Marie Hedley - Cover

Marie Hedley

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - He had to find out why a girl fucked with no emotion.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft  

Every one in turn had opened all of the gifts. They were bagging the trash when I went back to my room and came back with eight small gifts. They were wrapped but none had names on them. The ladies stopped what they were doing and watched me place the packages under the tree.

I asked "Did you think I had nothing for any of you" ?

Jean said " You give us so much already, you did not need to gifts too".

I said Jean come here. I picked up a small package and said this is yours. She fumbled the wrapper off and opened the case. She looked and said " O God".

The others crowded around to look.

Brenda said she never knew they put diamonds that big in earrings.

Jean begged some one to put them on her, her fingers quit working when she saw them.

Lee did and Jean started to leave. I asked where she was going. "To a mirror" she said.

I told her I was not through giving out gifts and to stay here. I gave her the bigger package and she asked Lee to open it for her.

When Jean saw her bracelet she said " O shit, O God, O shit, O God" ! Lee had to put that on her too.

Jean had to sit down, she was crying.

Brenda was next. She was more upset than her sister. Lee was shaking like a leaf, she opened her gifts and put them on herself.

Kim was last, she acted stunned, she just stood there trembling and crying while Lee put her jewelry on her.

I said "All of you may go look at yourselves now".

They ran to my bath to see them selves in the big mirrors there.

I had laid out the leisure suit I was going to wear the night before. I began to get dressed. I heard Lee say her mother had bought a bracelet like this at Bromberg's and paid Ten thousand for it. She said she thought the diamonds might be smaller.

Lee said earrings like this cost way over a thousand there.

Jean said " O God, he may have spent near fifty thousand on us" !

I shouted " Cut out the ' jaw jacking' and get dressed ladies". They ran to their rooms.

Thirty minutes later they were in the kitchen all dressed alike. They were stunning".

Jed called and asked if he and his friends were still invited for Christmas morning cheer.

I told him to come on.

Kim met them at the door.

Jed said that if she was not wearing her name on her lapel he would never have known she was the biker girl he had met before.

Sandi told her she was wearing the most beautiful bracelet and matching earrings she had ever seen. Kim thanked her and asked them in to the kitchen.

Jed said " Merry Christmas ladies and Merry Christmas to you "BIG-R".

Connie, the little computer major said " All of you are dressed alike, even your suit is the same color as theirs "BIG-R" and all of you girls are wearing the exact same jewelry".

I said we were wearing a family uniform.

Connie naively asked if all of those diamonds were real.

I said " Fraid so Connie".

Jed said "Connie that is not a nice thing to ask".

Sandi said she had noticed five identical flight bags lined up in the living room, she guessed we were packed.

Lee said we had packed the day before.

I had every thing for drinks on a counter. I invited them to fix their own. Jed and Sandi poured a tiny bit of rum in their Egg Nogg.

Connie poured a lot.

The rest of them were moderate with the rum in their drinks. All of my ladies put a small amount in theirs.

We raised our glasses and drank to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

They stayed a few minutes longer and Jed said they had to go, they had ten or twelve more places to visit.

When they were gone Brenda wondered how many Connie would make.

Lee said "Not many, drinking that sweet crap".

Jean said she bet Connie would be barfing it up after three more.

We drove to the airport after we cleaned up the kitchen and told Tiny good by in the back yard. I had the door to the back yard from the garages propped open and his bed in there. He had more than enough food and water to last him while we were gone.

Lee had instructed him to guard the place.

I dropped the ladies off at the Delta entrance and parked the car. When I got back they were laughing.

Lee said a elderly pair of ladies had come out to their taxi and one of them had complimented them on their beautiful outfits, she had asked who they flew for. Keeping a straight face Lee had drawled out West Texas Airlines mam. The other lady had said that they certainly furnished beautiful clothing.

Lee had drawled " Thank you mam".

We got every one in the terminals attention as we went up to the counter. My darlings strode side by side behind me to the ticketing counter. They waited five steps back in a line with their green tote bags on the floor by their sides while I got our tickets. When I had our tickets they walked four abreast behind me to the escalator going up. Those heels clacked in perfect time behind me. I heard Kim our shy one say " Every one is looking at us". Jean said " Yes and they are looking with admiration because we look good".

I looked back and said " You all really do look poised, proud and beautiful". I said "There is not another woman in the Terminal as beautiful as either one of you". I told them to look around and see the pretty but shabby dressed women in the terminal.

At the escalator I stepped on and each one of them followed. When we got to the upper level I located our concourse and again we marched.

I heard Jean say " Put a little more swing to your ass Brenda, let the poor bastards have wet dreams tonight".

We went through security with out a hitch.

Ahead two soldiers were coming our way. They stopped and stared, one of them said "Jesus" the other said " Yeah". They gave the ladies the O K sign as they paced by.

The tap of those heels were together as if made by only one set.

An old man dropped his glasses trying to get them on to see them better.

Two 'butch' looking women stared and licked their lips as we passed them.

Tears came to her eyes as we passed a young pregnant woman with a baby in her arms and two little ones hanging on to her skirt.

Two middle aged business men stopped talking and one of them exclaimed " O Shit" as we passed.

We got to our boarding area and were going to have a fifteen minute wait, I told them that the Ladies room was just down the hall and for all of them to go now while we had time. I saw a row of five empty seats and told them to leave their bags in one of those.

They created a bigger sensation in the Atlanta Terminal and Miami.

While I was getting the car at Miami a guy had come up to them and asked if he could take their picture. They posed for him and he asked their business in Miami.

Lee told him she and her sisters were going to soak up a lot of sun, they were on a holiday

The guy gave them his card and told them they might be in the paper soon. He was a staff photographer for the paper.

My ladies planned to change from their pretty green travel clothes into shorts and halter tops at the terminal. They had to do that in a crowded women's lav. They had nothing on under their clothes. Each had to get naked, take off her hosiery and put her shorts and top on with dozens of women watching.

It did not bother them one bit.

I drove us to Key Largo and checked us in, it was still a long time until dark.

As I changed I told them they were on their own until dark. Jean called her parents, they were expecting her call. I had told her to invite them to have dinner with us as they picked Brenda and her up. We made a date for seven thirty in the hotel restaurant. I called and made reservations.

I had met their parents a year before. They were fine people, and loved their daughters very much.

I suggested that the ladies not wear the jewelry I had given them that morning until we dressed to go back home. Their parents might not understand.

Brenda had only told her parents that she and her husband had broken up, that his excessive drinking was the cause.

Jean had convinced Brenda to not tell her father the whole story for fear he might kill the bastard.

The girls had sent a box of gifts by Fed-Ex a week before Christmas with instructions that the box was not to be opened until they were there. Dinner was over fast. They wanted to be together as family and open that box.

I took Lee and Kim to a club near our hotel and let them dance until midnight.

We did not need the two small bed rooms that night, the big one was enough.

The four girls spent a lot of time on the beach for the remainder of the week.

Jean and Brenda saw a lot of their parents and yet stayed with them only that first night.

I tried to think of exciting things for us to do. I took them to Key West for one day.

We went deep sea fishing another.

I let them go scuba diving along side a reef in shallow water another day.

Three days before we were to return, Jean asked me if we could have a family conference.

Each of my darlings had a carefully memorized thing to say.

Jean started our talk with, "Mat you are spending to much of your time and money amusing us".

Brenda said " Yeah, you have not even looked for a pool hall since we got here".

Lee said " We can entertain our selves, you don't have to do that".

Kim said " We thought we were going to rest and relax on the beach, get tanned dark brown and unwind in the sun".

Jean said " None of us have ever been to a beach before". "You are not giving us time enough to enjoy this one" she said.

Kim added " You are working our ass off when we were afraid we would be bored here, can we just be beach bunnies until we got to go back" ?

I laughed at them and told them they could. I cautioned them about the sun and getting burned and told them I was going to find a pool hall.

I found two and for the remainder of our time at Key Largo the girls played on the beach and I played pool.

The day before we were to leave I drove them to Miami. I found that same shop I had bought my fake Florida drivers licensee in and had one made for Kim and Lee. We could pick them up the next day on our way to the airport.

All of them could prove that they were adults when we returned to Birmingham and they exchanged the fakes for real Alabama drivers licenses.

We created an even bigger sensation at three Air Port Terminals as we returned home. The ladies were a dark tan from the sun and more poised than before. They had pretty smiles and a serene expression on their faces. They were more confident and sure of themselves.

Our vacation had put many things in their proper prospective in their minds.

Kim was ready to file for her mother's life insurance. She wanted to sell that house they had lived in. She wanted us to teach her to drive now that she could get a valid drivers licensee in Alabama. She was determined to begin college as soon as she graduated in May.

Lee had decided to enroll as Kim did at the same college. She felt adult enough to get on with her life now. She knew she was more adult than the 'Connies' in any college.

Brenda had made up her mind to get a divorce and try to get her life back together.

Jed was the branch manager now and had offered her old job back to her with a raise.

She had gotten over her fear for her husband and all that remained of her marriage was hatred for him. Lee had promised to give her a gun and teach her how to use it.

Jean said she thought she loved Herb and would marry him if he asked her. She had become interested in computer technology. She thought she would like to seek a job in that field after she finished her courses with Herb.

I was graduating in May, I wanted to go on to college with Lee and Kim. There were four major colleges in our area and if we chose to attend any of them we could continue to live together in my house.

The same attorney I had used to settle my father's affairs filed for the divorce for Brenda. He had caused my Aunt Jean to be appointed as my legal guardian. I had him to have Jean appointed by the court as hers as well.

He handled her claim for the insurance on Kim's mother and the change of ownership of what had been her mother's house and car.

By the last of February all of that had been taken care of.

Brenda had her divorce, her sister, Jean, had related the events of the night of her leaving him in the Judge's chambers.

The Judge was so angry he said her husband deserved a long term in jail.

Brenda wanted nothing but her freedom from him.

The court granted that quickly.

The insurance on Kim's mother was eight hundred thousand dollars. That was Tax free.

I helped her invest that in tax free bonds. She was assured of a fair income for the rest of her life. It did not in any way make up for fifteen years of hatred and abuse.

It helped though.

Kim decided to keep that expensive car. She had a licensee to drive it then.

Kim put the house and furniture on the market.

The week we returned from Florida Brenda checked on getting her old job back.

Jeb had told her that his Birmingham branch was expanding and he would like for her to come back. He even offered her a better job than she had before.

Jeb was under pressure from the south eastern division office in Atlanta to employ more staff.

Their sales volume had increased enormously since Jed had become manager.

He was having a hard time getting any qualified help.

He offered Brenda a position as head of the billing department. Her salary would be double what she had made before.

Brenda asked for our input and we all advised her to take the job.

She did.

She loved it !

Lee and all of us had given Kim driving lessons. She began to drive her car to school on bad weather days, she loved her Harley though and rode it as often as she could.

Lee and I had taught all of them how to shoot a pistol. They became very good shots. Lee had her Glock, it was much too heavy and large to be a gun for a lady to carry in her purse. We had used a good quality but cheap five shot 38cal. Rossi revolver to teach Jean, Brenda and Kim to shoot. Smith made one called a Lady Smith, it was very light in weight. It was a five shot thirty eight and as deadly as any thirty eight but a woman could carry it in her purse.

Those guns were a bit smaller than my Rossi and made of dull brushed stainless steel. They were as good a quality gun as was made.

I ordered five of them, they were to be engraved with our first names on them.

I had a hundred rounds of the ammo that was banned for sale because it would penetrate police body armor. Deadly stuff !

We got pistol permits, it was legal for us to carry our guns.

If Brenda was going back to work she was going to need wheels, she could ride one of my Harleys to work for a few weeks and then start shopping for a car.

On the Sunday after we were back we rode to Cheahaw Mountain, the highest elevation in Alabama. Jeb and his friends were invited.

From Homewood it is around a fifty mile ride to the top.

Saturday afternoon Jean and Brenda made sandwiches, Lee strapped a cooler filled with ice and drinks on her bike.

We met at my home Sunday morning. It was a nice day, a little chilly but everyone had enough clothes. We all wore rain suits over our leathers because of the chill.

We had to wait for Connie to get there as usual. She was always late.

We waited in the house. Sandi wanted to hear about our Florida vacation.

The girls gabbed and Jeb, Mitchell, Evan and I had coffee in the living room. Evan apologized for inviting Connie. He said he was about burnt out with her anyway. He said Connie had flunked out of school last semester.

She had moved out of her dorm and was back living at home.

Evan said she was looking for a job.

Connie arrived twenty minutes late.

She acted as if she was right on time.

Evan looked at his watch and said " Connie you are late". Connie said she had overslept, as if that was enough of an excuse.

I went to the kitchen door and told the ladies that Connie was here.

I said "Let's go now".

Jean was in the side car on my bike again.

We stopped at Pell City at Hardy's and had coffee, Connie had two biscuits. She had eaten no breakfast.

Jean was glad to get out of that side car.

Her legs were kind of cramped in it.

Connie spoke with her mouth full, she said that this would be her last trip with us.

She said that she had 'flunked out' last semester and her folks had cut off her money.

She said she was living at home but to have any money she would have to get a job.

She was going to have to let her motor be reposed and her one year old Mustang go back as well. She said she was going to look for some kind of job soon.

Brenda told her she should get someone to take over her payments or sell them perhaps. That would save her credit and she could buy a car again when she could afford the payments.

Connie said she had received notice that if her payments were not made by Friday of next week they would be taken away from her.

She said she would not be able to find a buyer in time.

Brenda asked me if I would look at Connie's car with her the next day after school.

I told her I would.

Connie was the only one in Jeb's group not riding a Honda, she was forking a Harley.

I looked at the odometer on her bike. It showed fourteen hundred miles. It was nearly new.

After we had our stretch at Pell City we rode on to the top of Cheahaw mountain.

There is a stone tower there. We climbed it and Jean and Jeb took pictures.

There is a scenic walk path along the face of the bluff going each way from the tower. Some of our group went north, some south.

I sat upon a picnic table watching over our bikes. The park was nearly empty at that time of the year but I did not want to leave our bikes unguarded.

Sandi started to walk with the others, saw what I was doing and joined me.

Sandi said she had been up there several times, she would keep me company.

Sandi talked about Connie, she felt sorry for her, the sky was falling on her head and she could do nothing about it.

Sandi thought Connie's parents were being to rough on her.

I said " Sandi Connie has been given an opportunity to go to college by her parents". She has flunked out and wasted a lot of their money already. Do you think she is worth wasting more on her or do you not think it is time for her to grow up.

Sandi thought about that for a few seconds and then admitted that if they let Connie try another college, she would probably flunk out again.

I said that Connie was the type that would work for a while, get married to a truck driver and hatch six or eight kids. She would get fat and become a lush. She would become a bitter bitch supported by welfare when her husband would finally get tired of her bitching and drinking.

I Said " Sandi we do it to ourselves, luck has nothing to do with it".

Sandi murmured " I could have been like her at one time in my life".

I told her she could never have been like Connie, she was not a mindless, self centered, shallow tramp like she was.

Sandi told me that when she had left home and gotten her freedom she had thought she had a mission in life. That mission was to fuck every hard dick she could find. After an abortion she had woken up, they were just hard dicks and every man could have one. Sandi said that now she had several lovers in the drawer to her night stand and only gave herself to men she liked a lot. She said she liked me a lot.

I thanked her and told her she could do better than me.

Sandi said " I doubt it".

I changed the subject.

Later we walked over to the edge of the bluff and below us was Connie laid out on a rock. Her lower clothing was around her left ankle and a strange guy was pumping her up.

Sandi said " That rock must be awfully cold under her ass". Sandi turned and walked back to the picnic table. She said she wished she had not seen that.

Every one wandered back and we had our lunch and left. Lee and I led the bunch down the east side of the mountain and to I-20 toward home.

I did not ask that gang in for drinks when we got to my house. They left for their homes one by one.

Monday after noon Brenda and I drove over to Connie's home and looked at her Mustang.

It had less than ten thousand on it. It was filthy, it looked as if it had never been washed since she had bought it. The inside was a garbage container, fast food wrappers cluttered the back seat and floors. It had never been serviced since new nor cleaned up.

Brenda test drove it while Connie searched for the payment books on the Mustang and the Harley.

Brenda was back before Connie found them and came back outside.

I took them and told Connie I would check on the pay off on both and get back to her later.

After we left Brenda asked why I was interested in Connie's bike.

I told her that her sister needed a ride.

At home I called and found out the payoff on both items. I called and got current book on both. They would bring several thousand dollars more than the payoff for re-sale.

I asked Brenda if she wanted the Mustang.

She said she did.

I called Connie and said we would take both off her hands. Connie said that she was glad that the neighbors would not see her things being repossessed.

We made a date to go to the Finance company the next afternoon and change the loan over to us.

After a quick endorsement the next day the car was Brenda's, the motor mine.

Later I took Brenda and Kim to get our new wheels. Jean was at Herbs.

Brenda cleaned that car off and out on her way home.

Kim liked the bike and loved that helmet, it plugged in to an AM-FM radio. I thought I would have all of our helmets equipped for that and two way radio also. It would be nice to talk to each other while we rode.

Kim came in several days later and said that Ms. Lawson had gotten her a scholarship to Birmingham Southern University. I sent her another china box for her collection, that one had five hundred in it.

I was doing pretty good shooting pool.

I won nearly five thousand in January.

Jean spent several weekend nights at Herb's house that month.

The weather turned cold after our trip to Cheahaw. We kept a small fire going in the evenings.

Herb would come over often and loaf on a quilt with Jean.

One rainy Saturday night I came home and found Jean and Herb sleeping on the floor in front of a nearly dead fire.

Herb woke as I came in. He asked if it was still raining. I told him it was. Jean sat up and asked how I had done at the pool hall.

I told her I had worked my ass off to get less than two hundred off those guys.

I told Jean to take Herb to bed, it was after twelve. I told her if Brenda was in her room to send her to mine.

Herb looked strange, he said he guessed he would just go on home.

I said " Hell man, go on to bed with her, it is a lousy night to sleep alone".

Herb looked embarrassed.

I told him "We have known that you and she have been 'getting it on' for weeks, all of us approve".

Jean told him to come to bed with her, the boss said for them to.

Brenda, Kim, and Lee were sleeping in my bed already. Their toys were still on the bed, they would not need me that night.

I sneaked out of bed at six the next morning, I tried not to wake any of my bed mates. Lee woke though. She followed me to the kitchen, she was going to join me in a cup of wake up coffee.

All we were wearing was house slippers.

Brenda and Kim came in soon.

Jean came in then.

I asked her if Herb was still sleeping.

She said he was.

Kim asked if I wanted them to all go put on robes since Herb was there.

I told them that if Jean had not already told Herb how we went nude most of the time in our home, it was time he found out.

Jean poured herself a cup of coffee. Before she could sit down Herb walked in.

Herb said "O".

Herb had put on his trousers.

He looked at four beautiful naked women and said "O" again.

I said " Herb we go like this most of the time when we are home". I told him he could get nude like us or wear his pants if he liked.

Herb said that he had to think about that.

Lee said " What's to think about, girls let's make up his mind for him". Four laughing females ganged him and had his pants off in seconds. Herb stood there with a silly grin on his face and a hard on.

Jean said " Look girls I told you he had a beautiful one" as she wagged his prick like a dog's tail. Each girl had to get a close look and touch it.

Herb said " Cut it out ladies, I am embarrassed enough, I'm really going to be embarrassed if you girls cause me to ejaculate".

Jean said " And I am going to feel like a failure if I left anything in there to ejaculate".

I said " Relax Herb you will soon get used to seeing four big beautiful babe's bare buts, bosoms and their bushes". I told him that in a short while those seven 'B's would not bother him at all.

The ladies went into kitchen mode and started a big breakfast. Each had her job and soon every thing appeared on the table, hot and beautifully done at the same time.

Sure enough Herbs interest focused on breakfast rather than bare beauties, his hard went down.

After breakfast Herb and I went to the living room.

It was still raining outside, I told Herb it looked like a good morning to lay in front of a fire. We poked the embers and added wood to last nights fire.

By the time the ladies finished putting the kitchen in order we had a nice blaze going.

They scattered around us on the quilts.

Brenda put her hand on Herb's limp cock. Instantly Herb had a hard on. Brenda said " It is every bit as pretty as you said sister, can I have this one" ?

Jean told her it was alright with her and for her to discuss that with Herb.

Herb laughed and told her to quit messing around, he was in love with Jean.

Brenda asked what love had to do with it.

Herb said that he was Jean's man now, he could not share his love.

Lee was the most articulate one of us. She asked Herb if he wanted to hear our reasoning about love.

Herb said " Sure".

Lee said that there was love and then there was sex. Love was a thing of the mind, sex was a thing of our bodies.

There were two kinds of love.

One of total reverence of another, of longing to be with that person all of the time. Of being willing to commit, of feeling empty when that person was not near.

Lee said that was the kind of love that made for good marriages if both felt that way about the other.

Lee said there was another kind of love of the mind.

There was one of high regard of some one or some thing. There was love of money, love for your country, love of family, love of dear friends, even love for one's self. Lee said those and many other things were love of the mind.

Herb said " That's not love honey, that's something else".

Lee said "Try telling that to a miser that is willing to die trying to prevent his lives savings from being taken from him by an armed thief". Try telling that to a woman at her sister's funeral. Try telling that to a woman that is going to be deep in debt for the rest of her life for a 'face lift', tit implants and having the fat sucked from under the skin on her belly and butt.

Lee said those were all a form of love of the mind.

Lee said that then there was sex. Sex is not a function of the mind it was a function of our bodies.

She said " We are the only animal creature on earth that has sex for the pure pleasure of it". She said that sex was an instinct with other animals. With humans it was pleasure.

Lee said there was several kinds of sex. She said that with most men and a few women it was a compulsion. Lee said that most men let their head do their thinking about women. The head between their legs.

Lee said that some women had a compulsion for sex so strong that they could 'pussy whip an army' and want more. That had nothing to do with love or a reasoning mind.

Lee said that another form of sex was that of a happily married wife giving a recently widowed husband sex to help him get over his mourning for a love lost. She had diminished her love for her husband in no way. She had only used her body not her mind to help a friend.

Lee said sex was fun. It was fun for several girls to swap dates at a house party. Love had nothing to do with that. It was a show of friendship, of regard, of being proud one was desired.

Lee said there was such a thing as love without sex, just as there was sex without love.

She said that often a man in a wheel chair and his wife were in love yet he might be unable to have sex with her. The man might make her have affairs for sex only.

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