Allison - Cover


Copyright© Morgan, 1985, 2001, 2013. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Allison McGrath, a former movie star, is engaged for the strangest role of her career: playing the role of wife to a very wealthy stranger. The first book of the Ali Clifford saga.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual  

It was early June. Bill was sitting in a chair reading when Ali came out of the bedroom bare to the waist wearing only her Levi's. He looked up and smiled at her while she looked at him with a question in her eyes.

"What's the trouble, hon?" he asked. "You're bothered by something."

She came over to him and knelt on the floor. She leaned forward slightly so her breasts hung free. "Darling, how big do you want my breasts to be? I've been working for months. Am I getting there? Are they anything like what you want them to be? I told you when we were married there's nothing I can give you for a wedding present except me. I want to be as perfect in your eyes as I can. Am I making any progress?"

He realized she was serious so he quelled his temptation to laugh. In the intervening weeks she had regained her lost weight. She was getting sun at her health club and was tanning nude. Now her breasts were exquisitely shaped with small pink nipples.

He leaned forward and cupped one in his hand. Then he gently tweaked a nipple and felt it harden between his fingers. Her eyes closed as she made a small noise in her throat. Still she didn't move. "They're perfect now, honey. They really are. Don't you think so?"

She opened her eyes and looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure? I thought men want women to have boobs so big they can drown in them."

"Maybe some guys do. Personally, girls like that remind me of cows. I like a nice handful: like yours. Your breasts are perfectly shaped and perfectly sized." He looked into her eyes and she smiled as she realized he was telling her the truth. "How big are your breasts now compared to the way they were before you ... went on your severe diet?"

She smiled and said, "They're about as big as they've ever been. And Bill, I'm glad you like them like this. I guess I don't want to look like a cow, either. It's exactly what goes through my mind, too." She got up, headed towards the bedroom, but stopped.

"Thank you, darling. But remember, it's not what I want, it's what you want. If you want me to be a size 40-DD, I'll do it ... somehow."

Bill shook his head as he realized she was just telling the simple truth. Moments later she was back with her chambray shirt on. She stuck out the tip of her tongue because it wasn't buttoned.

Bill raised an eyebrow and she said softly, "Suffer. It's what you've been making me do for months!"

She sat down at her computer and dialed a number to check the prices of the stocks in her portfolio. Ali was now running $600 million of their money, and had made 10 percent while the S&P was up 4 percent. Bill had gleefully pointed out that if she were a reporting money manager, she would have been in the top one-percent of the Becker universe of professional money managers.

Ali then checked the commodities prices and the price sheets, then called her commodities broker in New York to make some trades. She had already doubled her money in the commodities account. It was now $100,000 with the second $100,000 invested in T-bills as a back-up for her trading position.

Then she called Barbara Jamison in Seattle. The wonderfully musical voice was instantly on the phone. "Hi, Cous!" Ali said, "What's new in the rainy North?"

"We've got a major problem, Ali," Barbara said, with gloom and foreboding in her voice.

"What's wrong, Barb?" Ali asked, alarmed.

"It's Ginger, Ali. She wants to get married in two weeks, and you told me you're leaving for Maui in ten days. I know how desperate you are to start your honeymoon. So the problem is what do we do without a matron of honor?"

Ali grinned and said grimly, "One of these days... !" Then the tone of her voice returned to normal. "Barb, I'll survive. As a matter of fact, I think I want billing as maid of honor. Your daughter is so experienced and so practiced with Charley, I wouldn't be surprised if, instead of kissing the groom at the altar, she has a quickie instead. The fact is, I'm almost certain she could! Hell, I'm the virginal one, and ought to get the billing — particularly if I have to live with my virginity for an extra week!"

She changed the subject. "Have you made any plans for the graduation? Bill has made arrangements for you here at the hotel. We have a suite for you down the hall, and we've expanded so we have a huge room for the graduation party. When are you coming?"

"Bob's taking some vacation. We're coming down on Thursday afternoon. I understand you graduate Saturday morning and Ging and Charley graduate in the afternoon," she said. "Ali, it's presumptuous of me, I know, but could Bob and I come to your graduation, too?" There was silence on the line for a few moments and Barbara continued, "I guess you know I love you? You're the sister I never had. And I want to share in your joy if you'll let me."

Ali's eyes were wet with tears as she listened to her friend. She replied, "I would love it, Barb. Thank you. I ... I obviously feel the same way about you. Incidentally, I've just about recovered from my ... diet. I'm not as flat as a board anymore. I can actually wear a bikini: there are some real tits to hold it in position. And I can't wait to see you. What plane are you coming down on?"

"We're coming down on a morning flight that gets in around noon. I'll give you a call when we get to the hotel."

"You will do no such thing!" Ali protested. "Bill and I will meet you at the airport. After all, Bob is one of my greatest living fans ... and there aren't very many of them left. We'll see you tomorrow morning. And Barb ... I can't wait!"

At noon the next day Ali and Bill were at the security checkpoint. The flight was on time and a few minutes later Ali saw Barbara arm in arm with a man who looked quite a bit like Bill. She judged his height at about six feet two, and he also looked to be about forty years old. Like Bill, Ali knew he had to be older than he appeared. Barbara ran into Ali's arms and kissed her.

She then stepped back and said, "Ali, this is my friend, lover, husband ... my life: Bob Jamison."

Bob had his hand out, but Ali ignored it. She pulled his head down, and kissed him on the lips. Jamison instantly turned brick red. She backed up a step and took his hand that was still outstretched. "Hi, Bob. I'm Ali McGrath Clifford, and I'd like you to meet my husband, Bill." Then Ali introduced Bill to Barbara.

Bob and Bill smiled and shook hands. They also shook their heads. Bob Jamison said, "Bill, what can we do?"

Clifford smiled and said, "Nothing, Bob. All we can do is enjoy it." He indicated the people around them who, while pouring by in a flood, followed the two women with their eyes. "Bob, I'm sure you know that southern California is famous for its movies and beautiful women. Notwithstanding, ours draw attention like flowers attract bees."

They went down to the baggage claim area where they found Fred. He had made arrangements for their bags to be claimed and brought to the hotel. Then he took their claim checks and led them out to the car at the curb. The four people got in and they drove away.

Bob Jamison shook his head and said to Ali, "Barbara told me about being met at the airport by you and Ginger. By the way, where is our wayward daughter, anyway?"

Ali laughed and said, "Believe it or not, she's working. She's interviewing people for our office." She grimaced. "But if we don't pass the bar exams, there's going to be big trouble!"

They arrived at the hotel and Bob and Barbara registered. When they left the desk, Jamison was frowning. "What's going on, Mrs. Clifford? This is the first time in recorded history a hotel didn't care about a credit card. From the bored expression, I gather they couldn't care less. They act as if it's taken care of."

Ali blushed and explained, "Bob, you're my guests. Barbara kindly consented to come to my graduation. Since I have no family, and Bill's closest family is two thousand miles away, you're doing me a great honor by attending."

Bob just glared at her as they went up to the room. A bellman showed them their suite and then they went down the hall to Ali and Bill's. There Clifford poured champagne and they got acquainted.

Bob Jamison was just looking at Ali. Finally he said, "Ali, you're exactly the way you appear in your movies. I guess Barbara told you..." he blushed. Ali quickly told Bill about seeing Ali on television when Barbara wanted to make love.

Clifford laughed and shook his head. "Bob, looking at your wife, I have to wonder at your sanity. May I offer a toast? To the two most beautiful women in Los Angeles!"

Bob smiled and raised his glass, "I'll certainly drink to that," he said. "I would also like to drink to our new friends, the Cliffords: May your marriage be as good, as loving, and as fulfilling as ours!"

Bill and Ali raised their glasses, drank the offered toast and Ali offered one of her own, "To Ginger, without whom I would not have met my best friend. And to her mother, Barbara, my best friend, and my inspiration: the woman who demonstrates every day that you can have it all."

Barbara blushed and then grinned at her husband, "I told you it gets a little thick down here ... it's related to the LA smog, I think. Now can we eat? Or see your office? Or... ?" Bill Clifford picked up the phone. Moments later the room-service waiter brought up the luncheon that Ali had arranged for earlier. After eating, Barbara and Bob excused themselves to get settled in their room.

That evening over cocktails Bill and Bob were engrossed in a discussion of conditions in Europe. Ali looked at Barbara and said softly, "You've been a bad girl! Imagine, getting laid in the middle of the afternoon!"

Barbara grinned and said, "With the drapes back, the shades up, and the sun streaming in the room. Do you realize this is the first time in years we've made love outside our home? I hadn't thought about it, but with one thing or another, we haven't left home together in years. Ali, it was wonderful ... particularly when Bob took me on the floor in the living room. He didn't even wait to get to the bedroom. That was later."

Ali smiled and shook her head with a sad expression on her face. "Barbara Jamison, aren't you getting a little old for that sort of thing? Particularly since your ass isn't very well-upholstered. You know, I think there is something to be said for wide hips and a big ass. It acts as a shock absorber when you're being fucked on a hard floor."

Barbara discreetly stuck out her tongue and whispered, "Jealous!"

Ali grinned, vigorously nodded her head, and replied, "Very!"

The next evening Bill and Ali hosted a combined graduation and engagement party. They occupied about half of the hotel floor using a special suite that was fitted with a dance floor, tables, and the other paraphernalia for a party of about fifteen couples.

Ali had made arrangements with Henry Hall, the hair stylist who had worked on Ginger several months earlier, for Ginger, Barbara, and herself. When he saw Ginger, he smiled and said to Ali, "It worked, didn't it?"

Ali nodded and said, "Henry, it sure did. She's engaged to be married and the wedding is in Seattle in two weeks. What do you think?"

He looked at Ginger and said, "She's radiant, Ali. And so are you. And who is this?" he asked, indicating Barbara.

Ali replied, "Henry, this is Ginger's mother, Barbara Jamison ... the mother of the bride."

Henry just shook his head. "My God, it's no wonder. Mrs. Jamison, did you give birth at the age of ten? One of those miracle pregnancies? As you may know, I'm a pro. I would never in a million years figure you to be old enough to be this girl's mother." He smiled, "However, I do see something in common. You both have that well-loved look."

Rather than take offense, Barbara grinned and replied, "Thank you Henry. I appreciate the compliment. And if I look it, it's only because I am very well loved. My husband is my lover ... and he's very inventive. I try to be his mistress, his whore ... whatever I think he wants me to be. But thank you."

Then Henry and his people went to work. First, he and Ali looked carefully at Ginger's hair. He took a magnifying glass and after inspecting the roots, the two shook hands. "Ali, I don't think it's possible to get it any closer. The difference is her natural color is natural: it has shadings that are impossible to get with even the best dye job. Ginger, your hair and its color are glorious! You have to promise me to keep coming back. Yours is the most beautiful head of auburn hair I have ever seen."

He worked on them all. When they were ready to leave, Henry came back and kissed them. "You three are priceless: a blonde, a brunette, and a red head. Each has hair that is a hairdresser's dream: the same hair in assorted colors. I love you all, and hope you will all come back.

That evening Ali wore a formal dress for the first time since she had been making movies. As she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup, Bill came up behind her. He hung a magnificent diamond necklace around her neck and gave her a pair of diamond ear studs. The earrings were diamonds larger than two carats each. She put them on and turned to look at Bill.

He looked at her with love in his eyes. "Darling, congratulations. Happy graduation. They aren't nearly as brilliant as the stars in your eyes or the love in my heart."

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