He Seduced His Little Sister - Cover

He Seduced His Little Sister


Chapter 3: Twelve Years Old

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Twelve Years Old - It was unintentional but it opened the door to her new way of life.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mike hadn't much relished the chore of walking Maryon to the Matherly place for her 'pajama party' with Karen and Sylvia, but Burt was working overtime, again, and the family car was in the shop, and the streets of suburbia weren't so safe as they used to be, and Sylvia's parents weren't available to send a car, so okay, already, Mike would walk his sister to the estate and see she got there safely. He didn't have much else to do, anyway, the school's pool was being cleaned and there was no chance for him to practice his swimming, a sport he was expected to do well in at the Regionals, come spring.

He brightened up a bit as, walking up the long driveway, Maryon told him of the Matherly's pool, but didn't know whether he wanted to mess around with a bunch of kids. From his lordly seventeen years he told Maryon that his practice was a serious thing... he couldn't fool around with his length by length steady practicing in the middle of a mob of screaming yahoos... especially girl yahoos. In any case, he hadn't brought his trunks... why hadn't Maryon mentioned the pool before they left home?

His somewhat sour mood was not improved when he discovered Johnny and Derek were at the house--it was a little after seven in the evening--and seemed set on staying around for a while. It was Maryon herself, wishing to make up to him, who brought up the subject of his swimming, and Sylvia and Karen delightedly invited and urged him to go ahead and use the pool--no charge, they'd like to see him in action--maybe one day Sylvia could say an Olympic championed practiced in her pool! Flattered by their blandishments, Mike agreed at least to consider it, and they all wandered out of the large dining room, across the terrace, and down to the poolside. The sun was getting low and there was a slight chill in the air but the pool was heated, so another one of Mike's objections was overcome. And the clear blue water did look tempting. Swimming trunks? Well, said Sylvia, her dad's would be too big for him, but maybe--and she smiled slyly--a pair of her bottoms would do?

In the past year Sylvia had filled out pretty well, and even in her light skirt they could see she was almost as big about the hips as Mike, despite the three years difference in their ages. Okay, that might do, agreed Mike, a bit reluctantly, and they waited as she went off into the house to fetch the thing.

Perhaps because of the older boy's presence the others were more subdued than usual. Maryon had been up to the house a few times since that time in the barn, but never again had things been quite so interesting. Always Sylvia's parents or the servants were about the place. And for some reason the group didn't seem to get together too often otherwise, and more often than not Maryon was not invited along when they went elsewhere for their fun and games, so that quite often she suffered the pangs of being 'left out of it.' And though Lois often pushed her to invite the daughter of the socially prominent Matherlys home, Maryon knew that it would not do either herself or her mother any good...

"Here, Mike, I've left it on the couch in the dining room," called Sylvia from the terrace, and came bouncing down the steps toward them. "You can change there, okay?"

Mike was already trotting up and was out of sight by the time Sylvia came up and sat on the end of the diving board near the others. "I'd kind of like to go in myself," she said, "but I don't have anything to wear, now."

"Oh, Mike doesn't like having anyone in the pool when he's practicing," said Maryon, and the other girl shrugged.

"It's my pool," she said.

Karen and the two boys were horseplaying near the edge, the girl being threatened with a dunking for something she'd said. Johnny had her wrists and Derek her feet, swinging her out over the water, and her wrigglings in the air had slid her dress down over her thighs so that Maryon could see the brief green panties that cut into her crotch. The boys wore smart black jeans and white shirts, though Derek bulked a little larger. One of the black-haired girl's white shoes flew off into the pool. "Oh you bastard, Derek!" she said between laughing screams, and they might indeed have thrown her, clothes and all, into the depths had not Michael then appeared, running rapidly down the steps. In the brief glimpse she caught of him before he reached the poolside and dived, Maryon saw that Sylvia's 'bottom' was no more than a brief black bikini, giving her brother a half-inch band about his upper thighs. Then he was gone from view and the other two boys, setting Karen down, stood watching as his blond head presently broke the surface.

He was probably embarrassed about the scantiness of the girl's bikini on him, Maryon supposed, glad in the slight chill that she wore trim cream slacks and blouse though, like the rest of them, she was barefoot.

Studiously Mike began to swim, head down into the water, arms steadily threshing, legs smoothly kicking. His tawny body looked like a magnificent machine as it ploughed through the water, though the skimpy black band over his buttocks did look a bit ridiculous. Only once did he interrupt his rhythm, pausing to throw back onto the cement Karen's floating sandal at her call as she sat, dangling her legs.

After a while it grew boring to watch his strong, muscled frame glide endlessly along, and Sylvia drummed her heels against the diving board. Then a smile lit her face. "Get ready when I say the word," she whispered to Maryon, then ran along to speak in hushed tones to the other three. When Mike reached the shallow end of the pool she called out to him and, hearing her, he got to his feet, shaking his head free of water. The tight black bikini barely held him in, and Maryon could see the gaps at the tops of his thighs where his firm young flesh pushed against the thin material.

"What's up?" he asked, apparently not too pleased to be interrupted.

"We've got a bet going here, Mike, that you can't do a full length underwater, only using your feet," said Sylvia. "They say it can't be done."

Mike considered. "Well, with a bit of a push off at the start, I reckon I can do it," he said. "Just watch me."

And he bent his head, crouched low, struck back with his feet at the underwater wall, and kicked himself smoothly forward, hands held out and head down. Immediately he was out of hearing Sylvia cried: "Now!" and to Maryon's astonishment the four began expertly to strip, discarding their various clothes as they made their way to where she was sitting. "Skinny-dip time--we'll surprise him," shouted Karen, shrugging out of her dress.

"C'mon kid, off and in," said Derek, tugging down his pants, and before she quite knew what was going on around her, Maryon was alone on the diving board, fingers to her blouse, while the others were sliding smoothly and silently into the clear blue water, totally naked except for Karen, who for some reason had kept her narrow green nylon panties on.

As they lined themselves up with their backs to the wall, their feet kicking gently, arms outstretched along the gutter, Sylvia called up and back, impatiently: "Oh, hurry up, Maryon, come in and surprise your brother."

All kinds of thoughts were going through Maryon's head... what Mike would think... what fun it'd be... why not if the others did?... she wouldn't be in the water in time... what would happen afterward? But her body seemed to have made her mind up for her so that even as she saw Mike's head but a scant eight feet or so from the end of the pool, her blouse and bra were on the Found at her feet and her fingers were fumbling with the buckle of her slacks. All of a sudden Mike seemed to convulse. Whether he'd just run out of air after his more than a minute's submersion, or whether it was the shocking sight of four pairs of legs dangling before him, he surfaced in a spluttering hurry, beating at the water with his hands, eyes closed and streams pouring from his blond hair. Maryon froze where she was, her pants unzipped and part pulled down her thighs, her young breasts hanging out and forward. There seemed to her questioning mind to be quite a difference between being naked in the water and caught like this, alone, out in the evening daylight. So it was that when Mike got his breath back and opened his eyes it was only to lose it again and close them again at sight of four heads grinning at him above the water line, four female breasts seemingly free- floating just below the surface and, above them all, his kid sister, half-nude like a nymph startled at her bath, the pink rays of the setting sun giving her nubile body a rosy hue and putting an ash-ember glow in the dull gold of her long hair.

"What are you guys doing?" he said when he'd recovered again, treading water, his eyes intent on Sylvia's flaunted breasts as she half-pulled herself from the pool. Maryon slowly slipped her pants down her legs, as though trying not to attract her brother's attention. But as she could see Sylvia deliberately kicking her legs out, one at a time, so that the brown tuft between them winked at the older boy, she knew she didn't have to worry about that.

"We thought we'd give you a surprise. And you've got my bikini. And I wasn't going to be the only bare-assed one," laughed the girl, kicking water at his face.

He seemed quickly to recover himself for, nodding his head toward Karen, but keeping his eyes on the bouys Sylvia floated in front of her, with their red markers, he said: "What's so special about her, that she gets not to be bare-assed?"

Somehow the other three in the water hadn't noticed Karen's green panties before, but now the two boys, with a whoop! simultaneously reached down at her like a pale white fish Karen pushed off from the wall and away from them, so that Maryon, looking down from above, could see the lithe, free movements of her body in the pale blue water. In a flash she was around and past Mike and was headed for the far end of the pool but he, bucking up his near-bare butt and jack-knifing so that his sister could clearly see the shadowed crack in it, dived down and under the fleeing girl. Taking advantage of the distraction Maryon quickly completed her disrobing and slipped into the water. Sylvia and the boys had also gone in pursuit of the pair and stood up, waist deep, just as Mike managed to slip under Karen and rise up in front of her, the water to their knees. The white-skinned girl, untanned by the sun and slim as an ivory figurine, tried to escape him but his longer legs were more suited to water-running in his strength and he easily caught her, holding her just above the elbows as she, kicking, tried to keep the others off. While Maryon watched from her end of the pool, feeling the warm water wash between her thighs, Johnny and Derek each seized a fighting ankle and the three boys lifted Karen completely from the water, her long black hair streaming down from her in a dark mass that was in complete contrast to the whiteness of her struggling body as she arched and bent it, writhing, her pale oval breasts silhouetted against the pale blue of the evening sky.

Beneath her brother's brief black bikinis she could see him bulging as his eyes no doubt feasted on the sight of the young girl's twisting body held so close to him. And as the nude Sylvia, jumping up and down with excitement, her breasts bobbing, reached for the green nylon panties and tugged them down the flexing thighs, she was sure he was setting a hard-on. And now they could all see why Karen had so slyly kept herself covered, for, whereas in the past she had sported a great black mat of hair at her crotch, now she was shaved-clean, so that the cold wet pale lips of her cunt stared starkly upward, as bare of concealment as an oyster on the half-shell.

"Why, Karen!" exclaimed Sylvia, slipping the strip of nylon down to the suddenly quiescent ankles. "What happened... crabs?"

"No," Maryon barely heard the other girl say, "just that it was so... so ugly down there."

With a laugh Mike gathered her up in his arms, pulling her free so that Sylvia could pull the panties free, then, flexing his strong biceps so that they gleamed fitfully in the falling light, he lofted the naked Karen far into the air so that she fell, twisting, with a great splash beyond the others.

The others now were after Mike to take his bikini off, but he refused, on the grounds that he was older, bigger, stronger, and didn't want to. Meanwhile Karen swam up beside Maryon. "The bastards!" she said, pushing the long black wet hair back from her oval face. Maryon was fascinated by the sight of the girl's weirdly clean crotch... it made her seem so much more naked, somehow. Idly she scratched her own well tufted mound, and mentally compared her boobs to Karen's. In the past year, though the older girl had grown taller and had more flesh on her, and still seemed oddly boyish with slim waist, slender hips, a smooth ass, heir breasts had changed not a bit, save perhaps to become a bit firmer. They still gleamed like silken bass, and their cores, now hard from the exposure and the cooling night air, were still dark and small and pointed, but Maryon knew she was bigger there, with clearly defined little pears that hung loosely from her but could be held up from below to fill out most satisfyingly.

Though, she ruefully thought, only she was far satisfied, for nobody had seen them in months! certainly not any males, and especially not Mike, whose companionship this evening was a rare exception to his usual coolness toward her now that he was in Senior High and presumably could have his fill of girls. Maryon was jealous, and suddenly decided to do something about it. She'd show him that just because Sylvia and Karen were older and bigger didn't mean they could please him most!

Without a word to Karen she kicked herself off from the side and, taking care that her plump bare rump was constantly above the surface, swam casually up the length of the pool, past the others, who were still squabbling, then began to circle them. From the comer of her eye she saw that her maneuver had not gone unnoticed by Mike, for his head followed her. In a moment she let her feet down and stood up and, feigning water in her eyes, stretched and posed wantonly in the shallow end, knowing, as she knuckled her eyes, that her breasts had been set to jiggling and that her out- thrust hip revealed between her slim young naked thighs a sight of rosy lips only lightly veiled by her soaking pubic hair. She felt her nipples harden and shivered as she pressed her elbows back and shook her head vigorously, curving her body back like a sensual cat.

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