Call Girls - Cover

Call Girls

© By Morgan, 1991, 2001, 2012. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A writer poses as a call girl for a retired executive. Later they hire the call girl that she replaced to coach them in lovemaking on the beach at Maui. The second book of the Ali Clifford saga.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic  

It was almost three o'clock when Peter Stewart awakened and realized he still had his hand on Jan's breast. He lay in bed without moving as he reflected on the last few weeks. He couldn't believe his good fortune: He had come out to Hawaii for a rest and was going home with a wife. The girl whose head was still resting on his shoulder was lovely beyond his wildest dreams. Then he moved his head to be able to see her more easily. Even that slight movement was enough: Jan's eyes opened and she looked at him. The look she gave melted him.

As she turned her head, she smiled lovingly and whispered, "Hello, my husband." She rolled over so her body was on top of his, then folded her arms across his chest and rested her chin on the back of her hands. As she did she lifted her chest slightly so that her breasts were barely in contact with his chest. She started to rotate her chest and smiled as her nipples almost instantly became erect.

He felt her movement as tiny pebbles moving around his chest. "What are you doing?" he asked softly.

"I'm torturing you. I'm digging up your chest. Pretty soon it will be bloody from all my digging. Do you mind terribly? The wounds will be mostly superficial, though."

She pulled herself up and softly kissed him on the lips. Pete wrapped his arms around her back and squeezed tight, mashing her breasts against his chest. As she did, she made soft noises deep in her throat and then frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Darling, how much larger would you like my tits to be? I'm going to start to work to develop my chest so it'll be the way you want it."

He lifted her up from his chest, spun around and sat up on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor. Jan's eyes widened for a moment as she feared he was going to spank her again. Instead he picked her up and sat her on his lap with her back against his chest. His arms were around her and her head was again resting against his shoulder. He held out his hand and asked, "What do you think of my hand?"

Jan was puzzled by the question. She took it in both of hers and held it. She turned her head to look at his face and replied with a quizzical look, "It's a nice hand. In fact, it's a perfect man's hand. It's big and strong and ... and it's very hard when it contacts my backside."

"How about the fingers?"

"They're long and strong." She smiled at him and said, "I love your hand ... even when you use it to spank me." Her eyebrows furrowed as she added, "But what does your hand have to do with anything?"

Pete was holding her in his right arm. It was his right hand that had been cupping her breast while she slept. He placed his hand over her breast and cupped it. Then he gave her breast a slight squeeze. "What do you see and feel?" he asked.

Jan had closed her eyes to savor the feeling. She opened them again and said, "I feel a strong hand around my boob, squeezing it. I see a beautifully tanned hand over my boob." She was bewildered.

"Darling, how big is my hand?"

"It's huge! It's at least twice as big as mine. Your fingers are long and strong and feel wonderful when they stroke my body." She smiled and added, "Pete, you're magnificent when you do that, too. I think about your being a virgin when we met. Your knowledge of women should be illegal!"

Pete smiled warmly at his beautiful bride. "Honey, you still don't get it, do you? Look at my hand on your breast. What do you see?"

"I already told you," she protested.

His smile got broader. "Honey, I can't get my hand fully around your tit. There's more of it than there is of my hand. Yet you said I have a big hand with long fingers. Darling, your breasts are perfect exactly the way they are. I really don't like cows. I love a woman whose breasts are lovely firm hemispheres tipped with tiny pink nipples; breasts that are larger than my large hand can completely get around. I love a woman whose breasts are perfect and who would be taking a big risk if she tried to change them. Darling, please leave perfection alone." As he said it, he gently squeezed her breast.

Jan leaned her head back against his shoulder, then turned to look up at his face. She said, "Husband, would you do me a favor? Could we go down to our beach for a while?"

Pete immediately agreed and a short time later they had their towels spread on what they now considered to be their personal spot on the beach. Again, they went through the ritual of putting lotion on each other's body. Jan was lying on her back with her eyes closed. Pete rested his head on his hand and looked at her as he reclined on his side. He was lightly running his fingertips over the part of her body that was within easy reach.

As he watched her, he saw tears coming from under her closed eyelids. "What's wrong, honey?" he asked, concerned. "Why are you crying?"

She opened her eyes and he could see the tears glistening in them. "I'm so damned happy, Pete, I can't stand it! I was thinking about what's happened and I can't believe it." She pulled herself up and rolled on her side.

She rested her head on her hand and looked at him. "You can't know what it's like to feel your fingertips on my body. Darling, no one ever did that before. I was a slut and a whore. Men and women used my body like it was a piece of meat ... and I guess it was. I had a whole range of imitation emotions I turned on and off. Now I have you. Pete, I wouldn't even let myself dream of getting out of the business before I met you. The idea of ever getting married — let alone to someone as wonderful as you — never occurred to me. Darling, I'm in Heaven ... and I don't think I've even died."

Pete continued to idly run his fingertips over her body. "Pete, what are you doing?" she asked, amused. "You look like a little boy playing in the sand."

He grinned and said, "You're right. That's exactly how I feel. I remember going to the beach when I was just a little boy when my parents were still alive. This is much more fun, though. I'm thinking about how lucky I am. I get to fondle the most beautiful woman alive! I get to run my fingers over her lovely body and enjoy the feel of her warm satiny skin. But it's more. I can feel your muscles move under your skin. They respond to my touch."

He looked at her with a small smile on his face. He asked, "Do you realize how important this beach is to us? Jan, if you hadn't allowed me to come with you that first day — and if I hadn't screwed up every ounce of courage I could muster to come down with you — this would never have happened. Darling, you've been so preoccupied with feeling unworthy, it never occurred to you to think of my side: I'm here in Hawaii alone ... and having a miserable time. Then I'm in the pro shop and I'm asked if I want to play in a foursome ... and meet you. Honey, I don't know if you remember, but I sure do. You turned to look at me and I almost fell over. I know my jaw dropped."

He grinned and said, "Now I remember! You had to notice! You slid over to drive the cart. That was the first indication of how smart you are. You knew damned well I'd go straight into a tree or off a cliff or something. Remember?"

Jan's eyes were glistening and she had a small, warm smile on her face. She leaned over towards him and kissed him softly. Again they felt the electricity. "I remember, darling. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings."

"Hurt my feelings?" he exclaimed. "That's impossible. I was dazzled by a blonde apparition! Jan, I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you are in my life. Then we came on the beach and I saw you the way you are now. I can't tell you what that did. Except you saw what it did. I got hard and stayed hard! Jan, if I hadn't seen you here and if you hadn't insisted on putting that lotion on me, I never in a million years would have had the nerve even to speak to you again. Wife, you are awesome! And I mean that in the truest sense of the word: inspiring awe in a viewer. You have been so focused on your ... background, you never think of the way you look to others. Honey, I could lay here forever just running my fingers over your body. Your skin is like satin, but so much more! It's warm and smooth and I can feel your muscles ripple under your skin. You're responding to my touch, aren't you?"

Jan's eyes began to glow with her love as she listened to Pete. She replied, "Of course, darling! What I'm feeling is a sensation I never knew existed. I feel your fingers and I don't want you ever to stop — except now I want you to put your enormous cock into my cunt in the worst possible way." She glanced down the length of her body and said, "Look at it. What do you see?"

He was startled as he saw moisture on her nether lips. "Do you mean to say that's for me?"

She smiled broadly and lay on her back. She spread her thighs wide and opened her vaginal lips with her fingertips. "Now look. What do you see?"

Pete moved over to her towel and knelt between her legs. "I see your clit exposed. It's erect, isn't it?"

"Of course, darling. Will you take me again? Please?"

He moved forward and she took his weapon and placed it at the mouth of her vagina. He started to move in. This time he entered her easier than he had earlier in their bed. When he was fully inside he leaned over to kiss her on the lips. Her kiss was warm, sensuous and loving. When he took his mouth away he asked, "Jan, why was it so hard to get all the way inside you this morning? It was never quite that difficult out here on the beach."

Again she smiled warmly and pulled his lips down to hers for another kiss. "Darling, I guess when I'm on the beach I'm soaking up the sun and I'm relaxed. Then I've already been running my hands over your body and you've been caressing mine so I couldn't get any wetter inside. Did you mind this morning? Would you like me to stretch my cunt to make your entry easier? I can, you know, and will in an instant if you want me to."

Pete just smiled and shook his head. He was starting to move slowly in and out with his usual long strokes. He said, "Darling, you have to be kidding! You feel so glorious as you squeeze my cock with your muscles. Please don't change a thing!"

He kept up his movements and watched as Jan's head started to toss and her body became sweat-coated. Her arms were flailing. She would hold him, drop her arms to the sand and then hold him again. He watched as she began to convulse with her orgasms. He just continued to pump into her with long strokes. He found Jan crying out in tempo with his strokes, letting out an involuntary scream each time he struck her firm bottom with his balls. His tempo increased. Now Jan was in an almost continuous orgasm, going higher and higher each time. He could feel her about to explode. It triggered an explosion of his own that carried her over the brink. With a scream, she lost consciousness as he collapsed on top of her steaming body.

He could feel her chest rise and fall as her body struggled to regain oxygen. Pete propped himself up on his hands and then pulled his beach towel closer to hers. He lifted her head and rested it on his shoulder and held her close. After a few moments, her eyes fluttered open again.

Jan turned her head and looked up at his face. "Darling, thank you! That was the very best yet." She took a deep breath and lifted her head to look down the length of her body. She made a face and exclaimed, "Pete, how can you stand to look at me? I'm an absolute wreck!" She ran her hand through her hair and said, "Yuck! It's in strings, there's sand in it ... Pete, what was I doing, for God's sake?"

Pete leaned over and kissed her softly. He withdrew his lips and said, "You were enjoying yourself. I was enjoying you. You look even more beautiful than you did before. Your skin is shining, your muscles are still throbbing, your hair is tousled and looks cute ... And all this without a drop of makeup. Darling, I love you very much." He grinned at her and said, "How about some swimming?"

"I would love to but there's no way I could move the few feet to get to the water."

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