Ellie Seduces Her Brother - Cover

Ellie Seduces Her Brother

by Phan Tassey

Copyright© 2024 by Phan Tassey

Incest Sex Story: Ellie adores her big brother, but it's not until she's evicted and moves in with him, that she discovers just how much. Now she has a plan.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma   Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Light Bond   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Squirting   Size   .

Ellie was a simple woman from a simple town. She didn’t have a college education like her older brother, but she moved to Seattle to be near him and ended up as a bartender at a divey karaoke bar. That was until COVID hit. Before the eviction moratorium was put into place, she managed to get evicted from her apartment. She had had trouble keeping up with her bills, and she could never muster up the courage to ask her brother for help. Her brother Travis and her had been close despite him being four years older. That was until he went off to college and his job brought him here.

Ellie packed her things. What would fit in her little hatchback at least, and stifled her tears as she drove to her brother’s house. It was Friday, and she knew her brother would be playing Worldcraft with his buddies from Sweden. She wouldn’t normally show up unannounced, but she knew that her brother ignored calls and texts while playing. Despite her desperate situation, she was happy to be moving in with her brother. She remembers how sad she was when he left home. He had always been her protector, despite being a loner and a nerd. He always had the ultimate combo of brains, braun, and beauty. He was always a bit socially awkward, but his athleticism made him popular, not to mention his looks made the girls want him. He grew up a gentleman, nonetheless.

As she turned off her car, she let out a long sigh before unbuckling her seatbelt. Her brother lived in a nicer neighborhood as the app he coded and sold pretty much set him for life. He still continues to program, but on his own schedule. She went straight to his bedroom window in the backyard as she knew he wouldn’t hear her knock. After climbing the stairs to the balcony, she peeked around the corner, and as predicted, he was studiously playing his game. She smirked a bit as she rapped on the window and brought herself more into view. Travis jumped a bit, but gave her a confused smile before pausing his game and waving her to the front.

She was giving him a bubbly smile, but his face was drenched with concern, and a bit of annoyance. “What are you doing here, El? Is that all your stuff in that tiny thing?” he asked, looking over her shoulder.

Ellie’s smile quickly waned. “Well ... I sort of got evicted. Can I stay with you for a while?” She put on her saddest puppy-dog eyes. Her brother was nearly a foot taller than her, which made the effect stronger.

She thought he would be more annoyed, but his face brightened a little before he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Sure, sis. I’d be glad to have you. I really need to get back to the game, make yourself at home. I’ll help you with your stuff later.”

He went to turn to leave, but Ellie had rushed in to give him a big hug. “Thank you, Trav. I owe you big time.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek before letting him get back to his game. She giggled a giddy laugh as she walked in. She’s never been a mooch, but she was ready to accept her brother’s kindness. She plopped onto the couch with a relieving sigh and turned on the TV. She had been over here a few times and she was familiar with his routine.

A few hours later, Travis popped his head into the kitchen to see Ellie rummaging through the fridge. “I ordered some Chinese.”

Ellie jumped a little but hid it in how she turned around. “Awesome. How have you been?”

“Well, I’ve easily had better luck than you lately.”

Ellie blew a short raspberry and put a hand to her forehead. “Fuckin’ A, right?”

Travis leaned up against the door frame. “So, how long do you plan to stay here?” he asked as he folded his arms.

Ellie hesitated for a moment. Not only had she not thought that far ahead, she was stricken by a twinge in her groin. She hadn’t thought about her brother sexually since she hit puberty around 13, but something about seeing him be the man of his household turned her on. “I ... well, at least until I can get a job, or find a new place.” She crooked her head a bit to look up at him, hoping that answer would satisfy him.

“You haven’t thought that far ahead, have you?”

“Heh, you know me ... I never learned how to play chess.”

Travis smirked at that, but then let out a light scoff. “I tried to teach you.”

She giggled lightly and shyly turned her face away with a smile. “I am hungry, but I was looking for some alcohol. Is beer all you have?”

He pushed off of the door frame and walked towards the fridge as he replied, “There’s some vodka in here.” He pulled out a frosted bottle from the freezer and handed it to her.

“Sweet,” she said with a mischievous grin. “Got any juice?”

He turned back around and opened the fridge, “Uhh ... yeah. Looks like, white cranberry peach.”

“Mmmm, good choice.”

They made their drinks in silence and went and sat on the couch. Ellie turned off the TV and watched her brother take a small sip of his drink before setting it down on a coaster. She watched as he sat back and got more comfortable and took a long sip of her drink. “Anything new in your life?”

“Uh, no, not really, although, we did finish the RAM for the Worldcraft computer we’re designing.” He finished with a big smile and a fervent nod.

“Wait,” she stated furrowing her brow, “So you’re building a computer in a virtual world on your computer? Isn’t that like, redundant or something?”

Travis let out a nervous laugh. “It’s, well ... it’s really so that we can prove that it can be done within the mechanics of the game.”

“Huh, right. Okay, so, do you want to watch a movie?” she asked with great hopefulness. Just then, the doorbell rang and Travis seemed to magically spring to his feet.

“Ah, must be the food. Be right back,” he said as he walked past her and put a hand on her shoulder as he did.

She went to respond, but the contact from his large, warm hand sent a jolt through her that ended in her groin. She could feel her labia spread a little. She did everything she could to keep from letting out a gasp. Ellie couldn’t believe that just happened. She put a hand to her mouth. I can’t let this happen, she thought. Another long sip passed her lips, finished with a sigh. He’s my brother, she reminded herself.

When Travis returned with the food, he suggested binging a few episodes of The Circle of Time and Ellie agreed. She knew that if it was something he wanted to watch, that he wouldn’t want to talk much. After everything that has happened in the last few months, the last thing she wanted to deal with were feelings of incestuous lust. She doesn’t normally go for tall, dark, and handsome, which added even more confusion.

They managed to finish three episodes with hardly any chit chat before Travis was ready to head to bed. “Thanks again, bro. I don’t think I could handle mom and dad right now.”

He stopped before entering the hallway and replied, “It’s all good, El. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Good night.” She let out a long sigh, using it to blow her hair out of her face as she sat back. When she shifted her legs, she could feel how wet her panties had gotten. What is wrong with me, she asked herself. All she wanted now was to sleep and wake up to a fresh day.

A couple of hours later, Ellie awoke having to go to the bathroom. As she exited, she noticed flashes of light coming from under her brother’s door which was slightly ajar. She’s never known him to be up this late, and her curiosity was getting the better of her. As she approached the door, she pushed it open a little more and was shocked at what she saw. Her brother had his laptop on his thighs and was stroking, with both hands, what she figured to be about a 14” cock. He had headphones on and was concentrating on his laptop screen. Ellie felt her pussy swell and her hand mindlessly went to it. Her clit was easy to find and touching it sent shivers throughout her body. As much as she wanted to keep watching, she didn’t want to get caught, and so she crept back to the guest room. Once under her covers, though, her hands went quickly. One shoving three fingers into her pussy, and the other shoving two into her ass. She worked herself hard, imagining her brother’s giant cock fucking her. It wasn’t long before she was cumming hard, even squirting a little.

As she relaxed and licked the fingers that were in her pussy, she suddenly came to a realization: “I want my brother’s cock.” She surprised herself by saying it out loud, but was more surprised at how her pussy had flared when she had seen it. She didn’t know how she was going to accomplish it, but she was now determined. She brought herself to a stronger orgasm before falling asleep.

The next day was Saturday and Travis had left before Ellie woke up. She blinked her eyes and rubbed out the sleep. She then saw a note on the nightstand telling her that he had gone to the store for pancake mix. She smiled. Their mother had always made pancakes on Saturdays. She then bolted out of bed. She had little time to do some investigating to figure out how she would seduce her brother. A nervous squeal escaped her as she tied her long, wavy brunette hair into a ponytail. She then rushed to his room and hopped onto his neatly made bed. She shoved her face into the center of the bed and took a long sniff. It smelled mostly clean, but there was a hint of a musky smell that made her groin stir. Ellie let out a sighing moan before sitting up and grabbing her brother’s laptop. She crossed her fingers as she opened it, hoping that it wouldn’t be password protected.

To her delight, the desktop showed up. “Okay, Trav, let’s see what you like to jack off to.” She moused over to the browser and brought up the history. There it was: a link to a video on a porn site. She breathed in deep and held it until she clicked the link. The video soon began, but she couldn’t hear it. She leaned over and grabbed the headphones. The video had a slow start and she set it to full screen without reading the title. She skipped ahead a bit to see a young woman crouched and reaching under a bed. She then spoke out in Russian, but there were captions. She gasped and put a hand to her mouth when she read, “Brother! Help me, I’m stuck!” Her nipples instantly hardened and her pussy flared and leaked, sending a shiver up her spine. She knew where this video was headed. She desperately wanted to finish watching and get herself off, but she didn’t know how long her brother would be at the store. She quickly closed the browser and the laptop and put it and the headphones back.

She giggled heavily as she sprang off of the bed, running into the bathroom and locking the door. She thrust her shorts and panties down before sitting on the toilet. Her hand went to her engorged pussy, frigging it with a passion. Her other hand pushed up under her shirt and bra, twisting and pinching a nipple. She bit her lip as she imagined herself in that girl’s position; stuck with only her brother to help her. Her body jolted at the thought and her hands worked herself faster and harder as she continued the fantasy. As soon as she got to him grabbing her hips to try and pull her out, her pussy exploded, shooting a torrent of her juices into the toilet. Her body shook as she let out an uncontrollable moan. She was shocked at how much the idea of her brother taking advantage of her turned her on. It had been a while since she had squirted that much. As much as she enjoyed having sex, she never considered the idea that she might be a slut. It was very apparent now. In her mind, only a slut would want their brother’s cock. And not only did she want it, she wanted to get ‘raped’ by it. Her pussy throbbed at the idea of it, and she suddenly knew how to accomplish it.

Her hand went to play with herself again when she heard the front door close. A pang of anxiety froze her for a moment before she quickly cleaned herself up and ran back downstairs. She slowed herself near the bottom of the stairs and caught her breath before entering the kitchen. She got a devilish grin as she thought of another plan. Before her major plan, she wanted to see if she could get a rise out of him. Literally. She suppressed a giggle as she saw him dutifully putting some groceries away. “Hey, big brother.” she stated with a friendly smile. She tried not to let it sound sultry, but she felt like there was a twinge of it.

Travis smiled at her as he walked over to the fridge with cheese and milk. “Hey, El. What kind of pancakes do you want? I got some strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and some raspberries.”

She walked over to the bags to peek inside, but also to get in his way. “Umm,” she began as she peered over the bags, “I think I’d like a banana right now, but blueberries sound good.” She pretended not to see the bananas and began to rummage through the other bag waiting for him.

When he went to go around her to get into the other bag, she quickly scooted over. “Uh, he—” he began, but then bumped into her, “Uh, sorry.” He went to grab her arms to move her aside, but she spun around with almost a grin causing his right hand to land on her C-cup breast.

She had to fight the urge to moan and forced herself to gasp instead. She looked up at him and giggled at his face full of surprise as she nonchalantly moved aside.

She smirked as she watched him swallow hard. “I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s okay. No biggie.” She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, but she couldn’t wait for it to happen again. She could feel her pussy throbbing with her heartbeat. She took a silent deep breath as she watched him fish out a banana for her.

She was doing her best not to smile as he handed her the banana with a very apologetic look. “I’m really sorry, El.”

“Relax, big bro. No harm, no foul.” He continued to put away the groceries as she walked over to the end of the counter. She could feel just how sopping wet her pussy was. She giggled to herself and leaned over the counter to peel her banana. She knew her loose tank top would stoop low enough for him to see her bra. How she wished she wasn’t wearing one. She slowly peeled the banana, waiting for him to see her take the first bite. When he came back to the bags, she could tell that he stared for a moment while grabbing the next items. When he returned to put the bags away she could see a definite bulge beginning in his brown cargo shorts. It was getting harder to keep her emotions in check. Her pussy was on fire. At this rate, she didn’t know how much longer she would be able to handle teasing him. “So, can I help you make the pancakes?”

He set a large skillet on the stove and turned on the burner. “Yeah, of course.” he said to her with a smile. It was very brief, however, she did see a look of worry on his face as he turned away to grab a mixing bowl. She couldn’t contain her smile as she looked at his crotch. The bulge had discernably become bigger. She had to stifle a giggle and masked it by clearing her throat.

As Travis paused to check the ingredients needed to make the pancakes, she took her opportunity to take her first bite. She focused on the banana so that he didn’t think she knew he was watching. She slowly pushed several inches into her mouth, making sure her small, but puffy lips were pooched out. She then pulled the banana back out and pretended that she had a serious itch in her nose, using the flat of her hand to rub it. She then put several inches of the banana back into her mouth, almost choking herself, and then she looked up at him staring at her. “What?” she asked before taking a smaller bite.

She almost busted out laughing as his face went white and turned away. “Uh, nothing.” He quickly turned to go to the fridge. She reveled in knowing that this was working. She knew his giant cock had to be straining its confines. It made her pussy swell at the thought of seeing it again. Nothing had ever turned her on this badly. She hoped that, when the time came, he would overcome his gentileness and take advantage of her. That was when another thought came to her mind. Travis was busy looking for something in a cupboard. She pulled the crotch of her pajama shorts to the side and tucked it under her panty-line so that when she would bend over, he would get a good view of her wet crotch.

She walked over to the trash can, but then purposefully dropped the peel along the way. “Oops,” she said as she slowly bent at the waist and feigned having trouble picking it up. She took a quick glance in his direction, and just as she wanted it, he was staring. She inwardly beamed as she picked it up and threw it away. She took the last bite of the banana and headed over next to him, fixing her shorts along the way. “So,” she said, putting her hands on the counter, “it’s been a while since I’ve made pancakes. Where do we start?” She looked up at him with a slight smile. She could see the trepidation in his face.

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