Reap What You Sow - Cover

Reap What You Sow

by Alexi92

Copyright© 2001 by Alexi92

Erotica Sex Story: It's a strange game, that kidnap and force famous women into degrading and extreme sexual situations game.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Humiliation   Sadistic   Snuff   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Water Sports   .

"Give her mouth to mouth!"

"Fuck no!"

"Hurry up! She's dying!"

"I'm not putting my mouth anywhere near hers! It's like a cess pool!"

"Hurry up!"

"Too late. She's dead."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. But we have to figure it out soon. She's got a public appearance in two days."

"God, god, god."

"Will you stop pacing like that? You'll make me nervous."

"Make you nervous?! Why aren't you nervous now?! She's dead."

"Yes, and we can't change that. So instead we have to focus on what we can do."

"Do?! Do?! She's dead!"

"Yes. And she has to be at a movie premiere in two days. Until then there won't be any problems. We can dispose of the body. But if she doesn't show up on Tuesday there's going to be questions and investigations. Someone will figure out what happened and we'll go to jail, maybe get the death penalty."

"Oh god."

"But if she does appear on Tuesday, and from that day continues her life as it was there won't be any question and we'll be in the clear."

"How the hell is she going to continue her life if she's dead? We're going to jail. We're going to get f..."

"No we aren't. Not if I can think of something."

"She's dead!"

"Shut up!"

"Ow! You hit me!"

"Yes! Now get the horse out of here and calm the fuck down! I'll take the video equipment apart. When you come back I expect you to have some fucking ideas on what we can do."

Nothing should have gone wrong. The plan was so simple. Ashley Lash had gone into seclusion for the week preceeding her latest movie in hopes of avoiding the media hoopla. Already an A-list star at 28, the talented brunette bombshell had completely disapeared from the public eye. Only a few key people knew her whereabouts and even they were only to contact her for emergencies. The only break in her self-imposed disapearance was an appearance on the Tonight show.

That was the oppurtunity Sam and Neil had been looking for. Using their contacts they were able to get Neil a job as the chaufer for Ashley's limo. After her talk show appearance Miss Lash found herself in the back of her courtesey transportation. It smelled peculiar.

"Is there something wrong with the engine?"

"I don't think so? Is something the matter Miss Lash?"

"It just smells funny."

"Oh that's the gas."

"Is it a special brand?"

"No. Actually I meant the knock out gas that's being pumped into your compartment."

"The what?"

After that the conversation was moot. She was out.

When she came to she was naked and in a barn. Her ankle had been chained to a pole sitcking out of the floor. Ashley's mind raced with nervous, terrifying thoughts. She gradually became aware that two men were watching her. She crouched into herself, covering her nudity with her arms.

"What's going on?"

Sam was behind the camera so it was up to Neil to offer explanations.

"It's quite simple Miss Lash. You've been kidnapped."



"You won't get away with it."

"I think we will. We've done it before, and to stars bigger than you."

"You're lying."

"Maybe. You'll never know. And no one will ever know you've been kidnapped. We'll let you go before your movie premiere. You'll go back to your life and pretend nothing ever happened. And if you don't then we'll release the tape that my friend happens to be making right now."

"That's blackmail."

"That's right. Now if you'll lower your arms. We've got film of you naked, but it's all while you were lying there like a dead fish. We want to get some of you awake."



Neil walked over to her. She crawled back as fast as she could without taking her arms away from anywhere important. But eventually the chain attached to her ankle went taught and she couldn't go any further. Neil reached out to her.

Ashley batted his hand away, but he kept at it. Furiously she tried to keep his horrid hand from touching her body. This was a mistake because she suddenly exposed her breasts to the open and Neil was able to pinch her nipple.

Pain shot through her breast. Neil held on tightly, increasing the pressure on her nipple until the pain became unbearable. She screamed.

"You see," Neil shouted over the voice. "As long as we don't hurt you anywhere that someone might see, there will be no proof that you've ever been abducted. Unless you want to flash your tits to some cop. And that's not even mentioning what we can do to your cunt."

"Let go!"

"I'll let go if you stop resisting."

"Okay! Okay!"

Neil let go of the abused nub. Ashley's hand shot to it, massaging the sore nipple away from the pain.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked, biting back the tears.

"We'll film you doing different acts of depraved sex. If you ever reveal what happened here to anyone we'll release the tape to the press, internet, and porn dealers. It'll become even more famous than that Pamela Anderson/ Tommy Lee fuck tape. Your career might survive, but everyone's going to see you as the deviant sex girl. It'll come up in every interview, in every article ever written about you. It's what you'll be remembered for."

The thought chilled Ashley.

Almost as much as what the man meant by depraved sex.

"If you fail to do anything we tell you to then we'll give you pain. We're in a secluded area so no one will hear you scream. A cliche, but true. We've got whips, cattleprods, you name it. If you really piss us off we'll descend into torture. I'd just love the oppurtunity to shove some needles into your tits so don't tempt me. We also have a dildo with long sharp studs on it. If you don't want us to use it on you you'll do as you're told. Understand?"

"Yes," Ashley muttered weakly.

"Good. Then let's get this video underway. You're a pretty good actress so this should be pretty easy for you. I've written some cue cards for you to read. Say your lines while you masturbate. This is so if we have to release the video we can edit out anything that makes it look like coercion. As far as the world will be concerned you did everything by your own consent. Now take a few moments to stop the crying and then start."

It was easier said than done. But the fear was a good motivator. And after some deep breaths she was able to put on a passable performance.

She lightly circled her fingers around the lips of her pussy.

"Hi everyone. It's me Ashley Lash. When I'm not making movies I like to take some time and partake in something I really enjoy, hardcore deviant sex games."

Her middle finger began to massage the inner folds of her cunt.

"There's nothing I like more than licking cum off a big black dildo that I've had in my shit hole after a big cock shoots its load up my ass."

More fingers played with her cunt, tickling her clit, rubbing the sensitive interior of her hot sex.

"Or taking a horse's big brown cock into my big slutty mouth so I can taste his Kentucky Derby meat as it throbs between my full voluptuous lips. I love the way it feels fucking my face like the whore I am."

Both hands were moving furiously in and out of her cunt as she frantically fucked herself.

"Then I take the biggest dog I can find and let it fuck my cunt. I'm such a slut that my cunt is loose from fucking every cock I can find. Now only the biggest doggy's cock can fill me up. So I become any dog's bitch if it can fill my gaping hole."

Ashley's body began to react to the constant stimulation. She could feel her pleasure level raise, as if her entire body were being tickled. She could feel something coming. Her hands moved even faster inside her cunt.

"And I'll be performing all these and more for you on this video..."

That last part made her blanch for a second. But Neil held up a nasty looking thing with sharp things poiting out of it. And besides she could feel herself reaching a climax. If she just moved her hands a little more faster...

"... because I'm such a whore. A whore for cock and popularity. And I want to be very popular! And I want a lot of cock...Oooooooooooooooooooooooh! Ooooh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh god! Oooooooo-oooooooooooh!"

Neil smiled. He couldn't have planned it better.

After that Ashley did everything they told her to. She let Neil cum in her ass and plug up her asshole with a long thick dildo. Then after drinking a combination milkshake-laxative, followed by rubbing her cunt against a rake handle, she pulled the dildo out and licked the cum and shit from it until it was clean. The rest of the shit, which she couldn't conrtol from falling on the floor at varied intervals, she had to smear on her body and lick off as sensually as she could. She started with her fingers, then slowly down her thigh, continuing down her calf, and ending at her big toe. Next Neil had her lick the shit from her tits, starting with the nipples so that each was cleanly protruding from the layer of waste. After she had manhandled her breasts to clean off the filth with her tongue the two men relented and washed her off with a hose as she danced like a well paid stripper. Neil made sure that some of the high pressure streams of water shot into her cunt and ass, penetrating her body with cold blasts of liquid.

She fucked a German Sheppard, and then a Doberman Pincher, and then a goat, until her cunt got so raw that even a Chihuahua had her screaming that she didn't care if the tape was released, just for the love of god, don't let anything get near her cunt again. So instead they filmed her kissing and giving oral sex to a blow up doll. To follow that up they let a baby kitten try and nurse on her breasts. The little cat licked and bit on Ashley's nipples for an hour before Neil had the abused actress feed it from a bottle, a bottle that she had to hold by pressing her tits around it.

The only problem that came up was when was sucking on the horse's cock. It suddenly came in her mouth and she choked to death.

"Have you thought of anything?"

"Yeah. You remember that movie where the guy pretends to be the president after the president almost dies."


"So what if we get a girl that looks exactly like Lash and then have her immitate Lash. Then we arrange for 'Lash' to have an accident, leave our dead body at the scene, and then kill the fake one."

"No good. The fake Lash might trip up between the time of the replacement and the accident. Also, the fake one would know we might kill her to silence her so she would be a loose cannon. The fake accident might work though."

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