The Night Drive - Cover

The Night Drive

by A funny bowl of custard

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Flash Story: One long drive to pick up spare parts

Tags: Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fiction  

I ended the call and quickly shot a text to my S.O., ‘Got off the phone with my sister. On way to LA to pick the kid up.” I went into my home office and opened my file box. I pulled a manilla envelope out with ‘Jenny’ written on it and grabbed a few things before shoving them into my favorite backpack. I’d known this day was coming for nearly 15 years and I was prepared. I had water in the car and a sixteen-hour drive ahead of me.

I thought back to the moment I knew this would happen. I was sitting in my cramped dorm space on the phone with my sister. My roommate snoring louder with each progressive moment. My sister, Victoria, said, “I’m pregnant again.”

“Wow, Tory. You sure it’s not too soon?”

“I had Rennette last year. I need this one in case she needs an organ someday.”

I couldn’t help but utter, “What?” and after the fight that ensued, I didn’t speak to my sister till my invitation to the baby shower came.

My car was a trailblazer a few years older, Theresa (My S.O.) had been bugging me to get a new one since it looked out of place in front of our new home, but I was comfortable in it and that mattered more to me than flash. I started traveling putting on speed. I’d learned years ago to stick to about five miles over the speed limit, cause you rarely drew flashing lights your way if you did. 16 hours. I knew I’d drive it in one go. Didn’t matter that I’d been up since 6 am and the call had come at nearly 5 pm, but I needed to get there as quickly as possible.

Halfway there I stopped for gas, a few snacks, a trip to a bathroom that was cleaned in 1997, coffee, and to check my messages. Theresa sent, “I’ll get her room ready. Make sure you stop for the night. You should not drive angry and tired.” Was I angry? No, not really. My anger had come years prior and now I just oozed resolve.

Tory had sent 34 messages demanding to know when I would be there. I texted back my GPS coordinates.

Jenny had sent me 12. ‘I can’t believe she’d do this to me.” “I’m so sorry.” “Please help.” And several complaining about Tory. I texted back, “I’m on my way. Gather up all your stuff. Tell Tory and Future Ex-husband #4 you need your birth certificate and passport. Otherwise keep your head down.”

I got back on the road. White lines on the highway. And endless stream of headlights. I added another 10 to my speedometer for an hour to make up time from the stop. Till I saw blue lights ahead in the distance and eased back to five over.

The first few years after Jenny was born weren’t bad. There wasn’t any question that Rennette was the favorite. She received presents on Jenny’s birthday and her own cake. The opposite wasn’t true. It got worse from there. Rennette was never punished. Jenny was, frequently. Jenny was told she needed to start paying rent after she started selling crafts online. I’d spent most of my time as the ‘fun Aunt.’ Trying my best to do what I could for both girls, but the way Jenny was treated was enraging. After the rent comment I argued with Tory. I’d always tried to avoid that as I knew she’d cut me off at any point if I pissed her off. She did of course. It was six months till she needed something from me. She was divorcing Ex-husband number 3.

Ex-husband number one had been right after high school. I barely remembered his name and it was annulled within two months. Ex-husband Number two was the girls’ father. He was gone a month after Jenny was born. I stopped bothering to learn their names then.

Ex-husband number three had been a scam artist. She’d fallen quickly for the act. That one had dissolved quickly but she needed cash after he’d drained her bank account. I gave her what I could, though at that point I’d stopped giving a damn about Tory. I only dealt with her, because the girls were innocent and I wouldn’t burden them.

I ended up behind an accident. I saw four cars and all lanes were shutdown. I clicked on my flashers and set the car in drive, then went through my messages. As I did, I remembered why I’d cut contact with my sister. It had been three years ago. I’d come to Renette’s birthday party with Theresa on my arm and she’d thrown me out with a string of slurs and told me I was corrupting the girls with my very existence.

I realized Jenny was likely getting the same bullshit spewed at her and texted her again. “Behind a wreck, but not stopping till I get there.” I was considering taking a nap when they opened up the far lane. I had my mission and drove on.

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