Sister, Sister - Cover

Sister, Sister

Copyright© 2001 by Anonymous

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Nature always finds a way, even with the most unique sisters in history!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   mt/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   TransGender   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   School  

After the awesome weekend when Glen and I thought we made each other pregnant, we both started to think of the associated complications that this would create.

Our poor doctor, who had delivered us, would be a mental wreck with this new revelation. The only way to keep this out of the tabloids would be for him to perform another 'house call delivery'.

Mom and dad would be mortified, to say the least, but we'd have to confide in SOMEONE!

We couldn't quite agree (Glen and me) whether to let mom in on this, yet, until we were sure one of us was pregnant, but dad had been the schemer since day one, so we agreed that he was the best choice to confide in, and we cornered him.

Mom was out at the beauty parlor and dad was watching golf on TV when we asked to speak to him.

He looked me right in the eye, then did the same with Glen, then looked back and forth between us and said, "I've always feared this day might happen, and from the looks of it, either you both have fallen for the same boy, or one of you is pregnant!"

Wow! He wasn't that far off! But I let Glen tell him and she left nothing out.

Dad wasn't as stunned as I would've expected. I guess he had played out some of these permutations in his mind. After all, that's what makes a good lawyer: playing out possibilities in advance.

Dad almost seemed relieved that we had found each other. He knew that almost any other relationship was doomed, but he certainly couldn't encourage us into incest, or could he?

Now I wonder if dad insisted on our staying in one room together, when we easily could've had our own individual rooms.

He told us that mom deserved to be let in on this, but he would leave that up to us.

We decided to let mom walk in on our impromptu head session and she also acted atypically when she heard our story. She kept stealing glances toward dad.

Finally, dad said this couldn't go on any longer, and I began crying, as did Glen.

Quick to understand our misplaced grief, dad quickly clarified, "No girls, not your relationship has to stop, but the idea that you might be pregnant!"

What? "What are you talking about?" I spoke up on a reflex.

Dad went on to explain, while mom sat on his lap, hugging him, "I hate to say that I saw this possible outcome, so I had some lengthy discussions with our doctor. You remember him, don't you? We made him become an expert on hermaphroditism, and this is what he had to say, by way of explanation."

Dad continued, "First of all, most hermaphrodites ARE women, who just happen to have a superfluous male appendage, usually disconnected (from any sexual functions). Still others are males, but whose vaginas lead to nowhere, such as a womb."

"Then there are the true hermaphrodites: Those able to generate sperm and eggs. Our doctor has told me that you both are females, producing no sperm but the clear, lubricating secretions that we associate with pre-cum."

I interjected, "But we told you we took some of your male hormone pills!"

"Yes," Dad said, "And it increased your pre-cum volume, and maybe even created an orgasm volume, but you will not get pregnant by it."

Dad sounded so positive that I was afraid to speak the obvious question, "What if the doctor is wrong?"

I think mom is so proud that dad never touched us, especially when he could have tried the unique experience of getting a penis thrust into his vagina without the need to worry about pregnancy.

When dad was out, later, I cornered mom and pressed my questions to her, "Mom, couldn't the doctor have made a mistake? After all, newborns are not sexually developed. Couldn't we have evolved into true hermaphrodites?"

"I suppose so, honey," she said, "but are you trying to tell me that one of you IS pregnant by some boy outside, and are trying to cover it up by saying you created the child between yourselves?"

"No, mom," Glen chimed in, "We really did cum inside each other! It was indescribable! To have this orgasm both as a male and female is probably the only blessing that we ever got from this condition."

I confessed, "We didn't tell dad that we continue to use his hormones. We're too dry without them, but I think they have side effects that even the doctor never expected."

And with that, I let mom feel my erection against her hip while Glen hugged mom like a little child, HER penis clearly erect and searching.

Mom was lost in a sea of emotions, conflicted with the love of her daughters assailed by the obvious seduction going on around her!

Glen spoke next, "Help us mom. Help us to discover if our male organs are real or not. Please...

While Glen cooed in mom's ear, I placed her hand on my (now) exposed erection which made her recoil as if it were a hot poker, which in a way, it was!

Mom let out a simple, "Ohhhhh," with a stutter and Glen placed her face in mom's bosom, eventually catching a nipple!

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