Marie Hedley - Cover

Marie Hedley

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - He had to find out why a girl fucked with no emotion.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft  

Lee asked Herb which he preferred, beer or wine as soon as he was seated. She brought his and my beer on a silver tray. I said " Don't tip her Herb she spoils easy". Lee twitched her butt at me and said " Ain't nobody going to spoil me around here, I still got to do the laundry in a wash pot over a fire in the back yard".

I said " Damit Lee you don't even do the laundry, that is Kim's job". Lee started to give a smart ass reply and I pointed my finger at her and said " Don't get in trouble girl we got company".

Lee said " I gona bees good, I gona bees gooder than good, I don't want you to be mad at me".

She told Herb to not even think about giving her a tip.

I hollered " Lee". She ran to the kitchen.

Herb was laughing at us.

Lee had relaxed Herb. Kim and he talked shop. Brenda brought us our next beers.

Herb went out to the back porch with me while I cooked the steaks. I found that he was a Bass fisherman, that he loved camping and the wildlife.

I thought Herb would do as a man for my beloved Jean. He passed all of my tests.

Dinner was perfect, the ladies had their act all together.

After we had eaten we sat in the living room in front of the fire.

Brenda had her head on a sleeping Tiny's back. She was about to go to sleep herself. Jean was sitting on the floor hugging Herb's leg. Lee had one of mine and Kim had the other. Soft pleasant music was playing and no one needed to talk. We were sipping the last of the wine. All of us went to bed leaving Jean and Herb alone in front of that fire.

Two hours later I woke when Herb left.

The rest of that week went by swiftly.

Thursday I had a call, I was invited to a party by one of my adult friends for Saturday night. He was the one the birthday party honored on my first date with Kim ( Then Marie ).

He wanted to know if I was still seeing that lovely lady that I had brought to his birthday party. I told him I was.

He asked me to bring her if I wanted to.

I told him I could hardly bring just her, three other lovely ladies would feel left out.

There was a silence, then he recovered his cool and said " Bring four dates if you like there will be a bunch of single dudes to dance with them".

I got the details and promised we would be there.

I told my ladies after hanging up the phone that we were going to a party Saturday night. I wanted them in revealing new cocktail dresses and for them to totally destroy every man's mind that danced with them.

I told Lee to take them shopping the next afternoon and to use my credit card.

Brenda, the quiet one, said " You four go without me, it's been so long since I have been to some kind of party I would feel out of place".

I thought it was time I set things straight between Brenda and myself.

I said " Brenda I did not ask you if you wanted to go to a party, I told you we were going to a party".

Brenda looked startled and after a second said " If you put it that way, I guess I would love to go then".

I told her she was catching on real fast and I could see that she would learn how things were around here real soon.

Friday night my ladies modeled their dresses for me.

Each lady was a 'Knock Out', they had let Lee use her good taste in choosing just the right color and type of dress for each of them.

Brenda was covering her tits with her arms while she showed her dress.

I said " Drop your arms Brenda, let me see how the front of your dress looks. She said she was not wearing a bra and would rather not.

I said " Dam it Brenda all girls have tits and if they have nice ones like yours they should want to show them off".

Brenda dropped her arms and stood there with a defiant look on her face.

I told her to walk around and let me see her move.

Brenda walked around and I told her I would be proud that she was one of my dates tomorrow night.

She asked if I did not think she looked like a whore displaying her wares.

I told her she looked like a beautiful lady, proud of her body, and proving that she was beautiful and desirable.

Brenda just glowed.

Saturday morning we got up for breakfast. Jean was still sleeping with Brenda, I had only Lee and Kim sleeping with me. I was alright with that but Jean was showing signs that she was getting horny.

When no one else was around I told Jean that we were going to Florida next week. We were going to be packed into a three bed room suit in a beach hotel. There was not going to be a chance for any modesty in that small space.

It was time to let her sister know about how we really were with each other. I told Jean that Brenda had to know that Lee and Kim slept with me.

I told Jean I was tired of wearing clothes all of the time in the house. I said I wanted us to go back to being like we were before Brenda moved in with us a week before.

Jean asked if we could break Brenda in to our slouchy ways gradually. I told her she had the rest of the day.

It was grocery buying day.

After breakfast I told every one to get dressed to go with Jean and I to buy food. Lee and Kim stacked the dishes, Jean put every thing up.

Brenda sat there with me.

I said " Brenda if you are not going to help with cleaning up the kitchen, go get dressed to go to the grocery store".

Brenda said she thought she would just stay there and read a magazine or something.

I said " Brenda I told you that you were going with us shopping, I did not ask you".

Kim and Lee trotted by going to the hall.

I asked where they were going in such a hurry. Kim said " I'm going to get dressed like you said". Lee said " Me too, I don't think I want to hear any of this"!

I said " Please yourselves".

Jean asked if she could go get dressed to.

I said "Stay here Jean, she is your sister".

Brenda had a scared look on her face, she did not know what was coming.

I slammed the table with both palms, the noise was like a gun shot.

Jean said " Please Matt, she is in trouble and has no other place to go".

I said ;

" Brenda you just don't get it do you, I do not give a dam that you have no other place to go". " You can only stay here as long as I want to let you". " If I think you are not doing your share of the work around here, or if you are not willing to do the things I tell you to do, You are out of here". " I have three other ladies here, one of them was in real trouble when she came here, we may have saved her life even". " One of my other 'Guests' was so lonely she was about to go kinda crazy". " Your sister was just scraping by in a cheep crummy apartment, the only type of job she was able to get was part tine in 'fast foods', she was not even eating well".

" Some people may not approve of the way we live, you may not, but the three other ladies and myself like our life together". " We all live and love together, we share ourselves with the others".

" Brenda you can either be like we are or you can be gone". " You have until this time in the morning to make up your mind".

I said " Now Jean you and I will get dressed to go shopping".

We left Brenda sitting at the table deep in thought.

In our bed room Lee and Kim were wasting no time in getting dressed.

Lee asked if I had killed Brenda.

I said she was still breathing the last time I looked, but I had only intended to scare the shit out of her this time.

Jean said " He scared me any way".

I told Jean I had been rough on her sister but she had it coming. I said that in spite of what I had said, if Brenda did not want to live with us we would find her an apartment somewhere and move her there. I would not just throw her out.

I made it a point to take longer than usual to get dressed. When I walked into the living room all four ladies were waiting.

We made quick work of our shopping.

We were back before ten, I told my ladies it was a work day for me, Saturdays there were usually some guys that had money in the pool halls. I told them I would be back around six.

It was a good day for me, I won nearly seven hundred.

I ran out of mullets at four, talked to Keeley for a bit and drove my truck home.

I found my ladies in Jean's old room. All of them had showered and shaved their legs.

Every one of them was nude. Some were doing another's hair, Lee was doing finger and toe nails. Jean was blow drying hair. Kim had a quilt on the bed and was massaging in skin softening cream.

They had an assembly line.

I went to each one and gave her a kiss, even Brenda. She was lying on her stomach while Kim was making her skin soft.

I told them I was early and I would be in the living room watching the news.

There was nothing of interest on the news.

When the broadcast was over I went into our master bed room and undressed. I was going to shave and take my shower.

I was drying off when I heard feminine voices and laughter coming down the hall.

All four darlings came in wearing nothing.

Lee said " Our dresses are in here".

I said " Take your time ladies, I have a lot more clothes to put on than you".

Lee said " We all chose a suit for you to wear and Brenda pressed it and ironed the shirt we chose to go with it".

I said " Thank you sweethearts, and thank you Brenda, that was sweet of you".

Brenda said " Just mending some fences".

I was standing there nude, Brenda had not taken her eyes off my cock since they came in.

We finished dressing, it was a little crowded, Tiny made it worse when he came in.

Lee had to re-tie my neck tie she thought it was not perfect. Kim had buffed my shoes.

Jean said she had run the Town Car through the car wash and cleaned it inside.

They really knew how to make a guy feel loved. I knew it was from their hearts.

As I drove them there I laid down the rules. I told them they were to be friendly with every one there but not flirt. Some they might not like but they were to not let it show.

If a guy came on to them, they were to be polite but firm in their rejections, not belligerent nor rude. I said remember that if a guy or woman desires you, that is a compliment.

I said " You are my Queens and my ladies so act that way".

Kim said " I found out at the last party that I could not drink, what do I do about that" ?

I told her to just say she did not use alcohol and drink a soda, no one would care.

As I parked the car I said " Remember that these are all very nice people, they consider it bad taste to get drunk and act foolish and a snob is not ever welcome".

I had hoped for us to slip quietly in and mingle, I hate all those introductions. Not to be.

Larry and Casey Kennedy met us at the front door Larry and I shook hands, Casey kissed me on my cheek. Casey turned and shouted " Listen up everyone, this is Randal 'Matt' Roberts, alias BIG-R, he is here tonight with his four beautiful dates".

"I will let him introduce them".


I told her I would get even with her for that.

I held up each of my ladies hand in turn and gave just her first name. All of them were laughing.

A nice clown came up and asked if he could dance with 'Matt's date Jean'. I shrugged and said " Sure". That was their titles for the rest of the party, Matt's date and then her first name. My girls were a 'hit'.

Lee and I had a drink at the bar, I noticed she put very little Vodka in her glass.

I danced with Casey soon after we got there. I told Casey I would get even with her for that introduction. Casey said " How, make me your fifth girl friend" ?

I told her to not turn up her nose at the idea she might like it.

Casey said that if she was not a happy thoroughly married woman with three kids, she might see about that. She said that thinking about it was not adultery, thank God.

Casey was one of the good ones, thinking was all she would ever do.

About midnight we said our good-byes.

My ladies were tired but 'wired' it had been an exciting evening for all of them.

They talked all the way home and as we went inside.

In the living room they got silent. Jean said "Matt, Brenda has something to say to you.

Brenda came to me and took my hands in Herr's, she said " I want to tell you that I want to become a member of this family".

I said that we would be glad to have her in our home and be family.

I said, get out the wine some one and some one else light up the master bed room with candles and we need soft music in there.

I went in and undressed, the ladies scampered around seeing to the things I had requested. All of my darlings hung their pretty dresses up and removed their hosiery.

When the stage was set I carried Brenda over the threshold into that huge bed. We toasted with wine and Jean, Lee and Kim left us alone.

I tried to make our first mating last as long as I could, she finally begged me to finish hours later. She said she had never known sex could be like that.

We slept late the next morning.

I woke to find four sweethearts admiring my morning piss hard.

We had breakfast later and Brenda did more than any of the others in the kitchen.

I told them I was going to go to the pool hall after breakfast.

Lee said she was going to bathe Tiny and clip his claws and then she was going to change the oil and service all three bikes.

Kim said she had computer home work.

Jean was going to mend clothes and sew buttons back on.

Brenda said she was going to take a nap, she was kind of tired.

Some smart mouth wondered why.

It is a pretty sight to see a naked girl blush and turn pink all over.

Brenda ran away giggling like a little kid.

I spent four hours talking to Kelley and waiting to see if a mullet would swim in.

None did.

I left and drove 'up on the mountain' to check out the Uni.-Sex place. There was a sign saying that they were going to be closed until after the first of the year.

It was to early to go home, my ladies would all be doing their thing. Brenda would still be having her nap but she was going to be sore for several more days. I thought of Brenda she was my woman now. She was a member of my family now.

Dam, I had no gift for her for Christmas !

I drove to The Palisades shopping plaza. It was less than a week until Christmas. All of the stores would be open after one on any Sunday but this was close to Christmas, I was certain Mr. Hancock would be open.

He was, I saw him sweeping out the store as I parked.

I went in and said hello to him.

Mr. Hancock looked tired.

He looked sick.

He looked old.

He looked weak.

Mr. Hancock returned my greeting.

He asked what he could do for me today.

I told him I wanted to buy something for my girl friend, I had realized that she would know that I had bought my sisters those Tennis Bracelets and would be hurt if I had nothing much for her.

Those show cases were nearly empty now.

Mr. Hancock said he was about to sell out, he asked if I saw anything that would do in his show cases.

I told him I had hopped that he might still have some of those bracelets left.

He said "Son you are in luck, I have one in the safe that is just like the ones you bought". He said that three years after his wife passed away he had started seeing a lady he had began to love. She loved him to.

He had ordered four of those bracelets like I had bought. He had put the one for his new love in the safe to wait for a special occasion.

He no longer wanted to give it to her now that he knew he was dying. She would not wear it because of the memories of what might have been.

He said he would sell it for the same price as the others.

I laid out two one thousand dollar bills.

He went to his safe and brought back the bracelet. He also brought four sets of diamond ear rings. The diamonds were large.

He said he was throwing the ear rings in because I was such a good customer.

Mr. Hancock found cases for all of it and I stuffed them in my coat pocket.

I went around behind the counter and kissed him on both cheeks and told him the world would not be as good a place when he was gone.

I had a gift for each of my ladies now. Not one of my darlings would feel that any other got something more desirable than she.

They were getting what might have cost thirty five to forty thousand dollars in fine jewelry.

When I got home I found all the garage doors up. All three motorcycles were on the apron outside and three cars lined up on the drive. The floor of the garages was squeaky clean and our pile of fire wood had been re-stacked. The items on the shelves had been dusted and placed back neatly. The floor was drying from its scrubbing.

Inside the house was spotless. The aroma of a hearty beef and vegetable stew wafted through the air. I lifted the lid on the crock pot and asked where the beef had come from.

Jean said she had saved the left over steak from our plates Wednesday night.

Brenda was finishing the laundry. As she hugged and kissed me she proudly told me that every bed in the house had clean sheets on it.

Kim and Lee were cleaning bath rooms. Lee had bathed Tiny in the garages after clipping his claws. After that Kim had come out and they had used the warm soapy water from Tiny's bath to scrub the garage floor.

They were wet so they scrubbed the baths while the garage floor was drying. They would put every thing back in the garage later.

Kim and Lee had serviced the bikes.

I took a new Tom Clancy novel to the bed room and read.

Later at supper Jean said that there were too many of us to all sleep in the king size bed together. She suggested that just three sleep there and two sleep in her old room.

She thought that each lady should have a room of her own to go to when she needed to have her quiet times. She could put her clothes there and go there when she was enjoying the miseries of PMS.

Jean suggested that she and Brenda share her bed room and Lee take the bed room across the hall from mine. Kim take the one across from hers and next to her computer. room.

Lee would have her own bath.

Kim would have the one between her computer room and her bed room, they were connected through it.

She and Brenda would share the large bath in her old room.

Jean said that Brenda wanted to do all the laundry now and take care of getting things to the cleaners.

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