Being Neighborly - Cover

Being Neighborly

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: Curt and Amy speculate about the sex practices of their new neighbors. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fiction   Black Male   White Female   Illustrated   .


While taking the dinner dishes from the dishwasher before bedtime, Amy asked Curt what he thought of the new neighbors.


“They’re okay, I guess,” Curt said. “We only saw them for a few moments. They seemed nice enough. Why? You want to invite them over for dinner or something? Now that we’ve got clean plates.”

“Oh, yeah, maybe,” Amy said. “She seemed a little standoffish, you know? Kimmy, that’s her name, right?”

“I think so,” Curt said. “And he was Greg. No, um Gary.”

“Right, Gary. Gary and Kimmy. What’d you think of her dress?”

“Nice, I guess.”

“More than that,” Amy said. “Short. Really short.”

“Mostly I was noticing her hair,” Curt said. “So much hair, and with all those curls.”

“If her dress was any shorter you could have seen if her pussy hair was like that too.”

Curt chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I could have. Assuming she wasn’t wearing underwear.”

“Oh, she wasn’t wearing underwear,” Amy said.

“You’re sure?”

Amy nodded. “And she had kind of a scowl. Not a scowl, exactly, but not a very friendly look.”

“Well, Greg had a nice smile. I mean Gary. How come I keep calling him Greg?”

“Beats me. How long do you think they’ve been together? Greg and Kimmy. Gary. Jeepers, now you’ve got me doing it.”

“Maybe we can get him to change his name,” Curt said.

“Ha ha. Worth a shot.”

“Did you like him? Gary?”

“Hard to say,” Amy said. “He didn’t smell bad or anything. I liked his coat. Looked nice and warm and everything.”


“So you found him attractive?”

“I’m not sure I’d say that,” Amy said. “But you found her attractive, didn’t you?”

“Well, she didn’t smell bad or anything.”

“When you see a couple like that, do you wonder what they’re like in bed?” Amy asked.

“Not really,” Curt said. “I mean until you mentioned it, it wasn’t something that occurred to me.”

“I don’t usually think about that kind of thing either,” Amy said, “but for some reason, something about them...”

“So you wonder, what? What he looks like naked?” Curt said. “How they do it? How his cum tastes? Whether it tastes better than mine?”

Amy grinned. “No one’s cum tastes better than yours.”

“But just to make sure, you might like to...”

“I wouldn’t,” Amy insisted.

“But maybe you’d like to taste her,” Curt suggested. “Maybe you’d like to make her come. What sort of sounds do you think she makes when she’s...


“Being ... ah...”


“Oh yeah! Do you think they’re asking these same questions about us right now?”


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