Cerulean Dreams - Cover

Cerulean Dreams

Copyright© 2001 by Nikolai Mirovich

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - This story is the sequel to "The Courier"...<br>As the End Of Summer Festival begins, a long standing sibling rivalry spirals out of control as Misty and Miranda explore thier fantasies, blissfully unaware of the dark shadow an evil chef has cast upon Misty's home town of Cerulean City...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

The Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue Restaurant Of International Cuisine had a line up that stretched around the block. It seemed as though more than half of Cerulean City had shown up for the event, and more than half of those seemed to simply want to wait in line with no hope of ever actually getting in. For the most part, just seeing those with special advanced reservations being quickly ushered in amongst a sea of reporters and blinding flashbulbs seemed to be enough for them.

"Gee," commented Miranda, her arm linked through Misty's as they stepped out of their taxi and onto the long red carpet, only to immediately assaulted by the swarm of overly enthusiastic reporters, "it was just a silly contest!"

"They just want the publicity, dear," assured Misty, feeling better, and enjoying the sudden unexpected attention as reporters on their left threw questions at them above the sound of the chattering crowd lined up to the couple's right, "Besides, it's kinda fun to be a bit of celebrity now and then."

"Ms. Lilcamp!" called a small thin man at the back whose arm was just long enough to wedge a microphone between two other reporters, "Is this the lucky lady you wrote your winning ballad about?"

"You bet!" called Miranda over her shoulder as they walked past him, blushing profusely as another reporter from one of the less reputable newspapers found only in convenience stores used an aikido throw to move a smaller man out of her way.

"Is it true that you're not on speaking terms with your famous sisters?" she called out to Misty, practically waving her pen and paper, "And that's why accompanying them this evening?!"

Misty glanced over at the woman, her sea green eyes narrowing with fury as she glowered. "That's a family matter," she hissed without breaking stride or loosing the wonderfully elegant feeling she felt wearing something new and beautiful to an expensive restaurant while a hundred some odd people oohed and awed, "Ask Daisy."

Miranda laughed as the doorman let them in immediately. "Isn't she the 'quiet one'?" she inquired as a second man hurried over to take the jackets they'd worn about their shoulders against the chill that blew in off the water.

"Of course!" giggled Misty, as the maitre'd looked up expectantly, "They'll have her stammering for a few minutes before Violet bales her out with some excuse. But I don't mind wasting a trash reporter's time."

As the two entered the dining area of Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue their ears were filled with a gentle cacophony of often laughing voices and live piano music, supplied by a small orchestra. Everywhere they looked, people in fancy dresses and expensive suits sat at huge round tables while waiters and waitresses attended to their needs, clad in the uniform they'd seen at Irene's shop. Every table was set with crystal glasses, and silverware that was actually silver, and plates, bowls and coffee cups that were worth more than Miranda made in a year.

Above them were three immense chandeliers, set in a perfect triangle and giving the room just enough light that small, slow burning white candles had to be set at each table. Floor was done over in a dark red carpet, guaranteed to hide stains, and the walls had been decorated with three-dimensional wall hangings of various pokemon in battle, although someone had painted the effects of their 'special' attacks directly onto the wall in a way that made it seem more real.

"Excuse me, ladies," the well-dressed maitre'd with a light German accent said with a politeness that bordered on superhuman, "but your table is ready, and your other guests have already arrived."

"Other guests?" asked Miranda, her tone flattening as her stormy gray eyes narrowed behind her shimmering glasses.

"Ah, yes!" the man said even more apologetically, "It sees that the seating arrangements are not quite what we had hoped for, so we've had to put some of our patrons at group tables. Please forgive us, but it was decided that since you were all family-"

"Family?!" exclaimed Misty in a harsh whisper, somehow managing to keep her voice down along with her barely contained anger.

The maitre'd gave a sad smile, nodding apologetically. "Yes," he explained, indicating Misty, "Your sisters, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Any chance of sitting with my Uncle?" inquired Miranda hopefully as Misty gripped her hand a tightly, her knuckles turning white.

"The name?"

"Oh, he's with Pokeforce," she explained, "Name's Frank... ?"

The man checked his reservation book and shook his head sadly. "No, I am very sorry, miss," he explained, no longer willing to make eye contact with the couple, "But that table is full. Although I'm pleased to say that he's sitting with both our very own Officer Jenny, the Festival Coordinator Todd Burke, his wife Nancy, Professor Myria, and the other City Councilors."

Miranda glanced over at Misty. "We could just go," she offered, but Misty shook her head.

"No," she said simply, brushing her bangs out of her eyes in an unaccustomed gesture since they'd both chosen to wear their hair down, "As I said, their not ruining this."

With her head held high, and her shoulders straight, Misty walked past the overly apologetic man and strode into the room on Miranda's arm as though no force on earth could stop her. With a quick glance at the table Frank was sitting at, she caught the gazes of her three sisters and put on her most sincere smile.

"So glad you could make it," she said civilly through gritted teeth, only half noticing as Miranda pulled her chair out for her.

"Like, I wasn't sure if you'd show or not," commented Violet casually, idly waving a bread stick she had no intention of eating.

"Gee, I guess I loose the bet then," commented Lily, not even flinching when both Misty and Miranda glared at her.

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world," replied Miranda briskly, sitting in one of the high-backed, and mildly uncomfortable chairs between Daisy and Misty as she tried to catch Frank's eye.

Across the room, and past several other crowded tables, a raised platform had been set up with a long table. It had been specially reserved for the City Councilors, which included two middle aged men and women Miranda didn't recognize, as well as Professor Myria and the Festival coordinator who had over seen the poetry contest and his wife. Officer's Jenny and Frank had also been given places, and Miranda found it odd that Misty's sister Violet hadn't been asked to sit at the table, seeing as she was the City's Gym Leader.

It also didn't take much for her to infer that the unpleasantly scowling woman beside the Festival Coordinator was his wife. The small, disapproving woman seemed to be most upset by whatever joke Frank was leaning across Jenny to tell her husband, who was laughing almost to the point of hysteria.

Officer Jenny for her part, just shook her head at him, and immediately regretted it. Her one eye that hadn't been bandaged up snapped closed as she gritted her teeth and shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, adjusting her right arm in its sling.

"So," came Violet's voice, interrupting Miranda's attempts to get her almost-Uncle's attention, "Did you hear about what happened to Jenny?"

Miranda glanced over at the woman, who was balancing her chin on her linked fingers and smiling conspiratorially. "Yes, we were there," replied Miranda, suddenly regretting her lover's decision to stay as she felt something touch her ankle and lift the hem of her dress.

"Oh? That wasn't YOUR gastly that saved Officer Jenny, was it?" inquired Lily, glancing over at her elder sibling and smiling at her sudden pained expression. Miranda had slammed her feet together on either side of Violet's ankle.

"Yes, it was Wraith and Officer Frank's growlithe Bow," confirmed Misty, making a point of moving her chair a little closer to Miranda's and holding her hand under the table, "And Wraith's a haunter now. Remember?"

"Ghosts are ghosts," commented Violet with a shrug, shaking out her foot to regain feeling as Daisy jumped a little. She'd put her hand on Miranda's thigh and suddenly found the courier's nails digging into her skin.

"And they can all be quite dangerous," Miranda replied like nothing had happened, "But I've been meaning to ask you. Do any of you know anything about a rumor involving the formation of a ninth gym? Flint in Pewter mentioned it, but..."

"Oh, that!" laughed Violet, leaning back and provocatively tossing her long dark hair over her shoulders as she ignored Misty's sudden scowl, "I'm surprised you don't know already, it's in your home town."

"It is?!" exclaimed Misty and Miranda at the same time, their further questions being silenced as the background music came to a suddenly halt and several people began applauding.

"Oh!" gasped Lily, excited covering her mouth with her hands like a star struck otaku, "It's HIM!"

"Gary?!" whispered Miranda into Misty's ear, and nearly causing the girl to spit out the water she'd been drinking.

Several people had leapt to their feet, making it necessary for their table to do the same, if only to see if not applaud. But it soon became clear who the new center of attention was. Entering the room, in Chef's whites that were easily as expensive as any Armani suit and being followed by an alakazam in a chef's hat and wielding a tray of h'orderves was none other than Chef Troy.

With a sly, almost forced smile, the tall man waved politely to the crowd before motioning for silence. "Welcome, my friends," he proclaimed, his German accent slipping out from time to time, "To my greatest endeavor since 'Coffee Armageddon'... 'Ces Batards De L'autre Cote De La Rue!'"

There was more applause, and Miranda made quiet note of who applauded the loudest as she clapped politely, ignoring her Uncle's rather theatrical performance of it. She knew it was only because Chef Troy was feeding him. It was the Festival Coordinator and his wife, though; who seemed to be the most appreciative, exchanging knowing glances with Troy as the alakazam brought the tray to the head table.

"This restaurant of international cuisine," continued Chef Troy, turning slowly so that everyone could catch a glimpse of the tight smile he wore, and the few reporters who were allowed in could get pictures of his gleaming, all too white teeth through his well- groomed goatee, "Promises one thing to it's patrons. A dining experience unlike any other offered on this continent, or in the entire world!"

Once again he was interrupted by applause and a few happy shouts, but the Chef seemed unperturbed, even as Frank grabbed a rather large handful of something Miranda couldn't identify except to say that it was on a cracker.

"Here at MY restaurant," Troy went on, his wary tone indicating that he wasn't one for long speeches, but wanted people to know who to thank at the end of the evening, "you will be able to not just eat, but 'experience' taste sensations unlike any other you have, or ever will have again! Unless of course you're a repeat customer."

There was a chorus of gentle laughter, as Violet sighed heavily, tossing her breadstick into Misty's glass of water before she could take another sip. "Just get over it," she muttered, shaking her head at Lily for swooning so badly, and ignoring Misty's dark glare, "And for that matter, over yourself."

Miranda contemplated giving her a kick under the table the first chance she got, but couldn't help agree with the sentiment. 'Oh well, ' she thought, retrieving the bread stick from her partner's glass and pointedly tossing it back into Violet's, 'At least the food is free.'

"But I have droned on long enough!" announced Chef Troy as his alakazam teleported to his side with a loud -POP!- that caused a few people to jump in their seats, "My staff will be along shortly to take your orders so that you may also sample our food, not just hear about it."

There was an appreciative murmur as their table joined the rest in sitting down, and as Miranda picked up the blue velvet menu book, bound by gold thread with the restaurant logo on the cover, she felt a gentle tap upon her foot.

Looking up with a scowl, she saw Violet smile at her mischievously as she brought the sopping wet breadstick to her lips, and provocatively pushed it against them. For a moment her dark eyes fluttered a bit, as if enjoying herself far too much, whilst parting her lips ever so slightly to allow the breadstick entrance.

"Wrong gender," whispered Miranda with a chuckle, hiding behind her menu and laughing as Violet bit the breadstick in half in frustration.

"Must you?" inquired Misty rhetorically, before going back to her own and giving a startled look as she realized that not a single item was to be found with a listed price.

"Just remember it's free, dear," said Miranda, leaning close with a hand upon Misty's knee.

"Oh, before I forget," whispered Misty back, lifting her menu to hide herself from her sisters, "Did you happen to notice that alakazam?"

Miranda nodded. "Same one?"

"I think so," her lover replied, glancing at the double swinging doors that lead to the kitchen, "But I'm no expert. Too bad Professor Myria or your friend Zack weren't there. I'm sure they'd-"

But her train of thought was interrupted by a loud cough and the two turned to see the waiter they'd seen at Irene's looming over them in his tacky blue and gold suit. "Are you ready to order, ladies?"

Misty and Miranda exchanged glances and quickly chose the first thing that sounded good on their menus. "I'll have the soulaki platter," replied Miranda.

"Oh, same for me, I guess," added Misty, too annoyed at her sisters to have really paid attention to her menu and just then noticing that the man simply nodded, and didn't seem to have to write anything down as he turned his attention to her three pretentious siblings.

"Oh, I'll just have the cannolli," replied Violet in a bored tone.

"Souffle," said Lily quickly, tearing her gaze away from his stunning blue eyes.

"I'll have the teriyaki," finished Daisy.

"Spearow or tauros?"

"Oh, spearow I guess," she replied with a shy smile and a wave of her hand.

"Very well then," said the waiter simply giving Miranda a slightly disapproving look as her watch chimed Beethoven's fifth, "And to drink?"

"Tea, green if possible, Earl Gray if not. Orange pekoe and I sue," the courier replied with a wry grin, pushing back her chair awkwardly and getting to her feet before leaning down kiss Misty on the cheek, "I'll just be a minute."

"Oh, I'll just have what she's having," said Misty, feeling her heart sink a little as Miranda glided off, nearly tripping over her gown as she made a sharp left and hurried off towards the pay phones at the back of the restaurant.

"Mineral water for the three of us," added Violet, catching the waiter's eye and giving him a mischievous look that made Lily glare at her.

"You know," commented Misty as the man walked away, his shoes making no sound across the carpeted floor, "'Evian' is just 'Naive' spelt backwards. Not bad for water brought to us by a guy in his backyard wielding a garden hose and a few thousand clear- plastic bottles, eh?"

Lily suppressed a chuckle as Violet glowered at their youngest sister. "Ya know," she said in a condescending tone, meeting Misty's gaze with a knowing look, "That Miranda's like, so totally using you."

Misty leaned back, folding her arms across her chest as she gave her sister a disbelieving look. "And just how do you figure that?" she asked, not really caring whether her sibling answered, but unwilling to simply ignore the slight.

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