Survivor II: Alternate story of Amber - Cover

Survivor II: Alternate story of Amber

by David Oberman

Copyright© 2001 by David Oberman

Erotica Sex Story: The popular reality show Survivor has made celebrities, out of unknowns. One such contestant is Amber. This is an alternative story about what might have happened had she won the reward challenge that included joining some Australian cowboys for food and a good night's rest.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Fan Fiction   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   .

This story is based on the characters from the TV gameshow, SURVIVOR 2. This is not meant as an infringement on their copyright of the series, but fulfills the fantasy of mature audiences only.

Amber Brkich is the 22-year-old administrative assistant from Pennsylvania. She was one of the most attractive women to compete in this second Survivor challenge. Her weight had dropped to 100 pounds since being dumped in the Australian Outback, but this didn't hurt her figure in the least.

In fact, it made her even more attractive, with her light-brown hair cascading over her slender shoulders. She had gotten into the Survivor game in hopes of winning the grand prize of one million dollars. Though not many gave her much of a chance, she made it all the way to the final six.

In the final Reward Challenge that she was involved in, they had to race along a rope maze to the finish line. As a reward, the winner would get to join five Australian stockmen (cowboys) on horseback to their camp for hot meals and a cot to sleep in, to be topped off with a hot breakfast in the morning.

Unfortunately, despite enjoying a lead during much of the race, Amber ultimately lost as Colby Donaldson passed her on his way to the finish line and to the reward. Amber came in second to Colby. But what would have happened if she had won and went off with these five cowboys.

Here is my take of the events that might have unfolded had Amber gone riding out in the sunset with those five heavy set Australian cowboys.

The six remaining contestants of Survivor 2 lined up for the latest Reward Challenge. They would have to race against each other while remaining attached to ropes that would lead them, or not, to the finish line. As Jeff Probst, the host, gave them the signal to begin, they raced.

It was a close race, but at the end, Amber Brkich beat out Colby by a measly foot. She leaned there trying to catch her breath as Jeff patted her on the back.

"Good race Amber," he told her. "You won the challenge and will have a hot meal and cot as a reward."

"Tha... thanks Jeff," she gasped. "I... I think I could really... use it."

Jeff signaled the men on horses to approach and pick up their charge. As they came nearer, Amber pulled on Jeff's jacket sleeve.

"There's only... one thing," she said, still out of breath. "I've never... I've never ridden a horse before."

"Don't worry," he assured her. "I'm sure they'll watch out for you."

Jeff walked up to the cowboys and explained the problem. They grinned and nodded.

"I'll take the sheila with me," a podgy aborigine cowboy volunteered.

The others nodded in agreement and Jeff lead Amber to the side of his horse. Amber took hold of his proffered hand. The rugged native pulled the light woman easily up to the saddle and set her in front of him.

"Ungh!" Amber grunted as she settled down heavily on the horse.

"Hold on missy," the cowboy told her. "We have a ways to go before reaching camp."

As she set off with the rugged men in the sunset, her tribe mates walked back to their own camp and the meager meal of rice that waited for them there. But as you know if you watched the show that week, a flash flood washed away most of their camp and their priceless food supply.

Amber was being jumbled roughly as the horses made their way through the rugged terrain of the Australian outback. Her light body tossed front and back between the aboriginal rider's crotch and the hard horn of the saddle. Everytime she got shoved forward, her crotch was shoved brutally against the horn, crushing her pussylips and clit. It didn't take long before she could feel her cunt moisten from that aggressive contact against the horn.

At the same time, Jerry, the aboriginal rider, was himself getting aroused by her ass constantly shoving back against him. And with his strong arms around her waist holding onto the reins his face was next to her cheek.

Amber tried to concentrate on the ride and take her mind off her pussy. She just stared straight ahead to the three riders there, the fifth was riding behind Jerry's mount.

When they were about halfway to their camp, that's when the downpour hit them. It was one of those powerful rain showers that only lasted a few minutes, yet made you feel as if you were just out of a shower.

Amber had made the decision of not bothering bringing any bra with her on the game. She didn't see the need for them. She figured that washing wasn't really an option and decided that her swimsuit top would do in a crunch.

But today, she wasn't wearing her swimsuit under her clothes. All she had on was a white T-shirt tied in a knot just below her breasts. And now, thanks to the sudden rain shower, it had become quite translucent. She quickly realized the embarrassing situation she was in and became quite self- conscious as they rode on.

So far, none of the cowboys had noticed Amber's semi-nude predicament, but she couldn't keep it a secret much longer.

With each bouncing stride of the horse, Amber could feel her fussy moistening more and more. She also felt the unmistakable presence of Jerry's cock stiffening against her ass. She was only grateful that dusk was falling and the five men couldn't see her cheeks blush in absolute embarrassment.

Jerry was really glad that he had volunteered to ride with the tiny woman. It had been months since the last time he'd been with a woman, and this one felt real nice as it bounced against his cock. And every once in a while his muscled forearm would brush against her breast through the light T-shirt the sheila was wearing. He was even sure that his arm had felt a stiff nipple a few times as they rode. But he, like his comrades, were not yet aware of the see-through texture her T-shirt had taken.

"We're here ma'am," Billy, the leader shouted back as he turned around.

That's when he noticed Amber's wet T-shirt look. He just sat there, staring blankly at her dark aureoles through her shirt. Amber, feeling self-conscious, just squeezed her arms against her chest trying to hide behind them. But all that managed to accomplish was push her tits tighter against the shirt so her hardening nipples poked sharp points against the material.

"Uh... ah... we better bed down the horses boys," Billy said as he resumed the trek.

'Oh god!' Amber thought. 'He knows. He saw right through my shirt.'

As they entered their campsite, the five burly men dismounted and helped Amber down form Jerry's steed. That's when they all got a good look at her treasure 'chest'. They could also make out a wet spot at the crotch of her pants. Each of their cocks twitched in aroused excitement. As with Jerry, they hadn't been around a sheila for months, and this one was much better looking than any of the whores they usually find in the outback.

After eleven weeks in the outback playing the Survivor game, Amber had lost some weight. She was great looking before this, but now slimmed down to 100 pounds she looked even better.

Amber just stood there nervously as the five rough looking men stared at her slim body. Trying to escape their gaze, she tried to look around at their base camp. She spotted that large single tent that would be their sleeping area for the night and realized that she would have to share that with them as well.

"Uh... how long before we eat?" She asked, trying to break them away from their gawking.

"Uh? Oh!" Jimmy, the youngest of the five reacted. "How long Glenn?"

"Well, if George here gets the fire going," Glenn replied nodding his head to the other aborigine of the group. "Should have the grub ready in less than an hour."

Now that they had been broken from their spell, the men went their separate ways to take care of their tasks. Amber watched as Jerry and Jimmy took care of the horses and George got to work on building a fire. Billy and Glenn were busily readying the meal that would be served for their special guest.

Amber's mouth watered as she saw them cutting huge sides of beef into steak for the fire. Then she saw potatoes, carrots and even ice cream in a cooler. She didn't think that she would be so excited about seeing real food again. In fact, she got so excited seeing all that food that she felt her knees buckle as her pussy twitched.

Billy and Glenn rushed to her side to hold her up when they saw her falter. Amber felt their strong hands gripping her shoulder and waist.

"Get off of me!" She yelled instinctively. "Leave me alone!"

"Easy gurl," Glenn told her. "You just about fainted on us."

"Yah! We don't need the hassle from that dum producer of yurs," Billy threw in.

"Sor... sorry," she apologized. "Guess I got a bit light headed."

"Why don' you go rest up on the cot," Glenn told her. "We'll get you when the grubs ready."

"That sounds like a good idea," she agreed as she let them lead her to the canvas tent.

Amber literally fell asleep as soon as her head hit the soft pillow. She never would have believed that an ordinary wooden cot could feel so comfortable. Shows you what eleven weeks in the bush will do to a person.

As Amber slept, she began dreaming. The first real dream she's had since she came on this stupid game. This was a dream of the thing she was missing the most lately. Fucking! She dreamt of fucking movie stars after her stint on Survivor. Of fucking with the most studly sports figures in the world, and all thanks to Survivor.

As her dream carried her into ecstasy, her pussy moistened with her juices, leaving a dark wet spot on her jeans. She would shift her legs in arousal, which rubbed her pussylips together. Which in turn seeped even more fluids at her crotch.

Forty minutes after putting the young woman to bed, Jimmy returned to let her know that her food was ready. What he found got his cock jerking in the tight confines of his tight fitting jeans.

There, before his eyes, was this beautiful young woman twitching her legs from side to side. One of her hands slipped inside the waistband and she was obviously rubbing herself. Looking back for any sign of his comrades, Jimmy pulled down the fly of his pants and pulled out his blood-engorged cock. And while watching Amber rub herself, he began stroking his eight incher in his hands.

Jerry was wondering what was taking the young cowboy so long so he walked over to the tent to check on them. He grinned widely as he saw what was going on. Seeing Jimmy stroking himself gave him the idea to join in. So he too pulled out his already hard cock and began stroking all ten inches as they both watched Amber's lewd behavior.

After another five minutes, Glenn and George had joined them. Without knowing about it, Amber was the focus to four of the five cowboys as they watched her hand disappear in her jeans. All that she knew was the dream that she was living through, and her rubbing herself only helped amplify that dream.

"Hey! What are ya boys waiting for," Billy called out. "Bring on down the sheila so she can get..." he stopped in mid-sentence as he saw what his mates were staring at.

But his outburst also had the adverse effect of awakening the slumbering woman. When her eyes opened sharply, she was faced with four hard cocks being stroked only a foot away from her prone body.

"Oh shit!" She yelled out. "Wha... what are you doing? Get out of here!"

"Now, now missy," Jerry tried to calm her down.

"Get out I said!" Amber screamed. "Or... or I'll report you to the police."

Looking at each other for a moment, they seemed to come to a mutual silent decision. They all rushed Amber and held her down as she struggled against their overwhelming weight.

"Get off of me you fucking bastards!" She yelled.

"Relax gurl," Glenn said. "Nobody can hear ya out here."

"Leave me alone!" She continued yelling and struggling.

Billy moved in and squeezed one of her tits hard.

"Will you shut the fuck up!" He said sternly.

"Oooh!" Amber groaned in pain.

"That's better," Billy said. "Now listen here. We can do this hard or easy. Its up to you, sheila."

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she nodded that she would behave. So, one by one they pulled away from her.

Now that things had settled a bit, Amber got a closer look at the five cowboys. Despite her sudden outrage at them masturbating over her, she was rather impressed with their cocks. Jimmy was the smallest at eight inches, while George's was a respectable nine inches. Glenn's cock was at least ten inches, if not more. But what really caught her attention was the aborigine Jerry. His cock stretched out at a good fourteen inches.

'Oh god!' Her thoughts betraying her. 'I've never tried anything that big before.'

The five men gathered in a huddle to try to think about what they should do about this situation. Having been caught with their dicks hanging, they didn't even bother trying to stuff them back in their tight pants.

"Well, we can't just let her go back," Jimmy whispered. "She'll blab and we'll be in deep shit."

"The boy is right bossman," Jerry agreed.

"So what are ya saying," Billy asked. "Ya want to kill her."

"Naw!" Glenn interjected. "We just got to get something on her to keep her quiet."

His four friends looked at Glenn for more detail as to his thoughts.

"We just do the sheila and make sure we have proof to hold over her head," Glenn grinned.

"Think it would work?" Jimmy asked, looking over to Billy.

"Worth a shot," Billy said, feeling his cock twitch in his pants.

When the men turned back to face her, Amber didn't like the look in their eyes. And when she saw them approach her she backed up on the cot until her back hit a tent post. Her whole body shivered in fear as to what might happen next.

"Wh... what... why are you looking at me like... like that?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"Well missy," Glenn spoke out. "We don't want no trouble, so we're just going to get a bit of insurance from ya."

"Wha... what kind of insurance?" Amber asked.

Jimmy had gone into his pack and pulled out a digital camera. Amber noticed it and her fear grew.

"We want ya to take your clothes off for us," Jimmy told her.

"Why?" Amber asked.

"We're gonna take some pictures of ya sheila," Jerry said. "And if ya report us for what happened earlier, we'll make sure yur whole country gets to see the real you."

"You... you wouldn't," Amber was stunned.

"Only if ya cause us trouble," Billy shot back. "Sure, my boys weren't very decent earlier. But I have to protect them. You can understand that."

"And all you want... is nude pics of me?" She needed reassurance.

"Honest to god," Glenn said with a grin.

"O... okay," Amber finally agreed seeing their point of view. "What do you want me to do?"

"Why don't ya stand up to the light over there," George said, pointing at the tent lamp.

Amber cautiously got to her feet and walked to the center of the tent. All the while Jimmy was snapping shots of her ass swaying as she moved.

Once in position, Amber turned around and faced her tormentors.

"What now?" She asked.

"Why don't ya do a slow dance for us sweetie," Billy suggested as he hit the play button on the tape recorder.

As music flooded the tent, Amber began swaying her hips from side to side timidly. But as each second passed she felt more at ease and began using her hands over her hips and slim waist.

"Don't forget them nubs of yurs," Glenn said, referring to her tits.

She reluctantly followed his instructions and cupped her breast with her hands seductively, all the while maintaining her dancing. Strangely, she could feel herself get more and more excited as she performed for them.

"Go gurl," George cheered.

"Weeeha!" Jimmy threw in as he continued snapping pictures.

Amber just smile shyly at their approving cheers. She was always gratified when she heard catcalls as she walked by men, but this was a completely new experience to her and that excited her all the more.

"Now, let's see what ya got hiding under that shirt of yours," Billy said. "Pull it up and give us a look see."

"Yeah! Pull it off!" His four mates cheered. "Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

Under the bright lighting of the lamp, they could see her cheeks blush fiercely at their demand that she go topless for them. Loud whistles erupted as they watched her hands reach down and grasp the edge of her damp T-shirt.

Slowly, teasingly, Amber pulled the shirt up along her shivering body. Her eyes could only stare blankly as they stroked their impressive cocks during her lurid dancing. When the lower portion of her breast made their appearance, she watched mesmerized as they stroked themselves even harder. All the while, she could hear young Jimmy clicking away with his camera.

For some strange reason that she couldn't fathom, this got her even more excited. The men could see that for themselves as they watched the nubs of her nipples stiffen before their leering eyes, their hands stroking their stiffening shafts in appreciation.

Amber couldn't understand why she wasn't trying to bolt out of the tent. She couldn't figure out why her body was responding so wantonly to these men's leering gaze. She was embarrassed at how her nipples were stiffening because of her stripping performance.

"Spread yur legs sheila," Billy instructed her.

Reluctantly, Amber moved her feet wider apart, feeling her pussylips pull open tantalizingly. The cowboys could even make out her clit stiffening with each passing moment.

As she continued gyrating for these lewd men, she was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of pleasure from their catcalls and whistles. With half-closed eyelids, she looked upon them and saw the lust in their eyes as they continued stroking their hardening shafts.

"Fuck sheila, ya got a fine body," Glenn croaked.

"Yeah, rub yourself," she heard Jimmy say as he continued snapping photos of her lewd performance.

Knowing that she was in no position to refuse, Amber lowered her palm to her crotch and began rubbing her vagina with her fingers. As her excitement continued to mount, she lost all sense of appropriate behavior. Without any conscious thought of doing so, she shoved her finger in her moistening snatch.

The five cowboys hooted and howled in cheer as they watched her finger-fuck herself for them. First, with one finger, but soon she couldn't help but add a second and then a third. She would simply close her eyes and imagine herself back in her bathroom masturbating in front of the full-length mirror. She would dig in and thug on her pussy in the hopes of experiencing a powerful orgasm.

With each of her finger-fuck thrust, the men would step closer and closer to her. And she had no way of knowing their encroaching presence as long as she kept her eyes tightly shut. But for the moment Amber was concentrating exclusively on orgasming on her finger-work.

"Wha...?" She exclaimed in surprise when one of the men guided her hand to his cock.

Amber instinctively wrapped her fingers on the shaft and began pumping Glenn's cock.

Seeing her willingness to do that only served to encourage the others to get closer still. Then Jerry guided her hand out of her pussy and onto his own raging hardon.

Soon, Billy and George were taking up where she had left off. Amber's knees buckled as she felt their fingers digging into her wet vagina. The only thing she could do was stand there, as best as she could, and submit to their demands.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked down at what was really going on. Seeing those two hard cocks in her hands, she squeezed them experimentally, sensing the built up lust of months of no female companionship. Then her eyes wandered lower to Billy and George's fingers finger-fucking her wet pussy.

When she looked up again, she found herself staring blankly at Jimmy's camera eye still snapping away at her degradation. When she looked downwards, she saw his hard cock just hanging out of his pants. With his hands too busy taking the pictures, Jimmy was left unattended. Amber almost felt sorry for the youngest of the men.

"I see ya takin' a fancy at Jimmy boy here," Billy said, noticing her stare. "Why don't ya help out the lad."

With that they moved closer to Jimmy. When they were within a few feet of the young photographer, Billy placed his callused hand at Amber's back and pushed her downward until she was bent over at the waist.

In this new position, her face was only a few inches from Jimmy's twitching cock. All the while, the other men continued finger- fucking her pussy, or urging her to continue with her handjobs.

"Go on," Glenn added. "Give him a helping... head."

They all broke out laughing at his pun.

Amber knew just as well as they what Glenn was suggesting. And seeing that there was nothing she could do to prevent this from degenerating she opened her mouth hesitantly and they shoved her forward. Before she knew it, Jimmy's cockhead had slipped past her lips and her tongue instinctively began swirling around it.

Though she didn't enjoy what was happening to her this night, Amber did love sucking cocks. So she put all of her expertise behind this and proceeded to give Jimmy the best blowjob he had ever had.

"Here," Jimmy called out, tossing the camera over to Billy. "I think you better take over for a while."

His four companions watched admiringly as she quickly managed to take all of his eight inches down her throat. Quickly they each came to the same decision. They each wanted a shot at this talented bitch. And in anticipation of further action with Amber, they suddenly pulled their cocks away from her hands so that they would remain hard and ready once she was done with Jimmy.

Amber was disturbed when all those cocks disappeared from her grasp. The men watched amused as her hands flailed empty air in search for some hard cock to jerk off. Amber wasn't even consciously aware that she was acting in such a depraved manner.

All the while, she never relinquished her sucking of Jimmy's hard cock. She was desperately trying to get to that succulent cum that was sure to come spurting out of him. Finally realizing that none of the cocks would return to her hands, she decided to put them to better use. She began tickling and squeezing Jimmy's balls to get the job done faster.

As they watched her sucking hungrily on Jimmy's cock, Glenn lost patience. Moving behind her bent over body, he gingerly aimed his ten incher at her moist cunt. Then, grasping her slender hips in his rough hands, he pulled her buttocks back against him, his cock running across her already aroused pussylips.

As soon as she felt the warm presence of a cock against her pussy, Amber began shaking her ass in excitement, never once releasing the cock she was sucking on.

Either she gave up resisting them, or she finally lost control of her own lustful needs. We might never know.

"Sheeeeit!" Billy groaned, as they watched they comrade trying to fuck the young beauty.

This was the final straw for the remaining three. In a sudden rush, they began tugging at her from all directions. Amber could feel hands rubbing and pinching her tits and clit as she continued sucking Jimmy, and Glenn's hard cock kept probing for her pussy entrance.

"Mmmmmh! Mmmmmh!" They could hear her moan around the cock stuffing her mouth.

"Giv' it to her Glenn," she heard the aborigine Jerry say.

With that, Glenn reached down and aimed his large cockhead with his hand. As soon as he felt her pussylips wrap snuggly around his shaft he gave a mighty shove and buried six hard inches into her. Then he began humping his ass back and forth, driving more and more of his cock into her.

"Guuurggleee!" Amber groaned around Jimmy's cock from the new phallic invader.

As Jimmy and Glenn were getting their cocks serviced, the two aborigines got down on their knees and ducked under Amber's chest. Then she felt their thick lips suck on her hanging tits, trying to suckle on them like calves to a cow.

Billy grinned as he watched the previously reluctant woman caress his two dark skinned wranglers as they sucked on her tits. He remained complacent as Amber continued sucking Jimmy's cock and Glenn buried his ten incher into her wanton pussy. He grinned widely as he observed the girl undulate her ass to meet the man's thrusting hips.

"Always knew you yanks were sluts," he said as he stroked his own cock.

"Yah Billy," Jimmy agreed. "And this one sure knows how to suck."

"You wouldn't believe how tight she is boss," Glenn let it be known.

Jerry and George were too engrossed on sucking Amber's now hard nipples to bother replying. They were almost trying to milk her as they would any cow. Amber was finding it hard to stay steady under all of this lustful abuse. Her knees were shaking and her tits wiggled with each thrust of Jimmy or Glenn's cocks.

"Well you two better hurry it up," Billy told the two men lucky to have their cocks buried in the girl first. "We want a shot at her too. And we only got her for one night, remember."

"Sure thing bossman," Glenn complied, increasing his thrusting.

They watched the out of control girl as she reached under and began rubbing her clit. Amber wanted to cum so desperately, she didn't care if the men fucked her. She no longer cared that they were raping her. All she wanted now was to climax.

"Fuck! I'm cumming guys!" Jimmy announced. "I'm cumming! CUMMING! CUMMMMMMING! Oh yeah!" He finally groaned. "Go for it girl! Drink down all my spunk!"

Amber swallowed as fast as she could. Jimmy's first spurt of jism had caught her by surprise, causing her to gag momentarily. But then she recuperated and began drinking down his salty sperm.

"Right with ya boy!" Glenn said moments later. "I'm gonna fill this filly until she burst."

Suddenly Amber felt her cunt receiving the cummy spray from the large man in her cunt. She could feel the powerful jet of his jism hitting her vaginal walls as they got coated with his sperm. For the next few moments the two men just hung there as their balls emptied their load into her.

"You two, get up," Billy said, tapping his two aborigine cowhands.

Jerry and George got up from under Amber's bent over body and stood next to Billy awaiting what would happen next. The three men just stood back and waited patiently while Amber finished with them. They watched her and were amused by the fact that she looked like a pig roasting over a fire.

"Oh yeah!" Jimmy and Glenn groaned as they emptied their balls in Amber's holes.

For her part, Amber sucked as hard as she could to catch all of Jimmy's spunk while undulating her body to fuck back against Glenn's thrusting hips.

"Mmmmm! Glugg!" Amber moaned and groaned as she herself orgasmed.

The three remaining men could see the mixture of Glenn's jism and Amber's cum streaking down her naked calf as the threesome finished their humping. They each gave their own cocks a few strokes to keep them stiff and ready for their turn at the slim brunette.

Finally Jimmy pulled his cock away from Amber's sucking lips, smearing her cheeks with one final blast of jism. The three watching grinned as they saw her lick her face clean with her tongue, obviously not wanting to waste any of the lad's jism.

"Cough! Cough! Gasp!" She choked as she tried to catch her breath.

Next, Glenn pulled out of her tight pussy with a mild popping sound as his ten-inch cock slipped out. Amber's cunt pulsed in excitement, forcing some of his cum to ooze out of her slit and down her legs.

"Okay Jerry," Billy gave instructions. "Get down on your back."

"Shure bossman," the large aborigine replied.

Billy tossed the camera back to Jimmy so he could resume recording these events for security.

Jerry lumbered next to the exhausted young woman and lay on the ground, his cock flagpoling in its full majesty. Amber saw that large phallus and looked up pleadingly at Billy.

"Please, I can't," she begged. "I can't take something that big. It'll tear me up."

"Nonsense sugah," Billy told her. "Jerry here's broken many a filly."

With a nod from Billy, Glenn and George picked up her light body effortlessly and carried the struggling Amber over Jerry's prone body. Next, they lowered her and she braced herself for what was to come.

Jerry used his huge hands to aim his cock to the tight slit that was descending towards it. As his comrades lowered her, he used his other hand to poke in her pussy to stretch her in preparation for his penetration.

The rough texture of his callused fingers at her pussy only served to excite Amber further. She was ashamed at how depraved she was acting. How her own morality seemed to fade at her being gang raped like this.

"Please," Amber gave another hopeless plea. "Please don't do this. I'v... I've done all you asked. Why won't you just leave me alone?"

"But honey," Billy lifted her chin so she would look up at him. "You have to be fair about this. After all, ya only done two of us."

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