Call Girls - Cover

Call Girls

© By Morgan, 1991, 2001, 2012. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A writer poses as a call girl for a retired executive. Later they hire the call girl that she replaced to coach them in lovemaking on the beach at Maui. The second book of the Ali Clifford saga.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic  

The next morning Jan asked Bob if he could get a computer for her. He just grinned and two days later a very powerful personal computer was delivered to her room from the mainland. She set it up in her bedroom and began to use it. Pete was as good as his word. Soon, marketing and finance information started to arrive in a flood from Illinois. She found out Pete was planning to stay in Hawaii for four weeks and he had three weeks to go. Since their plans were indefinite, Jill and Bob were delighted to extend their stay as well. Jill's comment was, "Jan, we're in Paradise. Why in hell should we be in a rush to leave?"

Starting the second morning, the foursome slipped into a continuing pattern. They played golf in the morning and swam in the afternoon at the nude beach. After a couple of days Pete found out that Jan also played tennis, so they started playing early in the morning before breakfast. Although they had been together for only a few days, Jan was desperately in love with him. She was no closer to a solution to her problem, though.

When Jill teased her about getting up so early to play tennis, Jan's reply was, "I can't sleep anyway thinking about him and listening to you two make love. I might as well play tennis."

By this time Pete had an all-over tan as well, but they still put sun protection on each other's body. In what had become a regular pattern for them, she and Pete were lying together on the beach while Bob and Jill were about fifty yards farther down. Pete was spreading the lotion on her, but this time it was different. When he reached her breasts his fingers felt different on her skin. He was caressing her breasts and teasing her nipples while appearing to be only spreading on the lotion. In no time her small pink nipples were fully erect.

Jan had been lying on her back with her eyes closed. She opened them just enough to watch him as he ran his hands softly over her beautiful tanned globes. It felt marvelous. Then he moved down her body and reached her loins. She spread her legs to allow him to spread the lotion on her inner thighs the way he usually did. Again, this time was different. His fingers moved up her thighs to her lower lips. Seemingly by accident, his finger went up and down her slit just brushing her clitoris which jumped to attention to greet his finger. He continued to work on her and was rewarded by seeing drops of wetness appear at her cuntal opening.

Jan said softly, "What are you doing? Are you trying to destroy me?"

Pete leaned over and kissed her lips. While he did, his hand ran lightly over her breasts again. Jan's hand went around his neck and held him in position while she kissed him back. Finally, she released him and he rose to a kneeling position beside her.

"Pete, that wasn't fair," she said softly.

She saw his blue eyes were dancing. He said, "Jan, I will apologize abjectly if you can honestly say you didn't like it. Can you?"

"You bum!" she murmured. "Now it's your turn. Lie down."

He looked at her skeptically but lay down on his stomach on his towel. Jan began to spread the lotion over his body. She had loved the feel of his strong hands on her body but at the same time was consumed with a passion that had no release. She loved the feel of his body under her fingers. In the time she had known him, his tan had become darker and his heavy muscles had gotten even firmer. When he rolled over on his back she began working on his arms and shoulders, feeling his muscles rippling under her fingertips. She longed to feel those muscles crushing her body to his. Finally, she got down to his flat belly and then to his groin. She spread more lotion on her hands and took his penis in both of her hands. She spread the lotion the length of it and watched as it started to grow erect. She continued to tease it and began to handle his balls as well. She saw his eyes open and he watched her gently massage his sex organ.

"Jan, what are you doing to me?" he asked.

"I'm putting sun screen on your body. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you're massaging my ... my ... my private parts."

She was kneeling beside him on the sand. Then she rocked back on her heels with her back up straight and her shoulders back. It caused her breasts to stand out proudly and, with the sexual excitement from handling his cock, her nipples were engorged and standing erect. She said, "Pete, I will apologize abjectly if you can honestly say you didn't like it." She smiled down at him as she spoke the same words he had used to her moments earlier.

He grinned up at her and said softly, "Touché." He pulled himself up and rolled on his side. He supported his head on his hand and looked at her. "Jan, I love you desperately. But I guess you already know that. Do you care for me at all? Maybe just a little?"

Her face was impassive. Her hands were in her lap as she looked at him. Softly, she said, "Not a little, Pete. I love you more than life itself." She just knelt there looking at him while maintaining an impassive expression on her face.

Pete jumped up from the towel and knelt facing her. "Jan, do you know what you just said? I could have sworn I heard you say you love me?"

Still she didn't move or change expression. "Pete, I adore you. I said I love you more than life itself. I mean it."

Suddenly Pete's face beamed. His smile was joyous as he pulled her to him. He gathered her in his arms and hugged. Her breasts were mashed against his hairy chest and her lips were covered by his. Their kiss was filled with love and passion. Meanwhile, he could feel her moving her chest against his, overcoming the pressure of his embrace. He released her and said, "Jan, I'm sorry! Was I hurting you?"

She smiled up at him and shook her head. "Please hold me just the way you were. Pete, I'm a big girl. You can't hurt me. I was just doing something I've dreamed of doing since the first day I met you. I was chafing my nipples against your hairy chest while you squeezed me. Darling, it feels indescribably wonderful."

He held her tightly and again felt the wonderful movement of her breasts against his chest. Then he kissed her again and decided it really was as wonderful as he first thought it was. Finally he relaxed his grip and moved his head back in order to look at her face. He saw her eyes were closed and there was a lovely look of happiness on her face. She opened her eyes and he could see they were glazed with passion. He smiled at her and she smiled back at him with a beautiful smile.

Pete was still holding her around her waist. He said, "Jan, when can we get married?"

Her smile died as she replied, "We can't, Pete."

He looked stunned. It was as if someone had hit him over the head with a club. "Why not? Darling, I love you. I'm single. I'm free to marry. You're a Miss, so you're single, too. I don't care if you have been divorced or ... or anything. I just want to marry you." Suddenly his face fell. "Of course! It's Illinois, isn't it? You're used to the city and the excitement..." He brightened again. "That's easy: I'll just sell the business! I'll get enough from selling it that we can get a new start anywhere you want to live. You can have your career, Jan..."

She just shook her head and tears were now flowing unchecked down her cheeks. "Pete, no! Pete, I'm an Iowa girl. I would love it in a small Illinois town. A career? What a joke! Darling, my idea of the ideal career is to be barefoot and pregnant with one of your babies suckling at my breast." Then she brightened and said, "Pete, I would be proud to be your mistress, though. Perhaps I could even be your concubine and carry your children in my belly. But married? That's ridiculous and just plain impossible."

Pete released her and rocked back on his heels. They were now kneeling facing each other with their knees touching. Pete looked at this glorious golden girl who said she loved him. He thought of the other girls he knew. They all used makeup to cover failings in their complexion and used fashion to conceal or lessen defects in their figures. Here was this girl looking at him who was utterly perfect. He knew she wore no makeup. He knew her body was flawless. He had personally touched every square inch of it dozens of times. She said she couldn't marry him, yet she said she loved him. "Tell me, Jan. What's the trouble?" he said with his eyes fixed on hers.

"Do you remember asking me what I'm famous for?" she asked softly, with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I said Bob and Jill took in stray cats and I think I remember saying I was a cat. I am. I'm an alley cat from a filthy, disease-ridden alley, living on the garbage! The fact is, I'm a prostitute, Peter. I sell my body for money. I'm terribly used.

"You are so wonderful! You need a girl who's clean and new and sparkling, not one who's been used by everyone for everything foul and obscene that you could possibly imagine. Pete, I'm dirty! I'm filthy!" Her face dissolved in tears but she continued to kneel upright with her head still up straight. Her only concession to her misery was to close her eyes. Still the tears continued to stream from under her closed eyelids.

Suddenly she felt herself being lifted in his powerful arms. She opened her eyes and found that Pete had just lifted her up the way she had seen Bob lift Jill. He sat down on his blanket, still holding her as if she only weighed a couple of pounds. He set her down across his lap, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her face down to his shoulder. He stroked her hair, murmured endearments, and asked her please not to cry.

She opened her eyes and there was fire in them. "Peter Stewart, you didn't listen to a thing I said! I told you I was a prostitute. That's a whore, a hooker, a slut. Peter, let me go this instant before you contract something vile."

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