Deal - Cover


by Eccho Steem

Copyright© 2024 by Eccho Steem

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Here's afanfic involving the two decent things that came out of dragon ball super (Everything about it sucked. Don't lie to yourself.)

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   School   Sharing   Humiliation   Facial   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   .

“Kale! Caulifla! The lesson is up here!” Professor Zamasu interjects, grabbing our attention,

“Sorry, sir,” I reply, “It won’t happen again.”

“I won’t warn you two again.”

“Understood. Please, forgive us.”

He gives us a demanding glare before returning to the lecture. I sigh in relief before turning to glare at Caulifla, who’s struggling to hold back her laughter.

“I told you,” I whisper to her, “Now, could you please listen to me? You’re gonna get us in trouble.”

“You really expect me to now?” she whispers back after composing herself, “That adorable squeak of yours isn’t really helping your cause.”

“Caulifla, please. This is the third time he’s said something. And it doesn’t sound like he’s in the mood for another.”

“Well, then, I guess you should really focus on not giving him a reason to, then, huh?”

Before I can say anything else, I’m interrupted with her hand creeping up my skirt again, stopping me from saying anything else.

“Ah, ah,” she whispers in a sultry tone, “You wouldn’t wanna be a bad girl and disrupt the teacher again, would you?”

I bite my lower lip as she gently strokes her finger along my panties, gently rubbing across my clothed slit. I can’t even scold her now because that’s how I lost composure last time. So I have to choke back the urge and scold her when I can. But she’s dead set on making this impossible for me. She progressively pushes my panties aside with each stroke as she leans closer to my ear.

“What’s wrong, Kale?” she whispers, “You look like you’re just dying to say something. If you’ve got something to say, just say it. But remember, you need. To stay. Quiet.”

She giggles as she slightly picks up her pace. Her strokes get longer as she takes my ear lobe between her teeth, sending jolts of sensations throughout my body. I grip onto my desk, suppressing the urge to let her have it right here, right now. Just gotta wait until class is over in... 42 seconds. Ok. I can do this. Nothing to it.

She then “accidentally” slides two of her fingers inside of me again, making me grip tighter onto my desk and bite harder on my lip. She then gives a fake apologetic look before grinning at my blatant struggle to keep quiet and sliding her fingers in and out of me. She then starts counting down in her low tone that she knows drives me insane, following along to the time left of class.

“10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...”

The bell rings and everyone stands up to leave. Taking advantage of the camouflage our classmates just created by standing and chatting, I bring my sweater sleeve to my mouth, moaning into it as Caulifla slows down her movements. Once she comes to a complete stop, she locks eye contact with me before sliding her fingers out of me and bringing them to her mouth, sucking my essence clean from them. She then giggles before saying,

“Thanks for the treat, Kale,” she says, giving me a grin, “So sweet. You’re always there when I need something to hold me over until lunch.”

“You’re so gross,” I respond, folding my arms,

“Oh, come on, don’t be like that. Alright, I’m sorry. How about I treat you to lunch later? Anything you want. How’s that?”

“ ... It’ll be a start.”

“Good girl. Now, let’s move. I’ve got a sparring date with that Tarble fucker in PE.”


“Ugh, Tarble guy.”

At least she’s trying. We pack up our stuff and head to the door before Professor Zamasu stops us in our tracks saying,

“Ah! You two, stay. I need to have a word with you.”

I groan in frustration before turning to Caulifla,

“Now look what you did,” I say,

“Oh, calm down,” she responds, “It’s only the second week. He’s not gonna do anything crazy. Most we’ll get is the ‘disappointed’ speech and ‘Don’t do it again’ treatment.”

Well, she’s right. With it being only two weeks in the semester and this being our first and only offense, I doubt he’d actually consider doing anything drastic. But I still feel terrible. He’s only trying to do his job. It’s not fair for us to disrupt him like that.

He gestures for us to sit at his desk. We oblige his order, taking two seats from two desks and placing them in front of his. But as I take my seat properly, Caulifla turns her seat backwards before sitting down.

“Caulifla,” I say to her, “Sit normally. This is our professor. At least show respect to him by sitting right.”

“What? He’s gonna be a stickler on how I plant my a- ... butt in a chair now?” she says back,

“Caulifla,” Professor Zamasu intervenes, “You’d be wise to listen to your friend. I’m your teacher and you will give me the respect I deserve.”

She groans before standing and turning her chair around and sitting down properly. She then gestures her hands in a patronizing manner before folding her arms. Why is she doing this now?

“You know what?” He says, “I have a feeling I’m going to have a few more meetings with you, so I’ll save what I need to say to you for then. But in regards to both of you, I will not be made a fool of in my own classroom. I’m here to teach. You’re here to listen. There is no in between. Any disagreement with that transaction goes right outside that door, which is where the two of you will be headed if this conversation is repeated. Now, from the look of your transcripts, I’ve seen stellar performances from you both. Especially you, Kale. So I don’t know where this newfound behavior sprouted from, but it ended right as that last bell rang. There will be no more intrusion. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, sir,” I reply.

He then turns his attention to Caulifla, who’s pretending to be asleep. For goodness sake, this is seriously not the time!

“Ms. Caulifla!” he erupts, grabbing her attention, “Consider this your final warning.”

“Oh, well, I’m sowwy, mistew Zamasu,” Caulifla says in a mocking tone, “You’we wight. I’ve been a vewy bad giwl.”

“Caulifla, stop,” I beg,

“No, when he’s right, he’s right, Kale,” she continues, “Who are we to disrupt such a devoted being? I mean, here he is, earning his annual income of five cents and a half eaten moldy bologna sandwich, throwing a tantrum about the slightest inconvenience he can just because it makes him feel like a big man. I mean, with no one to give it to, he’s gotta swing that little needle around when he can. Otherwise, what does he have to live for?”

I can’t believe she’s really doing this. If she didn’t wanna go to college with me, why did she even apply? Professor Zamasu takes a breath before saying,

“Are you finished?”

“I don’t know. You tell me. You seem to know exactly when something’s finished. I mean, just take a look at the belief of anyone who thought you’d actually make something of your pitiful existence. How is Gowasu, by the way?”

Silence. She didn’t just say that. There’s no possible way that Caulifla would be so heinous. She’s said and done some pretty harsh things, but this is low. Even for her. Professor Zamasu gives her a death glare. And she just leans back in her chair, bringing her hands behind her head as she puts her feet on the desk. What’s gotten into you?

“What’s wrong, teach?” she says, “Come on, you said you’d save your comments for when I misbehaved again. So where are they now? Hm?”

I’ve had enough of this.

“Professor Zamasu, I am so sorry,” I intervene, “She’s never acted like this before. I’m sure she’s just stressed from the school year so far. You know us Saiyans: no one can predict our next move when it comes to our emotions.”

“No, no, it’s quite alright, Kale,” he says, taking off his glasses, “There’s no need to defend her. She’s her own person. She’s a grown woman who can take care of herself. And from this point on, that will include her education. Farewell, Caulifla.”

What?! No! I need to fix this. Please tell me there’s a way to fix this.

“Professor, please don’t make such rash decisions on a whim,” I beg, “She w-”

“My decision is final,” he interrupts, “I will not tolerate such disregard of authority. Caulifla, please.”

He gestures to the door and she just sits there, wearing a smug grin, not even fazed by the severity of the situation. Well, if she’s not gonna make the effort, I guess I’ll have to make up for the both of us,

“Professor,” I plead, “I’m begging you. Please reconsider. She may not show it by traditional standards, but her mind is fixated on attending this school. She worked herself to the bone just to put chances in place to get here. She needs this. All she wants to do is become the best in every field that she can. And the only way to do that is to attend this school to truly test her abilities. Some of the strongest martial artists to ever exist are here and they’re the only ones who can compete with her. So please, change your mind. For her future.”

He looks at me with a look of consideration. Did that do it? Please tell me he bought all of that. I feel terrible, but in time, maybe she will come to actually want to better herself here. Hopefully.

“Fine speech,” he retorts, “But if she has as much of a drive as you say, I’ll need to hear it from her. Caulifla?”

She leans up on the chair and says,

“Alright, I’m gonna straighten this up. Everything that girl just said is bullshit.”

Dang it, Caulifla.

“I don’t have that much of a desire to be here. It’s school, it’s you, and the people here smell like beer and feet. But with that being said, I’m only enduring it for her. So if I have to endure all of that, you’re gonna have to endure all of this.”

“I see no-” he starts before Caulifla interrupts with,

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