead-lined, and I can see nothing.

With super patience, I turn the door knob slowly. It is unlocked. Moving at a speed faster than the human eye can see, I push the door open and dash into the room beyond. I feel a tingling as I go through the door, but there is no time to consider it. Scanning quickly, I see there is nothing there, just an outer office. Behind me, the door closes. There is a click, and then the sound of a bolt shooting home. Well, a locked door is small concern to my super strength. More importantly, someone somewhere apparently knows that somebody has entered the room.

I start to creep toward the door that must lead to an inner office, but it opens before I get there. It's Lois.

"Hi, Superman," she says. "Glad you could come."

She is relaxed, and my own concern begins to fade, to be replaced by frustration.

"Lois, what's the meaning of this?" I ask her. "If this is some game..."

She smiles. "Well, I guess it's some kind of game. But I hope you'll like it." She looks at me with an appealing, coy glance, but I am not mollified.

"I don't have time for this, Lois. I've got to get back." I turn and stalk to the door. As I approach it, I feel the tingling again, and this time it affects me more strongly. My knees go wobbly, and suddenly I know what it is -- Kryptonite! The door and a six-inch swath around it glow faintly green. The door handle is bright green. Gathering my resolve, I reach out and try to pull the door open. My hand goes numb, and I feel faint.

"I'm sorry, Superman," says Lois from behind me. "We don't want you to leave just yet." Stumbling away from the door, I turn back to her in time to see the inner office door open again. Out comes Lana Lang, followed Sonia Wilkins, a reporter for our rival paper, the Metropolis Star, and another woman I don't know.

"I think you know Lana and Sonia," Lois says. "This is Wendy MacKenzie, a friend of Sonia's. We cooked this up together."

"I don't know what you think you're doing," I tell them, "but it's in very bad taste. Now, let me out of here."

There is a short silence. Then, Lana speaks for the first time.

"Oh, we'll be happy to let you out after a while, Superman," she says. "But first, we have some other plans."

"If you cooperate, we'll let you go in just a couple of hours," says Sonia. "But not until you satisfy all of us."

I glance from face to face as I begin to realize what they have in mind. All four are tempting embodiments of femininity, I must admit, but I have no intention of breaking my long-standing vow of celibacy. Women are a distraction. If I ever got started, I might spend my whole time chasing them instead of fighting crime. Not that I haven't sometimes wished...

"I want no part of this," I say brusquely. "If you won't let me out the door, I'll just leave by the window."

I brush past Sonia (who makes no effort to prevent my arm from brushing her breasts) and stalk into the inner office. Big mistake. The first thing I notice is that the office, although larger than the outer vestibule, is almost empty, except for a king-size bed right in the middle. Second, I notice that all the blinds are closed and the room is dimly lighted. Third, I realize that the entire room is painted in the same Kryptonite paint used around the outer door. I try to approach the nearest window but find myself rapidly weakening.

The four women have joined me in the inner office, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Sorry, Superman," says Lois, "but I don't think you can get out of this room without our help. If you move away from the walls, the effect will be minimal."

I have to move away from the walls, in any case. Moving toward the center of the room, however, brings me in close proximity of the bed. My knees are still wobbly and, with no chairs available, I sit on the bed to regain my strength. Meanwhile, I glance covertly around the room, looking for a way to escape.

Behind me, I hear a rustling sound. I think I know what it is, and glancing to the side, my suspicion is confirmed. All four women are starting to remove their clothes.

"Look, you might as well stop that," I say. "I don't know what made you think I would go along with this under any circumstances. I'm not going to. This is crazy."

None of them says anything. They just keep removing clothes. Lois and Lana shed their blouses and skirts. Sonia slips out of her jacket, then the matching pants, and finally her sleeveless top. Wendy unbuttons her dress and steps out of it. All four of them stand there, dressed in bras, panties, garter belts, stockings, shoes and smiles.

They move toward me. I am sitting near the center of one side of the bed. Two of them sit on either side of me. I ignore them. Lois and Lana, the two closest, lean against me, pressing their breasts against my arms. I stare at the floor. Sonia and Wendy reach behind their backs, unhook their bras, and take them off. They slide off the bed and kneel at my feet.

"See the mirror across from you there, Superman?" asks Lana. I look up, a suspicion of what she is going to say flashes into my mind. "There's a camera behind that mirror, Superman. It's taking our picture right now." Lois reaches up and ruffles my hair. Lana puts a hand on my thigh. Wendy and Sonia turn and face the camera, smiling widely and pulling their shoulders back to make their breasts more prominent.

I know they have me. If there is a camera taking pictures of this, it would ruin everything if they got out. I'm being blackmailed, and very effectively. I sigh and slump. I have always prided myself on my ability to think logically and dispassionately, to accept the consequences of my thinking, and to act accordingly, regardless of what I might otherwise wish to be so. They've got me good, and there is no sense fighting it.

"OK," I say after awhile. "What is it you want, exactly?"

There is a silence. The other three women turn to Lana, who seems to be the spokesperson for the group.

"What we want, exactly," she says, "is for you to fuck us."

"Right on!" says Wendy.

I can't help blushing. They are all looking at me. I glance from face to face, embarrassed by what I have to tell them.

"I don't think I have much choice," I say, "but I think you'll be disappointed. You see..." I hesitate. "You see, I'm a virgin."

Lois and Sonia gasp. Wendy's eyes get very wide. Lana chuckles.

"Well," Lana says, "so much the better. We not only get the Man of Steel, we get the Man of Steel's cherry."

It's funny. Having avoided this for so long, it all seems to make no difference now. The truth is that I've always wanted to, but it's not easy for a superhero to admit that he's as green as the average teen. Or these days, the average pre-teen. But now that I seem to have no choice, I'm glad. Not that I have any idea of how to proceed.

I don't need to worry. The four women are perfectly ready to take charge. Lana stands up and removes her bra. Lois doesn't bother to stand, she just bares her breasts. I look at the four women and their eight breasts. All are very attractive females, and all have very nice breasts. Wendy's are a little small, compared to Lana and Sonia. Lois' breasts are between them in size, but all are shapely. Lana sits back down, and she and Lois lean into me, pressing their now-naked breasts against me again. I feel a thrill run through me, from my shoulders to my toes and back up to my groin. My penis swells suddenly, trapped beneath my blue and red outfit. Thank god for the superstrength of the fabric. It feels like I would burst through regular cloth.

The two women nuzzle my ears. Lois sticks out her tongue and probes into my ear channel. Lana is nibbling my earlobe. Wendy and Sonia place a hand on each of my thighs and run their finger up my leg toward my crotch. I stiffen even more. Lois tries to run her hand up under my shirt, but the tough, skin-tight fabric blocks her.

"Why don't you take that shirt off, Superman?" she asks. "Better yet, just raise your arms."

I do as she tells me, and Lois and Lana work my shirt up my torso. When it is up around my arms, my head buried inside, they stand and pull it over my head. The cape, which is attached to it and on which I am sitting, stops them.

"Raise your butt, Superman," says Lana. I raise up a little and they pull the shirt and cape off, tossing it toward the side of the room.

"Oh my god," says Sonia, "will you look at that chest?" I can see myself in the mirror across the room. I'm used to it, but I have to admit that I don't look bad. My muscles ripple as I lower my arms. "And those shoulders!" adds Wendy.

Lois and Lana begin kissing my chest, moving their lips down across it to my nipples. Lana begins to suck on the one nearest to her; Lois nibbles at the other. Wendy pushes between my knees and snuggles up close. She raises her face to mine and begins to kiss my chin, my cheeks and the corners of my lips. Then she becomes more brazen and presses both her lips to mine, her tongue pushing out and into my mouth.

I can't keep sitting here like a log. Almost involuntarily, my arms lift and slip around Lana's and Lois' shoulders. They snuggle into me, as if they like it. I have to admit that I like the feel of their bare breasts pressing against me from either side. And right in front, Wendy's small but firm breasts touch my chest, then mash against it as she puts her arms around my neck and pulls herself against me.

Meanwhile, Sonia's hand slides between Wendy and me. With only a moment's hesitation, she pushes her hand down and wraps it around my manhood. It is the most arousing thing I have ever felt. My penis is fully, almost painfully engorged. Sonia slides her hand along it, up and down. Then she draws her hand out from between our two bodies.

"Say, guys," she says, "this isn't fair. Let's get the rest of his clothes off."

They all pull back. Lana and Lois put their hands on my shoulders and push me down onto my back. Wendy and Sonia pull my red shorts down over my hips and then start tugging the blue pants after it. The pants snag on my engorged penis, so Wendy reaches a hand under my waistband and holds it flat against my body. It is the first time in my memory that any hand but mine has touched it. I swell and twitch against her hot palm.

The others pitch in to drag my pants down. The head of my manhood emerges, then the shaft, then more of the shaft, and finally the base surrounded by coal-black pubic hair and my testicles.

"Look at that rod, will you?" exclaims Sonia. "For christ's sake, it must be... what?... nine inches?"

Wendy, who still has her hand wrapped around me, doesn't say anything. While the others are still tugging my pants down around my ankles, she leans across my thigh, pressing her breasts against it, and takes the head of my penis in her mouth. This is definitely another first. I feel her wet, warm lips slide over the end and the pull of suction. Her cheeks hollow as she sucks on it.

"Look at Sonia!" says Lana. "She's found a lollipop. How does his cock taste, Sonia?"

Sonia grins but doesn't say anything. Instead, she pushes her head down and takes more of me into her mouth. I feel her lips tightly pursed around the shaft. But she can't go very far before the widening girth forces her jaw wide open and the head bumps against the back of her mouth. After trying to cram more of me into her mouth for a few seconds, Sonia gives up and pulls back, clamping me with her lips and sucking as she withdraws. She pops me out of her mouth and looks around at her friends.

"Gawd!" she says. "What a honker!"

Wendy takes advantage of the moment to replace Sonia. Leaning across me from the other side, she presses another pair of breasts against my other thigh and slides her mouth onto my manhood. Her breasts are not as pillowy as Sonia's, but they are firm, and the erect nipples are like pencil erasers against the muscles of my thigh. Her mouth is about the same size, and she gets no further than Sonia had before she has to pull back.

Sonia and Wendy start taking turns on me. First Sonia plunges her mouth onto my penis, licking and sucking and bobbing up and down several times. Then she relinquishes her hold and Wendy grabs me. Her hands are smaller, so she uses both, wrapping them around me and pointing the head toward her so that she can pop me into her sucking mouth. Then Sonia takes control again. Using the moisture left on me by both their mouths, she jacks up and down on me a few times before resuming her oral work. Since she can't get more than a third of me in her mouth, she keeps using her hand on me while she sucks and nibbles and twists her head around and slides me in and out.

Meanwhile, Lana and Lois are keeping busy with other parts of me. Lois, in particular, kisses me repeated on the mouth, probing inward with her tongue and twisting her lips around on mine. Lana replaces her sometimes, with equal passion. She also scoots up and presses a breast to my mouth, urging me to suck it and nibble on the nipple. Lois, with access to my mouth blocked, goes back to nipping at my ear and poking her tongue into it instead. Her breasts press against my shoulder and neck.

This is quickly getting too much for me. For nearly 20 years, I've dreamed of something like this (one woman at a time, of course), but I have only relieved myself when the pressure got to such a level that it was distracting me from my work. Now, I've got two women doing a devastating blowjob on my virgin penis, producing sensations that my own fumbling efforts have only hinted at. I can feel the thrill of a coming orgasm, starting in my balls and radiating out through my body. My penis throbs and jerks as they slide their mouths and hands up and down on it.

I don't know what to do. I know women do this sort of thing, all right, and I know they make men cum this way and even swallow their spendings. But I don't know if that's what Wendy or Sonia intend. Maybe they're just warming me up. Maybe they don't realize how close to the edge I am.

"Girls," I say, panting a little, "uh...that's really... uh... if you keep that up... uh..."

Wendy, who has current possession, lifts her mouth off me and looks up. She keeps sliding her hand up and down the shaft, though.

"Aw," she says, "is the poor widdle Superman gonna cum? Is he gonna cream? Is he gonna blow his wad down somebody's throat pretty soon if we keep it up? Is that what you're trying to tell us, guy?"

"Great!" says Sonia, grabbing me from Wendy and plunging her mouth down onto my penis. She sucks harder than ever, pushing her head at me to force me as deeply as possible into her mouth, twisting from side to side, and jerking up and down on the shaft with her hands. Wendy is watching me.

"Yes," she says, "I think that's what's gonna happen. And you know what, Superman? That's just what we want to happen. I'm gonna make you cum and take your cherry, or may Sonia will. And we want you to cum right down our throats! I want it. I can't wait to taste your cum!"

She wraps her hands around Sonia's and pulls me away from her mouth. Both of them keep their hands wrapped around me, jerking me off together. Wendy takes me back in her mouth, and she's even more frantic than Sonia, bobbing up and down like a madwoman. She's also slurping and smacking and moaning in her throat, which imparts a vibration to my penis. I look down at her and she's looking right back at me, daring me, wanting me to cum in her mouth.

I couldn't help it even if I wanted to. An electric jolt shoot through me, centers in my balls and then blasts the cum out of me. The first bolt shoots out of the end into her wet, clinging mouth cavern and almost seems to snap her head back. She gulps greedily and pushes back for more.

"Me! Me!" cries Sonia, and snatches my penis away from Wendy, plunging it into her mouth while I'm still cumming. I shoot a couple of more jets into her and feel her swallow convulsively around my spasming manhood. She slips her mouth off me, kissing the tip. There's cum at the corners of her mouth and a big gob on top. She starts licking on me like I was an ice cream cone, and Wendy joins her. The two of them are cheek to cheek, and they rub my penis between them, smearing cum juice all over their faces.

"Thanks a lot, guys," says Lana in a bantering tone. "Now we'll have to put things on hold until he recovers."

"I don't think that's a problem," Wendy replies. "He shot his wad, but the gun's still loaded. He's as hard as before."

Lana reaches down and wraps her hand around my tool to check. Wendy is right. I'm still hard. I push myself back and forth in Lana's hand.

"Wow," she says. "A real Man of Steel."

Lois takes her tongue out of my ear and stands up. With a quick move, she strips her panties down and steps out of them.

"I think it's time to put that rod where it belongs," she says, "and I've got just the right place." Stepping between Wendy and Sonia, she climbs up on the bed, straddling my legs. She takes hold of my penis with both hands and knee-walks up my body until the bush at the bottom of her stomach is brushing the underside of it.

"Say goodby to your virginity, Superman," Lois says. "You're about to get fucked." She raises up on her knees and bends me down, pushing my tool into her crotch. She rubs the head of my manhood back and forth in her furrow. I can feel the lips of her sex part and slide along me. She pushes me back a little farther, and I feel the head notch in the opening of her channel.

"Oooh," Lois says, "that feels good!" She begins to let her weight down, pressing me up inside her body. I only go about an inch into her before she stops and raises up again, rolling her hips. "Wow," she says, "it's big!"

"Tell me about it," says Sonia. "I like to choked on it."

Lois presses downward again and I slide up into her a little farther this time. She has a frowning look of concentration on her face. She keeps hunching forward a little at a time, pulling back slightly, and then pushing farther. Her channel seems very tight, despite lots of lubrication from both of us.

"God!" Lois says, "what a monster."

I'm about halfway in. Lois is determined to get it all, though. She pulls back slightly and then slams her hips down, forcing another two inches into her. She does the same thing again and then again. Then she just lets herself go completely and slides all the way down. I feel her pubic mound touch and then press against mine.

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