Teaching The Tomboy - Cover

Teaching The Tomboy

by Jenny

Copyright© 2001 by Jenny

Erotica Sex Story: Toni is more interested in cars than boys while she is in high school. Maybe there will be a time for men after she is out of university and established in her engineering career. Her mother has other ideas.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   FemaleDom   Pregnancy   .

With input from Homer Vargas

Toni had just finished fixing the neighbor's car sitting in the family driveway when she heard her mother call her.

"Toni hurry up and take a shower before you go"

Toni winced. She had dreaded this day. She was going to be stuck all summer helping her mother's friends at some kind of day care center. She much preferred working on cars for people though it didn't pay much. Even though the job would mostly be landscaping, Toni was sure just being around a horde of little brats wold drive her nuts. As she walked into the house her mom looked at her grease-stained clothes in disdain "Oh God! Please, dear, go change. I don't want Lynn to see you like that!"

Reluctantly, Toni climbed the stairs, showered and pulled on clean clothes. As she came down, her mother took one look at her and exclaimed, "Oh Toni! T-shirt and jeans, again?"

This was a sore point between Toni and her mother who kept telling her she could be every guy's dream if she just dolled herself up. "You're short and slim, but with nice full breasts that men go ape over. You have your father's beautiful black hair and a button nose like me," her mother never tired of repeating proudly. Toni was well aware of her effect on boys and hated it. She had no use for them at this stage of her life or maybe ever. They were so immature. All they thought about was sex and none could believe that "a babe like you" could be planning a career as an engineer. So Toni steered clear of boys, concentrating on fixing cars and getting good grades in school, trying rather unsuccessfully to hide her figure under baggy clothes that her mother disliked.

"Please at least wear a blouse so people can appreciate your lovely breasts, dear. I do want you to make a good impression."

"I don't even want this job, Mom."

"But you want the money for college, don't you. You know it pays more than anything you could find around here does. Besides, It could do you good. Who knows, maybe being around a lot of sweet little babies all summer will rub off on you," her mother grinned. "You could even change your mind about college. It's certainly not too soon for you to start having children."

"Not likely! I'm not the 'mommy' type," she retorted. Fifteen minutes later a sullen Toni, in a blouse, headed out the door with her mother. Forty-five minutes afterwards, they pulled up to a large complex of buildings on the outskirts of town. It looked somewhat like a hospital or clinic and was set well back from the main road. As Toni walked in and looked around, she could not help but be dismayed. The rooms were filled with cribs and playpens and the dining area, with rows of high chairs. A tall shapely woman about her mom's age came up to them.

"So good to see you, Barbara," the woman exclaimed, kissing Toni's mom on the cheek."

"Toni, this is Miss Lynn, the owner of The Nursery," her mother explained.

"Oh thank you for coming, Barbara and bringing your daughter. My, I see little Toni has gotten to be a BIG girl... up here." Toni blushed as the woman eyed her breasts, ill concealed by the blouse her mother made her wear. "Won't be long 'till you're having babies, will it, dear?"

Toni rolled her eyes.

"Business looks good, Lynn," Toni's mom remarked.

"Oh yes! With so many working women, divorced single mommies, and high-school girls having babies now," she looked at Toni, "we get plenty of babies to take care of," the woman laughed. "I'm so glad you brought Toni to help us."

"Thank you for taking her on. Well, I've got to be going if I don't want to be late," Barbara grinned wickedly.

"Eager to get home so Jack can take good care of you tonight?" Lynn smirked. "I know what you mean, honey. I can't go a night without getting it a couple of times, either." Lynn agreed, kissing her good bye. Toni blushed to hear the two women talking about sex, at their ages! And Lynn wasn't wearing a wedding ring; it was disgusting.

"And you take care of MY baby. I know you have work to do," she winked mysteriously before she kissed Toni goodbye and hurried off.

"Miss Lynn" as she insisted Toni call her, showed Toni to her room and helped her unpack, frowning as she saw the collection of jeans and sweatshirts the girl had brought. Then she took her around and introduced her to the other girls on the staff. Toni was not impressed. They all looked like high-school dropouts and airheads. What was worse, Miss Lynn had them all dressed in the most ridiculous uniform: pink lacy blouses, which barely covered their breasts and extremely short smocks. Them Teri noticed something else. Most of the girls seemed to be pregnant!

"My, she's a tough-looking one, a real tomboy, I see," a woman's voice boomed.

Toni looked around at a large woman dressed in a size 12 version of the girls' uniform.

"Toni, this is Miss Victoria Price, our head nurse," Miss Lynn explained. "I'll leave you with her.

"Your mother told me you were going to be a challenge. I see what she meant," the older nurse smirked.

"What does that mean," Toni asked.

The older woman came a little closer and replied, "Well, your mother is worried that with your attitude, she will never have the houseful of grandchildren she wants. Lynn promised her two years here and we would make you into the perfect mommy."

"'Two years?' What are you talking about? I'm just taking this stupid job for two MONTHS this summer to earn money for college," Toni said, stunned.

"Oh, you don't need to go to college to make your mom, happy. All she wants to see is a bun in this cute little oven of yours," she nurse smiled, patting Toni's belly. "And the sooner the better!" With that the nurse signaled two of the other girls who grabbed Toni and held her. "You may not like things here at first," the nurse said pulling out a needle. "I need to give you a shot to help you adjust." Toni's struggled frantically to get free from the two girls holding her. She struggled even more when the older woman began buttoning her jeans and pulling them down over Toni's curvy hips. "Bend her over a little, girls," she ordered.

Helpless, Toni felt the nurse pull her panties down and caress her bottom. The sharp smack of the nurse's hand on her bottom stung so Toni didn't feel the needle plunge deep into her firm round ass. "That should do you, dear," the nurse said as she withdrew the needle. Almost immediately, Toni felt her efforts to escape grow sluggish and cease. Confused by the drug, Toni let the two girls lead her to a couch. Victoria nodded to the girls who began to fondle her tits and play with her pussy. Soon Toni was feeling so good she didn't want to keep her eyes open and let a wonderful drowsiness overcome her.

When Toni woke up she was in bed; comfortable, but effective bands held her arms and legs to the four corners. Opening her eyes, she saw in horror that she was clothed in the obscene uniform she had seen the day before. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Victoria beamed as she walked in. "Looks like you will definitely be staying with us. Lynn told me about your drug record.

"But, I don't have a drug record," Toni protested.

"You do now. The District Attorney is a grateful client of The Nursery. All we would have to do is tell him we found drugs on you, and off to prison you go."

"You wouldn't do that to me!" Toni cried.

"We won't have too if you'll relax and be a good girl."

Still groggy from the shot Toni nodded. "Good girl? I am a good girl. What do you want?"

"Well, we perform many services here at The nursery. The women who bring their babies here believe that they should be breastfed, so all the girls get hormones in their food, at least until they aren't necessary," Victoria paused and smiled, "To help them produce lots of nice breast milk for the babies."

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