Doctor's Orders - Cover

Doctor's Orders

Copyright© 2001 by OneIdleHand

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - When my wife starts surprising me with great sex, I begin to get suspicious. Unfortunately, that's just not like her. Is there an affair that has heightened her passions? This is the beginning premise, but from there it wanders to a sexual captivity "beyond the pages" of Hayley's favorite romance novel. It starts off without much dialogue, but don't give up on it. That's just setting the stage.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Blackmail   Hypnosis   Light Bond   Interracial   White Couple   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

How long had it been? Too long time since she had felt her lover's touch. It was just the two of them, this time. She spread her legs, watching his face as a smile spread across his lips. Her own lips responded with a tingle between her legs. He hadn't even touched her yet, and she found herself holding her breath until he did. He approached her slowly, too slowly. She bent her knees, pulling her legs back, leaning back on an elbow. She closed her eyes, waiting.

He wouldn't fuck her. Not yet. This wasn't an invitation for that. She knew that he enjoyed getting personal with her sex. He would smell her, grazing her clit with his nose. Then he would taste her juices and probe her with his tongue. He was getting nearer; she could feel his breath. She reached down with a hand and spread her lips into a little bud, a little flower all wet with her juices.

It felt cold as it entered her, sending shivers through her. And again. Three more. She opened her eyes as he raised his index finger, teasing her with just the sight of it. It seemed massive. It felt.long. Another finger, and she felt full. She could feel her cunt leaking freely now, opened by his fingers, which were pressing inside of her at angles she had never felt before. He licked around her sex while his fingers were.mashing within. She fell backwards, closing her eyes again, her sex gifted to him for his pleasure.

He withdrew his fingers. His face descended to her crotch, and his tongue began to seemed everything he had was long. She felt him tease her clit, now sliding up and down her opening, gathering her juices. Then, his tongue parted her, and she could feel him inside, his mouth pressed against her cunt. She knew he would withdraw and begin the tease all over again. It was his style. And then, he did. It wasn't a feeling that would drive her to orgasm; it would just drive her crazy from frustration. She leaned her head forward, and opened eyes to see him once more. The darkness of his skin contrasted with the whiteness of her shaved.pussy, he called it. His dark hands slid down her inner thighs before stretching her lips open and again entering her with his tongue.

His eyes opened and looked directly into hers, his white eyes peering at her just above her cunt. The contrast of his skin with hers made her fearful for some reason.maybe society had put a wall in the possibility that she could do this. And maybe that was why it turned her on so fiercely that she was giving herself to a black man.

But for now, it was more of a black and white world than she could have ever imagined, and she was ready to move ahead to his big black cock thrusting in her cunt. He raised his head, and her black and white vision.exploded into color! He backed away from her cunt, smiling with a red cherry between his teeth. He shifted slightly forward, biting on the cherry, its juices dribbling onto her untanned cunt. She didn't think any of the cherries would have lasted in there the way his fingers had been searching and squeezing within her.

He left the juices there. Was it staining her skin? He moved so fast. His cock.had it grown? She didn't remember it being so big, or him quite so dark. But his balls she remembered, huge, hanging in a giant sac from his groin, and as he thrust inside her, they slapped against her ass. She.

Woke up. "Hayley. Are you alright?"

"Huh, what?" Her heart was racing. Where was he? Had she been caught?

"It looked like you were having a nightmare. The bed was shaking so hard you woke me up."

A glance at the clock.3:00 a.m. Great. She always had problems getting back to sleep if she woke up at night. She realized that she was soaked between her legs, and that her husband was expecting her to say something.

"Steven, I must have been dreaming about something, but I can't remember what." He rolled over. She knew he would be asleep within a minute. Her bladder was full, so she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She felt bad for the lie. It was that dream. It was back. She couldn't recall having the same dream over and over again except perhaps a dream about a haunted house back when she was in grade school, and now.what? The mystery man.four, five times in the past two months?

She flushed the toilet, and looked at herself in the mirror which covered the wall behind the sinks. The nightlight was enough. Her hair was a mess. She was hot, almost to the point of being sweaty. Her skin was flushed in red splotches, and her cunt was.needy. She reached a hand between her legs. She remembered her dream in a haze and entered it gently. Her body was on the bed, and his cock spread her wide as it entered. She was aware of her image in the mirror, like another person, leaning with one hand against the countertop for support. Her tits began to jiggle slightly, and her nipples had hardened... if they weren't hard already. She looked up to see her face. As orgasm approached, she opened her mouth. Why? She didn't know, but she always did. She closed it quickly hoping to not make any noise. And she came.

Hayley woke up several hours after Steven had left for work. She welcomed the morning and then felt the guilt. Her dream returned to her, and she recognized it for what it was. Desire. But she loved Steven. She never wanted to do anything to hurt him. And that was why she felt guilty. It was the curse of Dr. Gilliam.

Despite the hell of the experience, the threat of being controlled, of being used sexually by another person. She couldn't understand it, but it was if she had never felt more alive. She didn't like being forced into.things. But she had never been challenged like that before.challenged to give herself to others.challenged to find a way out. And she had. From one of the least likely and strangest turns in life, she felt a certain charge. And it had changed her in a way. She knew that she was capable of so much more than life as a wife and mother required. It was like she was ready to lead a corporation, but there was no place she could get the same job.

She wasn't certain why it was the black man who had recurred in her dreams. She had enjoyed them all. And if she were to choose her favorite, but most hated, moment, it was when she let Dr. Gilliam fuck her in his office. Just the two of them. The other men had fucked her, but Dr. Gilliam had fucked with her head, and she didn't know if she would ever forget the feeling.the realization.of that first time when she had stripped let another man have her. He had raped her mind, and sex would never be the same. If she hadn't burned the tape, she could have had Steven repeat the scene. This was pointless.

Steven had been great, and she couldn't ask for more from a husband. She wondered sometimes if she was wearing him out. They used to have sex two or three times a month, and now it was several times a week for three weeks of the month. And she wanted it during the fourth. She had to give the doctor credit. He had been imaginative. It had become difficult for her to imagine new sexy ways for her husband to find her when she came home. There had been a few good ones, of course, but after today, she didn't know what she would do to surprise and entice her husband. There was something about her now that fought against the idea of retiring to the bedroom and making love. She wanted excitement.

At 4:30, Hayley returned to the house with her friend, Sandy, a lady who lived in an adjacent neighborhood and who Hayley paid as a personal trainer. It wasn't that exercise was so difficult; it was just hard to make herself do it sometimes. And her friend had helped that by making her feel guilty if she didn't show. Over the months, they had shared a bit about each other, and the subject had turned to sex in rather vague ways, mostly jokes at their husbands' expense. Until Hayley had asked her for a favor.

She went upstairs, showered, and returned to the den where her friend Sandy was waiting. Sandy's eyes went wide at the sight of Hayley, but.there was no avoiding it for this to work. She was naked, and she was more than a little uncomfortable about being seen by her friend. She wasn't interested in "girls," and she hoped that this would be something to laugh about later in their workouts, rather than an obstacle. Still, an itch was an itch.

"You're really going through with this, then?" Sandy asked.

"Yeah. You doubted?"

"As a matter of fact, I didn't think you would. But, here you are in the buff, so it looks like you will. And, I suppose it's good to see that the exercises are working. You're nicely toned."

Hayley had been looking at the cardboard box sitting on the floor, but looked up at this compliment. "Thanks. Steven's noticed, too. And that's helped my motivation. Look, I hope you're not too embarrassed, because I know I am. But I couldn't wear a robe. Clothing doesn't quite fit the scene. And it will add to the mystery after he opens the box."

"So, how do you want to do this?"

"I've only thought about it; I hadn't really tried it out. But we need to now. He should be home at any moment."

With that, Hayley stepped into the box. She crouched on her knees while Sandy closed the box over her to make sure she would fit. She did, barely.

Sandy said, "So, when he opens it, you're going to pop out?"

"Yeah." Hayley popped up, but not quite with the enthusiasm she would later.

Sandy's lips began to smirk. "Would you take a suggestion? It's kind of risqu≠."


"Get back in the box. Let me get you a couch pillow. Now lay on your back and pull your legs up. Will you fit?"

Hayley was surprised by Sandy's indirect forwardness, but she understood the pose. When Steven opened the box, her legs my come out slightly, but the first thing he would see is her cunt. "Will the flaps close?"

They did. Sandy opened it, and quickly turned her head, laughing. "Yeah, that, You know, since you're going that far, I don't suppose you would have a vibrator? It would sort of be.the icing on the cake, I guess."

Hayley grinned, noticing that it "worked" for Sandy, too. Her nipples were sticking up behind the thick material of her workout tights. She ran upstairs to get one of her vibrators. When she returned, she saw that Sandy had found a magic marker and had been writing on the box flaps. She couldn't see what. She was about to ask when she heard the garage door begin to open.

Her heart raced as she and Sandy made eye contact for a moment, and then she quickly stepped into the box. She was too shy to insert the vibrator with Sandy watching, but she found that she could reach around her legs and would be able to. The box flaps closed over her. "Hurry!" She inserted the vibrator, which had no problem with lubrication. She didn't realize she had been turned on while naked in front of her friend and.she didn't want to pursue that avenue. She was hetero, all the way. She could hear Sandy taping over the seam. once, twice. Then she heard the car door slam and the garage door open begin to descend. "Go!"

"Good luck! Maybe we'll try this at my house." It took Hayley a moment to realize she meant putting Sandy in a box.

Hayley heard Sandy shut the front door just as the garage door finished closing. Good. Steven shouldn't have heard anything. Hopefully, he would hurry. She hadn't thought of cutting air holes.

Steven had the usual afternoon tiredness he always felt coming home from work. It always seemed to take an hour to recharge before he would be up to whatever Hayley wanted to do or talk about. That is, unless the sexpot was waiting for him. Her desires were more often after dinner now, which suited him fine. He rounded the last corner on the way to his house and slowed as he approached the mailbox. It was a thick stack of bills and junk mail, and he put it on his seat. He pressed the garage door opener and eased the car up the driveway.

Entering the kitchen, he tossed the mail onto the counter, but saw that he had a note, folded like a table tent. The writing wasn't Hayley's and it looked written hastily. "Strip completely. Then proceed to the den." Aha. She's up to something. It had been a while since one of her "events," and he was beginning to miss them. He quickly removed his clothes, his cock already fully hard without touching it. He entered the den expecting.he hoped it wasn't guests.and stopped. A cardboard box was between him and the stairs, and it had writing on it. Feminine writing, but not by his wife's hand.

"FRAGILE! BUT HANDLE ROUGHLY. OPEN IMMEDIATELY." Of course he would. He knew his wife was inside. He found some scissors in the kitchen and began cutting along the tape seam. The box flaps more or less sprouted open as his wife's feet emerged. Had his eyes been closed, he still would have been able to guess what he would find, because the smell of Hayley's sex wafted into his nose. One hand was slowly working the vibrator in and out of her cunt, and the other was rubbing and pulling one of her cunt lips.

As was usual in these games, her eyes were closed. Maybe she liked to imagine it was a stranger.whatever worked for her. The problem was that there was no easy way to fuck her. And she looked "into" whatever she was fantasizing.

Hayley was relieved to hear the box flaps open, and the sudden rush of cooler air was welcomed. But Steven wasn't saying anything. She expected him to say.something. That meant he was looking at her, or maybe he was getting undressed. No, she didn't hear anything. He was watching her, then. Her original plan had been to pop out of the box, strip his pants down just enough, send him to floor and screw him. But she couldn't quite do that from this position. A mischievous grin crossed her thoughts, and she hoped it didn't reach her face. So she decided she would just give him a show, and the thoughts that were leapt to her mind didn't surprise her at all.

She began imagining herself speaking aloud to Steven. "Hey, honey. You know I love you, but there's something you need to know. Can you see my cunt? Are my lips swollen and red? Is it wet all over my smooth skin? Well, for all these years, this cunt has been yours to enjoy. But guess what I'm thinking about? You don't know it, but other men have had the exact same view. Well, almost. I wasn't using the vibrator. I was spreading my legs so they could fuck me. And guess what? It wasn't just one on one. It was a gang bang. And see this vibrator? I'm not thinking about your cock. I'm thinking about the black guy whose name I never learned. His cock was the same size as this vibrator, which is larger than yours, by the way. And his balls! They were huge! Everybody watched as he fucked me good. He was hard for me to watch because I had so much cum on my face from the other guys. My eyelids were sticky. He fucked me hard and.did I mention how big he was? He stretched me, even after the other guys had fucked me, he still stretched me. And it felt so good. Then he pulled out and shot a stream of cum all the way up to my head. And that was a shame, because I wanted to feel him cum inside me. In fact, I dream about it." She was working the vibrator faster now, the edge of her hand slamming against her sensitive skin. Her orgasm came quickly, as did her groans, which sounded foreign from the bottom of the box. She opened her eyes, just as Steven began shooting cum on her, most of it on her cunt, but some of it shooting beyond to her tits and.eyes. Ick. How ironic.

The payoff over, she realized how uncomfortable she was in the box and rolled it over to its side. She ended up on all fours, where she caught a brief but certain glance of Sandy's blonde hair disappearing from the edge of the window. Had she stayed to make sure Steven opened the box? Maybe at first, but. The next workout was going to be very awkward. And wait a minute, she had seen Steven! Well, that. Nasty thoughts filled her head, but the word she was stuck with was "friend." Human nature. Curiosity and an invited cat. What was done was done.

"Okay, who did it?"

"Huh?" Hayley turned to face Steven.

"Who taped you inside the box? Somebody saw you naked. I'd like to know who it was."

Hayley considered her answer. She had anticipated it, but Steven's commanding tone deserved another response. "A few guys who showed up wanting landscaping work. I didn't pay them, but they left happy." She threw Steven an evil smile, gave his cock a quick squeeze, and headed to the kitchen to get a paper towel to clean up a little. Ahhhh. She saw a note. Sandy was clever, the wench. She probably had planned to watch...

Steven followed Hayley into the kitchen, admiring her ass and watching as she wiped herself clean. She went upstairs to get dressed, and he picked up his clothes, intending to change into something more comfortable. Then he saw the mail. He picked it up and carried it to his computer desk.

He unfolded the bundled mail, finding a letter addressed to himself on top. It was unusual, because there was no stamp, no markings from the post office, no return address, and his name was typed. Who had a typewriter these days? Underneath was "Personal and Confidential."

He opened the envelope, half expecting it to be a joke from Hayley, possibly a set-up for what he had found in the den. It was a picture, printed from a color printer, of his cock cumming on Hayley's face. He recognized it from their videotape. It was somewhat grainy, but what was confusing was that they didn't have a video capture card. How had she imported the image? Well, who had sealed her in the box? Hayley was playing some kind of game, again, and it wasn't like HE was showing somebody their tapes. He tucked it away in a folder in his desk drawer and out of his mind.

Until the next day. There was another envelope. Good! If this was going to be a habit, it was something to look forward to. He parked in the garage and opened the envelope while still in the car. It was three folded pages with different pictures of Hayley, and it was clearly her, removing her bra, pulling her panties down, and kneeling on the floor, spreading her cunt lips. These weren't from video; they were pictures. And he hadn't taken them. The background looked somewhat familiar.a chart that pictured be a spinal column.that was it! It was Dr. Gilliam's office. But he was off to the nut house or to jail. Who would have this? And know where to send it? His first impulse was to confront Hayley with it. But there was obviously more to the story. And he was about certain that Hayley was not behind this. He would give it another day.

Through the next day, Steven's thoughts were consumed with anger, jealousy, and mistrust. And he didn't particularly like that he was turned on by the pictures. But he was. It seemed the longest day before he began the drive home.

He opened the mailbox, expecting it to be there. It was, and he opened it. A website address. There were no pictures in the envelope, but he knew to dread the worst. Hayley wasn't home, probably on an errand. He booted his computer and went to the website. "H A Y L E Y" appeared in bright yellow flashing letters. Below it were a variety of thumbnail images. Some he recognized from their videos. Some were old Polaroids he had taken of her. The rest. He had expected another chapter to the mystery letters, and this confirmed his suspicions. Looking at the pictures, he presumed it was the doctor that was fucking her. His face wasn't shown, but the room almost had to be his. Scrolling down the screen, he found several videoclips. The segments were short, but they were clear enough to show that while Hayley's face wasn't particularly encouraging, there was no denying that she was turned on. And some of his own video was there. Who would have had access to all of this except Hayley? How had she gotten copies of the doctor's pictures?

He had taken the doctor's photos of Hayley's breasts during his confrontation. He was certain that the doctor had turned them all over to him, yet here they were. The doctor could have scanned them before he took them though. So.the doctor had forced Hayley to fuck him. He had lied. It was the only thing that made sense. Steven didn't feel any pity for the man in his current state. But if the doctor fucked her, did Hayley even know about it?

But here was evidence. The survival of the pictures.the creation of a was a question that had to be answered. Hayley would have to find out. Who was behind the pictures? He left the web site showing on his computer screen until Hayley returned. Maybe she could explain. He looked again at the screen. Wow. He grabbed some tissues, lowered his pants, and began stroking himself as he restarted the doctor's video sequence. He came twice before she returned home.

When Steven guided her into the study, Hayley's spirits collapsed on seeing the image on the computer. It was the same page the doctor had shown her when he had made her.beg him to fuck her. She should have been embarrassed with her husband obviously wanting an explanation, or angry at the unfairness of it all, or.something. But the only feeling that came over her was disappointment. In some ways, the conclusion to her problem had been her finest hour, despite the voices in her head that suggested living her fantasy had been pretty darn good. But the doctor had been firmly in her grip at the end. He had told her everything, and she had destroyed everything. At his house, in his office, on his computer, the videos, his files, anything and everything. But, here it was. It was a mystery. And the events that led up to it, she decided she had to explain to Steven. some of them anyway. And the events that followed. There were no pictures of her with the men at the doctor's house, she saw. It was best that she explain only the single infidelity forced upon her, and blended the later facts.

It was a long talk, and both of them were nervous about what awaited them both. It was obvious that somebody wanted something.

The next day, Saturday, as soon as the mail came, Hayley retrieved it. No envelope. They had both been hoping for a hint as to who was sending them. Steven had said that there weren't any stamps, and they had talked for over an hour about who it could be that put the letter in their mailbox. If it didn't come in the mail, then someone besides the postman had placed it there. And that meant that whoever it was took chances. They could catch him. And Hayley felt certain it was a "he", rather than a "she." Even as she thought it, the name "Sandy" came into mind, couldn't be. Or anyone else. It wasn't like she had kept copies in the house that someone might find, like neighbors who fed their pets when they were away. And they were pretty good about hiding their adult toys and videos from prying eyes. So.who?

As she walked back to the front door, she saw it. It was taped to the wall. She pulled it off and yelled for Steven as she entered the house. Typed envelope. Typed letter. "Check the website again."

They did. It looked the same. Only, this time, there were two changes. The title said, "Hayley, Slut Neighbor," and there were a few new pictures at the bottom of the page. It was no great relief to have figured out who was behind it.

The pictures were again in splendid color, only, neither Hayley nor Steven had seen them before. Hayley on the deck naked except her "painted" swimsuit. Steven fucking her while she leaned over the deck rail. A hazy image of Hayley's breasts pressed against the glass door. Hayley suntanning nude. The answer was obvious just from the pictures. They were all taken from their next door neighbor's deck.

He had known they would figure it out, though. The message across the bottom of the screen had a form field for visitors to leave messages. The explanation for the form was what made them nervous. "Hayley and Steven are my next door neighbors. Hayley is a slut who is pretty brazen about showing her body. They know that I've seen them. They didn't know that I had a camera. And these other pictures. They're probably pretty embarrassed about them. So much so, in fact, that I think they'll do whatever I want, unless, that is, they want their friends and family to see these. And that's why I want your suggestions, because I think they're ours to command."

There was silence. She could tell Steven was getting angry, and then defeated. Over and over again. Much like herself. The first time had been a fantasy that grew to a nightmare that had to go away. This was just a nightmare.

She typed in the formfield, "F U C K O F F!" and was about to send it when Steven stopped her.

"No, let's talk about it. With him."

They disconnected their internet service, and the phone rang. Steven answered it.

"So, you tried my site. I've been waiting for a hit, figuring it would be you." It was Jack. The neighbor.

"Uh-huh. Why don't we talk. Can you come over?"

Jack was feeling his oats. His wife was oblivious to the goings on next door, which was surprising. The odds would suggest that at some point she would notice the slut doing her thing on the deck or that she would notice him peering over there all the time. He had waited long enough, though. He was getting tired of the distant, leaf blocked view.

Upon entering their house, he didn't notice any outright hostility. Maybe they would try to be nice and persuade him to give it up. But he held the cards. Certainly they knew that. He knew what their first question would be.

"What do you want?" Steven asked.

And he knew the second.

"How did you get the pictures?" Hayley asked.

Good. Good. "Don't you know what I do? I own and manage an internet service provider. The same ISP that a certain Dr. Richard Gilliam used. I pretty much mind my own business there, but when a site starts taking on bandwidth, it slows the server and we get unhappy customers. So, a site spiked. I checked it, only to find that the," he looked wolfishly at Hayley, "prime piece of wife meat next door not only flashes her neighbors but fucks around, too."

"So I kept checking the site for updates, but there weren't any. And then, as luck would have it, I had just finished handling a small emergency in the middle of the night, and I thought I would check out his site yet again. After all, if he kept up the volume, we were going to have to charge him extra or encourage him to move elsewhere. So I noticed the files were being deleted. Quickly. We have a backup server, though, and it was quite easy to copy the contents safely into my own hard drive space."

At this, Hayley just looked down at the floor, sinking her face into her hands. It was curious how she didn't seem to defend the material, or even be embarrassed about it. She only seemed miffed that he possessed it. "Slut" had been a pet term, in his own desirous way, but maybe it was right. Steven was speaking, "I'll repeat the question, what do you want?"

"A lot. I've thought about it. But first, here's what you'll get. I'll smudge or black out her face so she won't be recognized. Some of the shots will be free, and I'll post them across the web to draw business to the site. And then I'll charge for full access. And what people will be paying for is my," he reconsidered, "our. little plaything here. A customer wants to see Hayley a certain a certain place.doing a certain thing.then she'll act it out, and you'll record it for me."

"What makes you think we'll do that?" asked Steven.

He grinned, and gave them a piece of paper. "This is why I waited so long. I had to research both of you. Parents, friends, employer, it's all there. And it would take mere moments to post your names and address right there on the web page. Don't cooperate, and the world will know. You figure the results."

Steven looked angry, but his features settled as he seemed to realize he had been outplayed before the game began. Hayley only had a glazed look on her face. Was she thinking about what would happen if all her friends and family knew, or was she thinking about what he was going to make her do? "How far is this going to go?" asked Hayley. Good. It was the latter.

"As far as what you'll be doing? I don't know. I guess it will be a test of the free enterprise system. What do they want? What will they pay? I can't place restrictions on what they suggest, but it will be in my interest to make sure you don't get harmed or arrested." He reached into his pocket. "This is a loaner. It's a digital camera. It will also take video for about a minute. Steven, come here and I'll show you how to work this thing."

Steven came over slowly, obviously distrustful and his face expressing more than a little distaste at his neighbor. That was fine. "And tell your wife to take off her shirt. I've been dying to see those tits up close." He watched as Steven thought for a moment, looked at his wife and nodded to her. Jack could see a moment of astonishment on Hayley's face as her husband was giving her the signal to bare her breasts to another man. He hadn't planned on seeing her naked so early, but.why not? He HAD been waiting to seem them up close. "And the bra, too!"

The shirt came swiftly over her head. She reached behind her back, and.he about came in his pants. This was better than a strip club. She wasn't used to exhibiting herself, and he didn't have to pay. And those breasts were.perfect. ( Her nipples were hard points, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was turned on. He reviewed the instructions with Steven while taking pictures. "Hey, that's good. Now raise your arms over your head." This was too easy. After he had taken about 30 pictures, he removed the data cartridge and handed Steven a blank. "I'll just keep this one for now. It will make for good intro shots, especially with a narrative about your agreement to do.anything." He laughed.

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