Love and Passion Discovered Anew - Cover

Love and Passion Discovered Anew

by Tom Land

Copyright© 2001 by Tom Land

Erotica Sex Story: A young Air Force Academy cadet discovers that the wife of a friend is extremely lonely and sexually deprived by her husband. The cadet shows her love and tenderness and is rewarded with her opening up to him as a sexual woman.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Cheating   Slut Wife   School   .

I was in my fourth year at the Air Force Academy when I met a young family who made a major impact on my life - and I in turn made a significant impact on theirs. The husband was an mid-career Air Force NCO and he'd been married to his wife, Sandy, for about 10 years or so. They had two little boys who were both less than five years old and the husband's young teenaged sister, Nicole, was staying with them as well. The husband, Ryan, had just received orders to go overseas for a year on an unaccompanied assignment when I first met them. I knew it was going to be a hard year for Sandy, being left by herself to care for their sons and also to have to be a "mom" to Nicole.

Ryan was a good looking guy, very friendly and outgoing and I enjoyed talking to him about his experiences in the Air Force. Sandy was also quite a lot of fun to be around. They seemed to me like a very happily married couple, two beautiful kids, and being open-hearted enough to take in Nicole and provide a place for her to live. Ryan's parents were dead or something like that so that's why Nicole had come to live in their home. Nicole was only 16 years old but she had a very sexy figure and a sexy frame of mind to go with it. I knew she would be a real handful for Sandy while Ryan was away. I have to admit that Nicole was the one in the household who first caught my attention but I also realized that she was jailbait. Yes, she had the body of a woman physically and sexually but chronologically, anyone messing with her sexually was just asking for trouble. I fantasized about sneaking in her bedroom and slipping inside her hot young teenaged pussy, but I never put any of those desires into action. It just wasn't worth getting into statutory rape trouble.

Sandy was a very pretty young woman in her late 20s. I thought Sandy was quite an attractive woman. She had a very pretty face, and you could look into her beautiful deep brown eyes and completely lose yourself in them. Her brown hair was shoulder length and she had very sexy big breasts that always proudly pushed out against her tops and blouses. I would guess Sandy was about 5' 7' or 8' and her breasts were probably at least C-cups, maybe even D-cups. Her hips were a little big and I had noticed that she was a little bit on the chunky side but I really thought she was sexy. I didn't think she needed to lose much weight at all but I guess her weight really bothered Ryan. Apparently she had put on quite a bit or hadn't really lost the weight he thought she should have after their second baby was born. He was always picking on her about what she ate and how much weight she'd put on - even in front of me which made me a bit uncomfortable. I could tell Ryan's comments hurt Sandy and I noticed that she was subdued and quiet after one of his sessions of nagging about it.

Sandy and Ryan would have me over for dinner nearly every Sunday and they really made me feel welcome in their home. Every weekend without fail he would pick me up and I'd spend the entire day until sometime in the evening eating and spending time with them. The couple of months before he was to ship overseas quickly passed and before any of us realized it, Ryan was gone and Sandy had the entire household to manage and be "the parent" for. She and Ryan both asked me if I would continue to come over on Sundays and to visit Sandy on occasion even while he was away. I readily agreed, just thinking that things would continue as they had been until Ryan's year was up and he came back again.

I felt quite comfortable still being in the home with Sandy, Nicole and the boys. I played with the little guys and tried to sort of be a surrogate male role model for them while their dad was away. With Ryan out of the picture for the next year, it soon became just me and Sandy sitting at the dining room table eating or watching TV or running around town finding something to entertain us. Sandy would pick me up at the Academy and bring me out for the entire day on Saturdays and Sundays, and when I couldn't make it, she seemed genuinely disappointed.

One Friday night I caught a ride into town to go watch the local porn movies. There were three full-length XXX-rated films showing and after I'd watched all three, I walked from downtown out to Sandy's house. It was nearly 10 P.M. when I knocked on Sandy's door and she answered it, already dressed for bed and in her robe. She was definitely surprised to find me standing there but seemed very pleased that I had felt comfortable enough to come over and visit even at that late hour of the night. She invited me in, took my coat and offered to pop some popcorn and get me a soft drink to have while we watched a movie. Her boys were already in bed and Nicole was staying over at a girlfriend's for the weekend. I felt a little uncomfortable at first with Sandy in her robe, but she soon put me right at ease.

I could tell as we sat there watching the TV and eating that something was really bothering Sandy. I finally decided that I cared enough about my friend Sandy to be brave and simply ask her what was wrong and if there was anything I could do to help her. When I did pop that question, it was like a dam had broken in Sandy's spirit and out gushed several years of pent-up frustrations, loneliness and unmet needs. Sandy told me how happy she and Ryan had been when they had first married but how over the years their marriage had cooled and become a mere shadow of what it had started out to be. Somehow we moved onto the subject of their making love and Sandy tearfully told me that she didn't enjoy sex anymore, that she and Ryan hadn't fucked in over a year, and that she no longer had any sexual desires for him or any man. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Ryan and Sandy hadn't made love in at least a year?? Every since I'd known them they hadn't been intimate sexually, not even once?? I was totally shocked and my heart hurt for Sandy as I looked into her eyes and could hear the pain and loneliness in her voice. I didn't even know what to say to her at first.

"Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear that you and Ryan haven't had sex ever since before I met you. I just can't deal with the sadness of that," I said as I looked Sandy in the eyes and tried to connect with my friend's crushed heart. "Are you serious?? Are you really not interested in sex at all?"

"No, Tom, I don't care if I never have sex again" Sandy tried to assure me. It really sounded like she was also trying to convince herself once and for all that was really what she felt.

I decided to take a very bold and probably stupid step at that point. I knew from my own limited experiences that having sex with someone you cared about was one of the most beautiful things a man and woman could share between each other. I felt like maybe I was the only person on earth right then who could help Sandy recover a love for herself and for her life, both sexually and emotionally, as a mature attractive young woman. Something had died in her life and I was determined to try to stir the coals of sexual fire and passion back into my dear friend's heart and in her sexy body.

I looked Sandy directly in the eyes and asked her softly, "Sandy, would you allow me to spend tonight with you and show you again that making love can be very pleasant, exciting, and well worth sharing with someone you care about?? I know I'm a few years younger than you are, but I promise you that I can make this experience one that you'll never forget and never feel badly about."

Sandy reacted just as I expected that she would - "No, Tom, absolutely not! I'm a married woman, and whether or not I have sex with my husband or anyone else is none of your concern. I'm sorry I shared these things with you. I should never have told you any of these personal secrets."

I knew that was exactly how she would respond, how she would feel she had to respond to such a bold, inappropriate suggestion that she share her marital bed with me, a single man who was almost a total stranger to her. But I sat there knowing that if I allowed her "no" to be the final answer to my approach, I would know that her life would be forever filled with sadness from then on.

I moved over closer to where Sandy sat on the couch and without saying another word to her, I reached up and cupped her cheek in my hand. I just sat there looking into her eyes as my hand warmly touched her face. I almost instantly saw a tear forming in the corner of her eye and begin to trickle down her cheek as it was joined by another tear and then a stream began. I leaned over slightly and kissed her cheek where those tears were streaming down, tasting the saltiness of Sandy's tears on my lips. I struggled inside my heart whether to take another bold step or take my friend at her word and just leave her to live her own life of misery and loneliness. What was the right thing to do?? I didn't know; I just didn't know.

As I sat there feeling Sandy's tears and thinking about what a sweet loving person she was, I realized that my cock had begun to grow hard and aroused. I was almost embarrassed at my physical reaction to my female friend's distress and her open sharing of her own pain. I had to admit that I found Sandy very sexy, I had frequently thought about being with her and fucking her in the very bed where she and her husband had slept. Now I realized that was all they had done - just slept and that Sandy hadn't been made love to in over a year, practically since her youngest son had been born.

I suddenly realized that I had to go for broke. If I was wrong, Sandy might throw me out of the house or at least slap my face and tell me to keep my hands off of her body.

As my left hand continued to cup Sandy's face and rub away her tears, my right hand moved up as I turned Sandy to look straight at me and I cupped her left breast firmly in my palm. I heard the breath catch in her throat as she realized that I was calling her bluff and that her sexy full breast had just been touched by a man for the first time in well over a year. She tottered on the edge of pulling away or giving in to my touch. I could almost hear the struggle being fought inside her heart, and then I could see the light in her eyes brighten, and I almost thought I could feel her pushing her breast back into my hand. Was her nipple starting to grow hard under my touch?? I felt I must be imagining all of these things. Sandy couldn't be responding to any of my touches or my show of care and love for her. She was a pained, hurt, rejected woman who was beyond feeling any desire, emotion or need for the feel of a man's hand on her body.

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