An Arm and a Leg - Cover

An Arm and a Leg

by Eccho Steem

Copyright© 2024 by Eccho Steem

Incest Sex Story: A commissioned piece involving the best way for a sister to make up for mutilating her brother in a car crash.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   .

“Mathilde!” Dany bellows from his bed. Mathilde sighs before putting down her book and making her way to his room.

“Whaaat?” she answers,

“I’m thirsty. Could you make me some juice?” She groans and goes downstairs and pours him a cup.

While it annoys her that he’s being such a baby, she can’t help but to feel that she deserves it. She was the one driving the car and wasn’t paying attention to the road because she was too enthralled in her phone call. She didn’t see the douchebag hauling towards them, completely wrecking them on the passenger side. She had light cuts and scratches, but Dany suffered the most. His limbs were badly injured and he suffered major blood loss, threatening his life. Luckily he was able to recover, but he won’t be able to use his limbs for at least two months. So he’s been living with her ever since. And it’s been the longest week of Mathilde’s life.

He wasn’t one who properly takes care of himself. He doesn’t shower regularly, so he carries around an aura of excruciatingly severe body odor, he isn’t an active being, so he has a few pounds on him, which would make you wonder the difference between pre accident and post accident, and he’s a bit of a spoiled bastard. He’s twenty-three years old and refuses to get a place of his own and relies on their parents for everything ranging from finance to living conditions. And she was supposed to be the youngest. But she accomplished more at eighteen than he ever even considered.

She puts the juice back and goes back upstairs to give it to him. He takes it and smiles, saying,

“Thanks, sis. Oh, and I almost forgot. It’s 2:30.”

‘Fuuuuck!’ Mathilde thought to herself.

Seeing as Dany is unable to use his arms and legs, that means she’s going to have to bathe him. Which she partly didn’t mind because that means he won’t be smelling like a bag of rotting squirrel ass, but it almost doesn’t make it worth it because he always manages to smell worse and worse every time. It also doesn’t help that taking him to the bathroom is a bitch and a half in itself. She developed a method that’s consistent, but it isn’t really that nice.

She takes a pile of towels and sets them beside his bed. She then pulls the cover he’s laying on towards the covers, being careful not to turn him, and plops him on the pile, cushioning the fall. She pulls the blankets towards the bathroom, periodically stopping to catch her breath and crack her back.

When they make it to the bathroom, Mathilde starts the water, waiting for it to warm up. Once it does, she plugs the tub and begins undressing Dany. Afterwards, she stops the water and adds the soap, lathering it with the rag. She then places it on his chest, circling it, spacing out with each circle, trying to get this over and done with. She gets most of him cleaned except for his pelvic region. She takes a deep breath and starts at his abdomen, getting into his crevices. She then moves to his inner thighs, questioning her life choices as she realizes what’s next to come.

After trying her best to mentally prepare herself, she starts lathering his dick, covering it, along with his balls, in suds. Dany loves this part. Ever since the accident, he couldn’t really relieve himself as he wanted. Or, more appropriately, needed. Dany also suffers from hyperspermia, so he has to relieve himself daily. Something he’d be pretty efficient at, but due to recent events, he couldn’t really fulfill the deed.

Mathilde didn’t know this. No one bothered to tell her. She also didn’t know that her movements on his sensitive areas were pleasuring him. He leans back and starts breathing heavily, letting her work him. Still oblivious to his pleasures, she continues washing. She starts washing harder, noticing that the smell isn’t completely gone.

The only other problem for her was the fact that he was getting more and more erect. But she quickly brushed it aside as it being a random boner that guys get sometimes. Because there’s no way that he could actually be turned on by this, right?

After a few more rubs, Dany lets out a groan and cums all over Mathilde’s face, chest, and hair. She sits there, speechless as she’s been covered in her brother’s essence. She’s in pure shock of what just happened. Not only because it happened, but because it was so thick. She’s had sex before. Cum wasn’t supposed to be like this.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” She exclaims,

“What?” He responds, “It’s not my fault. I can’t control certain actions of my body.”

“You’re gross! And why’s it like this?!”

“It’s a medical condition, insensitive. That’s how it’s been for the longest.”

“What are you talking about? What medical condition could cause ... this?”

“Hyperspermia. Basically, it makes me produce more sperm than average and I need to relieve myself constantly to keep it at bay. How could you not know this? See? You never listen.”

“Ignoring the fact that no one’s told me anything about this, how have you been taking care of it without the use of your arms?”

“I couldn’t. It was very uncomfortable. You have no idea how good that felt.”

“Still your sister, you know.”

“Oh, grow up. It was just a handjob. Don’t make it weird.

“ ... I’m just going to ignore that completely.”

“Well, I’m not. It was excruciatingly uncomfortable. I don’t wanna go through that again.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Look, just hear me out. I know you’re not gonna like this, but maybe you could possibly add something like this to our regimine?”

Mathilde can’t believe what she’s hearing. Her brother wants her to constantly pump out his cum. She’s never been so disgusted in her life. She blushes and exclaims,

“Fuck no! That’s sick! Why would you even ask that?!”

“Because you’re supposed to take care of me. And it’s not that much. Just jack me off maybe every other day. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”

“Are you listening to yourself?! You’re asking your sister to beat you off!”

“To relieve discomfort. It’s not even for sexual desire. And do you really think I’d ask you if I had another option?”

Mathilde was about to respond, but she soon realizes that he’s right. He wouldn’t have even considered this if he could do this himself. And he would be able to do this himself if she paid attention that day. This thought causes all of the guilt to return.

‘It’s essentially my fault that he can’t do this himself, so it’s the least I could do,’ Mathilde thinks to herself, ‘Plus, it’s not like I need to blow him or anything. Just a quick dick beating session and then I’m done. But it’s so grooooooss. Ugh! Whatever. I’ve been through worse.’

She sighs and mumbles,


“Oh, what was that?” Dany responds in a condescending tone,

“I said I’ll do it!” Mathilde snaps back,

“See? Isn’t everything better when you look at it my way?”

“Just shut up and get on the towel.”

Dany maneuvers himself on the towel and Mathilde drags him back to his room. She dresses him and puts some hooks in the corners of the towel. She then attaches a rope to them, then throws the other end to the other side of his bed. She goes to it and pulls it until he’s adjacent to the mattress. She ties the rope to the bed frame and walks back to Dany’s side and pushes him onto the mattress. She sits on the edge of the bed and takes a second to catch her breath. After moments of regaining her composure, she stands up and steps out of the room. Dany just lays there, grinning from ear to ear.

‘Finally!’ he thinks to himself, ‘If I knew all I had to do to get her to jerk me off was to lose my limbs, I would’ve ran in front of a bus years ago. Now I just need patience and soon enough she’ll be begging for me to slide it in her.’

A few hours pass and it’s time for dinner. Mathilde feeds Dany his sandwich as they both watch a show on tv. When the sandwich is gone, she starts to eat her own food that she made. When she finishes and washes the dishes, she makes her way to her bed, only for Dany to summon her. She goes to his room and pokes her head in the door.

“What?” she hisses,

“Do you think you could take care of my problem before bed?”

She groans and walks over to the bed, saying,

“Fine, but let’s make this quick.”

He settles in the bed, awaiting for her next move. She reaches over to the nightstand and grabs some lube, squeezing some on her hand. She then pulls down the hem of his pants, where his dick springs out of them. She slightly throws up in her mouth before turning away and hesitantly wrapping her hand around her brother’s appendage.

Dany groans in approval as she begins moving her hand up and down his shaft. Mathilde speeds up her movement as fast as she could to quicken the process, begging for it to end already. She gets her wish as Dany groans and explodes all over her hand and arm. Still turning away from him, Mathilde recoils at what she caused. She just intentionally beat her brother off.

‘Eeeewwww.’ she thinks to herself, sickened at the action as his sperm erupts onto her entire arm.

“Thanks, sis,” Dany says, bringing his hands to the back of his head,

“Please don’t say that after this,” Mathilde responds, grabbing some tissues and cleaning off her arm and hand. Dany chuckles and says,

There is more of this story...
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